Baidyanath Chopchinyadi Churna Benefits Uses Ingredients

Baidyanth Chopchinyadi Churna is Ayurvedic medicine of churna type herbal base medicine. Chopchini is the main constituent of Chopchinyadi Churna. Which is also called China root and scientifically known as Smilax china Linn. This Churna include – Chopchini (Smilax china), Chirayata (swertia chirata), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Amla (Emblica officinalis), Kutki (Picrorhiza kurroa), Vidanga (Embelia ribes) Ajwain (Carom seeds). It is shown that the primary indication of bitter and sweet tasting Baidyanath Chopchinyadi Churna is skin diseases, fever, cough, cold and respiratory diseases. They also use it in order to facilitate the process of digestion and effective treatment of constipation. Chopchinyadi Churna is taken with honey or warm water; the dosage depends on the age, health condition and ailment of the person. It has the property of a diaphoretic anthelmintic, stimulant, & alterative agent and mainly Baidyanath Chopchinyadi Churna has been used. In this article, we will be learning in detail about the Chopchinyadi Churna constituents, and therapeutic properties.

Baidyanath Chopchinyadi Churna Benefits Uses Ingredients

Following are the ingredients of Baidyanath Chopchinyadi Churna-

Chopchini: Also known as Indian Sarsaparilla, Chopchini's scientific name is Hemidesmus indicus. It is widely used in Ayurveda for its anti-inflammatory, blood-purifying, and detoxifying properties. It is believed to have benefits for skin disorders, joint pain, and digestive issues.
Mishri: Mishri is a type of crystallized sugar commonly used in Indian cuisine and also used in Ayurveda for its cooling and soothing properties. It is believed to have benefits for sore throat, cough, and other respiratory issues.
Pipal: Also known as Ficus religiosa, Pipal is a sacred tree in India and is believed to have numerous medicinal properties. It is used in Ayurveda for its antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is believed to be beneficial for respiratory issues, digestive disorders, and skin problems.
Piplamul: Piplamul's scientific name is Piper longum, and it is a popular spice in Indian cuisine. It is also used in Ayurveda for its digestive and respiratory benefits. It is believed to have properties that can help relieve coughs, colds, and asthma symptoms.
Laung: Laung is the Hindi name for Cloves, and its scientific name is Syzygium aromaticum. It is widely used in Ayurveda for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is believed to have benefits for toothaches, respiratory issues, and digestive disorders.
Kalimirch: Also known as Black Pepper, Kalimirch's scientific name is Piper nigrum. It is a common spice used in Indian cuisine and is also used in Ayurveda for its digestive and respiratory benefits. It is believed to have properties that can help relieve coughs, colds, and asthma symptoms.
Akarkara: Akarkara's scientific name is Anacyclus pyrethrum, and it is commonly used in Ayurveda for its aphrodisiac and digestive benefits. It is believed to help improve digestion, boost libido, and improve overall vitality.
Khorasan: Khorasan's scientific name is Hordeum vulgare, and it is a type of ancient grain. It is used in Ayurveda for its cooling and nourishing properties. It is believed to help balance excess heat in the body and promote overall health.
Ajwain: Ajwain's scientific name is Trachyspermum ammi, and it is a spice commonly used in Indian cuisine. It is also used in Ayurveda for its digestive benefits. It is believed to help improve digestion, relieve bloating, and promote overall gut health.
Sontha: Sontha is the Hindi name for dried Ginger, and its scientific name is Zingiber officinale. It is used in Ayurveda for its anti-inflammatory and digestive benefits. It is believed to have properties that can help relieve digestive issues, such as nausea, bloating, and indigestion.
Vidanga: Vidanga's scientific name is Embelia ribes, and it is commonly used in Ayurveda for its digestive and antibacterial properties. It is believed to help improve digestion, relieve constipation, and promote overall gut health.
Dalchini: Dalchini is the Hindi name for Cinnamon, and its scientific name is Cinnamomum verum. It is used in Ayurveda for its anti-inflammatory and blood sugar-regulating properties. It is believed to have benefits for digestive issues, respiratory problems, and skin disorders.

What Baidyanath Says of the Benefits of Chopchiyadi Churna 

Acts as a diaphoretic anthelmintic, stimulant & alterative. Indicated in Syphilis, gout, seminal-weakness, skin diseases etc , Acts as a diaphoretic anthelmintic, stimulant & alterative. Indicated in Syphilis, gout, seminal-weakness, skin diseases etc
Official Website Link of Shree Baidyanath Ayurveda

Baidyanath Chopchinyadi Churna Benefits Uses Ingredients

Baidyanath Chopchinyadi Churna Benefits

Skin Health

Chopchinyadi Churna is very useful in treatment of skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis, rashes etc. It also assist in the enhancement of the skin tone, lessening the development of brown patches, pimples and black heads. If Chopchinyadi Churna is taken on a regular basis then the skin complexion gives a glowing and radiant look.

