Radha Ashtakam Lyrics Meaning and Importance Benefits
Saroj Jangir
Radha Ashtakam is a stotra or hymn in Sanskrit composed by one of the most revered saint and poet of the 16th century named Sri Gopal Bhatta Goswami which mainly devoted to the description of spiritual love with Radha the eternal companion of lord Krishna in Hinduism. This hymn is also composed of eight Line or stanza and this hymal is included into Radha-Krishna tradition of Vaishnavism.
Every verse of the hymn sings the praise of the godhead and descriptions of personal attributes and grace of Radha such as beauty, devotion, affection and mercy and the poet’s desire to serve her. It also relates the kind of passion that the poet has for Radha and Krishna in terms of spirituality.
Radha Ashtakam Lyrics Meaning and Importance
Radha Ashtakama Lyrics (in Sanskrit)
ॐ नमस्ते श्रियै राधिकार्य परायै नमस्ते नमस्ते मुकुन्दप्रियायै । सदानन्दरूपे प्रसीद त्वमन्तःप्रकाशे स्फुरन्ती मुकुन्देन सार्धम् ॥ १ ॥ स्ववासोऽपहारं यशोदासुतं वा स्वदध्यादिचौरं समाराधयन्तीम् । स्वदानोदरं या बबन्धाशु नीव्या प्रपद्ये नु दामोदरप्रेयसी ताम् ॥ २ ॥ दुराराध्यमाराध्य कृष्णं वशे त्वं महाप्रेमपूरेण राधाभिधाऽभूः । स्वयं नामकृत्या हरिप्रेम यच्छ प्रपञ्चाय मे कृष्णरूपे समक्षम् ॥ ३ ॥ मुकुन्दस्त्वया प्रेमदोरेण बद्धः पतङ्गो यथा त्वामनुभ्राम्यमाणः । उपक्रीडयन् हार्दमेवानुगच्छन् कृपा वर्तते कारयातो मयेष्टिम् ॥ ४॥ वजन्ती स्ववृन्दावने नित्यकालं मुकुन्देन साकं विधायाङ्कमालम् । सदा मोक्ष्यमाणानुकम्पाकटाक्षः श्रियं चिन्तयेत् सचिदानन्दरूपाम् ॥ ५॥ मुकुन्दानुरागेण रोमाञ्चिताङ्गीमहं व्याप्यमानांतनुस्वेदविन्दुम् । महाहार्दवृष्टया कृपापाङ्गदृष्टया समालोकयन्ती कदा त्वां विचक्षे ॥६॥ पदावावलोके महालालसौघं मुकुन्दः करोति स्वयं ध्येयपादः । पदं राधिके ते सदा दर्शयान्तहदीतो नमन्तं किरद्रोचिषं माम् ॥ ७॥ सदा राधिकानाम जिह्वाग्रतः स्यात् सदा राधिका रूपमक्ष्यग्र आस्ताम् । श्रुतौ राधिकाकीर्तिरन्तःस्वभावे गुणा राधिकायाः श्रिया एतदीहे॥८॥ इदं त्वष्टकं राधिकायाः प्रियायाः पठेयुः सदैवं हि दामोदरस्य । सतिष्ठन्ति वृन्दावने कृष्णधानिसखीमूर्तयो युग्मसेवानुकूलाः ॥ ९ ॥ ॥ इति श्रीभगवनिम्बार्कमहामनीन्द्रविरचितं श्रीराधाष्टकं सम्पूर्णम् ॥
ॐ नमस्ते श्रियै राधिकार्य परायै - Obeisances to the divine power of Radha, who is the supreme goddess नमस्ते नमस्ते मुकुन्दप्रियायै - Salutations to Radha, who is dear to Mukunda (another name for Lord Krishna) सदानन्दरूपे प्रसीद त्वमन्तःप्रकाशे स्फुरन्ती मुकुन्देन सार्धम् - O Radha, whose form is eternal bliss, please manifest yourself within my heart along with Mukunda (Krishna) The above three lines introduce and offer salutations to Radha, who is the divine power and supreme goddess. She is also the beloved of Lord Krishna, and the speaker requests her to manifest herself in their heart along with Krishna.Word
Word Meaning स्ववासोऽपहारं - stealing her own clothes यशोदासुतं वा - or the son of Yashoda (Krishna) स्वदध्यादिचौरं - who steals butter and other sweets from his own home समाराधयन्तीम् - worshipping (Radha) who is being worshipped स्वदानोदरं - whose belly is filled with his own hand-fed food या बबन्धाशु - who tied (Krishna) with a rope नीव्या - with a cloth प्रपद्ये - I surrender नु - indeed दामोदरप्रेयसी - who is dear to Damodara (another name for Krishna) ताम् - to her
Meaning : Om, I offer my salutations to the supreme goddess Shri Radha, who is supremely devoted to Shri Krishna. I offer my salutations again and again to the beloved of Mukunda (Krishna). O embodiment of eternal bliss, please manifest in my heart and shine forth along with Mukunda.
