वचन का पर्यायवाची शब्द Vachan Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

वचन का पर्यायवाची शब्द Vachan Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

वचन का पर्यायवाची शब्द Vachan Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

वचन के पर्यायवाची शब्द (synonyms) वचन, प्रतिज्ञा , वाणी , आश्वासन , शब्द , प्रण , बोली , वादा , वाक्य, इड़ा, बयन, बाणी, बानी, बोल, बोली, वाचा, वाणी, अभिलाप, अभिहिति, आख्याति, उकत, उकति, उकुति, उक्ति, उगत, उगार, उग्गार, उद्गार, कथन, कलाम, कहा, गदि, बतिया, बात, बोल, वाद, अभिवचन, अहद, आखर, इकरार, इक़रार, करार, कलाम, क़ौल, कौल, जबान, ज़बान, जुबान, वादा, वायदा- आदि होते हैं।

वचन के अन्य पर्यायवाची और उनके अर्थ -

  • वचन (Vachan): Word - Refers to a spoken word or promise.
  • प्रतिज्ञा (Pratigya): Pledge - A solemn promise or commitment.
  • वाणी (Vaani): Speech - The act of speaking or verbal expression.
  • आश्वासन (Ashvasan): Assurance - Providing confidence or a promise of support.
  • शब्द (Shabd): Word - Generally refers to a spoken or written word.
  • प्रण (Pran): Utterance - The act of expressing something verbally.
  • बोली (Boli): Language - A particular language or dialect.
  • वादा (Vada): Promise - A commitment or assurance to do something.
  • वाक्य (Vakya): Sentence - A grammatical unit of words expressing an idea.
  • इड़ा (Ida): Expression - A form of verbal or non-verbal communication.
  • बयन (Bayan): Statement - A formal expression or declaration.
  • बाणी (Bani): Utterance - The act of speaking or expressing oneself.
  • बोल (Bol): Speak - The act of speaking or making a sound.
  • बोली (Boli): Pronunciation - The manner in which words are spoken or pronounced.
  • वाचा (Vacha): Speak - An imperative form, urging someone to speak.
  • वाणी (Vaani): Voice - The sound produced by vocal cords during speech.
  • अभिलाप (Abhilap): Utterance - Expressing oneself through words.
  • अभिहिति (Abhihiti): Assertion - A strong statement or declaration.
  • आख्याति (Aakhyaati): Narration - The act of recounting or telling a story.
  • उकत (Ukat): Pronouncement - A formal or authoritative declaration.
  • उकति (Ukati): Proclamation - The act of announcing or declaring.
  • उकुति (Ukuti): Articulation - The clear and distinct pronunciation of words.
  • उक्ति (Ukti): Saying - A spoken or written expression.
  • उगत (Ugat): Utterance - Speaking or expressing oneself.
  • उगार (Ugaar): Pronunciation - The way in which words are pronounced.
  • उद्गार (Udgaar): Utterance - Expressing oneself verbally.
  • कथन (Kathan): Statement - A declarative expression.
  • कलाम (Kalam): Speech - Utterance or expression through words.
  • कहा (Kaha): Said - Past tense of saying or speaking.
  • गदि (Gadi): Utterance - Expressing oneself through words.
  • बतिया (Batiya): Saying - The act of expressing verbally.
  • बात (Baat): Talk - The act of conversing or discussing.
  • बोल (Bol): Speak - The act of speaking or making a sound.
  • वाद (Vad): Debate - Formal argumentation or discussion.
  • अभिवचन (Abhivachan): Pronunciation - The act of uttering words clearly.
  • अहद (Ahad): Promise - A solemn commitment or covenant.
  • आखर (Aakhar): Expression - The act of communicating or expressing.
  • इकरार (Iqraar): Agreement - The act of admitting or agreeing.
  • इक़रार (Iqrar): Admission - The acknowledgment of something.
  • करार (Qaraar): Declaration - A formal statement or proclamation.
  • कलाम (Qaul): Speech - Utterance or expression through words.
  • क़ौल (Qaul): Saying - The act of speaking or expressing oneself.
  • जबान (Zubaan): Tongue - The organ used for speech, also representing language.
  • ज़बान (Zabaan): Language - The system of communication used by a particular community.
  • जुबान (Jubaan): Tongue - The organ used for speech, also representing language.
  • वादा (Wada): Pledge - A promise or commitment.
  • वायदा (Vayada): Promise - A commitment to do something.
आपको ये पोस्ट पसंद आ सकती हैं
इस लेख में आप वचन शब्द के हिंदी में पर्यायवाची (निकट अर्थ/समानार्थी शब्द ) शब्द/शब्दों के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त की, आपको यह लेख कैसा लगा कमेंट के माध्यम से अवश्य ही बताएं।
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