बच्चों के नाम Kids Name Starting With "B" Alphabet ब अक्षर से शुरू होने वाले बच्चो के नाम हिंदी Kids Name Starting With "B" Alphabet
ब अक्षर से शुरू होने वाले बच्चो के नाम हिंदी Kids Name Starting With "B" Alphabet
- बबिता = छोटी लड़की
- बागेश्री = एक भारतीय संगीतमय राग
- बहुगंध = बहुत सुगंध वाला
- बहूला = गाय, कृतिका नक्षत्र
- बैजंती / वैजंती = फूल का नाम
- बैरावी = देवी दुर्गा; संगीत
- बका = क्रेन
- बकुल = फूल का नाम
- बकुला = नागकेशर का फूल
- बाला = डामसेल
- बन्धुरा = सुंदर
- बनही = आग
- बानी = देवी सरस्वती
- बनमाला = जंगली फूलों की एक माला
- बन्नी = युवती
- बंसरी = बाँसुरी
- बरखा = वर्षा
- बरषा = वर्षा
- बरुनी = देवी दुर्गा
- बसबी = भगवान इंद्र की पत्नी
- बसंती = वसंत
- भविष्य = भविष्य
- बीना = एक वाद्य यंत्र
- बेल = पवित्र लकड़ी का सेब का पेड़
- बेला = समय; लता
- बेलि = चाँदी, एक साथी
- भद्र = अच्छा
- भगवती
- गीरथी = गंगा
- भगवंती = भाग्यशाली
- भगवती = देवी दुर्गा
- भाग्यलक्ष्मी = धन की देवी
- भाग्यश्री = देवी लक्ष्मी, भाग्यशाली
- भाग्यवती = भाग्यशाली
- भैरवी = देवी दुर्गा; संगीत राग
- भक्ति = प्रार्थना
- भामा
- भामिनी = महिला
- भानु = सूर्य; प्रसिद्धि
- भानुजा = यमुना नदी
- भानुमति = प्रसिद्ध
- भानुनी = आकर्षक स्त्री
- भानुप्रिया = सूर्य का प्रिय
- भानुश्री = लक्ष्मीदेवी की किरणें
- भारती = देवी सरस्वती
- भारवी = तेजस्वी सूर्य
- भूमि = देवी सीता
- भवना = लग रहा है
- भवानी = देवी पार्वती
- भाविका = हंसमुख अभिव्यक्ति
- भाविनी = भावनात्मक
- भव = अच्छी भावनाएँ, भावनाएँ
- भव = भव्य, शानदार
- भवान = भावना
- भीम = देवी दुर्गा
- भोमा = पृथ्वी
- भूमि = पृथ्वी
- भृती = बलवान; मनुष्य; पोषित
- भूमिका = पृथ्वी
- भूपाली = भारतीय संगीत में एक रागिनी
- भुवन = पृथ्वी
- भुवी = स्वर्ग
- बिजल = हलका
- बिजली = हल्की
- बिजली = हल्की
- बिमला = शुद्ध
- बिंबि = गौरवशाली
- बीना = मेलोडियस
- बिंधिया = ओस गिरना
- बिन्दु = बिंदु
- बिनीता = विनयी
- बिपाशा = एक नदी
- बिशाखा = तारा
- बोधि = आत्मज्ञान
- ब्राह्मणी = भगवान ब्रह्मा / सरस्वती की पत्नी
- बृजबाला = प्रकृति की बेटी
- बृंदा = राधा
- ब्रिति = शक्ति
- ब्रायन = मजबूत, सजग, सम्मानित
- बुलबुल = कोकिला
- बादल = मेघ
- बालार्क = उगता हुआ सूरज
- बालकृष्ण = युवा कृष्ण
- बाणभट्ट = एक प्राचीन कवि का नाम
- बाँके बिहारी = कृष्ण का नाम
- बासीमा = मुस्कुराते हुए
- बबला = ऊपर
- बद्री = भगवान विष्णु
- बद्रीनाथ = भगवान विष्णु
- बद्रीप्रसाद = बद्री का कण्ठ
- बाहुबली = एक जैन तीर्थंकर
- बाहुला = एक तारा
- बाहुल्य = भगवान कार्तिकेय
- बैभव = समृद्धि
- बजरंग = भगवान हनुमान का नाम
- बकुल = फूल
- बकुल = एक प्रकार का वृक्ष
- बकुला = एक प्रकार का फूल
- बालादित्य = युवा सूर्य
- बालचंद्र = युवा चंद्रमा
- बालगोपाल = शिशु कृष्ण
- बालगोविंद = शिशु कृष्ण
- बालाजी = भगवान विष्णु
- बालकृष्ण = युवा कृष्ण
- बालमणि = युवा गहना
- बालमोहन = जो आकर्षक हो
- बलराज = बलवान
- बलराम = भगवान कृष्ण का भाई
- शेषशंकर = युवा भगवान शिव
- बलवन = शक्तिशाली
- बलभद्र = कृष्ण का भाई
- बलबीर = बलवान
- बलदेव = बलवान
- बालेन्दु = युवा चाँद
- बालमुकुंद = युवा कृष्ण
- बली = बहादुर
- बलराज = पराक्रमी, शक्तिशाली
