Hanuman Ashtottara Namavali Meaning Significance Benefits

Hanuman Ashtottara Namavali Meaning, Significance Benefits

Hanuman Ashtottara Namavali is a prayer consisting of 108 names of Lord Hanuman, chanted in his honor by devotees. Each name of Hanuman in the Ashtottara Namavali highlights a specific quality or aspect of the Lord, and the prayer is believed to be very effective in invoking his blessings, protection, and divine grace.

The word "Ashtottara" means "108," while "Namavali" means "string of names." Therefore, the Hanuman Ashtottara Namavali is a prayer recited by devotees in praise of Lord Hanuman using a string of 108 names.


Hanuman Ashtottara Namavali Meaning, Significance Benefits

 Hanuman Ashtotra Namawali Lyrics (Sanskrit)

ॐ आञ्जनेयाय नमः ।
ॐ महावीराय नमः ।
ॐ हनूमते नमः ।
ॐ मारुतात्मजाय नमः ।
ॐ तत्वज्ञानप्रदाय नमः ।
ॐ सीतादेविमुद्राप्रदायकाय नमः ।
ॐ अशोकवनकाच्छेत्रे नमः ।
ॐ सर्वमायाविभंजनाय नमः ।
ॐ सर्वबन्धविमोक्त्रे नमः ।
ॐ रक्षोविध्वंसकारकाय नमः । 10
ॐ परविद्या परिहाराय नमः ।
ॐ परशौर्य विनाशनाय नमः ।
ॐ परमन्त्र निराकर्त्रे नमः ।
ॐ परयन्त्र प्रभेदकाय नमः ।
ॐ सर्वग्रह विनाशिने नमः ।
ॐ भीमसेन सहायकृथे नमः ।
ॐ सर्वदुखः हराय नमः ।
ॐ सर्वलोकचारिणे नमः ।
ॐ मनोजवाय नमः ।
ॐ पारिजात द्रुमूलस्थाय नमः । 20

ॐ सर्वमन्त्र स्वरूपवते नमः ।
ॐ सर्वतन्त्र स्वरूपिणे नमः ।
ॐ सर्वयन्त्रात्मकाय नमः ।
ॐ कपीश्वराय नमः ।
ॐ महाकायाय नमः ।
ॐ सर्वरोगहराय नमः ।
ॐ प्रभवे नमः ।
ॐ बल सिद्धिकराय नमः ।
ॐ सर्वविद्या सम्पत्तिप्रदायकाय नमः ।
ॐ कपिसेनानायकाय नमः । 30

ॐ भविष्यथ्चतुराननाय नमः ।
ॐ कुमार ब्रह्मचारिणे नमः ।
ॐ रत्नकुण्डल दीप्तिमते नमः ।
ॐ चञ्चलद्वाल सन्नद्धलम्बमान शिखोज्वलाय नमः ।
ॐ गन्धर्व विद्यातत्वज्ञाय नमः ।
ॐ महाबल पराक्रमाय नमः ।
ॐ काराग्रह विमोक्त्रे नमः ।
ॐ शृन्खला बन्धमोचकाय नमः ।
ॐ सागरोत्तारकाय नमः ।
ॐ प्राज्ञाय नमः । 40

ॐ रामदूताय नमः ।
ॐ प्रतापवते नमः ।
ॐ वानराय नमः ।
ॐ केसरीसुताय नमः ।
ॐ सीताशोक निवारकाय नमः ।
ॐ अन्जनागर्भ सम्भूताय नमः ।
ॐ बालार्कसद्रशाननाय नमः ।
ॐ विभीषण प्रियकराय नमः ।
ॐ दशग्रीव कुलान्तकाय नमः ।
ॐ लक्ष्मणप्राणदात्रे नमः । 50

ॐ वज्रकायाय नमः ।
ॐ महाद्युथये नमः ।
ॐ चिरञ्जीविने नमः ।
ॐ रामभक्ताय नमः ।
ॐ दैत्यकार्य विघातकाय नमः
ॐ अक्षहन्त्रे नमः ।
ॐ काञ्चनाभाय नमः ।
ॐ पञ्चवक्त्राय नमः ।
ॐ महातपसे नमः ।
ॐ लन्किनी भञ्जनाय नमः । 60

ॐ श्रीमते नमः ।
ॐ सिंहिकाप्राण भञ्जनाय नमः ।
ॐ गन्धमादन शैलस्थाय नमः ।
ॐ लङ्कापुर विदायकाय नमः ।
ॐ सुग्रीव सचिवाय नमः ।
ॐ धीराय नमः ।
ॐ शूराय नमः ।
ॐ दैत्यकुलान्तकाय नमः ।
ॐ सुरार्चिताय नमः ।
ॐ महातेजसे नमः । 70

ॐ रामचूडामणिप्रदायकाय नमः ।
ॐ कामरूपिणे नमः ।
ॐ पिङ्गलाक्षाय नमः ।
ॐ वार्धिमैनाक पूजिताय नमः ।
ॐ कबळीकृत मार्ताण्डमण्डलाय नमः ।
ॐ विजितेन्द्रियाय नमः ।
ॐ रामसुग्रीव सन्धात्रे नमः ।
ॐ महारावण मर्धनाय नमः ।
ॐ स्फटिकाभाय नमः ।
ॐ वागधीशाय नमः । 80

