Endure In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Endure In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Endure in Sentences Examples.

  1. It takes a lot of courage and determination to endure difficult times.
  2. The athletes must endure intense physical training in order to compete at a high level.
  3. The old house has endured many years of wear and tear, but it still stands strong.
  4. He was determined to endure the pain of his injury and return to the game.
  5. The marathon runners must endure hours of running in order to reach the finish line.
  6. She had to endure the constant criticism from her boss, but she remained focused on her work.
  7. The soldiers had to endure harsh weather conditions while on their mission.
  8. It is important to have a support system to help you endure difficult times.
  9. The couple's love for each other helped them endure the challenges of a long-distance relationship.
  10. The prisoners were forced to endure inhumane living conditions in the overcrowded jail.
  11. Sometimes, you have to endure short-term pain for long-term gain.
  12. Despite facing many obstacles, the entrepreneur was determined to endure and make her business successful.
  13. The hikers had to endure a steep climb to reach the mountain summit.
  14. He was able to endure the grueling work schedule because he was passionate about his job.
  15. The artist had to endure many rejections before finally getting her work recognized.

Endure Meaning in Detail.

The word "endure" has multiple meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Here are some of the most common meanings of "endure":

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To suffer through something without giving up: This is probably the most frequently used sense of the word “endure” It means to stand or continue to bear or sustain a difficult or unpleasant situation without backing out or through a process or period of time. For instance, someone may take time in a marathon, a period of sickness or difficult task at the workplace.

To last or persist over time: Endure also has another meaning and that is to be able to last or to remain for a long time. For instance, a structure can really last for many years, a relationship could last despite many conflicts or a memory may last for a long time in one’s mind.

To tolerate or put up with something: Another meaning of ‘endure’ is to bear or endure in regard to things that people may detest or find objectionable. For instance, one can have to sit in a car for several hours every day to get to work, or one can have to listen to loud music from the neighboring flat.

To remain firm or steadfast in one's beliefs or values: This meaning of “endure” here is that of standing firm in ones beliefs, principles or values despite staking constructive opinion or undergoing affliction. To illustrate this, a person may suffer religious discrimination for example, or suffer from criticism for, say, political reasons.

Endure Synonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Persist - to continue in a course of action despite difficulty or opposition
  2. Persevere - to continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success
  3. Endurance - the ability to withstand hardship or adversity; the quality of being durable or long-lasting
  4. Bear - to endure or tolerate something difficult or unpleasant
  5. Sustain - to endure or suffer through something difficult or unpleasant
  6. Brave - to face a difficult or dangerous situation with courage and determination
  7. Weather - to endure or survive through difficult or adverse conditions
  8. Withstand - to endure or resist something without giving in or breaking down
  9. Tolerate - to accept or endure something difficult or unpleasant without resistance
  10. Survive - to endure or continue to exist in spite of difficult or adverse circumstances
  11. Overcome - to successfully deal with or defeat a difficult problem or challenge
  12. Perseverance - the quality of being persistent in the pursuit of a goal or objective

Endure Antonyms (With Meaning)

Quit: To quit means to give up or abandon something, often because it is too difficult or challenging to continue.

Surrender: To surrender means to give up or yield to someone or something more powerful or dominant.

Yield: To yield means to give in or submit to someone or something else, often because of a lack of strength or power.

Collapse: To collapse means to break down or fall apart, often due to weakness or instability.

Succumb: To succumb means to give in or submit to someone or something else, often due to pressure or force.

These antonyms all suggest a sense of weakness, defeat, or failure, rather than the strength and resilience implied by the word "endure."

FAQs Related With Endure (Grammar)

Q: Whether “endure” is a regular or irregular verb?
A: There also an irregular verb under the following tense: Endure It is also a regular verb; its past tense is ‘endured’ while its past participle is also ‘endured’.

Q: Let us take it a step further: Is “endure” a transitive verb or an intransitive verb?
A: The verb ‘’endure’’ can be a transitive verb and intransitive verb as well. When used transitively, it has an object like ‘she endured pain’ On the other hand when used intransitively there is no object like ‘he endured for hours.

Q: Handling errors: Can the verb ‘endure’ take/passive voice?
A: Yes, ‘endure’ can be used in passive voice. For example, Her suffering was given so many hours to last.

Q: Is it possible to use ‘endure’ with animates and inanimates?
A: Yes, the word ‘endure’ can be applied on animate objects as well on the inanimate ones. For instance, “She endured the cold winter” here, ‘cold winter’ is an inanimate object and “He endured the insults” here, ‘insults’ is an animate object.

Q: Related question: Is “endurance” derived or a noun use of “endure”?
A: Yes, endurance is a noun form of endure Meaning of endurance is the power to persevere through violence, labour or stress, or act of sustained perseverance.

English Word Meaning With Examples

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