- बलराम = भगवान कृष्ण का भाई
- बलवन्त = अपार बल का
- बलवीर = शक्तिशाली (बलबीर)
- बलविन्द्र = बलवान
- बनज = कमल बनबिहारी = भगवान कृष्ण
- बंधु = मित्र
- बँधुल = प्रसन्न करना
- बँधुला = आकर्षक
- बैनीट = विनम्र
- बांके = भगवान कृष्ण
- बाँकेबिहारी = भगवान कृष्ण
- बंकिम = सीधे नहीं
- बंकिमचंद्र = अर्धचंद्र
- बंशी = बाँसुरी
- बंशीधर = कृष्ण
- बंसीलाल = भगवान कृष्ण
- बनवारी = भगवान कृष्ण
- बारिद = मेघ
- बरिंद्र = सागर
- बरसात = वर्षा का स्वागत
- बरुण = समुद्र का स्वामी
- बसंत = वसंत का मौसम
- बासदेव = आग
- बटुक = लड़का
- बाव्येश = संसार के भगवान / शिव
- भद्रा = शुभ
- भद्रक = सुंदर
- भद्रकापिल = भगवान शिव
- भद्राक्ष = सुंदर आँखों वाला
- भद्राश्री = चंदन का पेड़
- भद्रेश = भगवान शिव
- भगत = भक्त
- भगवन् = स्वामी
- भागेश = समृद्धि का भगवान
- भागीरथ = एक प्राचीन राजा का नाम
- भगवंत = सौभाग्यशाली
- भाग्यराज = भाग्य का स्वामी
- भैरव = भगवान शिव
- भजन = आराधना
- भक्ति = भक्ति, प्रार्थना
- भालेंद्र = शक्ति का स्वामी
- भानु = सूर्य
- भानुदास = सूर्य का भक्त
- भानुमित्र = सूर्य का मित्र / ग्रह बुध
- भानुप्रकाश = सूर्य प्रकाश
- भानुप्रसाद = सूर्य का उपहार
- भारद्वाज = एक ऋषि; एक पौराणिक पक्षी
- भारत = भारत, सार्वभौमिक सम्राट
- भार्गव = भगवान शिव
- भार्गव = भगवान शिव
- भारतेश = भरत का राजा
- भर्तृहरि = किसी कवि का नाम
- भास्कर = सूर्य का एक नाम
- भसवन = उज्ज्वल
- भावसार = चमकता हुआ
- भौमिक = पृथ्वी का स्वामी
- भव-भूति = ब्रह्मांड
- भवन = महल
- भावेश = संसार का स्वामी
- भवानीदास = दुर्गा का भक्त
- भीमसेन = वीर पुरुष के पुत्र
- भेरू = मित्र
- भेशम = मजबूत
- भीम = पांडवों में से एक
- भीष्म = कौरवों के गुरु
- भोज = एक कवि राजा का नाम, भोजन
- भोलानाथ = भगवान शिव
- भूपत = पृथ्वी का स्वामी
- भूपेंद्र = पृथ्वी का राजा
- भूषण = आभूषण
- भूषीत = सजा हुआ
- भौमिक = भूमि का मालिक
- भमर = काली मधुमक्खी
- भृगु = एक संत का नाम
- भूदेव = पृथ्वी का स्वामी
- भूमान = पृथ्वी
- भूपद = फर्म
- भूपाल = राजा
- भूपति = राजा
- भूपेन = राजा
- भूपेंद्र = राजाओं का राजा
- भूपेश = राजा
- भूषण = आभूषण
- भुवन = संसार
- भुवनेश = जगत का स्वामी
- भुवनेश्वर = संसार का स्वामी
- बिबेक = विवेक; भेदभाव
- बिजल = बिजली
- बिल्व = एक पवित्र पत्ता
- बिमल = शुद्ध
- बिंब = हेलो
- बिंबिसार = गुप्त वंश का राजा
- Babita = little girl
- Bageshri = an Indian Musical Raag
- Bahugandha = one with lot of scent
- Bahula = cow, Kritika nakshatra
- Baijanti / vaijanti = name of flower
- Bairavi = Goddess Durga; Music
- Baka = crane
- Bakul = Flower name
- Bakula = Nagakeshar flower
- Bala = Damsel
- Bandhavi
- Bandhura = pretty
- Banhi = Fire
- Bani = Goddess Saraswati
- Banmala = a garland of wild flowers
- Banni = Maiden
- Bansari = Flute
- Barkha = Rain
- Barsha = Rain
- Baruni = Goddess Durga
- Basabi = Wife of lord Indra
- Basanti = spring
- Bavishya = Future
- Beena = A musical instrument
- Bel = sacred wood apple tree
- Bela = Time; Creeper
- Belli = Silver, A companion
- Benaka
- Bhadra = Good
- Bhadrusha
- Bhagavathi
- Bhagini
- Bhagirathi = the Ganges