ॐ नवव्याकृतपण्डिताय नमः ।
ॐ चतुर्बाहवे नमः ।
ॐ दीनबन्धुराय नमः ।
ॐ मायात्मने नमः ।
ॐ भक्तवत्सलाय नमः ।
ॐ संजीवननगायार्था नमः ।
ॐ सुचये नमः ।
ॐ वाग्मिने नमः ।
ॐ दृढव्रताय नमः ।
ॐ कालनेमि प्रमथनाय नमः । 90

ॐ हरिमर्कट मर्कटाय नमः ।
ॐ दान्ताय नमः ।
ॐ शान्ताय नमः ।
ॐ प्रसन्नात्मने नमः ।
ॐ शतकन्टमुदापहर्त्रे नमः ।
ॐ योगिने नमः ।
ॐ रामकथा लोलाय नमः ।
ॐ सीतान्वेषण पण्डिताय नमः ।
ॐ वज्रद्रनुष्टाय नमः ।
ॐ वज्रनखाय नमः । 100

ॐ रुद्र वीर्य समुद्भवाय नमः ।
ॐ इन्द्रजित्प्रहितामोघब्रह्मास्त्र विनिवारकाय नमः ।
ॐ पार्थ ध्वजाग्रसंवासिने नमः ।
ॐ शरपञ्जर भेदकाय नमः ।
ॐ दशबाहवे नमः ।
ॐ लोकपूज्याय नमः ।
ॐ जाम्बवत्प्रीतिवर्धनाय नमः ।
ॐ सीतासमेत श्रीरामपाद सेवदुरन्धराय नमः । 108
॥ इति श्रीहनुमानष्टोत्तरशतनामावलिः सम्पूर्णा ॥

Hanuman Ashtotar Shatnamawali Meaning (Line by Line Meaning)

ॐ आञ्जनेयाय नमः ।
ॐ महावीराय नमः ।
ॐ हनूमते नमः ।
ॐ मारुतात्मजाय नमः ।
ॐ तत्वज्ञानप्रदाय नमः ।
ॐ सीतादेविमुद्राप्रदायकाय नमः ।
ॐ अशोकवनकाच्छेत्रे नमः ।
ॐ सर्वमायाविभंजनाय नमः ।
ॐ सर्वबन्धविमोक्त्रे नमः ।
ॐ रक्षोविध्वंसकारकाय नमः ।


  1. ॐ आञ्जनेयाय नमः Om, I bow to Anjaneya, another name for Lord Hanuman, who is the son of Anjana.
  2. ॐ महावीराय नमः Om, I bow to Mahavira, which means great warrior, another name for Lord Hanuman.
  3. ॐ हनूमते नमः Om, I bow to Hanumate, another name for Lord Hanuman, which means one with a prominent jaw or chin.
  4. ॐ मारुतात्मजाय नमः Om, I bow to Marutatmajaya, another name for Lord Hanuman, which means the son of the wind god.
  5. ॐ तत्वज्ञानप्रदाय नमः Om, I bow to Tatvajnaanapradaya, which means the one who imparts knowledge of the truth, another name for Lord Hanuman.
  6. ॐ सीतादेविमुद्राप्रदायकाय नमः Om, I bow to Sitadevimudraapradaayaka, another name for Lord Hanuman, which means the one who gave the signet ring of Devi Sita to Lord Rama.
  7. ॐ अशोकवनकाच्छेत्रे नमः Om, I bow to Ashokavanakaachetre, which means the one who destroyed the Ashoka forest, another feat accomplished by Lord Hanuman.
  8. ॐ सर्वमायाविभंजनाय नमः Om, I bow to Sarvamaayaavibhanganaya, which means the one who destroys all illusions or ignorance, another name for Lord Hanuman.
  9. ॐ सर्वबन्धविमोक्त्रे नमः Om, I bow to Sarvabandhavimoktraya, which means the one who releases from all bonds, another name for Lord Hanuman.
  10. ॐ रक्षोविध्वंसकारकाय नमः Om, I bow to Rakshovidhvamsakaarakaya, which means the destroyer of demons, another name for Lord Hanuman.

ॐ परविद्या परिहाराय नमः ।
ॐ परशौर्य विनाशनाय नमः ।
ॐ परमन्त्र निराकर्त्रे नमः ।
ॐ परयन्त्र प्रभेदकाय नमः ।
ॐ सर्वग्रह विनाशिने नमः ।
ॐ भीमसेन सहायकृथे नमः ।
ॐ सर्वदुखः हराय नमः ।
ॐ सर्वलोकचारिणे नमः ।
ॐ मनोजवाय नमः ।
ॐ पारिजात द्रुमूलस्थाय नमः
  1. ॐ परविद्या परिहाराय नमः Salutations to the remover of the supreme knowledge.
  2. ॐ परशौर्य विनाशनाय नमः Salutations to the destroyer of the enemies' valor.
  3. ॐ परमन्त्र निराकर्त्रे नमः Salutations to the negator of the ultimate mantra.
  4. ॐ परयन्त्र प्रभेदकाय नमः Salutations to the splitter of the supreme machine.
  5. ॐ सर्वग्रह विनाशिने नमः Salutations to the destroyer of all planets.
  6. ॐ भीमसेन सहायकृथे नमः Salutations to the helper of Bhima's army.
  7. ॐ सर्वदुखः हराय नमः Salutations to the remover of all sorrow.
  8. ॐ सर्वलोकचारिणे नमः Salutations to the one who moves in all worlds.
  9. ॐ मनोजवाय नमः Salutations to the swift as thought.
  10. ॐ पारिजात द्रुमूलस्थाय नमः Salutations to the one who resides at the roots of the wish-fulfilling tree.
ॐ सर्वमन्त्र स्वरूपवते नमः ।
ॐ सर्वतन्त्र स्वरूपिणे नमः ।
ॐ सर्वयन्त्रात्मकाय नमः ।
ॐ कपीश्वराय नमः ।
ॐ महाकायाय नमः ।
ॐ सर्वरोगहराय नमः ।
ॐ प्रभवे नमः ।
ॐ बल सिद्धिकराय नमः ।
ॐ सर्वविद्या सम्पत्तिप्रदायकाय नमः ।
ॐ कपिसेनानायकाय नमः ।


