वक्ता का पर्यायवाची शब्द Vakta Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

वक्ता के पर्यायवाची शब्द (synonyms) वक्ता, व्याख्याता , तकरीर करने वाला , वाचक , भाषणकर्त्ता, अपैशुन, ईमानदार, ईमानी, ऋजु, छलहीन, दयानतदार, नयशील, निःकपट, निष्कपट, रिजु, सच्चा, सत्यपर, सधर्म, सधर्मक, सहधर्म, साधर्म, अमूक, अलापी, आख्यापक, आख्यायक, वादक, अंशुल, अकलमंद, अकलमन्द, अक़्लमंद, अक्लमंद, अक्लमन्द, जहीन, ज़हीन, ज़ेहनदार, जेहनदार, दानिशमंद, दानिशमन्द, दिमागदार, दिमाग़दार, दिमाग़ी, दिमागी, धीमान, धीमान्, निजधृति, बुद्धिमान, बोधान, मनीष, समझदार, होशमंद, होशमन्द, होशियार, अध्यापक, आचार्य, आचार्य्य, उस्ताद, गुरु, गुरू, टीचर, पाठक, मास्टर, मुअल्लिम, शिक्षक, स्कंध, स्कन्ध- आदि होते हैं।
वक्ता के अन्य पर्यायवाची और उनके अर्थ -
- वक्ता (Vakta): Speaker - One who speaks or delivers a speech.
- व्याख्याता (Vyakhyaata): Lecturer - One who delivers a lecture or provides an explanation.
- तकरीर करने वाला (Takrir Karne Wala): Orator - Someone who gives speeches or addresses an audience.
- वाचक (Vachak): Reader - One who reads or recites.
- भाषणकर्त्ता (Bhashankarta): Orator - Similar to an orator, someone who gives speeches.
- अपैशुन (Apaishun): Impartial - One who is impartial or unbiased.
- ईमानदार (Imaandaar): Honest - A person of integrity and honesty.
- ईमानी (Imaani): Truthful - Someone who adheres to truthfulness.
- ऋजु (Riju): Straightforward - A person who is straightforward and honest.
- छलहीन (Chalheen): Deceitless - Free from deceit or fraud.
- दयानतदार (Dayanatdaar): Just - One who is just or fair.
- नयशील (Nayashil): Progressive - Someone who is progressive or forward-thinking.
- निःकपट (Nihkapat): Guileless - Free from deceit or cunning.
- निष्कपट (Nishkapat): Sincere - Genuine and sincere.
- रिजु (Riju): Straightforward - A person who is straightforward and honest.
- सच्चा (Saccha): True - One who is true or genuine.
- सत्यपर (Satyapar): Truthful - Devoted to truth.
- सधर्म (Sadharma): Just - Adhering to righteousness or justice.
- सधर्मक (Sadharma): Righteous - Someone who follows the path of righteousness.
- सहधर्म (Sahdharma): Righteous - Similar to following the path of righteousness.
- साधर्म (Sadharma): Righteous - Adhering to righteousness or justice.
- अमूक (Amook): Unbiased - Impartial or free from bias.
- अलापी (Alapi): Talkative - One who talks a lot.
- आख्यापक (Aakhyaapak): Narrator - One who narrates or tells a story.
- आख्यायक (Aakhyaayak): Narrator - Similar to a narrator, one who tells a story.
- वादक (Vaadak): Debater - One who engages in debates.
- अंशुल (Anshul): Radiant - Bright and radiant.
- अकलमंद (Akalmand): Intelligent - Someone who is intelligent.
- अकलमन्द (Akalmand): Wise - Wise and intelligent.
- अक़्लमंद (Aqlmand): Intelligent - Possessing intellect and intelligence.
- अक्लमंद (Aklamand): Wise - Wise and intelligent.
- अक्लमन्द (Aklamand): Intelligent - Someone who is intelligent.
- जहीन (Jaheen): Intelligent - Possessing intelligence and wisdom.
- ज़हीन (Zaheen): Intelligent - Similar to Jaheen, someone who is intelligent.
- ज़ेहनदार (Zehndaar): Intelligent - Possessing a sharp intellect.
- जेहनदार (Jehndaar): Intelligent - Similar to Zehndaar, someone who is intelligent.
- दानिशमंद (Danishmand): Knowledgeable - One who is knowledgeable.
- दानिशमन्द (Danishmand): Wise - Possessing wisdom and knowledge.
- दिमागदार (Dimaagdaar): Intelligent - Someone who is intelligent.
- दिमाग़दार (Dimaagdaar): Intelligent - Similar to Dimaagdaar, someone who is intelligent.
- दिमाग़ी (Dimaagi): Intelligent - Related to intelligence.
- दिमागी (Dimaagi): Intelligent - Similar to Dimaagi, related to intelligence.
- धीमान (Dheeman): Intelligent - Possessing intelligence.
- धीमान् (Dheeman): Intelligent - Similar to Dheeman, someone who is intelligent.
- निजधृति (Nij-dhriti): Honest - One who holds true to oneself.
- बुद्धिमान (Buddhiman): Intelligent - Someone who is intelligent.
- बोधान (Bodhan): Enlightened - Someone who is enlightened.
- मनीष (Manish): Wise - Possessing wisdom.
- समझदार (Samajhdaar): Intelligent - Someone who is intelligent.
- होशमंद (Hoshmand): Wise - Possessing wisdom.
- होशमन्द (Hoshmand): Wise - Similar to Hoshmand, someone who is wise.
- होशियार (Hoshiyar): Clever - Someone who is clever.
- अध्यापक (Adhyapak): Teacher - One who imparts knowledge.
- आचार्य (Aacharya): Teacher - Similar to Adhyapak, a teacher or guru.
- आचार्य्य (Aacharyya): Teacher - Similar to Adhyapak, a teacher or guru.
- उस्ताद (Ustaad): Master - A skilled and knowledgeable person in a particular field.
- गुरु (Guru): Teacher - A spiritual or academic guide.
- गुरू (Guru): Teacher - Similar to Guru, a spiritual or academic guide.
- टीचर (Teacher): Teacher - One who teaches.
- पाठक (Pathak): Student - One who is engaged in learning.
आपको ये पोस्ट पसंद आ सकती हैं
इस लेख में आप वक्ता शब्द के हिंदी में
(निकट अर्थ/समानार्थी शब्द ) शब्द/शब्दों के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त की, आपको यह लेख कैसा लगा कमेंट के माध्यम से अवश्य ही बताएं।