- Bhagwanti = Lucky
- Bhagwati = Goddess Durga
- Bhagyalakshmi = goddess of wealth
- Bhagyashri = Goddess Lakshmi, Lucky
- Bhagyawati = Lucky
- Bhairavi = Goddess Durga; Musical raaga
- Bhakti = Prayer
- Bhama
- Bhamini = Lady
- Bhamini
- Bhandhavi
- Bhanu = Sun; Fame
- Bhanuja = river Yamuna
- Bhanumati = Famous
- Bhanuni = Charming woman
- Bhanupriya = the Sun's beloved
- Bhanusri = Rays of Laxmidevi
- Bharati = Goddess Saraswati
- Bharavi = Radiant Sun
- Bhargavi
- Bhaumi = Goddess sita
- Bhavana = Feeling
- Bhavani = Goddess Parvati
- Bhavi = Emotional
- Bhavika = Cheerful expression
- Bhavini = Emotional
- Bhavna = Good Feelings, Emotions
- Bhavya = grand, splendid
- Bhawna = Feelings
- Bheema = Goddess Durga
- Bhooma = Earth
- Bhoomi = earth
- Bhrithi = Strengthened; Nourished; Cherished
- Bhumika = Earth
- Bhupali = a raagini in Indian music
- Bhuvana = the earth
- Bhuvi = Heaven
- Bidisha
- Bijal = Lightening
- Bijali = Lightening
- Bijli = Lightening
- Bimala = Pure
- Bimbi = Glorious
- Bina = Melodious
- Bindhiya = Dew drop
- Bindu = Point
- Binita = Modest
- Bipasha = A river
- Bishakha = Star
- Bodhi = Enlightenment
- Brahmani = Wife of Lord Brahma/ Saraswathi
- Brijabala = Daughter of Nature
- Brinda = Radha
- Briti = Strength
- Bryn = Strong, Vigilant, Honored
- Bulbul = Nightingale
- Baadal = cloud
- Baalaark = the rising sun
- Baalkrishan = young Krishna
- Baanbhatt = name of an ancient poet
- Baanke Bihaari = name of Krishna
- Baasima = smiling
- Babala = Above
- Babul
- Badri = Lord Vishnu
- Badrinath = Lord Vishnu
- Badriprasad = goft of Badri
- Bahubali = a Jain tirthankar
- Bahula = a star
- Bahuleya = Lord Kartikeya
- Baibhav = prosperity
- Bajrang = Lord Hanuman's name
- Bakool = Flower
- Bakul = a kind of tree
- Bakula = a kind of flower
- Balaaditya = young sun
- Balachandra = young moon
- Balagopal = infant Krishna
- Balagovind = infant Krishna
- Balaji = Lord Vishnu
- Balakrishna = young krishna
- Balamani = young jewel
- Balamohan = one who is attractive
- Balaraj = strong
- Balaram = brother of Lord Krishna
- Balashankar = young Lord Shiva
- Balavan = powerful
- Balbhadra = brother of Krishna
- Balbir = strong
- Baldev = strong
- Balendu = young moon
- Balmukund = young krishna
- Bali = brave
- Balraj = mighty, powerful
- Balram = brother of Lord Krishna
- Balvant = of immense strength
- Balveer = powerful ( Balbeer )
- Balvindra = strong
- Banaj = Lotus Banbihari = Lord Krishna
- Bandhu = friend
- Bandhul = pleasing
- Bandhula = charming
- Baneet = Polite
- Banke = Lord Krishna
- Bankebihari = Lord Krishna
- Bankim = not straight
- Bankimchandra = crescent moon
- Banshi = flute
- Banshidhar = Krishna
- Bansi
- Bansilal = Lord Krishna
- Banwari = Lord Krishna
- Barid = Cloud
- Barindra = ocean
- Barsaat = Welcome rain
- Barun = Lord of the sea
- Basant = season of spring