  1. ॐ सर्वमन्त्र स्वरूपवते नमः । - Salutations to the one who embodies all mantras.
  2. ॐ सर्वतन्त्र स्वरूपिणे नमः । - Salutations to the one who embodies all tantric practices.
  3. ॐ सर्वयन्त्रात्मकाय नमः । - Salutations to the one who is the soul of all yantras.
  4. ॐ कपीश्वराय नमः । - Salutations to the king of the monkeys.
  5. ॐ महाकायाय नमः । - Salutations to the one with a massive body.
  6. ॐ सर्वरोगहराय नमः । - Salutations to the one who cures all diseases.
  7. ॐ प्रभवे नमः । - Salutations to the one who is the source of everything.
  8. ॐ बल सिद्धिकराय नमः । - Salutations to the one who gives strength and success.
  9. ॐ सर्वविद्या सम्पत्तिप्रदायकाय नमः । - Salutations to the one who bestows knowledge and wealth.
  10. ॐ कपिसेनानायकाय नमः । - Salutations to the leader of the monkey army.
ॐ भविष्यथ्चतुराननाय नमः ।
ॐ कुमार ब्रह्मचारिणे नमः ।
ॐ रत्नकुण्डल दीप्तिमते नमः ।
ॐ चञ्चलद्वाल सन्नद्धलम्बमान शिखोज्वलाय नमः ।
ॐ गन्धर्व विद्यातत्वज्ञाय नमः ।
ॐ महाबल पराक्रमाय नमः ।
ॐ काराग्रह विमोक्त्रे नमः ।
ॐ शृन्खला बन्धमोचकाय नमः ।
ॐ सागरोत्तारकाय नमः ।
ॐ प्राज्ञाय नमः


  1. ॐ भविष्यथ्चतुराननाय नमः । Om, salutations to the one with four faces, who knows the future.
  2. ॐ कुमार ब्रह्मचारिणे नमः । Om, salutations to the celibate youth, who is devoted to the study of the Vedas.
  3. ॐ रत्नकुण्डल दीप्तिमते नमः । Om, salutations to the one with shining earrings, who is adorned with gems.
  4. ॐ चञ्चलद्वाल सन्नद्धलम्बमान शिखोज्वलाय नमः । Om, salutations to the one with hair tied in a shining knot, who is adorned with waving garlands.
  5. ॐ गन्धर्व विद्यातत्वज्ञाय नमः । Om, salutations to the one who has knowledge of the science of music and is like a celestial musician.
  6. ॐ महाबल पराक्रमाय नमः । Om, salutations to the one with great strength and courage.
  7. ॐ काराग्रह विमोक्त्रे नमः । Om, salutations to the one who frees from the bondage of karma.
  8. ॐ शृन्खला बन्धमोचकाय नमः । Om, salutations to the one who releases from the cycle of birth and death.
  9. ॐ सागरोत्तारकाय नमः । Om, salutations to the one who helps to cross the ocean of samsara.
  10. ॐ प्राज्ञाय नमः Om, salutations to the one who is wise and all-knowing
ॐ रामदूताय नमः ।
ॐ प्रतापवते नमः ।
ॐ वानराय नमः ।
ॐ केसरीसुताय नमः ।
ॐ सीताशोक निवारकाय नमः ।
ॐ अन्जनागर्भ सम्भूताय नमः ।
ॐ बालार्कसद्रशाननाय नमः ।
ॐ विभीषण प्रियकराय नमः ।
ॐ दशग्रीव कुलान्तकाय नमः ।
ॐ लक्ष्मणप्राणदात्रे नमः । 


  1. ॐ रामदूताय नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who is the messenger of Lord Rama.
  2. ॐ प्रतापवते नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who is known for his valor and courage.
  3. ॐ वानराय नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who is a Vanara, a humanoid monkey-like creature in Hindu mythology.
  4. ॐ केसरीसुताय नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who is the son of Kesari, a Vanara king, and Anjana, a female Apsara.
  5. ॐ सीताशोक निवारकाय नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who relieved the grief of Sita, the wife of Lord Rama, by locating her and bringing news of her whereabouts to Lord Rama.
  6. ॐ अन्जनागर्भ सम्भूताय नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who was born to Anjana, the Apsara, and Pavan, the wind god.
  7. ॐ बालार्कसद्रशाननाय नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who has a face resembling the rising sun and possesses the strength of a child.
  8. ॐ विभीषण प्रियकराय नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who is fond of Vibhishana, the younger brother of Ravana and helped him during the war between Rama and Ravana.
  9. ॐ दशग्रीव कुलान्तकाय नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who destroyed the lineage of the demon king Ravana by killing his ten heads.
  10. ॐ लक्ष्मणप्राणदात्रे नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who saved the life of Lakshmana, the younger brother of Rama, by bringing the herb Sanjeevani during the war.

