Aberration In a Sentence Meaning

Aberration In a Sentence Meaning

Aberration in a Sentence (with Examples)

Here are some sentences related with Aberration that will show you how to use a word or phrase properly, and help you understand it better.
  1. The scientist was perplexed by the aberration in the data.
  2. The politician's behavior was an aberration from his usual calm demeanor.
  3. The mutant plant exhibited an aberration in its growth pattern.
  4. The sudden storm was an aberration in the otherwise sunny weather.
  5. The company's profits suffered an aberration due to the pandemic.
  6. The athlete's performance was an aberration from his usual level of skill.
  7. The artist's latest work was an aberration from her usual style.
  8. The teacher noted an aberration in the student's test results.
  9. The aberration in the experiment's outcome led to further investigation.
  10. The anomaly on the radar screen was an aberration caused by interference.
  11. The financial crisis was an aberration in the stable economy.
  12. The car's strange noise was an aberration from its normal sound.
  13. The CEO's behavior was an aberration from the company's culture.
  14. The musician's new album was an aberration from his previous work.

Aberration Meaning (Examples in a Sentence)

Aberration means there is something wrong with something, that it is not normal, an abnormality, a variation from the norm. Here are some examples of the word "aberration" in a sentence:
In that season it was very unusual to have a change in the weather and cause an increase in the temperature during the winter months.
The violent reaction that she had out burst at the meeting is not typical to her personality because she is normally very stable.
This quarter marked the first time that the company has even made a profit, let alone the losses we expect to see from time to time.
Everyone close to him thought it was insanity when he decided to drop his good paying corporate job and turn into a street dancer.
This was an anomoly in what was otherwise a smooth functioning of the machine.

10 FAQs Related With Aberration

What is aberration?
Aberration is used to describe something that is deviant, a departure from the norm or statistics, an oddity in behavior or condition.

What are the kinds of aberration?
The two categories of aberrations are chromatic aberrations and spherical aberrations. There is unfortunately another major problem that affects many lenses, this is known as chromatic aberration where different wavelengths of light are brought to focus at slightly different distances creating halo effects around the edges of objects. It is an optical defect in which light rays which pass through the peripheral part of a lens are brought to a focus at a point different from the point at which light rays those pass through the centre of the lens are brought to a focus, thus causing blurring.

What causes aberration?
When it is not due to the atmospheric conditions aberration is mainly caused by problems like inaccuracies with the lenses used in the system, improper orientation of optical sub systems and fluctuation in the prevailing environmental conditions like changes in temperature or variation in humidity.

How can error be controlled?
The effect of aberration can be resolved by using corrective lenses and placing a layer of material on the lens that offsets the impact of the aberration.

What does aberration do?
This means that aberration can cause various conditions such as blur, distortion or even color fringing near the periphery of objects.

What is chromatic aberration?
Chromatic aberration is a type of aberration mainly seen in objective lens due to difference in refraction of different colours of light at different angles and leads to formation of fringing of colours around the object.

What is spherical aberration?
Spherical aberration is every type of aberration and arises because light rays passing through a lens at and near the perimeter have different lengths of focal than those entering at the center of the lens.

What is coma aberration?
Coma aberration is a type of aberration which distorts off axis points of light into a cometal like shape.

In what way does aberration impact telescopes?
Astigmatism degrades the image created by telescopes by inducing blur and color fringing. For this reason, telescopes have specialized lenses and coatings to eliminate the problem of aberration.
I trust that the examples of Aberration, I have provided were helpful and easy to comprehend, and I would be delighted if you would consider revisiting my website in the future, as I continue to offer informative and engaging content to assist you in your language learning journey : Saroj Jangid, Sikar (Raj.)
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