- Basdev = fire
- Batuk = Boy
- Bavyesh = Lord of the world/ Shiva
- Bhadra = auspicious
- Bhadrak = handsome
- Bhadrakapil = Lord Shiva
- Bhadraksh = one with beautiful eyes
- Bhadrashree = Sandalwood Tree
- Bhadresh = Lord Shiva
- Bhagat = devotee
- Bhagavaan = the lord
- Bhagesh = Lord of richness
- Bhagirath = name of an ancient king
- Bhagwant = fortunate
- Bhagyaraj = lord of luck
- Bhairav = Lord Shiva
- Bhajan = adoration
- Bhakti = devotion, prayer
- Bhalendra = lord of strength
- Bhanu = sun
- Bhanudas = a devotee of the sun
- Bhanumitra = friend of sun / Planet Mercury
- Bhanuprakash = sun light
- Bhanuprasad = gift of sun
- Bharadwaj = a sage; a mythical bird
- Bharat = India, universal monarch
- Bhargav = Lord Shiva
- Bhargava = Lord Shiva
- Bhartesh = King of bharat
- Bhartihari = name of a poet
- Bhaskar = a name of Sun
- Bhasvan = bright
- Bhaswar = shining
- Bhaumik = lord of earth
- Bhav-bhooti = the universe
- Bhavan = palace
- Bhavesh = lord of the world
- Bhavin
- Bhavya
- Bhawanidas = devotee of Durga
- Bheemsen = sons of brave man
- Bheru = Friend
- Bheesham = strong
- Bhim = One of Pandavas
- Bhishma = Teacher of Kauravas
- Bhoj = name of a poet king, meal
- Bholanath = Lord Shiva
- Bhoopat = lord of the earth
- Bhoopendra = king of the earth
- Bhooshan = ornaments
- Bhooshit = decorated
- Bhoumik = land owner
- Bhramar = black bee
- Bhrigu = name of a saint
- Bhudev = lord of the earth
- Bhuman = Earth
- Bhupad = Firm
- Bhupal = king
- Bhupati = King
- Bhupen = king
- Bhupendra = king of kings
- Bhupesh = king
- Bhushan = ornament
- Bhuvan = the world
- Bhuvanesh = lord of the world
- Bhuvaneshwar = lord of the world
- Bi-Bz
- Bibek = Conscience; Discrimination
- Bijal = lightning
- Bilva = a sacred leaf
- Bimal = Pure
- Bimb = Halo
- Bimbisaar = King of the Gupta dynasty
- Bindusa
- Babita = little girl
- Bageshri = an Indian Musical Raag
- Bahugandha = one with lot of scent
- Bahula = cow, Kritika nakshatra
- Baijanti / vaijanti = name of flower
- Bairavi = Goddess Durga; Music
- Baka = crane
- Bakul = Flower name
- Bakula = Nagakeshar flower
- Bala = Damsel
- Bandhavi
- Bandhura = pretty
- Banhi = Fire
- Bani = Goddess Saraswati
- Banmala = a garland of wild flowers
- Banni = Maiden
- Bansari = Flute
- Barkha = Rain
- Barsha = Rain
- Baruni = Goddess Durga
- Basabi = Wife of lord Indra
- Basanti = spring
- Bavishya = Future
- Beena = A musical instrument
- Bel = sacred wood apple tree
- Bela = Time; Creeper
- Belli = Silver, A companion
- Benaka
- Bhadra = Good
- Bhadrusha
- Bhagavathi
- Bhagini
- Bhagirathi = the Ganges
- Bhagwanti = Lucky
- Bhagwati = Goddess Durga
- Bhagyalakshmi = goddess of wealth
- Bhagyashri = Goddess Lakshmi, Lucky
- Bhagyawati = Lucky
- Bhairavi = Goddess Durga; Musical raaga
- Bhakti = Prayer
- Bhama
- Bhamini = Lady
- Bhamini
