अंजय नाम का अर्थ मतलब राशि Anjay Meaning Hindi

अंजय नाम का अर्थ मतलब राशि Anjay Meaning Hindi

अंजय (Anjay) : अंजय नाम का हिंदी अर्थ: अंजय  नाम का हिंदी अर्थ होता है  अजेय, अपराजेय और अप्राप्य।
  • अंजय/Anjay : अंजय नाम का हिंदी में अर्थ अजेय, अपराजित, जिसे हराया ना जा सके, युद्ध में विजयी आदि होता है।
  • Anjay means invincible, undefeated, one who cannot be defeated, victorious in battle in English.
The name "अंजय" is a Hindi name which means "unconquerable" or "victorious" in English. Here are five sentences using the name:
  1. Anjay is a name that reflects strength and resilience, and is often used as a name for boys in India.
  2. The name Anjay is derived from the Sanskrit word "Anjaya," which means "unconquerable" or "unbeatable."
  3. My friend's brother is named Anjay, and he is known for his determination and his ability to overcome obstacles.
  4. Anjay's parents chose the name because they wanted to give their son a name that would inspire him to be strong and victorious in life.
  5. Some people believe that names like Anjay can have a positive impact on a person's character, and can inspire them to be confident, ambitious, and successful.
Synonyms for the name "Anjay" might include "invincible," "unbeatable," "undefeated," "conqueror," and "victorious."
अंजय नाम का अर्थ "अजेय, अपराजेय और अप्राप्य" होता है। शाब्दिक रूप से अर्थ में भिन्नता आ सकती है.

अंजय नाम का मतलब Anjay Naam/Name Ka Matlab Hindi Me

अंजय नाम का मतलब "अजेय, अपराजेय और अप्राप्य" होता है. शाब्दिक रूप से अर्थ कुछ भिन्न हो सकता है. 

"Anjay" Meaning in English. "Anjay" Word/Name Meaning in English. (Meaning of 'Anjay' in English)

"Anjay" Means "invincible, undefeated, one who cannot be defeated, victorious in battle" in English Language. Meaning can vary as the word for "Anjay" and as the name of a person. Remember that the meaning of the name is based on the characteristics of a word. You will also find below synonyms for "Anjay"

अंजय नाम का लिंग Anjay Naam/Name Ka Gender

अंजय नाम लड़कों (पु/Hindu Boy Name) का होता है, मतलब की यह नाम लड़कों का रखा जाता है। हिन्दू लड़कों (A Se Shuru Hone Wale Ladko Ke Naam Hindi Arth Sahit) के यह नाम अधिक प्रचलित है.
Baby Names in Hindi/Baby Names with Hindi Meaning
 यदि आप "अ" के अतिरिक्त किसी नाम का अर्थ / मीनिंग देखना चाहते हैं तो निचे दिए गए लिंक पर विजिट करें आपको सभी नामों की सूचि मय हिंदी अर्थ सहित उपलब्ध होगी, धन्यवाद.

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