ॐ वज्रकायाय नमः ।
ॐ महाद्युथये नमः ।
ॐ चिरञ्जीविने नमः ।
ॐ रामभक्ताय नमः ।
ॐ दैत्यकार्य विघातकाय नमः
ॐ अक्षहन्त्रे नमः ।
ॐ काञ्चनाभाय नमः ।
ॐ पञ्चवक्त्राय नमः ।
ॐ महातपसे नमः ।
ॐ लन्किनी भञ्जनाय नमः । 


  1. ॐ वज्रकायाय नमः । Om, I bow to the one with a diamond-like body.
  2. ॐ महाद्युथये नमः । Om, I bow to the one with a great radiance.
  3. ॐ चिरञ्जीविने नमः । Om, I bow to the one who has eternal life.
  4. ॐ रामभक्ताय नमः । Om, I bow to the one who is a devotee of Lord Rama.
  5. ॐ दैत्यकार्य विघातकाय नमः Om, I bow to the one who thwarts the plans of the demons.
  6. ॐ अक्षहन्त्रे नमः । Om, I bow to the one who has the power to destroy enemies with his eyes.
  7. ॐ काञ्चनाभाय नमः । Om, I bow to the one with a golden navel.
  8. ॐ पञ्चवक्त्राय नमः । Om, I bow to the one with five faces.
  9. ॐ महातपसे नमः । Om, I bow to the one with great austerity.
  10. ॐ लन्किनी भञ्जनाय नमः । Om, I bow to the one who destroyed the demoness Lanka.

ॐ श्रीमते नमः ।
ॐ सिंहिकाप्राण भञ्जनाय नमः ।
ॐ गन्धमादन शैलस्थाय नमः ।
ॐ लङ्कापुर विदायकाय नमः ।
ॐ सुग्रीव सचिवाय नमः ।
ॐ धीराय नमः ।
ॐ शूराय नमः ।
ॐ दैत्यकुलान्तकाय नमः ।
ॐ सुरार्चिताय नमः ।
ॐ महातेजसे नमः । 


  1. ॐ सिंहिकाप्राण भञ्जनाय नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who destroyed the life force of Simhika, a demoness who was hindering the progress of Surya, the sun god.
  2. ॐ गन्धमादन शैलस्थाय नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who resides on the Gandhamadana mountain, where the divine herbs used for medicine grow.
  3. ॐ लङ्कापुर विदायकाय नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who brought an end to Lanka, the kingdom of Ravana, during the war between Lord Rama and Ravana.
  4. ॐ सुग्रीव सचिवाय नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who served as the minister and advisor of Sugriva, the Vanara king and ally of Lord Rama.
  5. ॐ धीराय नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who is brave and courageous.
  6. ॐ शूराय नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who is a valiant warrior.
  7. ॐ दैत्यकुलान्तकाय नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who ended the lineage of demons by killing many of them during the war between Lord Rama and Ravana.
  8. ॐ सुरार्चिताय नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who is worshipped by the gods for his bravery and devotion.
  9. ॐ महातेजसे नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who possesses great strength and radiance.

ॐ रामचूडामणिप्रदायकाय नमः ।
ॐ कामरूपिणे नमः ।
ॐ पिङ्गलाक्षाय नमः ।
ॐ वार्धिमैनाक पूजिताय नमः ।
ॐ कबळीकृत मार्ताण्डमण्डलाय नमः ।
ॐ विजितेन्द्रियाय नमः ।
ॐ रामसुग्रीव सन्धात्रे नमः ।
ॐ महारावण मर्धनाय नमः ।
ॐ स्फटिकाभाय नमः ।
ॐ वागधीशाय नमः । 


  1. ॐ रामचूडामणिप्रदायकाय नमः । (Om Ramachudamanipradayakaya Namah) - Salutations to the one who gives the precious gem of his crest jewel (Chudamani) to his devotees, Lord Rama.
  2. ॐ कामरूपिणे नमः । (Om Kamarupine Namah) - Salutations to the one who can take any form, Lord Rama.
  3. ॐ पिङ्गलाक्षाय नमः । (Om Pingalakshaya Namah) - Salutations to the one with beautiful golden eyes, Lord Rama.
  4. ॐ वार्धिमैनाक पूजिताय नमः । (Om Vardhimanainaka Pujitaya Namah) - Salutations to the one who is worshipped by Lord Shiva who wears a snake as a necklace (Nagendra) and whose eyes resemble the blue lotus, Lord Rama.
  5. ॐ कबळीकृत मार्ताण्डमण्डलाय नमः । (Om Kabalikrita Martanda Mandalaya Namah) - Salutations to the one who subdued the blazing sun (Martanda) in his cosmic form, Lord Rama.
  6. ॐ विजितेन्द्रियाय नमः । (Om Vijitendriyaya Namah) - Salutations to the one who has conquered his senses, Lord Rama.
  7. ॐ रामसुग्रीव सन्धात्रे नमः । (Om Ramasugriva Sandhatre Namah) - Salutations to the one who made peace between Lord Rama and Sugriva, the king of the monkeys, Lord Rama.
  8. ॐ महारावण मर्धनाय नमः । (Om Maharaavana Mardhanaya Namah) - Salutations to the one who defeated the great demon king Ravana, Lord Rama.
  9. ॐ स्फटिकाभाय नमः । (Om Sphatikabhaya Namah) - Salutations to the one with a radiant crystal-like appearance, Lord Rama.
  10. ॐ वागधीशाय नमः । (Om Vagadhishaya Namah) - Salutations to the one who is the lord of speech, Lord Rama.

