What is Meaning of "Sufi" Sufi Definition & Meaning

What is Meaning of "Sufi" Sufi Definition & Meaning

Sufism is a form of Islamic Tariqah, Tassawuf, in Islamic belief and practice that focuses on the self-realization of the divine reality through acts of worship like zikr (recitation of names of Allah) contemplation etc. Sufi is a precision of a Muslim ascetic who practices the religious path, now called Sufism. Sufis have faith in such activities with an intention of washing away their sinful souls in order to attain a state of divine light which is the aim of human life.

These are the desires to understand the nature of God in the best possible way they can and the longing and a need to be one with all the creation. Sufiism is usually defined in terms of the esoteric, or the interior, facet of Islam, for example the process of spirituality or soul’s cleansing, affection of the Creator and His creation, as well as unification of the religions and people. Sufis are pious and respects others, those who engage in Sufi tariqa or path are loving and friendly to all, they are accountable for much of the arts, literature and music of the Islamic tradition.

Sufi orders or tariqas are in every corner of the Muslim world and many people remain in Sufism as a way of attaining paradise with its promises ecstasy and serving mankind. Sufism is a branch of Islamic practices but it has incorporated a lot of spirituality in the other religions and has therefore drawn the attention of many people across the globe.

What is Meaning of "Sufi" Sufi Definition & Meaning

Sufism, the Islamic mysticism, which includes the individual and personal experience with the Divine in form of Tariqah, is an experience that is defined through the combination of mystical asceticism and the application of different techniques which include meditation, chanting, prayer, and contemplation. Sufis have the goal of attempting to cleanse their heart and achieve ain comparable to mystical knowldge now known as discernment, by following the doctrine of Quran and Hadith and by following a guide or teacher or master known as the Sheikh or Pir.

This is due to the fact that, the term Sufi is originated from the term ‘suf’ which means wool in Arabic due to the fact that the early Sufis used to dress in woolen garments in order to show their avertedness to the worldly possessions. Sufism deals with the inner aspect of Islam including processes of heart’s purification, love to God and to His creation as well as acknowledgment of oneness of God and oneness of people.

Sufis are believed to be full of zest and devotion and are famous for their humility and hospitality of theirs around the world, and they have strived Islamic art, literature, music, etc. Sufi orders or tariqas exist in the Muslim countries and across the globe and many men and women still cling to Sufism as a way of attaining self-actualization and assisting their fellow man.
What is Meaning of "Sufi" Sufi Definition & Meaning

The term ‘Sufi’ can therefore be used to define those Muslims who practice and propagate the belief system of Sufism which is a branch of Islamic beliefs that stresses on the direct experience of the divine through processes like mediations and chanting among others. Sufis believe that through these practices, the person can alter his state in such a way so as to purify the self and gain the divine insight and realise that this is the true purpose of life.

Although, it is necessary to understand that not all Muslims are Sufis because there are various versions of Islam and various attitudes to spiritual life. The latter may regard Sufism as heretical to true Islam and/or an unworthy distortion of Islamic practice while the former will consider it as perfectly valid and desirable path in Islam.

However, referring to the term “Sufi” it needed to be mentioned that the followers of Sufism, those who adopt its doctrines, or those who use elements of Sufism can be Muslims as well as representatives of other religions. The term has now evolved to liberal religious philosophies and practices including the concept of purifying the inner self and getting in touch with the higher power.

What is The Detailed Meaning of "Sufi"

The word Sufi speak of in called suf in Arabic which misconstrued to mean wool. Musically the early Sufis were people who were dressed in garments made of wool and because of their dressing they were called Sufi. That wearing of wool was associated with asceticism and indifferent to the material possessions, which was essential in early stages of Sufi movement.

It is also suggested in some sources that the term of Sufi comes from the word “safa” which in Arabic means purity. This would imply that besides the fact that the early Sufi dressed in a particular manner while practicing, the term also address the Sufi’s emphasis on inner cleanliness and purity.

