मिराकल फल को इंग्लिश में क्या कहते हैं Miracle fruit Ko English Me Kya Kahate Hain
मिराकल फल को अंग्रेजी (इंग्लिश) में Miracle fruit/Synsepalum dulcificum कहते हैं. मिराकल फल हिंदी भाषा का शब्द है जिससे सबंधित अन्य जानकारी और अर्थ निचे दिया गया है।
मिराकल फ्रूट एक लाल रंग का फल होता है। इसका वानस्पतिक नाम Synsepalum dulcificum है। इसका स्वाद नीम्बू के जैसा होता है। इसे miracle fruit, miracle berry, miraculous berry, sweet berry आदि नामों से जाना जाता है।
मिराकल फल मीनिंग इन इंग्लिश/अंग्रेजी Miracle fruit English Meaning (Miracle fruit Meaning in Angreji) Miracle fruit Meaning in English
Miracle fruit is a type of evergreen shrub native to West Africa. The berry, leaf, and seed oil are all used in traditional medicine. Miracle fruit is used to treat diabetes, obesity, taste disturbances in cancer patients, and other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these claims. Miracle fruit is used in foods as a low-calorie, sugar-free sweetener.
मिराकल फल हिंदी मीनिंग Miracle fruit Meaning in Hindi मिराकल फल मीनिंग इन हिंदी :-
इस बेरी में शुगर का कंटेंट कम होता है। यह फल प्रमुख रूप से वेस्ट अफ्रीका में पैदा होता है। इस फल का उपयोग diabetes, obesity आदि में किया जाता है।
The wonder berry also known as Synsepalum dulcificum is a small red fruit from the bush country of West Africa. This fruit is well-known for the fact that it has the capacity to work on people’s taste buds for a while. When eating foods that have been rolled in miracle fruit, even lemons or vinegar seem to have a sweet taste. This is all emanating from a protein in the fruit called miraculin which interacts with the taste buds and alters their response to everything that is sour.
The fruit is also very calorie dense and is usually recommended for people who need to cut down on their sugar intake in lieu of increasing the taste of the foods consumed. It is also used in a ‘flavor-stagion’ where people take the fruit and then switch to various tart foods because of the experiment of the different tastes.
It has a rather mild sweet taste and its influence on the pallet can stay for about half an hour to an hour.
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