ॐ नवव्याकृतपण्डिताय नमः ।
ॐ चतुर्बाहवे नमः ।
ॐ दीनबन्धुराय नमः ।
ॐ मायात्मने नमः ।
ॐ भक्तवत्सलाय नमः ।
ॐ संजीवननगायार्था नमः ।
ॐ सुचये नमः ।
ॐ वाग्मिने नमः ।
ॐ दृढव्रताय नमः ।
ॐ कालनेमि प्रमथनाय नमः । 


  1. ॐ नवव्याकृतपण्डिताय नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who is skilled in the nine forms of knowledge, and is therefore known as a scholar.
  2. ॐ चतुर्बाहवे नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who has four powerful arms and is the embodiment of strength.
  3. ॐ दीनबन्धुराय नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who is the friend of the oppressed and helpless.
  4. ॐ मायात्मने नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who possesses a mystical and divine nature.
  5. ॐ भक्तवत्सलाय नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who is compassionate towards his devotees.
  6. ॐ संजीवननगायार्था नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who carried the Sanjivani herb to restore the life of Lakshmana, brother of Lord Rama.
  7. ॐ सुचये नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who is of noble character.
  8. ॐ वाग्मिने नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who is eloquent and skilled in speech.
  9. ॐ दृढव्रताय नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who is steadfast in his devotion and principles.
  10. ॐ कालनेमि प्रमथनाय नमः । Om, I bow to Lord Hanuman, who was appointed by Lord Rama to destroy the demon Kalanemi.

ॐ हरिमर्कट मर्कटाय नमः ।
ॐ दान्ताय नमः ।
ॐ शान्ताय नमः ।
ॐ प्रसन्नात्मने नमः ।
ॐ शतकन्टमुदापहर्त्रे नमः ।
ॐ योगिने नमः ।
ॐ रामकथा लोलाय नमः ।
ॐ सीतान्वेषण पण्डिताय नमः ।
ॐ वज्रद्रनुष्टाय नमः ।
ॐ वज्रनखाय नमः । 

  1. ॐ हरिमर्कट मर्कटाय नमः । - Salutations to the Lord who is in the form of a monkey, and who is known as Harimarkata or Hanuman.
  2. ॐ दान्ताय नमः । - Salutations to the Lord who has prominent and sharp teeth, and who is known as Daanta or Hanuman.
  3. ॐ शान्ताय नमः । - Salutations to the Lord who is peaceful and calm, and who is known as Shantaa or Hanuman.
  4. ॐ प्रसन्नात्मने नमः । - Salutations to the Lord who has a cheerful and happy disposition, and who is known as Prasannaatma or Hanuman.
  5. ॐ शतकन्टमुदापहर्त्रे नमः । - Salutations to the Lord who removed a thorn from the foot of Lord Rama, and who is known as Shatakantamudaapahartr or Hanuman.
  6. ॐ योगिने नमः । - Salutations to the Lord who is a great yogi and who has attained the highest state of consciousness, and who is known as Yoginee or Hanuman.
  7. ॐ रामकथा लोलाय नमः । - Salutations to the Lord who is fond of listening to and singing the glories of Lord Rama, and who is known as Ramakathaa Lolaa or Hanuman.
  8. ॐ सीतान्वेषण पण्डिताय नमः । - Salutations to the Lord who helped in the search for Sita and who is known as Seetaanveshana Pandit or Hanuman.
  9. ॐ वज्रद्रनुष्टाय नमः । - Salutations to the Lord who destroyed the demon Vajradanstra, and who is known as Vajradranushtaa or Hanuman.
  10. ॐ वज्रनखाय नमः । - Salutations to the Lord whose nails are as strong as the Vajra or thunderbolt, and who is known as Vajranakha or Hanuman.
ॐ रुद्र वीर्य समुद्भवाय नमः ।
ॐ इन्द्रजित्प्रहितामोघब्रह्मास्त्र विनिवारकाय नमः ।
ॐ पार्थ ध्वजाग्रसंवासिने नमः ।
ॐ शरपञ्जर भेदकाय नमः ।
ॐ दशबाहवे नमः ।
ॐ लोकपूज्याय नमः ।
ॐ जाम्बवत्प्रीतिवर्धनाय नमः ।
ॐ सीतासमेत श्रीरामपाद सेवदुरन्धराय नमः । 
  1. ॐ रुद्र वीर्य समुद्भवाय नमः । - Salutations to the one who is born of the power of Rudra.
  2. ॐ इन्द्रजित्प्रहितामोघब्रह्मास्त्र विनिवारकाय नमः । - Salutations to the one who prevented the invincible Brahmastra sent by Indrajit.
  3. ॐ पार्थ ध्वजाग्रसंवासिने नमः । - Salutations to the one who lived under Arjuna's flag.
  4. ॐ शरपञ्जर भेदकाय नमः । - Salutations to the one who pierced the arrow net.
  5. ॐ दशबाहवे नमः । - Salutations to the one who has ten arms.
  6. ॐ लोकपूज्याय नमः । - Salutations to the one who is worshiped by the world.
  7. ॐ जाम्बवत्प्रीतिवर्धनाय नमः । - Salutations to the one who increased the love of Jambavan.
  8. ॐ सीतासमेत श्रीरामपाद सेवदुरन्धराय नमः । - Salutations to the one who served at the feet of Lord Rama along with Sita.