- Bhandhavi
- Bhanu = Sun; Fame
- Bhanuja = river Yamuna
- Bhanumati = Famous
- Bhanuni = Charming woman
- Bhanupriya = the Sun's beloved
- Bhanusri = Rays of Laxmidevi
- Bharati = Goddess Saraswati
- Bharavi = Radiant Sun
- Bhargavi
- Bhaumi = Goddess sita
- Bhavana = Feeling
- Bhavani = Goddess Parvati
- Bhavi = Emotional
- Bhavika = Cheerful expression
- Bhavini = Emotional
- Bhavna = Good Feelings, Emotions
- Bhavya = grand, splendid
- Bhawna = Feelings
- Bheema = Goddess Durga
- Bhooma = Earth
- Bhoomi = earth
- Bhrithi = Strengthened; Nourished; Cherished
- Bhumika = Earth
- Bhupali = a raagini in Indian music
- Bhuvana = the earth
- Bhuvi = Heaven
- Bidisha
- Bijal = Lightening
- Bijali = Lightening
- Bijli = Lightening
- Bimala = Pure
- Bimbi = Glorious
- Bina = Melodious
- Bindhiya = Dew drop
- Bindu = Point
- Binita = Modest
- Bipasha = A river
- Bishakha = Star
- Bodhi = Enlightenment
- Brahmani = Wife of Lord Brahma/ Saraswathi
- Brijabala = Daughter of Nature
- Brinda = Radha
- Briti = Strength
- Bryn = Strong, Vigilant, Honored
- Bulbul = Nightingale
- Baadal = cloud
- Baalaark = the rising sun
- Baalkrishan = young Krishna
- Baanbhatt = name of an ancient poet
- Baanke Bihaari = name of Krishna
- Baasima = smiling
- Babala = Above
- Babul
- Badri = Lord Vishnu
- Badrinath = Lord Vishnu
- Badriprasad = goft of Badri
- Bahubali = a Jain tirthankar
- Bahula = a star
- Bahuleya = Lord Kartikeya
- Baibhav = prosperity
- Bajrang = Lord Hanuman's name
- Bakool = Flower
- Bakul = a kind of tree
- Bakula = a kind of flower
- Balaaditya = young sun
- Balachandra = young moon
- Balagopal = infant Krishna
- Balagovind = infant Krishna
- Balaji = Lord Vishnu
- Balakrishna = young krishna
- Balamani = young jewel
- Balamohan = one who is attractive
- Balaraj = strong
- Balaram = brother of Lord Krishna
- Balashankar = young Lord Shiva
- Balavan = powerful
- Balbhadra = brother of Krishna
- Balbir = strong
- Baldev = strong
- Balendu = young moon
- Balmukund = young krishna
- Bali = brave
- Balraj = mighty, powerful
- Balram = brother of Lord Krishna
- Balvant = of immense strength
- Balveer = powerful ( Balbeer )
- Balvindra = strong
- Banaj = Lotus Banbihari = Lord Krishna
- Bandhu = friend
- Bandhul = pleasing
- Bandhula = charming
- Baneet = Polite
- Banke = Lord Krishna
- Bankebihari = Lord Krishna
- Bankim = not straight
- Bankimchandra = crescent moon
- Banshi = flute
- Banshidhar = Krishna
- Bansi
- Bansilal = Lord Krishna
- Banwari = Lord Krishna
- Barid = Cloud
- Barindra = ocean
- Barsaat = Welcome rain
- Barun = Lord of the sea
- Basant = season of spring
- Basdev = fire
- Batuk = Boy
- Bavyesh = Lord of the world/ Shiva
- Bhadra = auspicious
- Bhadrak = handsome
- Bhadrakapil = Lord Shiva
- Bhadraksh = one with beautiful eyes
- Bhadrashree = Sandalwood Tree
