Accede In a Sentence Examples Meaning

Accede In a Sentence Examples Meaning

Accede in a Sentence (with Examples)

Here are some sentences related with Accede that will show you how to use a word or phrase properly, and help you understand it better.
  1. The CEO finally acceded to the demands of the striking workers.
  2. After much debate, the government acceded to the proposal for a new highway.
  3. She reluctantly acceded to her friend's request for a loan.
  4. The school board acceded to the parents' demands for more after-school programs.
  5. The president refused to accede to the demands of the protesters.
  6. The committee finally acceded to the recommendation for stricter safety standards.
  7. After much negotiation, the company agreed to accede to the union's demands.
  8. The board of directors acceded to the CEO's request for more funding.
  9. The team captain acceded to the coach's plan for the upcoming game.
  10. The judge refused to accede to the prosecutor's request for a mistrial.
  11. The company agreed to accede to the new regulations set by the government.
  12. The manager acceded to the employee's request for a promotion.
  13. The president reluctantly acceded to the foreign diplomat's demands.
  14. The committee acceded to the public's demand for more transparency.
  15. The city council acceded to the mayor's proposal for a new park.
  16. The coach acceded to the players' request for longer breaks during practice.
  17. The government refused to accede to the rebel group's demands for autonomy.
  18. The principal acceded to the teacher's proposal for a new curriculum.
  19. The CEO acceded to the investor's request for a meeting.
  20. The committee acceded to the scientist's recommendation for stricter environmental policies.
  21. The board of directors refused to accede to the shareholders' demand for a dividend.
  22. The governor acceded to the legislator's request for more funding for education.
  23. The company acceded to the customer's request for a refund.
  24. The judge acceded to the defense attorney's motion to dismiss the case.
  25. The university acceded to the student's petition for a new course.
  26. The coach refused to accede to the player's demand for more playing time.
  27. The committee acceded to the expert's opinion on the matter.
  28. The city council acceded to the citizen's request for more public transportation.
  29. The manager acceded to the employee's request for a more flexible schedule.
  30. The president acceded to the general's plan for the military operation.
  31. She was ecstatic when she received the news that she had been accepted into her dream school.
  32. He was dejected after his team lost the championship game.
  33. The mother was anxious when her child didn't come home on time.
  34. The comedian's performance was hilarious, and the audience was laughing non-stop.
  35. The student was frustrated when they couldn't understand the math problem.
  36. The bride was overwhelmed with happiness on her wedding day.
  37. The hiker was serene as they sat on top of the mountain, enjoying the view.
  38. The teacher was disappointed when only a few students showed up for the field trip.
  39. The dog was content after a long walk in the park.
  40. The driver was furious when another car cut them off in traffic.
  41. The singer's performance was mesmerizing, and the audience was captivated.
  42. The student was relieved when they found out that the test had been postponed.
  43. The child was afraid of the dark and needed a night light to sleep.
  44. The boss was proud of their employee's hard work and dedication.
  45. The runner was determined to finish the race, no matter how hard it got.
  46. The musician's song was hauntingly beautiful, and the audience was moved to tears.
  47. The customer was annoyed when the product they ordered was out of stock.
  48. The artist was inspired by the natural beauty of the landscape and painted a stunning masterpiece.
  49. The chef was elated when their dish received a perfect score from the judges.
  50. The child was curious about the world around them and always asked questions.

Accede Meaning (Examples in a Sentence)