How To Recite Hanuman Ashtottara Namawali

steps to recite Hanuman Ashtottara Namavali:
  1. Find a quiet and clean place where you can sit comfortably without any disturbance.
  2. Take a bath or wash your hands and feet, and wear clean clothes before starting the recitation.
  3. Light a diya (lamp) and incense sticks and place them in front of a picture or idol of Lord Hanuman.
  4. Sit in a comfortable posture, facing towards the picture or idol of Lord Hanuman.
  5. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and meditate for a few minutes to calm your mind.
  6. Start reciting the Hanuman Ashtottara Namavali with devotion and concentration.
  7. Recite each name slowly and clearly, and try to understand the meaning of each name.
  8. Repeat the entire Namavali 108 times or as per your convenience.
  9. After completing the recitation, offer some flowers or fruits to Lord Hanuman, and pray for his blessings.
  10. Finally, bow down to Lord Hanuman and thank him for his blessings.

Benefits of Significance of Hanuman Ashtotar Namawali in details

Hanuman Ashtottara Namavali is a prayer consisting of 108 names of Lord Hanuman. Each name in the Ashtottara Namavali has a specific meaning and significance. Here are some of the benefits of reciting the Hanuman Ashtottara Namavali:
  1. Enhances devotion and faith: Reciting Hanuman Ashtottara Namavali with devotion and faith can help enhance one’s devotion towards Lord Hanuman. It is said that Lord Hanuman showers his blessings on those who recite his names with faith and devotion.
  2. Removes obstacles and negative energies: Lord Hanuman is known as the remover of obstacles and negative energies. Reciting the Hanuman Ashtottara Namavali can help in removing obstacles from one’s life and also protect one from negative energies.
  3. Boosts courage and confidence: Lord Hanuman is known for his courage and strength. Reciting the Hanuman Ashtottara Namavali can help boost one’s courage and confidence, and give one the strength to face challenges in life.
  4. Improves concentration and focus: Reciting the Hanuman Ashtottara Namavali regularly can help improve one’s concentration and focus. It can also help in calming the mind and reducing stress and anxiety.
  5. Promotes good health: Lord Hanuman is known as the symbol of good health and longevity. Reciting the Hanuman Ashtottara Namavali can help promote good health and well-being, and also protect one from illnesses and diseases.
  6. Provides spiritual protection: Lord Hanuman is believed to provide spiritual protection to his devotees. Reciting the Hanuman Ashtottara Namavali can help in strengthening one’s spiritual connection with Lord Hanuman and provide spiritual protection.

Significance of Hanuman Ashotra Namawali

The Hanuman Ashtotar Namawali is a powerful and popular prayer dedicated to Lord Hanuman, who is one of the most revered deities in Hinduism. Reciting the Ashtotar Namawali with devotion and faith is believed to bestow numerous benefits, some of which are listed below:
  1. Removes obstacles and brings success: Hanuman is known as the remover of obstacles and is believed to bestow success and good fortune upon his devotees. Reciting the Ashtotar Namawali can help overcome obstacles and achieve success in all endeavors.
  2. Increases courage and strength: Hanuman is revered for his immense strength and courage, and reciting his Ashtotar Namawali is believed to bestow these qualities upon the devotee.
  3. Protection from negativity and evil: Hanuman is considered a powerful protector who can shield his devotees from negativity and evil energies. Reciting the Ashtotar Namawali can help protect the devotee from harm and negative influences.
  4. Promotes spiritual growth: Hanuman is considered a symbol of devotion, selflessness, and spiritual growth. Reciting the Ashtotar Namawali with devotion and faith can help the devotee cultivate these qualities and progress on the spiritual path.
  5. Promotes physical and mental well-being: Hanuman is believed to have healing powers and is associated with good health and well-being. Reciting the Ashtotar Namawali can help promote physical and mental health and bring peace and serenity to the mind.