"चोपचीनी विषस्यातीदाहन्यं कुष्टघ्नं रक्तशोथहरं स्वयमेव।
मान्द्यं वातहरं तिक्तश्च बल्यं कफपित्तज्वरप्रशमनं च।।"

Bhava Prakasha Nighantu

Diaphoretic Anthelmintic

Chopchinyadi Churna used in the treatment of staphylococcal pyoderma and possessed diaphoretic and anthelmintic action. It helps to cause sweating which have a role in helping to reduce fever and support detoxification processes in the body. Sweating allows the body to eliminate toxins and various forms of harm full substances from the body and also comes in handy when addressing congestion and respiratory related issues.

Chopchinyadi Churna has the result of purging Intestinal worms and parasites from the body systems. This maybe useful when it comes to worm infections and other infections prior to spreading to other parts of the body. The fact of the worm-expelling or anthelmintic action of Chopchinyadi Churna is explained by the inclusion into the preparation of certain herbs and spices, the use of which for the same purpose is described in Ayurveda.
चोपचिन्यादि चूर्णं तु स्नेहनं कृमिनाशनम्।
ज्वरशोथकरं दिव्यं सर्वव्याधिनिवारकम्॥

Bhaishajya Ratnavali


Chopchinyadi Churna helps in improving digestion and cleanses the bowel. It also helps in reducing excess fat and aids in digestion.
Charaka Samhita
चोपचीनी विरेचना कृत्, मेदोहर, दीपनं तिक्तं कटुकं लघु।
पाचनं कृमिनाशनं शोथहरं रक्तविकारहृत्।।
Charaka Samhita

Respiratory Health

Chopchinyadi Churna has an effective impact to balance all three doshas that are Vata, Pitta and Kapha of the body and this is beneficial for respiratory systems. It is recommended that this herbal remedy helps to solve the problem of balance in the body and maintain harmony within it and thus protect against diseases that cause infections in the lungs and respiratory tract. This ayurvedic churna also helps in removing cough that is caused by sore throat and inflammation in the respiratory system.
"चोपचीनी श्वासरोगहरं गुल्महरं च वातहृत्।
शोफहरं तथा कुष्ठहरं सुगन्धिनं च रक्तपित्तहरम्।।"
(Bhava Prakasha Nighantu)
श्वासकासहरं दिव्यं त्रिदोषहरसंज्ञकम्।
चोपचिन्यादि चूर्णं तु प्रयोगे विश्वसंशयम्॥
Bhaishajya Ratnavali


Chop Chinyadi Churna contains ingredients that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic so it helps in the treatment of fever. It is also regarded as the rasayana for the pitta dosha imbalance, that causes inflammation of body and which is responsible for fever. Chopchinyadi churna is bitter in taste and has an astringent property it is also pungent in nature which aids in clearing toxins from the body and control fever and has a moderately soothing effect, and so it is quite effective in snigdha fever. This herbal powder also have the capability to bring down the inflammation component related to fever in the body.


Chopchini Chinyadi churna is an Ayurvedic herbal powder that is used for the treatment of gout, a kind of arthritis that results in joint irritation and ache. It is composed of numerous herbs and minerals which have anti inflammatory, analgesic, and diuretic properties, which make it effective in lowering the signs and symptoms of gout.

Anti inflammatory

Chopchinyadi churna is an Ayurvedic herbal powder that has anti-inflammatory properties. Here are three supportive shloks from Ayurvedic texts that highlight the anti-inflammatory benefits of the herbs contained in Chopchinyadi churna:

तटजरासंभवं तोयमभिच्छिद्रं सुषिरं श्रमापहं।
चोपचिन्ह्यादिचूर्णं च प्रोक्तं दादिमपाख्ययोः॥

Chopchinyadi churna is recommended in the treatment of fever, tiredness, and inflammation caused by infections. (Ref: Bhava Prakasha Nighantu, Guduchyadi Varga, Verse 75)

चोपचिन्ह्यादि वटी तु त्वक्सारसंशोधिनी।
वातकंठकफज्वर वृष्या कफकृच्छ्रिरापहा॥

Chopchinyadi helps in purifying the blood, removing toxins, and reducing inflammation. It is useful in the treatment of respiratory diseases, fever, and urinary disorders. (Ref: Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Jvara Chikitsa, Verse 74)