  1. The verb "accede" means to agree to a request, proposal, or demand, or to assume a position of power or authority. Here are some examples of the word "accede" used in different contexts:The CEO acceded to the demands of the striking workers and agreed to negotiate a new labor contract.
  2. After much debate, the city council finally acceded to the residents' request for a new park in their neighborhood.
  3. The president of the company will soon retire, and her deputy will accede to the position of CEO.
  4. The country acceded to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, pledging to protect the welfare and well-being of all children.
  5. The new member of the royal family will accede to the throne when the current monarch abdicates.
  6. The lawyer advised his client to accede to the terms of the settlement, as it would be the most cost-effective solution.
  7. The opposition party refused to accede to the government's demands, calling them unreasonable and unfair.
  8. The president-elect will soon accede to the highest office in the land, becoming the most powerful person in the country.
  9. The team captain acceded to the coach's request and switched to a more defensive strategy, leading to a win in the game.
  10. The board of directors unanimously agreed to accede to the shareholders' request for greater transparency and accountability in the company's operations.
  11. The CEO finally acceded to the demands of the striking workers.
  12. After much debate, the government acceded to the proposal for a new highway.
  13. She reluctantly acceded to her friend's request for a loan.
  14. The school board acceded to the parents' demands for more after-school programs.
  15. The president refused to accede to the demands of the protesters.
  16. The committee finally acceded to the recommendation for stricter safety standards.
  17. After much negotiation, the company agreed to accede to the union's demands.
  18. The board of directors acceded to the CEO's request for more funding.
  19. The team captain acceded to the coach's plan for the upcoming game.
  20. The judge refused to accede to the prosecutor's request for a mistrial.
  21. The company agreed to accede to the new regulations set by the government.
  22. The manager acceded to the employee's request for a promotion.
  23. The president reluctantly acceded to the foreign diplomat's demands.
  24. The committee acceded to the public's demand for more transparency.
  25. The city council acceded to the mayor's proposal for a new park.
  26. The coach acceded to the players' request for longer breaks during practice.
  27. The government refused to accede to the rebel group's demands for autonomy.
  28. The principal acceded to the teacher's proposal for a new curriculum.
  29. The CEO acceded to the investor's request for a meeting.
  30. The committee acceded to the scientist's recommendation for stricter environmental policies.
  31. The board of directors refused to accede to the shareholders' demand for a dividend.
  32. The governor acceded to the legislator's request for more funding for education.
  33. The company acceded to the customer's request for a refund.
  34. The judge acceded to the defense attorney's motion to dismiss the case.
  35. The university acceded to the student's petition for a new course.
  36. The coach refused to accede to the player's demand for more playing time.
  37. The committee acceded to the expert's opinion on the matter.
  38. The city council acceded to the citizen's request for more public transportation.
  39. The manager acceded to the employee's request for a more flexible schedule.
  40. The president acceded to the general's plan for the military operation.

10 FAQs Related With Accede

What does "accede" mean?
The verb "accede" means to agree to a request, proposal, or demand, or to assume a position of power or authority.

Can "accede" be used to mean "access"?
No, "accede" and "access" are two different words with different meanings. "Access" means to obtain or gain entry to something, while "accede" means to agree or assume a position.

Is "accede" commonly used in everyday speech?
While "accede" is a common word in written English, it may not be used as frequently in everyday speech as some other words.

Can "accede" be used to describe someone accepting a job offer?
Yes, "accede" can be used to describe someone accepting a job offer or assuming a new position of authority.

Can "accede" be used to describe someone agreeing to a marriage proposal?
Yes, "accede" can be used to describe someone agreeing to a marriage proposal or other request for commitment.

What is the difference between "accede" and "concede"?
While "accede" and "concede" are similar in meaning, "concede" typically implies giving in or admitting defeat, while "accede" implies agreement or acceptance.

Can "accede" be used to describe a group or organization agreeing to a treaty or contract?
Yes, "accede" is commonly used to describe a group or organization agreeing to a treaty or contract, particularly in international relations.

Can "accede" be used to describe someone assuming a leadership role?
Yes, "accede" can be used to describe someone assuming a leadership role or other position of authority.

Can "accede" be used in a negative context?
Yes, "accede" can be used in a negative context to describe someone agreeing to something they do not necessarily support or believe in.

What is the origin of the word "accede"?
The word "accede" comes from the Latin word "accedere," which means "to approach" or "to go to."
I trust that the examples of Accede, I have provided were helpful and easy to comprehend, and I would be delighted if you would consider revisiting my website in the future, as I continue to offer informative and engaging content to assist you in your language learning journey : Saroj Jangid, Sikar (Raj.)
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