स्ववासोऽपहारं यशोदासुतं वा स्वदध्यादिचौरं समाराधयन्तीम्, स्वदानोदरं या बबन्धाशु नीव्या प्रपद्ये नु दामोदरप्रेयसी ताम्।
स्ववासोऽपहारं यशोदासुतं वा - swavāso'pahāraṁ yaśodāsutam vā Swa: her own, vāsa: clothes, apahāram: stealing, yashodāsutam: son of Yashoda (Krishna) स्वदध्यादिचौरं समाराधयन्तीम् - svadadhyaadicauram samaaraadhayanteem Swa: own, adhyaadicauram: stealing butter and other sweets from his own home, samaaraadhayanteem: worshipping (Radha) who is being worshipped स्वदानोदरं या - svadaanodaram yaa Swa: own, aanodaram: whose belly is filled with his own hand-fed food, yaa: who बबन्धाशु नीव्या - babandhaashu neevyaa Babandha: tied, ashu: quickly, neevyaa: with a cloth प्रपद्ये नु - prapadye nu Prapadye: I surrender, nu: indeed दामोदरप्रेयसी ताम् - daamodarapreyasee taam Daamodara: another name for Krishna, Preyasii: dear, taam: to her
Meaning : I bow down to the beloved of Damodara (Krishna), who caught hold of her (Radha) by her cloth while she was stealing butter, who worships Him whether He steals her own possessions or the son of Yashoda (Krishna), and who surrendered herself completely to His lotus feet.
दुराराध्यमाराध्य कृष्णं वशे त्वं महाप्रेमपूरेण राधाभिधाऽभूः, स्वयं नामकृत्या हरिप्रेम यच्छ प्रपञ्चाय मे कृष्णरूपे समक्षम् ॥
Word Meaning स्ववासः - her own cloth अपहारं - stealing यशोदासुतं - son of Yashoda (Krishna) वा - or स्वध्यादि - her own possessions चौरं - thief समाराधयन्तीं - worshipping स्वदानोदरं - His own belly या - who बबन्ध - caught hold आशु - quickly नीव्या - with humility प्रपद्ये - surrendering नु - indeed दामोदरप्रेयसी - beloved of Damodara (Krishna) ताम् - her (Radha)
Meaning : I am the maidservant of the one for whom Damodara (Krishna) caught hold, when she was stealing butter, the one who worships Him when He steals her own property and the son of Yashoda and who hands herself over to His lotus feet. Meaning : O Lord, help me experience the love of Hari through your holy name and bless me to see your beautiful Krishna form whereupon even a momently sight will make me run towards you Mukunda as a moth is irresistibly attracted towards fire.
मुकुन्दस्त्वया प्रेमदोरेण बद्धः Mukundas tvayā prema-doreṇa baddhaḥ Bound by the rope of love for you, Mukunda, पतङ्गो यथा त्वामनुभ्राम्यमाणः । patango yathā tvām anubhrāmyamāṇaḥ। I follow you like a moth. उपक्रीडयन् हार्दमेवानुगच्छन् Upakrīḍayan hārdam evānugacchan Amusing my heart and fulfilling my desire, कृपा वर्तते कारयातो मयेष्टिम् । kṛpā vartate kārayāto mayeṣṭiṃ॥ your mercy exists and causes me to yearn for you.
Meaning:I am offering my humble obeisance to Sri Radhika, who is always overwhelmed with the desire to serve the Lord Krishna, the dear beloved of Mukunda, and who is always full with the internal brightness of the Lord. May that lady of Damodara, by whose ropes of love Mukunda is held captive, be gracious unto me. Oh Radha, I accept You as my refuge, You are the soul of eternal joy, more precious to Mukunda than his soul and You are good looking and appealing and possess a charm that ATTRACTION the fancy of Krishna. May I always worship You that take delight in taking away thenaments of your abode or the son of Yashoda and attract Damodara by the beauty of the abdomen. I seek Your protection O Lord, who binds Mukunda with the chains of Your affection similar to moth being drawn to flame. It is Your mercy only where I want to taste the real beauty of the Krishna Consciousness, please bless me.
स्ववृन्दावने - in her own group in the forest नित्यकालं - always मुकुन्देन - with Mukunda (Krishna) साकं - together विधाय - wearing अङ्कमालम् - garlands सदा - always मोक्ष्यमाणा - seeking liberation अनुकम्पा - compassion कटाक्षः - glance श्रियं - prosperity चिन्तयेत् - meditate सचिदानन्दरूपाम् - of the form of existence, consciousness, and bliss
Meaning : I constantly meditate upon Sri Radha, who is dear to Mukunda, who worships her by stealing her own clothes or butter, and who always resides in the groves of Vrindavan with her companions. May that merciful and compassionate Lord, who always grants liberation to his devotees and whose form is made of pure consciousness and bliss, always be the object of my meditation and contemplation.