- Bhadresh = Lord Shiva
- Bhagat = devotee
- Bhagavaan = the lord
- Bhagesh = Lord of richness
- Bhagirath = name of an ancient king
- Bhagwant = fortunate
- Bhagyaraj = lord of luck
- Bhairav = Lord Shiva
- Bhajan = adoration
- Bhakti = devotion, prayer
- Bhalendra = lord of strength
- Bhanu = sun
- Bhanudas = a devotee of the sun
- Bhanumitra = friend of sun / Planet Mercury
- Bhanuprakash = sun light
- Bhanuprasad = gift of sun
- Bharadwaj = a sage; a mythical bird
- Bharat = India, universal monarch
- Bhargav = Lord Shiva
- Bhargava = Lord Shiva
- Bhartesh = King of bharat
- Bhartihari = name of a poet
- Bhaskar = a name of Sun
- Bhasvan = bright
- Bhaswar = shining
- Bhaumik = lord of earth
- Bhav-bhooti = the universe
- Bhavan = palace
- Bhavesh = lord of the world
- Bhavin
- Bhavya
- Bhawanidas = devotee of Durga
- Bheemsen = sons of brave man
- Bheru = Friend
- Bheesham = strong
- Bhim = One of Pandavas
- Bhishma = Teacher of Kauravas
- Bhoj = name of a poet king, meal
- Bholanath = Lord Shiva
- Bhoopat = lord of the earth
- Bhoopendra = king of the earth
- Bhooshan = ornaments
- Bhooshit = decorated
- Bhoumik = land owner
- Bhramar = black bee
- Bhrigu = name of a saint
- Bhudev = lord of the earth
- Bhuman = Earth
- Bhupad = Firm
- Bhupal = king
- Bhupati = King
- Bhupen = king
- Bhupendra = king of kings
- Bhupesh = king
- Bhushan = ornament
- Bhuvan = the world
- Bhuvanesh = lord of the world
- Bhuvaneshwar = lord of the world
- Bibek = Conscience; Discrimination
- Bijal = lightning
- Bilva = a sacred leaf
- Bimal = Pure
- Bimb = Halo
- Bimbisaar = King of the Gupta dynasty
- Bindusa
- Briti (ब्रिति): Power, strength, strong
- Benisha (बेनिषा): Shining, attractive
- Bebina (बेबिना): Story of the next birth
- Blesya (ब्लेस्य): Blessing, auspicious wish
- Bandini (बंदिनी): Guarded, protected, sheltered
- Brunda (बृन्दा): Tulsi, holy basil, sacred
- Bina (बीना): Melodious, sweet, charming
- Binita (बिनिता): Filled with simplicity, easygoing
- Binodini (बिनोदिनी): Beautiful, like Radha
- Bisini (बिसिनी): Collection of lotus flowers, flower
- Biandhiya (बिंधिया): Dewdrop
- Bodhana (बोधना): Awakening, enlightening, informative
- Babali (बबली): Beloved, small, charming
- Baruna (बरुना): Wife of the lord of the ocean, goddess
- Barhina (बर्हिना): Adorned with peacock feathers, beautiful, attractive
- Bavanya (बवान्या): Goddess Durga, focused
- Basava (बसव): A river, Byas
- Bahumathi (बहुमथी): Wise, renowned person
- Bahulika (बाहुलिका): Expanded, growth, prosperity
- Bali (बाली): Blessing, powerful, homage
- Benamala (बेनमाला): Forest, tulsi
- Bratati (ब्रताती): Creeper, vine
- Bramhi (ब्राम्ही): Goddess Saraswati, wife of Brahma
- Bumi (बूमी): Earth, water flow
- Bimsa (बिम्सा): Smile, laughter
- Birava (बीरवा): Contemplation, thought
- Bimala (बिमला): Pure, holy, clean