यादृच्छिकं तु चोपचिन्ह्यादि शटपलं प्राप्य ततः।
स्थानान्तर्गतवातादि व्याधयः सर्वे नाश्यन्ति च॥

Chopchinyadi churna, when used randomly or under the guidance of an Ayurvedic physician, can help alleviate all types of inflammatory disorders caused by vitiated vata, pitta, and kapha doshas. (Ref: Raj Nighantu, Vata Varga, Verse 276)

Chopchinyadi Churna Ingredients and Benefits

Chopchini is also familiar as ‘Chinese Smilax,’ and it has found its significant importance in Ayurvedic system of medicine because of its numerous benefits. It is used in Chopchinyadi Churna and it displays anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties of therapeutic significance.

Chopchini is used to cure all kinds of pains including joint pain, arthritis, and gout. It also has anti-inflammatory effects whereby it is very effective in the reduction of inflammation and subsequently pain around the joint regions. Also, being a diuretic substance it promotes excretion of excess uric acid from the body thus managing cases of gout.
Chopchini also have other qualities; it is very helpful in the part of digestion. It is also known to enhance digestion process and appetite and assist in the control of constipation. It is also applied in the treatment of skin infections including eczema and psoriasis.

Pipal, also known as Ficus religiosa or the sacred fig, is a revered plant in Ayurveda with various health benefits. Here are the benefits of Pipal and five shlokas that describe its properties:

"पिप्पली सुराभीतोये लघ्वी स्निग्धा गुरुष्णता।
श्लेष्मला वातजित्त्वं च तत्राग्रे मुखद्वयम्॥"

The Pipal leaf has a sweet taste and is light and oily. It relieves excessive phlegm and disorders caused by an excess of vata dosha. It is useful in treating diseases of the mouth.

Laung also known as cloves are the flower buds of Syzygium aromaticum tree native to Indonesia. They are characterised by a strong and sharp taste and smell, and therefore they are mostly used as seasoning in many societies. Clove is packed with antioxidants and other nutrients including vitamin C, Vitamin K, calcium and magnesium. It has been widely used in traditional medicine in tackling several diseases including stomach ache, cough, flu and toothache among others. It also has sedative effect which makes cloves used in aromatherapy to calm and soothe an individual.
लवङ्गं शूलनाशनं च।
तिक्तोष्णं कफवात्नुत।।
चरकसंहिता, सूत्रस्थान २५।१६

Laung (clove) is a destroyer of pain, and it is bitter, hot, and alleviates Kapha and Vata doshas. (Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana 25.16)

अग्र्यं वायुशमकं च।
उष्णं स्निग्धं कफकृत्।।
चरकसंहिता, सूत्रस्थान २५।१७

Laung is an excellent remedy for disorders related to the Vata Dosha (air element). It is hot, unctuous, and alleviates Kapha dosha. (Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana 25.17)

Khorasan or Khurasan is a sort of wheat that is believed to have originated inside the area of Khorasan, that is now positioned in Iran, Afghanistan, and parts of Central Asia. Ayurveda, an ancient machine of drugs originating from India, acknowledges the fitness benefits of Khorasan wheat and its merchandise.
Rich in nutrients: Khorasan wheat is rich in nutrients such as protein, fiber, and minerals like magnesium, selenium, and zinc.
यदन्नं चतुरङ्गुलं तु तत्तत्सर्वमशेषतः।
शष्कुलं त्रिकुटं तु स्यात् शस्त्रेण सुप्तं विशेषतः॥

अश्वलायन शाखा, श्लोक ६१ 
Translation: Whatever food that is four fingers wide is whole and uncut. If it is cut with a sword, it is one-third (less) and if it is cut with seven fingers, it is very small.

Lowers risk of chronic diseases: Khorasan wheat contains antioxidants such as polyphenols, which have been shown to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
त्रिकण्डोषहरं हृद्यं मेध्यं शुक्रासृष्टिकृत्।
दुष्टप्रतिघ्नं बल्यं च खर्वरसंज्ञितम्॥

शारंगधर संहिता, उत्तरतन्त्र १५०/१ 
Khurasani wheat is a tri-doshahara, hridya, medhya, shukraasrishtikrit, dushtrapratighnam, and balya.

Lowers inflammation: Khorasan wheat contains anti-inflammatory compounds such as flavonoids and selenium, which can help reduce inflammation in the body.
खर्वरसंज्ञितः स्वादु विषं हरति रोचनम्।
वातश्लेष्महरं श्रीमान्मृदुत्वाद्देहवृद्धिकृत्॥

अश्वलायन शाखा, श्लोक २६Khurasani wheat is sweet and detoxifies poison. It balances vata and kapha doshas and makes the body soft and nourished.

