108 Names of Lord Krishna With Meaning

108 Names of Lord Krishna With Meaning

Lord Krishna is a subject in Hindu mythology and even in social realties he is accepted as the Avatar of Lord Vishnu. It is said that he descended upon the earth over five thousand years ago in Mathura, in Northern India and his activities are described in the great Indian epic the Mahabharata, and the well-known scripture the Bhagavata Purana.

Lord Krishna is famous for his childhood pranks, his policy related knowledge and his teachings of righteousness, and most of all as the charioteer and guide of the warrior Arjun during the battle field of Kurukshetra. Swami Vivekananda is also linked with Yoga especially with Bhakti Yoga which involves devotion as well as love towards God.
108 Names of Lord Krishna With Meaning

Lord Krishna is depicted in Hindu iconography as a dark-skinned youth with a peacock feather in his hair, playing a flute and surrounded by cows and other animals. He is often shown dancing the Raslila with his beloved gopis (cowherd girls), and his playful nature and deep compassion have made him a beloved figure to millions of Hindus worldwide. 108 names of Shri Krishna are given below with their meaning.
  1. Achyuta - One who never falls
  2. Adideva - The first God
  3. Aditya - The son of Aditi
  4. Ajanma - One who is without birth
  5. Akshara - Indestructible
  6. Amrut - The nectar of immortality
  7. Anadi - The beginning-less one
  8. Ananda - The embodiment of bliss
  9. Ananta - The endless one
  10. Aniruddha - One who cannot be stopped
  11. Aparajeet - The undefeated one
  12. Arjunashishu - Protector of Arjuna
  13. Govinda - The name "Govinda" means "protector of cows" or "one who gives pleasure to the cows." Lord Krishna is often depicted as a cowherd in Indian mythology.
  14. Atman - The soul
  15. Avyukta - One who is indescribable
  16. Balgopal - The child Krishna
  17. Banke Bihari - The beloved of the devotees
  18. Bihari - The one who wanders in the forests of Vrindavan
  19. Brahma - The creator
  20. Brihadbhanu - The one with the vast and effulgent radiance
  21. Chakradhari - The one who holds the Sudarshan Chakra
  22. Damodar - The one whose waist is bound with a rope
  23. Dayalu - The compassionate one
  24. Devaki Nandan - The son of Devaki
  25. Devakinandan - The darling of Devaki
  26. Devapriya - The beloved of the gods
  27. Devesh - The Lord of the gods
  28. Dhenukasur Mardan - The one who killed the demon Dhenukasur
  29. Dhir - The courageous one
  30. Dwarkadheesh - The Lord of Dwarka
  31. Ghanashyam - The one with the dark complexion
  32. Gopal - The protector of the cows
  33. Gopinath - The Lord of the gopis
  34. Govardhanadhari - The one who lifted the Govardhana hill
  35. Govinda - The protector of the cows and the senses
  36. Gyaneshwar - The Lord of knowledge
  37. Hari - The one who removes all sins
  38. Hrishikesh - The Lord of the senses
  39. Jagannath - The Lord of the universe
  40. Jagdish - The Lord of the world
  41. Janardan - The one who gives prosperity to the people
  42. Jishnu - The victorious one
  43. Kaliyadaman - The one who subdued the Kaliya serpent
  44. Kamsantak - The one who killed Kamsa
  45. Kanhaiya - The beloved of the cowherds
  46. Karunakar - The merciful one
  47. Keshava - The one with beautiful hair
  48. Kesheesut - The son of Keshi
  49. Keshiha - The destroyer of Keshi
  50. Kishore - The youthful one
  51. Krishna - The dark one
  52. Kunj Bihari - The one who enjoys in the groves of Vrindavan
  53. Lakshmikantam - The husband of Goddess Lakshmi
  54. Madan - The God of love
  55. Madhusudan - The destroyer of the demon Madhu
  56. chala - The still one
  57. Achyuta - The infallible one
  58. Adbhuta - The wonderful one
  59. Adideva - The original Lord
  60. Aditya - The son of Aditi
  61. Ajanma - The unborn one
  62. Ajaya - The unconquerable one
  63. Akshara - The indestructible one
  64. Amrita - The immortal one
  65. Anadi - The beginningless one
  66. Ananda - The blissful one
  67. Ananta - The infinite one
  68. Aniruddha - The unobstructed one
  69. Anupama - The unparalleled one
  70. Aparajita - The undefeated one
  71. Arjuna - The friend of Arjuna
  72. Arthangadhara - The bearer of meaning
  73. Avyukta - The unmanifested one
  74. Balabhadra - The strong one
  75. Bala - The childlike one
  76. Banamali - The one who wears a garland of forest flowers
  77. Bansidhara - The flute player
  78. Bhagavan - The Lord of all opulence
  79. Bihari - The one who roams about freely
  80. Brahmachari - The celibate one
  81. Chaturbhuj - The four-armed one
  82. Danavendra - The Lord of the demons
  83. Dayalu - The compassionate one
  84. Dayanidhi - The treasure house of mercy
  85. Devadideva - The God of all Gods
  86. Devakinandana - The son of Devaki
  87. Devesha - The Lord of the Lords
  88. Dhananjaya - The winner of wealth
  89. Dharma - The embodiment of righteousness
  90. Dharmik - The righteous one
  91. Dhruva - The polestar
  92. Dina Bandhu - The friend of the poor
  93. Dwarkadhish - The Lord of Dwarka
  94. Gajendra Moksha - The savior of the elephant
  95. Ghanashyama - The dark cloud complexioned one
  96. Giridhari - The lifter of Govardhan hill
  97. Gopala - The protector of cows
  98. Gopinatha - The Lord of the gopis
  99. Govinda - The giver of pleasure to the cows
  100. Gyaneshwara - The Lord of knowledge
  101. Hara - The destroyer of ignorance
  102. Hari - The remover of all miseries
  103. Hrisheekesha - The Lord of the senses
  104. Jagadguru - The guru of the universe
  105. Jagannatha - The Lord of the universe
  106. Janardhana - The protector of men
  107. Jyotiraditya - The sun of all luminaries
  108. Kaliyadaman - The destroyer of the Kaliya serpent

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