Aberration In a Sentence Meaning

Aberration In a Sentence Meaning

Aberration in a Sentence (with Examples)

Here are some sentences related with Aberration that will show you how to use a word or phrase properly, and help you understand it better.
  1. The scientist was perplexed by the aberration in the data.
  2. The politician's behavior was an aberration from his usual calm demeanor.
  3. The mutant plant exhibited an aberration in its growth pattern.
  4. The sudden storm was an aberration in the otherwise sunny weather.
  5. The company's profits suffered an aberration due to the pandemic.
  6. The athlete's performance was an aberration from his usual level of skill.
  7. The artist's latest work was an aberration from her usual style.
  8. The teacher noted an aberration in the student's test results.
  9. The aberration in the experiment's outcome led to further investigation.
  10. The anomaly on the radar screen was an aberration caused by interference.
  11. The financial crisis was an aberration in the stable economy.
  12. The car's strange noise was an aberration from its normal sound.
  13. The CEO's behavior was an aberration from the company's culture.
  14. The musician's new album was an aberration from his previous work.
  15. The wildlife expert noted an aberration in the animal's behavior.
  16. The glitch in the software was an aberration that caused errors.
  17. The politician's controversial statement was an aberration from his usual rhetoric.
  18. The illness was an aberration in the otherwise healthy population.
  19. The cook noticed an aberration in the recipe that affected the taste.
  20. The accident was an aberration in the otherwise safe workplace.
  21. The scientist was puzzled by the aberration in his data.
  22. The painting's aberration from the artist's usual style made it stand out.
  23. The child's behavior was an aberration from her normal behavior.
  24. The politician's statement was an aberration from his party's platform.
  25. The weather forecast predicted an aberration in the typical climate patterns.
  26. The comet's orbit had an aberration that puzzled astronomers.
  27. The CEO's decision was an aberration from the company's usual practices.
  28. The athlete's injury was an aberration from his usual health.
  29. The musician's new album was an aberration from his previous work.
  30. The author's latest book was an aberration from his usual genre.
  31. The employee's behavior was an aberration from the company's values.
  32. The stock market's recent fluctuations were an aberration from its usual stability.
  33. The student's test score was an aberration from her usual performance.
  34. The chef's new recipe was an aberration from his traditional cooking style.
  35. The machine's malfunction was an aberration from its usual performance.
  36. The company's revenue decrease was an aberration from its usual growth.
  37. The team's loss was an aberration from their usual winning streak.
  38. The car's sudden stop was an aberration from its smooth driving experience.
  39. The animal's behavior was an aberration from its usual instincts.
  40. The fashion designer's latest collection was an aberration from their usual style.
  41. The construction project's delay was an aberration from the planned timeline.
  42. The movie's plot twist was an aberration from the typical Hollywood ending.
  43. The baby's crying was an aberration from its usual quietness.
  44. The company's new logo was an aberration from their previous branding.
  45. The plant's growth rate was an aberration from its expected rate.
  46. The airline's cancellation of flights was an aberration from their usual operations.
  47. The computer's error was an aberration from its usual functionality.
  48. The city's crime rate increase was an aberration from its usual safety.
  49. The fashion model's unique features were an aberration from traditional beauty standards.
  50. The child's artistic expression was an aberration from typical child artwork.
  51. The company's expansion into new markets was an aberration from their usual business practices.
  52. The musician's experimental album was an aberration from their mainstream work.
  53. The restaurant's menu change was an aberration from their usual offerings.
  54. The athlete's performance in the championship was an aberration from their usual success.
  55. The author's latest book was an aberration from their typical writing style.
  56. The company's decision to donate to charity was an aberration from their profit-driven mindset.
  57. The politician's statement supporting a controversial issue was an aberration from their party's usual stance.
  58. The machine's malfunction was an aberration from its usual reliability.
  59. The student's sudden outburst was an aberration from their usual behavior in class.
  60. The company's decision to switch to sustainable practices was an aberration from their previous environmental impact.
  61. The car's unusual design was an aberration from traditional car models.
  62. The fashion designer's latest collection was an aberration from their previous color schemes.
  63. The plant's lack of growth was an aberration from its usual healthy state.
  64. The city's sudden surge in population was an aberration from its previous growth rate.
  65. The athlete's choice to retire early was an aberration from their usual dedication to their sport.

Aberration Meaning (Examples in a Sentence)

Aberration refers to a departure from what is normal or expected, an anomaly or deviation from the usual pattern or behavior. Here are some examples of the word "aberration" in a sentence:
The sudden increase in temperature during the winter months was an aberration from the usual weather patterns in the area.
Her violent outburst at the meeting was an aberration; she is usually calm and collected.
The company's profits this quarter were an aberration from their usual losses.
His decision to quit his stable job and become a street performer was seen as an aberration by his friends and family.
The strange noise coming from the machine was an aberration from its normally smooth operation.

10 FAQs Related With Aberration

What is aberration?
Aberration refers to a deviation from what is normal or expected, an anomaly or departure from the usual pattern or behavior.

What are the types of aberration?
The two main types of aberration are chromatic aberration and spherical aberration. Chromatic aberration occurs when different wavelengths of light are focused at different distances, resulting in color fringes around the edges of objects. Spherical aberration occurs when light rays passing through the edge of a lens are focused at a different point than those passing through the center, resulting in blurring.

What causes aberration?
Aberration can be caused by a variety of factors, including imperfect lenses, incorrect alignment of optical components, and environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity.

How can aberration be corrected?
Aberration can be corrected through the use of specialized lenses and optical coatings that compensate for the distortion caused by the aberration.

What are the effects of aberration?

Aberration can result in a variety of effects, including blurring, distortion, and color fringing around the edges of objects.

What is chromatic aberration?

Chromatic aberration is a type of aberration caused by the refraction of different wavelengths of light at different angles, resulting in color fringing around the edges of objects.

What is spherical aberration?
Spherical aberration is a type of aberration caused by the differences in the focal length of light rays passing through the edge versus the center of a lens, resulting in blurring and distortion.

What is coma aberration?
Coma aberration is a type of aberration that causes off-axis points of light to be stretched into a comet-like shape.

How does aberration affect telescopes?
Aberration can affect the image quality of telescopes, causing blurring, distortion, and color fringing. This is why telescopes are often equipped with specialized lenses and coatings to correct for aberration.

How does aberration affect photography?
Aberration can affect the image quality of photographs, causing blurring, distortion, and color fringing. This is why many camera lenses are designed with specialized coatings and optical elements to minimize aberration.
I trust that the examples of Aberration, I have provided were helpful and easy to comprehend, and I would be delighted if you would consider revisiting my website in the future, as I continue to offer informative and engaging content to assist you in your language learning journey : Saroj Jangid, Sikar (Raj.)
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