Precautions of Hanuman Puja, Naam Jaap

  1. Choose a clean and peaceful environment: It is recommended to perform the puja or naam jaap in a clean and peaceful environment. Ensure that the place is well-ventilated and has enough space to accommodate all the required items.
  2. Use clean and pure materials: Use clean and pure materials such as flowers, fruits, sweets, incense, and lamps while performing the puja or naam jaap. It is important to ensure that the materials used are not contaminated and are of good quality.
  3. Follow the correct procedure: It is important to follow the correct procedure while performing the puja or naam jaap. You can refer to the Hanuman Chalisa or seek guidance from a knowledgeable priest or guru.
  4. Maintain personal hygiene: It is important to maintain personal hygiene while performing the puja or naam jaap. Take a bath, wear clean clothes, and avoid eating non-vegetarian food before the puja or naam jaap.
  5. Respect the deity: Show respect to the deity and avoid any disrespectful behavior during the puja or naam jaap.
  6. Avoid distractions: It is important to avoid any distractions during the puja or naam jaap. Turn off your phone, avoid talking to others, and focus on the puja or naam jaap.
  7. Consume Prasad: Consume the Prasad that is offered to the deity after the puja or naam jaap. It is considered auspicious and is believed to bring blessings.

10 Most Pious Shri Hanuman Names with Detailed Meaning

  1. Anjaneya: Anjaneya is one of the most commonly used names for Lord Hanuman. It means "son of Anjana", as Anjana was Hanuman's mother. The name also signifies Hanuman's strength and agility, as he was said to have been born with exceptional physical abilities.
  2. Mahavira: This name means "great hero" and is used to describe Hanuman's courage and bravery. It also signifies his role as a warrior in the Hindu epic Ramayana, where he is depicted as a loyal servant of Lord Rama and a fierce opponent of evil forces.
  3. Pavanputra: This name means "son of the wind" and is used to describe Hanuman's association with the wind god, Vayu. According to Hindu mythology, Hanuman was born as an incarnation of Vayu's son and was blessed with the power to control the wind.
  4. Bajrangbali: This name means "the strong one with a thunderbolt-like body". It is derived from the words "bajrang" (thunderbolt) and "bali" (strong). The name signifies Hanuman's immense physical strength and his ability to overcome any obstacle in his path.
  5. Sankat Mochan: This name means "the one who removes all obstacles and difficulties". Hanuman is often worshipped as a deity who can provide relief from the problems and challenges of everyday life.
  6. Rudraavatar: This name means "incarnation of Rudra", another name for Lord Shiva. Hanuman is believed to be an incarnation of Lord Shiva, who granted him his exceptional strength and courage.
  7. Maruti: This name means "son of Marut", another name for the wind god Vayu. It is commonly used in North India to refer to Lord Hanuman.
  8. Kesarinandan: This name means "son of Kesari", Hanuman's father. It is also used to describe Hanuman's gentle and compassionate nature, which is said to be similar to that of his father.
  9. Dhananjay: This name means "one who wins wealth". It is used to describe Hanuman's ability to overcome any obstacle and achieve victory in all his endeavors.
  10. Sureshwar: This name means "lord of the gods". It is used to describe Hanuman's status as a deity in Hindu mythology, and his role as a loyal servant of Lord Rama, who is considered to be an incarnation of the god Vishnu.

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Q: What is Hanuman Ashtotra Namawali?
A: Hanuman Ashtotra Namawali is a prayer consisting of 108 names of Lord Hanuman, a Hindu deity who is worshipped for his strength, courage, and devotion.

Q: What is the significance of Hanuman Ashtotra Namawali?
A: Reciting Hanuman Ashtotra Namawali is believed to bestow upon the devotee various benefits such as physical strength, mental clarity, protection from negative energies, and overall spiritual growth.

Q: When should one recite Hanuman Ashtotra Namawali?
A: Hanuman Ashtotra Namawali can be recited at any time of the day, but it is believed to be especially beneficial when recited during Hanuman Jayanti, which is the birthday of Lord Hanuman according to the Hindu calendar. Additionally, it is often recited by devotees facing challenges or obstacles in their lives, as Lord Hanuman is considered to be a symbol of strength and courage.

Q: Can anyone recite Hanuman Ashtotra Namawali?
A: Yes, anyone can recite Hanuman Ashtotra Namawali, regardless of their gender, caste, or religion. It is a universal prayer that is open to all who wish to seek the blessings of Lord Hanuman.

Q: How should one recite Hanuman Ashtotra Namawali?
A: Hanuman Ashtotra Namawali can be recited aloud or silently, depending on the preference of the devotee. It is recommended to recite the prayer with a calm and focused mind, and to meditate on the meaning of each name of Lord Hanuman as it is recited. It is also customary to offer flowers, incense, or other offerings to Lord Hanuman while reciting the prayer.

Q: Where can I find the text of Hanuman Ashtotra Namawali?
A: The text of Hanuman Ashtotra Namawali is widely available in Hindu religious texts, online websites, and apps. It can also be found in books and pamphlets that are commonly available in Hindu temples and bookstores.