The word ‘Sufi’ was first used in the Islamic literature in the early part of the 8th century and has in later usage referred to those who adhere to the conception of Sufism, which is a form of Christianity similar to Islam but emphasizing the procurement of personal experience of the Divine through discipline of prayer, and meditation. Today the word ‘Sufi’ is familiar as a term defining this approach to Islamic spirituality all over the world.

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Sufi and Sufism FAQs

What is Sufism?
Sufism is a branch of Shi’ite Islam that deals with the spiritual journey to seek for the exchange of receiving God divinity.
Who are the Sufis?
Sufis are people practicing Sufism and Sufis can belong to any of the Islamic sects or divisions.
This question yields and the answer to it is: Sufism has roots way back in the ancient times though it is difficult to determine the exact time it started.
Sufism has its roots in the Islamic history dating back to the early centuries of Islamic history and its spiritual foundations are mainly based on the sayings and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and the Quran.
What is some core purpose of Sufism?
Sufism is a discipline that aims at the reunion with the divine, a process known as fana, which translates as the ‘annihilation of the self’.
How do Sufis use the concept to reach this goal?
Meditation, chanting and prayers as well as following a spiritual master are some of the ways through which Sufis get united with the Almighty.
But before embracing it, the community handed down Sufism in its teaching and precisely what role the heart carries out here?
Soul in Sufism, according to the Sufis, is located in the heart and they deems it necessary to purify the heart through different forms of activity.
Out of all of the emotions and virtues that people can experience in life, what part do they regard to love in Sufism?
Sufism is all about love and Sufis are sure of the fact that love is the only way to embrace the divine.
What is the affiliation of Sufi with the Sunni or Shia sect?
It is worth stating that Sufis are the followers of both Sunni and Shia, as well as other fields in Islam.
How did Sufism develop relating to the Islamic law?
Sufism is known to be the mystical form of Islam and it does not negate the validity of Shari’ah and in fact only deems it insufficient and focuses more on the interior journey of the soul and the intuition of God.
Generally, people inquiry whether Sufis follow the five articles of faith such as Shahada, Salah, Zakat, Fasting and Pilgrimage.
In fact, Sufis like any other Muslims perform the five fundamental rituals of Islam, which are; Shahada, Salat, Zakat, Sawm, and Hajj.
What is the Sufis’ stance on Jihad?
In fact, Sufis understand Jihad in the context of the struggle that a person has against his or her vices or the evil inclination or selfish instincts within him.

Sufi Teachings :-
  • Sufism has its origin in love and the way to the knowledge of things divine and unseen.
  • The main goal of Sufism is to unite with the divine and this is expressed by fana or “annihilation of self” or “dissolution in the divine”.
  • Sufis respect the oneness of all the great religions and try to bring different religions into a collective unity.
  • The literal heart is thought to be the home of the soul, and in tackling the path of Sufism, the heart is believed to need purification and thus needs to be cleansed by practices including meditation among others.
  • There are two core virtues that are practiced by the Sufi practitioner, which include the rejection of pride and the detachment from worldly things as this transforms the heart of the adept into one that is composed.
  • In Sufism, there is a lot of focus on the momentary acceptance of whatever happens, because everything is thought to happen by God’s will.
  • Sufism is likewise depicted as a path, a way, which has certain stages which people have to go through. These stages range from the subjects’ gradual waking up and gaining of consciousness to union with the divine.
  • Thus Sufis state that only when a person is not intoxicated with ego, he or she may contemplate to reach true knowledge which is beyond the virtue of a reasoning mind.
  • Sufism also acknowledges the significance of the shaykh or master since he is also considered as the guide towards spiritual enlightenment.
  • Sufis therefore abide with the axiom of pantheism that asserts divinity in things around us; they also believe that every moment is a moment of creation and therefore time is sacred.
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