मुकुन्दानुरागेण - with love for Mukunda (Krishna) रोमाञ्चिता - hair standing on end (due to excitement or fear) अङ्गी - body महं - I व्याप्यमान - pervading, encompassing अन्त - within नुस्वेद - by the fragrance (of your body) विन्दुम् - the particles of perfume महाहार्द - great compassion वृष्टया - with a shower कृपापाङ्ग - with the corner of your eye (as a sign of kindness) दृष्टया - with a glance समालोकयन्ती - beholding, gazing at कदा - when त्वां - you (Krishna) विचक्षे - will I see
Meaning : When will I see You, Mukunda, with eyes filled with tears of devotion, my body trembling with excitement, and hairs standing on end? When will I see You, who are like a shining moon, who shower me with the rain of mercy and glance upon me with the rays of Your loving compassion?
पदावावलोके महालालसौघं मुकुन्दः करोति स्वयं ध्येयपादः । पदं राधिके ते सदा दर्शयान्तहदीतो नमन्तं किरद्रोचिषं माम् ॥ ७॥
पदावावलोके - in the lotus feet महालालसौघं - great laziness मुकुन्दः - Mukunda (Lord Krishna) करोति - does स्वयं - himself ध्येयपादः - the object of meditation पदं - the feet राधिके ते - of your beloved Radha सदा - always दर्शयान्त - showing हदीतो - very clearly नमन्तं - bowing down किरद्रोचिषं - with a radiant face माम् - me Meaning : Lord Krishna, who is the object of meditation, always shows His own feet in the lotus feet of Radha, despite His great laziness. With a radiant face, I bow down to Him.
सदा राधिकानाम जिह्वाग्रतः स्यात् सदा राधिका रूपमक्ष्यग्र आस्ताम् । श्रुतौ राधिकाकीर्तिरन्तःस्वभावे गुणा राधिकायाः श्रिया एतदीहे॥८॥
सदा - always राधिकानाम - of Radhika जिह्वाग्रतः - at the tip of the tongue स्यात् - should be सदा - always राधिका - Radhika रूपम् - form अक्ष्यग्र - in the eyes आस्ताम् - may stay श्रुतौ - in the Vedas राधिका - of Radhika कीर्तिः - fame अन्तःस्वभावे - in the inner nature गुणाः - qualities राधिकायाः - of Radhika श्रिया - with beauty and opulence एतत् ईहे - in this manner, in this context
Meanig : May my tongue always be fixed upon the name of Radha, and may I always remain immersed in the beauty of Radha. The glories of Radha's name and virtues are naturally present within me, as Radha's qualities are inseparable from Her own divine nature.
इदं त्वष्टकं राधिकायाः प्रियायाः पठेयुः सदैवं हि दामोदरस्य । सतिष्ठन्ति वृन्दावने कृष्णधानिसखीमूर्तयो युग्मसेवानुकूलाः ॥ ९ ॥
Word Meaning : इदं - this; त्वष्टकं - hymn; राधिकायाः - of Radha; प्रियायाः - beloved; पठेयुः - should be recited; सदैवं - always; हि - indeed; दामोदरस्य - of Damodara; सतिष्ठन्ति - remain; वृन्दावने - in Vrindavan; कृष्णधानि - cowherd boy; सखीमूर्तयः - forms of the gopis; युग्मसेवानुकूलाः - favoring the service. Meaning This hymn of Radha's beloved should always be recited, for those who favor the service of the forms of the gopis, the cowherd boys, and Krishna who remains in Vrindavan. This verse is an instruction to always recite this Radha Ashtakam which is very dear to Radha. Those who reside in Vrindavan, the intimate friends of Krishna, constantly serve Radha and Krishna, and they stand ready to serve Radha and Krishna with devotion.
Shri Radha Ashtakama
Q: Radha Ashtakam has been composed by Harihara Sthapati or Hara Pattnaik. A: Radha Ashtakam is, in fact, the creation of one of the great personalities of the 12th century, saint Jayadeva Goswami.
Q: What is the religious importance of the prayer Radha Ashtakam? A: Thus, the book ‘Radha Ashtakam’ sings of the virtues of Goddess Radha and her love with Lord Krishna. He who recites this hymn is blessed by Radha and achieves spiritual evolution one feels while reading these hymns is inexpressible.
Q: How many verses are there in Radha Ashtakam? A: As the name suggests there are eight verses in total or stanzas in Radha Ashtakam which is why it called ‘Ashtakam’ meaning ‘eight verses’ in Sanskrit.
Q: Is there any restriction to read the Radha Ashtakam?s A: Yes, any one can chant Radha Ashtakam prayers with dedication regardless of ones gender, lowers caste or religion.
Q: It would be better if I tell you the proper time to chant Radha Ashtakam now itself. A: Radha Ashtakam can be chanted at any time of the day but it is preferable to chant them early morning or during the evening time.
Q: I searched the internet about this Radha Ashtakam and I have not found any mention on the format for reciting the prayers. A: Radha Ashtakam has no procedure to reveal it but, it is preferred to say it inside a clean mind and soul in loving devotion of Radha and Krishn. Some people also intone it with musical instruments or sing in a chorus, that is, in chorus forms.
Q: What are the gain of chanting Radha Ashtakam? A: It is said that By chanting Radha Ashtakam one can discharge lust, envy, and other negative passions and derive the blessings of perfect peace of mind and purity of heart. People also believe that it also awards the love and grace of Radha and Lord Krishna to an individual.