मरुत का पर्यायवाची शब्द Marut Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

मरुत के पर्यायवाची शब्द (synonyms) मरुत, वात , वायु , पवन , मारुत , हवा , समीर, अजिर, अध्यर्ध, अनिल, आकाशचारी, आकाशवायु, आशर, आशुग, आशुशुक्षणि, ईरण, घनवाह, जगदायु, जगद्बल, तन्यतु, तलुन, तीव्रगात, धारावनि, धूलिध्वज, निघृष्व, पवन, पवमान, पृषदश्व, पौन, प्रजिन, प्राणंत, प्राणन्त, फणिप्रिय, बयार, बयारि, मरुत्, मृगवाहन, मेघारि, वहति, विधु, वृष्णि, शार, शीघ्रग, शीघ्रपाणि, संचारी, सञ्चारी, समीर, हवा, अजिर, अध्यर्ध, अनिल, जगद्बल, दैत्यदेव, पवन, पवनदेव, पवनदेवता, पवमान, मरुत, मरुत्, वायुदेव, वायुदेवता, विधु, वृष्णि, हवा- आदि होते हैं।
मरुत के अन्य पर्यायवाची और उनके अर्थ -
- मरुत (Marut): A general term for the wind, often associated with divine beings or deities related to the wind.
- वात (Vata): Wind or air.
- वायु (Vayu): Wind or air; also the name of the god of wind in Hindu mythology.
- पवन (Pavan): Another term for wind or air; also associated with the god Hanuman.
- मारुत (Maruta): A variant of Marut, often used in the context of the divine beings associated with the wind.
- हवा (Hawa): Air or wind.
- समीर (Sameer): Breeze or air.
- अजिर (Ajir): Swift or fast.
- अध्यर्ध (Adhyardh): Moving swiftly.
- अनिल (Anila): Another name for the god of wind, Vayu.
- आकाशचारी (Akashachari): One who moves in the sky; often used for the wind.
- आकाशवायु (Akashavayu): Wind that moves in the sky.
- आशर (Ashar): Swift.
- आशुग (Ashug): Swift or quick.
- आशुशुक्षणि (Ashushukshani): Swift or momentary.
- ईरण (Iran): Moving swiftly.
- घनवाह (Ghanavaha): Carrying clouds.
- जगदायु (Jagadayu): One who pervades the world.
- जगद्बल (Jagadbal): The strength or power of the world.
- तन्यतु (Tanyatu): Extending or spreading.
- तलुन (Talun): Swift or quick.
- तीव्रगात (Teevragat): Having a rapid movement.
- धारावनि (Dharavani): Having a strong or forceful flow.
- धूलिध्वज (Dhulidhvaja): Having a flag of dust, indicating a strong wind.
- निघृष्व (Nigrishva): Moving swiftly.
- पवमान (Pavaman): Moving air or wind.
- पृषदश्व (Prishadashva): Having swift horses.
- पौन (Pauna): Moving or flowing.
- प्रजिन (Prajin): Moving or flowing.
- प्राणंत (Prananta): Extending to life or life force.
- प्राणन्त (Pranant): Extending to life or life force.
- फणिप्रिय (Phanipriya): Liked by serpents; often associated with the wind.
- बयार (Bayar): Moving or flowing.
- बयारि (Bayari): Moving or flowing.
- मरुत् (Marut): A general term for the wind, often associated with divine beings or deities related to the wind.
- मरुत् (Marut): A general term for the wind, often associated with divine beings or deities related to the wind.
- वायुदेव (Vayudeva): God of the wind.
- वायुदेवता (Vayudevata): Deity of the wind.
- विधु (Vidhu): Swift.
- वृष्णि (Vrishni): One who moves or flows.
- हवा (Hawa): Air or wind.
आपको ये पोस्ट पसंद आ सकती हैं
इस लेख में आप मरुत शब्द के हिंदी में
(निकट अर्थ/समानार्थी शब्द ) शब्द/शब्दों के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त की, आपको यह लेख कैसा लगा कमेंट के माध्यम से अवश्य ही बताएं।