Word Meaning of Ashottar Namawali

ॐ - This is the sound "Om," which is considered to be a sacred sound in Hinduism and other Eastern religions. It is often used to begin and end prayers or mantras.
आञ्जनेयाय - This word is derived from the name "Anjaneya," which is another name for Hanuman, a Hindu deity who is worshipped as a symbol of strength, devotion, and humility.
नमः - This word means "salutations" or "obeisance," and is often used as a way of showing respect or reverence to a deity or spiritual figure.
महावीराय - This word is derived from the Sanskrit words "maha" (great) and "vir" (hero), and refers to Hanuman's great strength and courage.
हनूमते - This word is derived from Hanuman's name and means "belonging to Hanuman."
मारुतात्मजाय - This word is derived from the Sanskrit words "marut" (wind) and "atma" (soul), and refers to Hanuman's role as the son of the wind god.
तत्वज्ञानप्रदाय - This word is derived from the Sanskrit words "tatva" (reality) and "jñana" (knowledge), and refers to Hanuman's ability to grant knowledge and understanding of the true nature of reality.
सीतादेविमुद्राप्रदायकाय - This word is a compound word made up of "Sita" (the wife of Lord Rama), "devi" (goddess), "mudra" (sign or symbol), and "pradayaka" (giver). Together, the word means "the giver of the symbol of Sita Devi's approval or blessing."
अशोकवनकाच्छेत्रे - This word refers to the Ashokavana, a forest in Hindu mythology where Hanuman is said to have met Sita while she was held captive by the demon king Ravana.
सर्वमायाविभंजनाय - This word is made up of "sarva" (all), "maya" (illusion), "vibhajan" (breaking or removing), and "aya" (one who does). Together, the word means "the one who destroys all illusions."
सर्वबन्धविमोक्त्रे - This word is made up of "sarva" (all), "bandha" (bondage), "vimokt" (to free), and "ra" (one who does). Together, the word means "the one who frees all from bondage."
"ॐ" (Om): This is a sacred sound and symbol in Hinduism, often used at the beginning and end of prayers and mantras. It represents the universe and the ultimate reality.
"रक्ष" (raksha): This means "protection" or "safety.""विध्वंस" (vidhwamsa): This means "destruction" or "annihilation."
"कार" (kara): This means "one who does" or "agent."
"काय" (kaya): This means "body."
सर्व (Sarva) - All.
मन्त्र (Mantra) - A sacred utterance or sound that is believed to have psychological and spiritual power.
स्वरूपवते (Svarupa-vate) - One who possesses the form (svarupa).
सर्वतन्त्र (Sarva-tantra) - All instruments or means.
स्वरूपिणे (Svarupine) - One who has a form (svarupa).
सर्वयन्त्रात्मकाय (Sarva-yantra-atmakaya) - One who resides in all yantras (sacred geometric designs used for meditation).
कपीश्वराय (Kapi-ishwaraya) - The lord of the monkeys (Kapi) or Hanuman.
महाकायाय (Maha-kayaya) - One with a huge body.
सर्वरोगहराय (Sarva-roga-haraya) - One who removes all diseases.
प्रभवे (Prabhave) - One who is the source of all.
बल (Bala) - Strength or power.
सिद्धिकराय (Siddhi-karaya) - One who bestows achievements or success.
सर्वविद्या (Sarva-vidya) - All knowledge.
सम्पत्तिप्रदायकाय (Sampatti-pradaya-kaya) - One who bestows wealth or prosperity.
कपिसेनानायकाय (Kapi-senana-ayakaya) - The commander of the monkey army (Senana) or Hanuman.
Ratna: gem; Kundala: earrings; Deepthimate: brilliant.
चतुर् - four; बाहु - arm;
दीन - poor, miserable, distressed;
बन्धु - friend;
राय - king;
माया - illusion; आत्मन् - self; नमः - salutations.
भक्त - devotee; वत्सल - affectionate;
संजीवन - life-giving; नग - mountain;
आर्था - purpose;
सु - good; चय - memory;
वाक् - speech; मिन् - possessor;
दृढ - strong; व्रत - vow;
कालनेमि - time;
नेमि - destroyer;
प्रमथन - destroyer;
नाय - leader;
हरि - Hari (Lord Vishnu),
मर्कट - Markata (monkey)
दान्त - Danta (teeth)
शान्त - Shanta (peaceful)
प्रसन्न - Prasanna (cheerful),
आत्मन् - Atman (soul)
शतकन्ट - Shata-kanta (hundred-throated),
मुदा - Muda (delight),
अपहर्त्रे - Apaharatre (remover)
योगिन् - Yogin (Yogi)
रामकथा - Rama-katha (stories of Lord Rama),
लोला - Lola (one who desires)
सीतान्वेषण - Sita-anveshana (search for Sita),
पण्डित - Pandita (wise)
वज्रद्रनुष्ट - Vajradranushta (one who followed Indra's weapon - Vajra),
आत्मन् - Atman (soul)
वज्रनख - Vajranakha (Thunderbolt nails)
रुद्रवीर्य - the strength of Rudra (another name for Lord Shiva),
समुद्भव - born of,
इन्द्रजित - Indrajit (son of Ravana),
प्रहित - sent,
अमोघ - invincible,
ब्रह्मास्त्र - Brahmastra (a divine weapon),
विनिवारक - preventer,
पार्थध्वज - the flag of Arjuna (another name for Hanuman),
अग्रसंवासिने - residing at the top,
शरपञ्जर - a group of arrows,
भेदक - splitter,
दश - ten,
बाहु - arms,
लोक - world,
पूज्य - worshipful,
जाम्बवत - Jambavan (a bear and a devotee of Lord Rama),
प्रीति - affection,
वर्धन - enhancer,
सीतासमेत - along with Sita (wife of Lord Rama),
श्रीरामपादसेवदुरन्धर - difficult to serve the feet of Lord Rama,
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