Cajole In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Cajole In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Cajole in Sentences Examples.

  1. The musician cajoled the audience into singing along with their song by prompting them.
  2. The traveler cajoled the tour guide into showing them more sights by offering a generous tip.
  3. The teacher cajoled her students into finishing their group project by setting a deadline.
  4. The parent cajoled their child into wearing a jacket by saying it was cold outside.
  5. The employee cajoled their boss into letting them work from home by citing their productivity.
  6. The salesperson cajoled the customer into upgrading their purchase by emphasizing its features.
  7. The coach cajoled the player into improving their technique by giving them personalized training.
  8. The friend cajoled their friend into trying a new hobby by saying it was relaxing.
  9. The speaker cajoled the audience into donating to a charity by highlighting its cause.
  10. The teacher cajoled their students into respecting each other by establishing rules of conduct.
  11. The parent cajoled their child into finishing their homework by offering to help them.
  12. The employee cajoled their co-worker into collaborating on a project by sharing their ideas.
  13. The salesperson cajoled the customer into buying a subscription by offering a free trial.
  14. The coach cajoled their team into working together by fostering teamwork.
  15. The traveler cajoled the local guide into taking them to a hidden gem by showing enthusiasm.
  16. The parent cajoled their child into eating healthy by making it fun and tasty.
  17. The employee cajoled their boss into approving their vacation request by explaining their plans.
  18. The salesperson cajoled the customer into trying a new product by offering a sample.
  19. The teacher cajoled their students into learning a new skill by making it interactive.
  20. The friend cajoled their friend into attending a party by saying it would be fun.
  21. The musician cajoled the audience into dancing by playing upbeat music.
  22. The coach cajoled their player into overcoming their fear by giving them encouragement.
  23. The employee cajoled their boss into giving them a day off by explaining their situation.
  24. The parent cajoled their child into practicing their handwriting by playing games.
  25. The salesperson cajoled the customer into upgrading their service by offering a discount.
  26. The writer cajoled their editor into publishing their book by convincing them of its appeal.
  27. The traveler cajoled their travel companion into trying a new activity by saying it was adventurous.
  28. The parent cajoled their child into learning a new language by making it a family activity.
  29. The coach cajoled their team into playing their best by giving them confidence.
  30. The employee cajoled their boss into implementing a new policy by presenting its benefits.
  31. The friend cajoled their friend into trying a new fashion style by giving them compliments.
  32. The musician cajoled the audience into cheering by engaging with them.
  33. The teacher cajoled their students into appreciating different cultures by sharing stories.
  34. The salesperson cajoled the customer into buying a bundle by offering a package deal.
  35. The parent cajoled their child into making new friends by introducing them to others.
  36. The traveler cajoled the hotel staff into upgrading their room by showing gratitude.
  37. The coach cajoled their player into maintaining their focus by giving them advice.
  38. She tried to cajole her son into eating his vegetables by offering him dessert afterward.
  39. The salesman cajoled the customer into buying a more expensive product than he needed.
  40. He cajoled his boss into giving him a raise by reminding him of all the hard work he had done.
  41. The teacher cajoled her students into finishing their homework on time by promising them extra credit.
  42. The politician cajoled the crowd into supporting his campaign by making promises he couldn't keep.
  43. She cajoled her friend into going on a weekend trip with her by promising to pay for everything.
  44. The coach cajoled his team into working harder during practice by reminding them of their goals.
  45. The parent cajoled their child into cleaning their room by offering to play a game afterward.
  46. The employee cajoled their boss into giving them a day off by promising to work extra hours next week.
  47. The hostess cajoled her guests into trying her new recipe by saying it was her best dish yet.
  48. The manager cajoled the employee into working overtime by offering him a bonus.
  49. The student cajoled their professor into giving them an extension on their paper by explaining their situation.
  50. The babysitter cajoled the children into going to bed on time by reading them a story.
  51. The friend cajoled their friend into trying a new activity by saying it was a lot of fun.
  52. The employee cajoled their co-worker into helping them with a project by offering to buy them lunch.
  53. The salesperson cajoled the customer into buying the product by offering a discount.
  54. The writer cajoled their editor into accepting their article by highlighting its merits.
  55. The coach cajoled the athlete into pushing themselves harder by reminding them of their potential.
  56. The parent cajoled their child into practicing their musical instrument by saying they could play their favorite song.
  57. The employer cajoled the employee into attending a networking event by offering to pay for their ticket.
  58. The student cajoled their classmates into forming a study group by promising to provide snacks.
  59. The director cajoled the actor into giving a better performance by giving constructive feedback.
  60. The friend cajoled their friend into trying a new food by saying it was delicious.
  61. The speaker cajoled the audience into taking action by giving an inspiring speech.
  62. The teacher cajoled her students into participating in class by making it fun and engaging.
  63. The parent cajoled their child into taking medicine by offering a reward afterward.
  64. The employee cajoled their boss into giving them a more challenging project by demonstrating their abilities.
  65. The salesperson cajoled the customer into buying a warranty by emphasizing its benefits.
  66. The coach cajoled their team into believing in themselves by reminding them of their strengths.
  67. The host cajoled their guests into staying longer by offering more drinks.
  68. The writer cajoled their publisher into promoting their book by pointing out its potential.
  69. The artist cajoled their gallery into displaying their work by showcasing their talent.
  70. The friend cajoled their friend into going on a hike by saying it would be a beautiful experience.
  71. The entrepreneur cajoled investors into funding their business by presenting a convincing plan.
  72. The parent cajoled their child into trying a new sport by attending their first practice with them.
  73. The teacher cajoled her students into studying for the test by giving them practice questions.
  74. The employee cajoled their co-worker into splitting the workload by emphasizing teamwork.
  75. The employee cajoled their colleagues into participating in a charity event by explaining its purpose.
  76. The parent cajoled their child into cleaning their room by making it a game.
  77. The salesperson cajoled the customer into signing up for a loyalty program by offering rewards.
  78. The teacher cajoled their students into discussing a challenging topic by encouraging open communication.
  79. The friend cajoled their friend into trying a new restaurant by reading reviews together.
  80. The musician cajoled the audience into singing a chorus by teaching them the lyrics.
  81. The coach cajoled their team into pushing past their limits by setting achievable goals.
  82. The traveler cajoled the tour guide into taking a detour by showing interest in a particular attraction.
  83. The parent cajoled their child into trying a new sport by practicing together.
  84. The employee cajoled their boss into allowing them to attend a conference by explaining its relevance.
  85. The salesperson cajoled the customer into purchasing a product by offering a limited-time promotion.
  86. The writer cajoled their agent into finding a publisher by showcasing their writing skills.
  87. The musician cajoled the audience into joining a sing-along by starting with a familiar tune.
  88. The coach cajoled their player into staying motivated by praising their progress.
  89. The teacher cajoled their students into reading a challenging book by making it a class assignment.
  90. The parent cajoled their child into trying a new food by cooking it together.
  91. The salesperson cajoled the customer into renewing their subscription by highlighting its benefits.
  92. The traveler cajoled their travel companion into trying a new cuisine by making a reservation at a recommended restaurant.
  93. The employee cajoled their manager into approving their proposal by presenting a detailed plan.
  94. The friend cajoled their friend into joining a fitness class by offering to go together.

