Aggrandize Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Aggrandize Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Aggrandize Meaning

Aggrandize means to make something appear greater or more valuable than it actually is, often through exaggeration or flattery. It can also refer to the act of enhancing the power, status, or reputation of someone or something. The term is often used in a negative sense to describe actions that are seen as manipulative or self-serving.

Aggrandize Parts of Speech (With Examples)

The word "aggrandize" can function as both a verb and an adjective.
As a verb:
The CEO tried to aggrandize the company's reputation by making a large donation to charity.
He constantly talked about his accomplishments to aggrandize himself in the eyes of others.
As an adjective:
The aggrandized ego of the politician was evident in his grandiose speeches.
The aggrandized claims of the company's product were quickly debunked by independent studies.

Aggrandize Examples in Sentences (Various Examples in Sentences)

  1. He always tries to aggrandize himself by boasting about his achievements.
  2. The company's CEO made a large donation to charity in an attempt to aggrandize its reputation.
  3. The politician's aggrandized ego was on full display during his campaign rallies.
  4. The author's use of elaborate and grandiose language only served to aggrandize the novel's plot.
  5. The CEO's lavish spending on his personal lifestyle was an attempt to aggrandize his own status within the company.
  6. The filmmaker used special effects and grandiose cinematography to aggrandize the movie's action sequences.
  7. The teacher accused the student of trying to aggrandize his grade by cheating on the exam.
  8. The social media influencer constantly posted pictures of their luxurious lifestyle in an attempt to aggrandize their image.
  9. The company's marketing department was accused of using misleading language to aggrandize the benefits of their product.
  10. The artist's exaggerated descriptions of their artwork only served to aggrandize its perceived value.

Aggrandize Synonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Exalt - to raise in rank, power, or character
  2. Amplify - to increase the size or intensity of something
  3. Inflate - to exaggerate or make something seem greater than it actually is
  4. Magnify - to make something appear larger or more significant than it actually is
  5. Enhance - to improve or make something better
  6. Glorify - to give glory or honor to something or someone
  7. Embellish - to make something more attractive or interesting by adding extra details
  8. Augment - to increase or enlarge something in size or quantity
  9. Boost - to increase or improve something, often artificially
  10. Enlarge - to make something larger or more extensive

Aggrandize Antonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Belittle - to make someone or something seem unimportant or insignificant
  2. Degrade - to lower someone or something in rank or status
  3. Depreciate - to reduce the value or worth of something
  4. Diminish - to make something smaller, less important, or less valuable
  5. Understate - to describe or represent something as less important or less significant than it actually is
  6. Disparage - to speak negatively or disrespectfully about someone or something
  7. Downplay - to make something seem less important or significant than it really is
  8. Humble - to lower oneself in rank or status, or to be modest about one's accomplishments or abilities
  9. Minimize - to make something seem less important or significant than it really is
  10. Decrease - to make something smaller, less important, or less valuable.

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FAQs Related With Aggrandize (Grammar)

What does "aggrandize" mean?
"Aggrandize" means to increase or enhance the status, reputation, power, or wealth of something or someone, often through exaggeration or overstatement.

Is "aggrandize" a verb or an adjective?
"Aggrandize" can function as both a verb and an adjective.

Can "aggrandize" have a negative connotation?
Yes, "aggrandize" can have a negative connotation, particularly when used to describe someone who is attempting to inflate their own reputation or power through false or misleading claims.

What is the difference between "aggrandize" and "exaggerate"?
While both words involve making something appear larger or more significant than it actually is, "aggrandize" specifically refers to attempts to increase the status or power of something or someone, while "exaggerate" is a more general term that can refer to any kind of overstatement or hyperbole.

Can "aggrandize" be used to describe the actions of a company or organization?
Yes, "aggrandize" can be used to describe the actions of a company or organization that is attempting to enhance its reputation or status, often through advertising or public relations efforts.

Is "aggrandize" always used in a negative sense?
Not necessarily. While the term can have a negative connotation when used to describe attempts to falsely enhance someone's reputation or power, it can also be used in a neutral or even positive sense to describe efforts to improve or enhance something.

What are some synonyms for "aggrandize"?
Some synonyms for "aggrandize" include exalt, amplify, inflate, magnify, enhance, glorify, embellish, augment, boost, and enlarge.

Can "aggrandize" be used in the context of personal relationships?
Yes, "aggrandize" can be used to describe attempts by one person to increase their power or status within a relationship at the expense of the other person.

Can "aggrandize" be used to describe the actions of a government?
Yes, "aggrandize" can be used to describe the actions of a government that is attempting to increase its power or influence, often through policies or actions that are perceived as aggressive or imperialistic.

Is "aggrandize" a common word in everyday conversation?
While "aggrandize" is not an extremely common word, it is not particularly rare or obscure, and can be used effectively in a variety of contexts.

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