चन्दन चर्चित नील कलेवर

चन्दन चर्चित नील कलेवर

चन्दन चर्चित नील कलेवर Chandan Charchil Neel Kalevar Bhajan Lyrics

चन्दन चर्चित नील कलेवर,
पीत वसन वनमाली,
विलासिनि विलसति केलिपरे।

पीनपयोधरभारभरेण हरिं,
परिरम्य सरागम्,
सरागम् गोपवधूरनुगायति,
हरिरिह कापि विलासविलोलविलोचन,
ध्यायति मुग्धवधूरधिकं,

हरिरिह कापि कपोलतले मिलिता,
लपितुं किमपि श्रुतिमूले,
चारु चुचुम्ब नितम्बवती,
दयितं पुलकैरनुकूले।

हरिरिह केलिकलाकुतुकेन च,
काचिदमुं यमुनाजलकूले,
विचकर्ष करेण दुकूले।

हरिरिह करतलतालतरलवलयावलि,
रासरसे सह नृत्यपरा,
हरिणा युवतिः प्रशशंसे।

हरिरिह श्लिष्यति कामपि चुम्बति,
कामपि कामपि रमयति रामाम,
रामाम् पश्यति सस्मितचारुतराम,
परामनुगच्छति वामाम्।

हरिरिह वर परां,
वृन्दावनविपिने ललितं वितनोतु शुभानि यशस्यम्।

Chandana charchita neel kalevra।। चंदन चर्चित नील कलेवर। GEET GOVINDAM Astpadi-4

ऐसे ही अन्य भजनों के लिए आप होम पेज / गायक कलाकार के अनुसार भजनों को ढूंढें.

पसंदीदा गायकों के भजन खोजने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें।

चन्दन चर्चित नील कलेवर, पीत वसन वनमाली, 
केलिचलन्मणिकुण्डल, मण्डितगण्डयुगस्मितशाली, हरिरिहमुग्धवधूनिकरे, विलासिनि विलसति केलिपरे।
"Adorned with sandalwood, with a dark blue complexion, wearing yellow garments and a forest garland, adorned with gem-studded earrings, and smiling enchantingly, Hari (Krishna) captivates the hearts of the devoted brides (gopis) in playful delight."
This verse describes Lord Krishna's captivating appearance. His blue skin, yellow attire, and charming smile attract the gopis, who are deeply enamored by His playful demeanor.

पीनपयोधरभारभरेण हरिं, परिरम्य सरागम्, 
सरागम् गोपवधूरनुगायति, काचिदुदञ्चितपञ्चमरागम्।
Embracing Hari (Krishna), whose chest bears the weight of His beloved Radha's bosom, the gopis sing melodious songs. Some wear the color of the fifth note (panchama), symbolizing their passionate love."
The gopis, in their love for Krishna, sing sweet melodies while embracing Him. The mention of the fifth note (panchama) alludes to their intense romantic feelings.

हरिरिह कापि विलासविलोलविलोचन, खेलनजनितमनोजम्, 
विलासविलोलविलोचन, खेलनजनितमनोजम्, 
ध्यायति मुग्धवधूरधिकं, मधुसूदनवदनसरोजम्।
"Krishna, with playful and enchanting eyes, engages in delightful pastimes. The mesmerized brides (gopis) meditate on His lotus face, which resembles the beauty of Madhusudana (Krishna)."
The gopis are entranced by Krishna's playful gaze, and they contemplate His divine form, comparing it to the lotus face of Madhusudana (another name for Krishna).

हरिरिह कापि कपोलतले मिलिता, लपितुं किमपि श्रुतिमूले, 
चारु चुचुम्ब नितम्बवती, दयितं पुलकैरनुकूले।
"Krishna's forehead meets the lips of His beloved, whispering sweet secrets. The charming gopis, with their bosoms adorned, experience blissful shivers of desire."
The intimate moments between Krishna and the gopis are filled with love and longing. Their hearts flutter with anticipation as they share whispered conversations.

हरिरिह करतलतालतरलवलयावलि, 
कलितकलस्वनवंशे, रासरसे सह नृत्यपरा, हरिणा युवतिः प्रशशंसे।
"Krishna, with His melodious anklets tinkling, engages in the rasa dance. The young maidens (gopis) praise Him as they joyfully dance alongside."
The rasa dance, a divine and ecstatic dance performed by Krishna with the gopis, is celebrated here. The gopis express their admiration for Krishna's enchanting dance.

हरिरिह श्लिष्यति कामपि चुम्बति, कामपि कामपि रमयति रामाम, 
रामाम् पश्यति सस्मितचारुतराम, परामनुगच्छति वामाम्।
"Krishna embraces and kisses His beloved, delighting in love's play. He gazes upon her smiling, enchanting face and surrenders completely to her."
This verse portrays the intimate moments between Krishna and Radha. Their love is passionate and all-encompassing.

हरिरिह वर परां, श्रीजयदेवकवेरिदमद्भुतकेशवकेलिरहस्यम्, 
वृन्दावनविपिने ललितं वितनोतु शुभानि यशस्यम्।
"Krishna, the supreme lover, reveals the wondrous secrets of His playful pastimes. May these auspicious verses about Vrindavan's enchanting groves bring fame and blessings."
The poet, Shri Jayadeva, invokes blessings upon those who immerse themselves in the divine love stories of Krishna and Radha in the beautiful forests of Vrindavan.

आपको ये पोस्ट पसंद आ सकती हैं
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