वक्ता का पर्यायवाची शब्द Vakta Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

वक्ता का पर्यायवाची शब्द Vakta Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

वक्ता का पर्यायवाची शब्द Vakta Ka Paryayvachi Shabd

वक्ता के पर्यायवाची शब्द (synonyms) वक्ता, व्याख्याता , तकरीर करने वाला , वाचक , भाषणकर्त्ता,  अपैशुन, ईमानदार, ईमानी, ऋजु, छलहीन, दयानतदार, नयशील, निःकपट, निष्कपट, रिजु, सच्चा, सत्यपर, सधर्म, सधर्मक, सहधर्म, साधर्म, अमूक, अलापी, आख्यापक, आख्यायक, वादक, अंशुल, अकलमंद, अकलमन्द, अक़्लमंद, अक्लमंद, अक्लमन्द, जहीन, ज़हीन, ज़ेहनदार, जेहनदार, दानिशमंद, दानिशमन्द, दिमागदार, दिमाग़दार, दिमाग़ी, दिमागी, धीमान, धीमान्, निजधृति, बुद्धिमान, बोधान, मनीष, समझदार, होशमंद, होशमन्द, होशियार, अध्यापक, आचार्य, आचार्य्य, उस्ताद, गुरु, गुरू, टीचर, पाठक, मास्टर, मुअल्लिम, शिक्षक, स्कंध, स्कन्ध- आदि होते हैं।

वक्ता के अन्य पर्यायवाची और उनके अर्थ -

  • वक्ता (Vakta): Speaker - One who speaks or delivers a speech.
  • व्याख्याता (Vyakhyaata): Lecturer - One who delivers a lecture or provides an explanation.
  • तकरीर करने वाला (Takrir Karne Wala): Orator - Someone who gives speeches or addresses an audience.
  • वाचक (Vachak): Reader - One who reads or recites.
  • भाषणकर्त्ता (Bhashankarta): Orator - Similar to an orator, someone who gives speeches.
  • अपैशुन (Apaishun): Impartial - One who is impartial or unbiased.
  • ईमानदार (Imaandaar): Honest - A person of integrity and honesty.
  • ईमानी (Imaani): Truthful - Someone who adheres to truthfulness.
  • ऋजु (Riju): Straightforward - A person who is straightforward and honest.
  • छलहीन (Chalheen): Deceitless - Free from deceit or fraud.
  • दयानतदार (Dayanatdaar): Just - One who is just or fair.
  • नयशील (Nayashil): Progressive - Someone who is progressive or forward-thinking.
  • निःकपट (Nihkapat): Guileless - Free from deceit or cunning.
  • निष्कपट (Nishkapat): Sincere - Genuine and sincere.
  • रिजु (Riju): Straightforward - A person who is straightforward and honest.
  • सच्चा (Saccha): True - One who is true or genuine.
  • सत्यपर (Satyapar): Truthful - Devoted to truth.
  • सधर्म (Sadharma): Just - Adhering to righteousness or justice.
  • सधर्मक (Sadharma): Righteous - Someone who follows the path of righteousness.
  • सहधर्म (Sahdharma): Righteous - Similar to following the path of righteousness.
  • साधर्म (Sadharma): Righteous - Adhering to righteousness or justice.
  • अमूक (Amook): Unbiased - Impartial or free from bias.
  • अलापी (Alapi): Talkative - One who talks a lot.
  • आख्यापक (Aakhyaapak): Narrator - One who narrates or tells a story.
  • आख्यायक (Aakhyaayak): Narrator - Similar to a narrator, one who tells a story.
  • वादक (Vaadak): Debater - One who engages in debates.
  • अंशुल (Anshul): Radiant - Bright and radiant.
  • अकलमंद (Akalmand): Intelligent - Someone who is intelligent.
  • अकलमन्द (Akalmand): Wise - Wise and intelligent.
  • अक़्लमंद (Aqlmand): Intelligent - Possessing intellect and intelligence.
  • अक्लमंद (Aklamand): Wise - Wise and intelligent.
  • अक्लमन्द (Aklamand): Intelligent - Someone who is intelligent.
  • जहीन (Jaheen): Intelligent - Possessing intelligence and wisdom.
  • ज़हीन (Zaheen): Intelligent - Similar to Jaheen, someone who is intelligent.
  • ज़ेहनदार (Zehndaar): Intelligent - Possessing a sharp intellect.
  • जेहनदार (Jehndaar): Intelligent - Similar to Zehndaar, someone who is intelligent.
  • दानिशमंद (Danishmand): Knowledgeable - One who is knowledgeable.
  • दानिशमन्द (Danishmand): Wise - Possessing wisdom and knowledge.
  • दिमागदार (Dimaagdaar): Intelligent - Someone who is intelligent.
  • दिमाग़दार (Dimaagdaar): Intelligent - Similar to Dimaagdaar, someone who is intelligent.
  • दिमाग़ी (Dimaagi): Intelligent - Related to intelligence.
  • दिमागी (Dimaagi): Intelligent - Similar to Dimaagi, related to intelligence.
  • धीमान (Dheeman): Intelligent - Possessing intelligence.
  • धीमान् (Dheeman): Intelligent - Similar to Dheeman, someone who is intelligent.
  • निजधृति (Nij-dhriti): Honest - One who holds true to oneself.
  • बुद्धिमान (Buddhiman): Intelligent - Someone who is intelligent.
  • बोधान (Bodhan): Enlightened - Someone who is enlightened.
  • मनीष (Manish): Wise - Possessing wisdom.
  • समझदार (Samajhdaar): Intelligent - Someone who is intelligent.
  • होशमंद (Hoshmand): Wise - Possessing wisdom.
  • होशमन्द (Hoshmand): Wise - Similar to Hoshmand, someone who is wise.
  • होशियार (Hoshiyar): Clever - Someone who is clever.
  • अध्यापक (Adhyapak): Teacher - One who imparts knowledge.
  • आचार्य (Aacharya): Teacher - Similar to Adhyapak, a teacher or guru.
  • आचार्य्य (Aacharyya): Teacher - Similar to Adhyapak, a teacher or guru.
  • उस्ताद (Ustaad): Master - A skilled and knowledgeable person in a particular field.
  • गुरु (Guru): Teacher - A spiritual or academic guide.
  • गुरू (Guru): Teacher - Similar to Guru, a spiritual or academic guide.
  • टीचर (Teacher): Teacher - One who teaches.
  • पाठक (Pathak): Student - One who is engaged in learning.
आपको ये पोस्ट पसंद आ सकती हैं
इस लेख में आप वक्ता शब्द के हिंदी में पर्यायवाची (निकट अर्थ/समानार्थी शब्द ) शब्द/शब्दों के विषय में जानकारी प्राप्त की, आपको यह लेख कैसा लगा कमेंट के माध्यम से अवश्य ही बताएं।
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