- Bilavani (बिलवनी): Goddess Saraswati, Hindu goddess
- Benisha (बेनिशा): Devoted, shining
- Bavanya (बवान्या): Goddess Durga, concentration
- Baruni (बरुनी): Powerful goddess, goddess
- Bandita (बंदिता): Worship-worthy, deserving praise
- Bavisha (बविषा): Future, coming time
- Bageshri (बागेश्री): A musical raga
- Bandhura (बंधुरा): Beautiful, attractive, charming
- Banita (बनीता): Woman, desiring
- Basabi (बसबी): Divine night
- Bavishya (बविश्या): Future, coming tomorrow
- Bavita (बविता): A person who knows the future, knowledgeable
- Banshika (बंशिक): Queen, princess
- Benu (बेनु): Venus, divine beauty, created with divine power
- Brijabala (ब्रिजबाला): Daughter of nature, dear, lovely
- Bamini (बामिनी): Goddess Lakshmi
- Bavana (बावना): Expression of the face
- Bachheandri (बछेंद्री): Expression in speech
- Badari (बदारी): Berry tree
- Bagesari (बागेसरि): Beautiful, charming
- Bagula (बगुला): Crane
- Bahara (बहार): Spring season
- Bahudanti (बहुदंती): Mother of Purandar
- Bahuli – बहुली ) – अर्थ (गुणा, कार्तिक मास में पूर्णिमा)
- Bahumati – बहुमती ) – अर्थ (पंडित)
- Bahuratna – बहुरत्ना ) – अर्थ (रत्नों से भरपूर)
- Bahurupa – बहुरूपा ) – अर्थ (कई रूपों के साथ)
- Baijanti – बैजंती ) – अर्थ (फूल)
- Bairavi – बैरवी ) – अर्थ (देवी दुर्गा, संगीत)
- Balamani – बालामणि ) – अर्थ (यंग ज्वेल, स्मॉल ज्वेल)
- Balapriya – बालप्रिया ) – अर्थ (एक व्यक्ति जो बच्चों से प्यार करता है)
- Balavikarnika – बालविकर्णिका ) – अर्थ (देवी दुर्गा)
- Banani – बननी ) – अर्थ (वन)
- Baandhavi – बांधवी ) – अर्थ (दोस्त, हेल्पर)
- Bandhula – बंधुला ) – अर्थ (आकर्षक)
- Bandhupriya – बंधुप्रिया ) – अर्थ (दोस्तों और रिश्तेदारों को प्रिय)
- Bangari – बंगारी ) – अर्थ (एक सुनहरी लड़की)
- Banishikha – बनिशिखा ) – अर्थ (ज्योति)
- Bani – बानि ) – अर्थ (देवी सरस्वती)
- Banni – बन्नी ) – अर्थ (कन्या)
- Banu – बानु ) – अर्थ (भगवान कृष्ण)
- Bargavi – बार्गवी ) – अर्थ (देवी पार्वती, सुंदर)
- Bavishya – बाविष्या ) – अर्थ (भविष्य)
- Bina – बीणा ) – अर्थ (संगीत के उपकरण)
- Beli – बेली ) – अर्थ (चांदी, साथी)
- Biyaanka – बियांका ) – अर्थ (विवेक, भेदभाव)
- Binala – बिनाल ) – अर्थ (राजकुमारी)
- Binata – बिनाता ) – अर्थ (ऋषि कश्यप की पत्नी)
- Bindu – बिन्दु ) – अर्थ (बूंद, सूक्ष्म स्थान)
- Biandurekha – बिंदुरेखा ) – अर्थ (बिंदुओं की एक पंक्ति, एक छंद)
- Binu – बीनू ) – अर्थ (एक नदी)
- Bishakha – बिशाखा ) – अर्थ (तारा)
- Bodhi – बोधि ) – अर्थ (प्रबोधन)
- Brahmani – ब्राह्मणी ) – अर्थ (सरस्वती माता)
- Vruanda – वृंदा ) – अर्थ (तुलसी, देवी राधा)
- Buddhakapalini – बुद्धकापालिनी ) – अर्थ (प्रबुद्ध मन से)
- Buddhi – बुद्धि ) – अर्थ (बुद्धि)
- Buddhimatika – बुद्धिमटिक ) – अर्थ (बुद्धिमान, समझदार)
- Bulabula – बुलबुल ) – अर्थ (बुलबुल)
- Bani – बानी ) – अर्थ (पृथ्वी, देवी सरस्वती, प्रथम)
- Babaya – बाबय ) – अर्थ (छोटा बच्चा)
- Bebina – बेबीना ) – अर्थ (अगले जीवन की कहानी)
- Babita – बबिता ) – अर्थ (छोटी बच्ची)
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