Cajole Meaning in Detail.

Cajole means to persuade someone to do something by coaxing or flattery. The word is often used when trying to convince someone to do something they may not initially want to do.

The act of cajoling usually involves using charm, flattery, or gentle pressure to persuade someone to take a particular action. Cajoling can be used to achieve a variety of goals, such as getting someone to try a new food, attend an event, or even to make a purchase.

Cajoling can be seen as a positive or negative action, depending on the context in which it is used. In some cases, cajoling can be seen as a form of manipulation, especially if the person being cajoled is not given all the information they need to make an informed decision.

Cajole Synonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Coerce - to force someone to do something against their will
  2. Threaten - to intimidate or scare someone into doing something
  3. Bully - to use force or aggression to make someone do something
  4. Intimidate - to use fear to make someone do or not do something
  5. Pressure - to apply force or influence to persuade someone to do something
  6. Persuade - to use reason or argument to convince someone to do something
  7. Dissuade - to discourage someone from doing something
  8. Deter - to discourage or prevent someone from doing something through fear or doubt
  9. Discourage - to dishearten or dissuade someone from doing something
  10. Oppose - to resist or be against someone or something, often in an effort to prevent a particular action or outcome.

Cajole Antonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Coax - to persuade or urge gently or gradually.
  2. Persuade - to induce or convince someone to do something through reasoning or argument.
  3. Entice - to attract or lure someone into doing something.
  4. Flatter - to praise or compliment someone to gain their favor or cooperation.
  5. Sweet-talk - to use charming, flattering, or persuasive language to convince someone to do something.
  6. Convince - to persuade someone to believe or do something.
  7. Seduce - to persuade someone to do something that they might not have done otherwise, often through flattery or promise of reward.
  8. Wheedle - to persuade someone to do something through flattery or coaxing.
  9. Beguile - to charm or enchant someone in order to persuade them to do something.
  10. Soft-soap - to use persuasive language or flattery to convince someone to do something.

FAQs Related With Cajole (Grammar)

What does the word "cajole" mean?
"Cajole" means to persuade someone to do something through flattery, gentle urging, or other forms of coaxing.
What is an example of cajoling someone?
An example of cajoling someone is when a parent cajoles a child into eating their vegetables by saying how strong and healthy they will become.
What are some synonyms of cajole?
Some synonyms of cajole are coax, persuade, flatter, sweet-talk, and butter up.
What are some antonyms of cajole?
Some antonyms of cajole are coerce, threaten, bully, intimidate, pressure, dissuade, deter, discourage, and oppose.
Is cajoling a negative or positive word?
Cajoling can have a negative connotation if it is used to manipulate or deceive someone, but it can also be a positive word if it is used to gently persuade someone for their own good.
Can cajoling be used in a professional setting?
Yes, cajoling can be used in a professional setting to persuade someone to make a business decision or to take a particular action.
What is the origin of the word "cajole"?
The word "cajole" comes from the French word "cajoler," which means "to cajole or coax."
Is cajoling always successful?
No, cajoling is not always successful. Some people may not respond to flattery or gentle urging, and others may see through attempts to manipulate them.
Can cajoling be a form of manipulation?
Yes, cajoling can be a form of manipulation if it is used to deceive or control someone.
What is the difference between cajoling and coaxing?
Cajoling and coaxing are similar in meaning, but cajoling implies the use of flattery or persuasion, while coaxing implies the use of gentle or persistent urging.

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