Ai (愛 ) Japanese Girl Name Meaning

Ai (愛 ) Japanese Girl Name Meaning 

愛 (Ai) is a Japanese word that translates to "love, affection, fondness." The kanji character 愛 is used in various contexts to express deep feelings of love and affection, whether romantic, familial, or platonic.
Ai (愛 ) Japanese Girl Name Meaning

  • 愛美 - Ai Mi
  • 愛子 - Ai Ko
  • 愛香 - Ai Ka
  • 愛菜 - Ai Na
  • 愛莉 - Ai Ri
Examples in Sentences
彼は家族に深い愛を持っている。 (Kare wa kazoku ni fukai ai o motte iru.) - "He has deep love for his family."
彼女の笑顔は愛を感じさせる。 (Kanojo no egao wa ai o kanjisaseru.) - "Her smile conveys love."

Ai ga kuru yo.
Ai is coming.
Ai wa gakkou ni imasu.
Ai is at school.
Ai ga atarashii tomodachi o tsukutta.
Ai made a new friend.
Ai wa hon o yonde iru.
Ai is reading a book.
Ai wa piano o hiku no ga jouzu desu.
Ai is good at playing the piano.

愛衣 - Ai -
愛 (Ai) means "love, affection, fondness." Here are the various ways this term is expressed:
  • To love: To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.
  • To cherish: To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.
  • To adore: To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.
  • To be fond of: To have a strong liking for someone or something.
  • To be devoted to: To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.
愛 (Ai) の意味は「愛情、愛着、親しみ」です。以下はこの言葉のさまざまな表現方法です:
  • 愛する: 誰かまたは何かに深い愛情とケアを感じること。
  • 大切にする: 誰かまたは何かを高く評価し、大事に扱うこと。
  • 崇拝する: 誰かまたは何かに大きな賞賛と愛着を感じること。
  • 好む: 誰かまたは何かに強い好意を持ち、好んでいること。
  • 献身する: 誰かまたは何かに専念し、忠誠を尽くすこと。
In Japan, the name has the kanji meaning of ‘love’ hence is used as a girl’s name mostly. The character 愛 represents “love”, is quite beautiful as well as representing love, that is why many girls’ names are created from it. Sometimes the name can be unisex in different languages or cultures but in Japanese culture especially in a Shinto shrine form, “Ai” is a feminine name. This a type of Japanese girls’ name and it means love, compassion, etc. its usage is more on the female gender like Japanese girls.

次の日本人の女の子の名前も気に入るかもしれません -
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