Pyar Hua Ikrar Hua Song (Shree 420) Meaning in English Translation

"Pyar hua ikrar hua" is a popular phrase in Hindi which interprets to "Love occurred, confession took place" in English. The phrase is regularly used to express the feeling of falling in love and confessing one's feelings to the individual they love.

प्यार हुआ इकरार हुआ है Pyar Hua Ikrar Hua Lyrics

Pyar Hua Ikrar Hua Song (Shree 420) Meaning in English Translation

प्यार हुआ, इकरार हुआ है,
प्यार से फिर क्यों डरता है दिल,
कहता है दिल, रस्ता मुश्किल,
मालूम नहीं है कहाँ मंज़िल
प्यार हुआ, इकरार हुआ है,
प्यार से फिर क्यों डरता है दिल।

कहो की अपनी प्रीत का,
गीत ना बदलेगा कभी
तुम भी कहो इस राह का,
मीत ना बदलेगा कभी
प्यार जो टूटा, साथ जो छुटा
चाँद ना चमकेगा कभी,
प्यार हुआ, इक़रार हुआ है,
प्यार से फिर क्यों डरता है दिल।

रातें दसों दिशाओं से,
कहेंगी अपनी कहानियाँ
गीत हमारें प्यार के,
दोहराएगी जवानियाँ
मैं ना रहूंगी, तुम ना रहोगे,
फिर भी रहेंगी निशानियाँ,
प्यार हुआ, इक़रार हुआ है,
प्यार से फिर क्यों डरता है दिल।

Pyar Hua Ikrar Hua Song (Shree 420) Meaning in English

प्यार हुआ, इकरार हुआ है - Love has happened, agreement has been made
प्यार से फिर क्यों डरता है दिल - But why does the heart still fear from love?
The first two lines of the song talk about how love has happened between two people, and they have agreed to it. However, despite this agreement, the heart still feels fear and hesitation towards love.
कहता है दिल, रस्ता मुश्किल - The heart says, the path is difficult
मालूम नहीं है कहाँ मंज़िल - It's not known where the destination is
These lines express the uncertainty and confusion that the heart feels. The heart acknowledges that the path ahead is difficult and it's not known where it will lead.
प्यार हुआ, इकरार हुआ है - Love has happened, agreement has been made
प्यार से फिर क्यों डरता है दिल - But why does the heart still fear from love?
Once again, the chorus repeats, emphasizing the fact that despite the agreement, the heart still feels fear towards love.
The Song explores the theme of love and the fear and uncertainty that often come with it. It beautifully captures the conflicting emotions that arise when two people fall in love, and how the heart can feel both joy and fear at the same time.
कहो कि अपनी प्रीत का, गीत ना बदलेगा कभी - Say that the song of your love will never change
तुम भी कहो इस राह का, मीत ना बदलेगा कभी - You also say that the friend of this path will never change
These lines express the promise and commitment of eternal love. The singer assures his beloved that the song of their love will never change, and urges her to also promise that their friendship will always remain strong.
प्यार जो टूटा, साथ जो छूटा - If love breaks, if companionship is lost
चाँद ना चमकेगा कभी - The moon will never shine again
These lines convey the idea that if their love ever fades away or if they are separated, their happiness and joy will be lost forever. Just like how the moon won't shine without its light, their life will be incomplete without each other.
प्यार हुआ, इक़रार हुआ है, प्यार से फिर क्यों डरता है दिल - Love has happened, agreement has been made, yet why does the heart still fear from love?
The chorus repeats again, emphasizing the fact that despite the agreement, the heart still feels fear towards love. It highlights the idea that love may be beautiful, but it also brings vulnerability and uncertainty.
रातें दसों दिशाओं से, कहेंगी अपनी कहानियाँ - Nights from all ten directions will tell our stories
गीत हमारें प्यार के, दोहराएगी जवानियाँ - The song of our love will be echoed by our youth
These lines express the idea that the love between the two lovers is so strong and pure that it will be remembered by the nights from all ten directions, and that their love will be sung and celebrated by the youth.
मैं ना रहूंगी, तुम ना रहोगे, फिर भी रहेंगी निशानियाँ - I may not remain, you may not remain, but the signs will still remain
These lines convey the idea that even if the lovers are not physically present in each other's lives, their love will still remain and the signs of their love will continue to exist. Their love will be immortalized in the memories of those who witnessed it and in the traces of their love that they left behind.
प्यार हुआ, इक़रार हुआ है, प्यार से फिर क्यों डरता है दिल - Love has happened, agreement has been made, yet why does the heart still fear from love?
The chorus repeats again, emphasizing the fact that despite the agreement, the heart still feels fear towards love. It highlights the idea that love may be beautiful, but it also brings vulnerability and uncertainty.

