पौधा को इंग्लिश में क्या कहते हैं Poudha Ko English Me Kya Kahate Hain
पौधा को अंग्रेजी (इंग्लिश) में
Plant कहते हैं.
पौधा हिंदी भाषा का शब्द है जिससे सबंधित अन्य जानकारी और अर्थ निचे दिया गया है।
या पादप एक पादप या उद्भिद (plant) जीवजगत का एक बड़ी श्रेणी है जिसके
अधिकांश सदस्य प्रकाश संश्लेषण द्वारा शर्कराजातीय खाद्य बनाने में समर्थ
होते हैं जैसे टमाटर का पौधा आदि। छोटा पेड़ को आप पौधा कहते हैं।
In the kingdom Plantae, organisms are plants which have cells containing many nucleii and in performing photosynthesis they produce food on their own. There are more than 300 000 different kinds of plants and grasses, varieties of trees and shrubs are familiar examples. Its now a well established fact that plants form a indispensable role in the ecosystem of the world. They are critically important for the existence of food chain because many organisms feed on plants or on organisms that feed on plants; additionally, the world’s Oxygen supply comes from them. Botany is indeed the science of plant; the term botany, arising from the Greek word ‘botanön’ meaning pasture or land where cattle grazes, as such the area of science which studies plants originated from a word which literally meant the land that feeds the cattle.
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