Aggrandize Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms
Saroj Jangir
Aggrandize Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms
Aggrandize Meaning
Defined as making something seem overly great or fundamentally precious, usually via exaggeration or flattery, is the verb aggrandize. It also can mean boosting the strength, position, or reputation of someone or a thing. The word is commonly applied in a bad sense to describe behaviors regarded as deceptive or beneficial only to individuals.
Aggrandize Parts of Speech (With Examples)
The word "aggrandize" is able to work as either a verb or an adjective. As a verb: The CEO raised the image of the company by performing a major charitable act.
He habitually talked about his successes to raise his esteem in the minds of people around him. As an adjective: The substantial ego of the politician was noticeable in his splendid addresses. The exaggerated statements of the company's product were speedily disproved by independent research.
Aggrandize Examples in Sentences (Various Examples in Sentences)
He always tries to aggrandize himself by boasting about his achievements.
The company's CEO made a large donation to charity in an attempt to aggrandize its reputation.
The politician's aggrandized ego was on full display during his campaign rallies.
The author's use of elaborate and grandiose language only served to aggrandize the novel's plot.
The CEO's lavish spending on his personal lifestyle was an attempt to aggrandize his own status within the company.
Aggrandize Synonyms (With Meaning)
English Word Meaning With Examples
Exalt - to raise in rank, power, or character
Amplify - to increase the size or intensity of something
Inflate - to exaggerate or make something seem greater than it actually is
Magnify - to make something appear larger or more significant than it actually is
Enhance - to improve or make something better
Aggrandize Antonyms (With Meaning)
Belittle - to make someone or something seem unimportant or insignificant
Degrade - to lower someone or something in rank or status
Depreciate - to reduce the value or worth of something
Diminish - to make something smaller, less important, or less valuable
Understate - to describe or represent something as less important or less significant than it actually is
Video Tutorial For Aggrandize (With Meaning, Origin, Examples)
FAQs Related With Aggrandize (Grammar)
Which terms mean nearly the same as 'aggrandize'? The word 'aggrandize' finds its dictionary definition matched with 'exalt, amplify, inflate, magnify, enhance, glorify, embellish, augment, boost, and enlarge'.
Can the word "aggrandize" fit within the structure of interpersonal relationships? The term 'aggrandize' may refer to a person’s actions to grow their power or status in a relationship, usually while undermining the other person.