Shree 420 - Pyar Hua Ikrar Hua Hai Pyar Se - Manna Dey - Lata Mangeshkar

Raj Kapoor as Raj/Raju
Nargis as Vidya
Nadira as Maya
Lalita Pawar as Mrs. L. D'Sa
Nemo as Nemo
Rashid Khan as Seth Sonachand Dharmanand
Raj encounters some of characters who're involved in corrupt practices and begins to realise that he's going to should compromise his principles if he desires to succeed inside the city.

Raj meets Vidya, a trainer, and they fall in love.
However, their happiness is short-lived as they each come upon corruption and deceit of their private and expert lives. Raj meets the rich Maya, who gives him a task, a pricey way of existence, and a hazard to climb the social ladder. Raj takes the process, however soon realizes that it includes corrupt practices, and he quits. In the quit, Raj and Vidya get married and vow to live an honest existence collectively.

"Shree 420" capabilities a number of Bollywood's most iconic songs, consisting of:

    "Mera Joota Hai Japani"
    "Ichak Dana Bichak Dana"
    "Ramaiya Vastavaiya"
    "Pyaar Hua Ikraar Hua"
    "Dil Ka Haal Sune Dilwala"

The songs have been composed by Shankar-Jaikishan and the lyrics were written by means of Shailendra and Hasrat Jaipuri. The music and songs of "Shree 420" stay famous even these days.
Word Meaning "Pyar Hua Ikrar Hua"
  1. प्यार - Love
  2. इकरार - Agreement
  3. डरना - To be afraid
  4. दिल - Heart
  5. रस्ता - Path
  6. मुश्किल - Difficult
  7. मंज़िल - Destination
  8. प्रीत - Love
  9. गीत - Song
  10. मीत - Friend
  11. टूटना - To break
  12. साथ - Together
  13. चाँद - Moon
  14. चमकना - To shine
  15. रातें - Nights
  16. दिशाएँ - Directions
  17. कहानियाँ - Stories
  18. जवानियाँ - Youth
  19. निशानियाँ - Signs
Shailendra was a famous Hindi film lyricist who wrote many popular songs in the 1950s and 1960s. Some of his most famous songs include:
  1. "Jeena Yahan Marna Yahan" from the film Mera Naam Joker (1970)
  2. "Ajeeb Dastan Hai Yeh" from the film Dil Apna Aur Preet Parai (1960)
  3. "Yeh Raat Bheegi Bheegi" from the film Chori Chori (1956)
  4. "Sab Kuch Seekha Humne" from the film Anari (1959)
  5. "Ye Mera Deewanapan Hai" from the film Yahudi (1958)
  6. "Suhana Safar Aur Yeh Mausam Haseen" from the film Madhumati (1958)
  7. "Suhani Raat Dhal Chuki" from the film Dulari (1949)
  8. "Kisi Ki Muskurahaton Pe Ho Nisar" from the film Anari (1959)
  9. "Chhalia Mera Name" from the film Chhalia (1960)
  10. "Subah Na Aayi Sham Na Aayi" from the film Cha Cha Cha (1964)

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