चटाई को इंग्लिश में क्या कहते हैं Chatayi Ko English Me Kya Kahate Hain
चटाई को अंग्रेजी (इंग्लिश) में Mat कहते हैं. चटाई हिंदी भाषा का शब्द है जिससे सबंधित अन्य जानकारी और अर्थ निचे दिया गया है।
से आशय कपडे से बनी हुई एक चादर होती है जो की मोटी सिलाई की होती है। यह
अक्सर निचे बैठने के काम में ली जाती है। यथा खाना खाने, शादी विवाह आदि
में चटाई का उपयोग होता है। चटाई को दरी भी कहा जाता है।
चटाई के
समानार्थी शब्द चटाई, आसन, ठाट, क़ालीन, ठाठ, बैठकी चटाई, पट्टिका, फूस का
बिछौना, कुम्हार की एट्टी, रंगसाज़ की पटिया आदि कहते हैं। कालीन चटाई का
ही एक महंगा वर्शन होता है। चटाई को फर्श और मिटटी पर बिछाया जाता है। चटाई
का उपयोग करने से फर्श और जमीन की गन्दगी हमारे कपड़ों और शरीर पर नहीं
लगती है और फर्श के तापमान से भी हमें सुरक्षा मिलती है। अधिकतर लोग अपने
घरों में सर्दी आदि से बचने के लिए पुरे फर्श को चटाई से ढक कर रखते हैं।
कार बस और व्हीकल में मोटे प्लास्टिक के मेट उपयोग में लिए जाते हैं।
The word "mat" can function as different parts of speech depending on how it is used in a sentence. Here are some examples:
- I need to buy a new yoga mat. (referring to a flat piece of material used for exercise)
- The cat's fur had formed mats that needed to be brushed out. (referring to tangled fur)
- She placed the photograph on a mat before framing it. (referring to a cardboard or paper border around a picture)
- The hairdresser used a comb to mat down my hair. (meaning to flatten or smooth down)
- The wet leaves had matted together on the ground. (meaning to become tangled or clumped together)
- He matted the artwork before putting it in the frame. (meaning to attach a border around a picture)
- The mat surface was comfortable for doing exercises. (referring to a padded surface)
- The mat color of the walls gave the room a warm feeling. (referring to a dull, non-shiny color)
are just a few examples of how the word "mat" can be used as a noun,
verb, or adjective. The context in which it is used will determine its
part of speech.
The word "mat" has a few different origins depending on its usage:
As a noun referring
to a flat piece of material used for various purposes such as exercise,
placing objects on, or covering the floor, the word "mat" likely comes
from the Old English "matt," which meant a coarse fabric.
As a verb meaning to become tangled or to untangle, "mat" comes from the Middle English "matten," which meant to make tangled.
As an adjective meaning dull or non-shiny, "mat" is a shortened form of "matt," which is derived from the French "matte," meaning dull or dead.
the origins of the word "mat" are traced back to Old English and
French, and the word has been used in the English language for many
mat: a small piece of effective material that covers and shields segment of a floora piece of rough fabric, weave, braid or felt for placing beneath some item, such as a dish, to support or shield it. Powdered piece of fabric usually fastened at the door with the aim of cleaning the soles of dirty shoes. a large, thick layer of material hinged – used in gymnastics, tumbling and wrestling.
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