Imposed Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Imposed Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Imposed Meaning- Imposed is a verb which means to place something with authority upon a person or an object which he/she or it does not wish to undertake. It can also mean the putting into effect of some law or policy as in the legislation of a new law. In both cases the word ‘imposed’ gives a feeling that the act was not chosen and that some other force is in control. 

For example:
  • All citizens had to pay higher taxes after the government increased the taxes to cater for the public programs.
  • The teacher used irregular discipline methods to reason with the students thus ensuring that they complied with his/her directions.
  • The new CEO introducing a dress code for the employees so that the required image of the company could be enhanced.
  • The newcomers forced the host community to accept their language and other aspects of their culture.
  • The parents considered that it is not safe for a teenager to be out late at night and therefore set a curfew.
  • Christopher Columbus changed history when he discovered America, thus being a historical part of speech Throughout the history there were many parts of speech that influenced certain events in the world.
  • Adjective - describing the most frequent use of the word “imposed sine” used to refer to the imposition or force-subject interface.
  • The government put in place measures such as curfew in other to curb the spread of Covid 19.
  • Apparently, the school board issued a no cell phones in class policy at the school.
  • The boss set a time bar within which all the work towards the project should be completed.
  • The dictator also ensured there was limitation on the flow of information by proscribing free flow of information.
  • The parents punished their child for the bad behaviour exhibited by the child. Imposed – a term used to refer to any thing which has been put on or placed on a person, object or group against their wishes or contrary to their desire.
  • Travelers’ freedom had been limited making it challenging to organize for holidays.
  • In dressing code, the employees disagreed on the dressing code as it was forced on them.
  • The fines that were given by the enforcement agencies on individuals for littering the environment led to a reduced amount of litter on the streets. Guilte – used in passive constructions to indicate that something has been put in or upon or inflicted upon somebody or something.
  • New regulation was created in order to trade safer and they were implemented to the industry.
  • This was done via adherence to strict rules that had been set down on the athletes to make sure that they only competed fairly.
  • These taxes will had been paid by the citizens for them to be used to finance some of the public programs.
  • Adjective - a different and rather rare meaning of the word “imposed”; the act of imposing or placing something upon someone or something.
  • The new law eventually came with so much protest from the public.
  • New policy brought conflict in the workplace due to implementation of the new policy.
  • They uses the events which unfolded at the time of introduction of new taxes to show that the public was resenting the move.
Imposed Examples in Sentences (Various Examples in Sentences)
  • The government imposed a ban on single-use plastics to reduce waste.
  • The teacher imposed a strict deadline for the research paper.
  • The company imposed a mandatory training program for all new hires.
  • The school principal imposed a dress code policy for all students.
  • The coach imposed a rigorous training regimen for the athletes.
  • The landlord imposed a rent increase on all tenants.
  • The judge imposed a hefty fine on the defendant for their actions.
  • The committee imposed a new set of rules for the annual charity event.
  • The city council imposed a curfew for all residents during the pandemic.
  • The supervisor imposed a penalty on the employees who violated company policies.
  • The boss imposed a new work schedule on the staff to increase productivity.
  • The airline imposed a weight limit on passengers' luggage.
  • The university imposed a strict plagiarism policy for academic papers.
  • The police imposed a road closure due to a traffic accident.
  • The board of directors imposed a hiring freeze due to budget cuts.
  • The government imposed a travel ban to prevent the spread of a contagious disease.
  • The park ranger imposed a fee for visitors to use the campground.
  • The community center imposed a noise curfew for evening events.
  • The state legislature imposed a tax increase to fund public services.
  • The event organizer imposed a dress code for the gala dinner.
  • The new boss imposed a ban on office gossip to maintain a professional work environment.
  • The government imposed a ban on smoking in public spaces to reduce the health risks of secondhand smoke.
  • The company imposed a mandatory training program on all employees to improve safety standards.
  • The landlord imposed a limit on the number of guests tenants can have in their apartments.
  • The city imposed a curfew on minors to reduce crime rates.
  • The teacher imposed a strict deadline for the submission of term papers.
  • The company imposed a restriction on personal use of company equipment to prevent misuse.
  • The airport imposed new security measures in response to a recent terrorist threat.
  • The company imposed a non-compete agreement on its employees to protect its trade secrets.
  • The government imposed a ban on the use of plastic bags to reduce plastic waste.
  • The school board imposed a requirement for all students to wear school uniforms.
  • The gym imposed a policy of wiping down equipment after use to maintain cleanliness.
  • The city imposed a new tax on sugary drinks to encourage healthier choices.
  • The company imposed a ban on eating at desks to keep the workplace clean.
  • The state imposed new regulations on oil drilling to protect the environment.
  • The teacher imposed a limit on the number of absences allowed per semester.
  • The company imposed a policy of mandatory drug testing for all employees.
  • The government imposed new regulations on the use of pesticides in farming.
  • The landlord imposed a fine for any damages caused by pets in the apartments.
  • The school imposed a rule prohibiting students from using their phones during class.
  • The city imposed a limit on the number of cars that can enter the city center to reduce traffic congestion.
  • The company imposed a ban on social media use during working hours to increase productivity.
  • The government imposed a ban on fireworks in residential areas to prevent accidents.
  • The school imposed a policy of zero tolerance for bullying among students.
  • The company imposed a rule requiring employees to take regular breaks to prevent burnout.
  • The state imposed a tax increase on alcohol to fund public health programs.
  • The city imposed a fine for littering in public places to encourage cleanliness.
  • The company imposed a dress code requiring business attire for all employees.
  • The school board imposed a policy of random drug testing for all student athletes.
  • The government imposed a ban on single-use plastic straws to reduce plastic waste in the environment.
  • Imposed Synonyms (With Meaning)

Video Tutorial For Imposed (With Meaning, Origin, Examples)

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