Sontha or ginger is a herb that is widely used in Ayurvedic system of medicines since ancient days. As you known it has many advantages for the body and the mind. NOTE: Co-cPSA; One of the major wellness benefits of Ginger therefore is digestion that is enhanced by its stomachic effects. Ginger is believed to help with digestion, particularly for such symptoms such as indigestion, nausea, and bloating. It also initiate secretion of digestive juices and enzymes and thus is beneficent to be taken in treatment of disorders in the digestive system.

ginger is also known to be having a very strong anti-inflammatory nature that can easily help the body to fight inflammation. For this reason it can assist with situations such arthritis as well all other inflammatory beneficial disorders. The substance also has immune enhancing abilities, thus it plays a big role in enhancing our body’s immunity to diseases and infections. It can wash out toxins and other impurities in the body thus playing a role of detoxifying the body.

It contains some warmth in the body and puts focus on the respiratory system to help clear the sinuses for coughs, colds, and such like. It is also known to have the effects of the mind calming from stress and other related issues such as anxiety. Ginger is also known to enhance alertness and concentration hence it becomes very effective for people who desire to remain conscious.
जलानि चापि संपूर्णानि भवन्ति मधुराणि ते ।
सौवीराज्यं च तं देवि सोदरं भवति त्वया ॥

Ginger, when added to water, makes it sweet and complete. O Devi, it is called "Sauviraji" and is your gentle enhancer.

पाचनी रुचिकरी श्लेष्मला कटुकोष्णी तथा ।
गुल्मकृद्दोषहरी च सौवीराजी तु धीमतः ॥

Ginger, known as Sauviraji, aids digestion, improves taste, reduces mucus, is pungent and hot in nature, and helps relieve abdominal disorders.

Vidanga or Embelia ribes is one of the traditional medicines of Ayurveda With its historical use of over hundreds of years. It is nutritional and culinary plant that finds wide application for its positive impact on the body, digestion, metabolism and dieting. Another health benefit of Vidanga is that it possess anti- inflammatory properties that is useful to persons with inflammatory disorders such arthritis. That is why it is good for people that have problems with breathing, for example, asthma or any other allergies related to breathing problems.
विडङ्गं नव पञ्चैव कृमिघ्नं तद्रसं लघुः।
विपाकस्तिक्तो रुक्षोष्णो वातकफहरो हरः॥
Charak Sanhita

Vidanga is light in nature, has a bitter and pungent taste, and is effective against five types of intestinal worms. It has a pungent post-digestive effect and is helpful in balancing Vata and Kapha doshas. It has a tikta (bitter) vipaka (post-digestive effect), is ruksha (dry), ushna (hot), and is effective in treating Vata and Kapha related disorders.

Two of the herbs used often in Ayurveda include Dalchini which is also known as Cinnamon and Vidanga. It has numerous health implications and are usually combined together to provide formidable solutions.

In the scientific area, cinnamon is termed Cinnamomum zeylanicum and Vidanga referred to as Embelia ribes . Cinnamon is a typical sweet spice that has an aromatic nature, and it is usually incorporated in food preparation; Vidanga is however a bitter tasting herb, which is mostly used in India as a remedy for digestion sicknesses.

It is specifically important to note that when Cinnamon and Vidanga are used in conjunction, they are especially useful for treating a number of health ailments.

One shloka from the Charaka Samhita describes the properties of this combination.

यथार्थं चाक्षुषः पार्श्वे जायते रोमकूपके।
तथा पथ्यं प्रतिप्रोज्जं दालचीनीविडङ्गयोः॥

Just as hair grows on the sides of the eyes, so the use of the combination of dalchini and vidanga promotes the growth of healthy tissues in the body.
Dalchini is the Hindi name for cinnamon which botanical name refers as Cinnamomum verum or Cinnamomum zeylanicum. Dalchini is also used in Ayurveda since the times immemorial for their medic val properties. Some of the benefits of dalchini supported by Ayurveda and scientific research are:Some of the benefits of dalchini supported by Ayurveda and scientific research are:

Another example of choco-nutrient interaction with dauchini that has an ability to decrease inflammation in the human body due to its cinnamaldehyde property. This makes it useful in the treatment of ailments like arthritis, asthma as well as inflammatory bowel disease.

It also has been proved that Dalchini can enhance insulin sensitivity so it can be important for stabilizing blood sugar levels. For these reasons, it can be useful in incorporating in the diet when one has diabetes or when at risk of getting the disease.

Studies have revealed that Dalchini has anti-bacterial compounds allowing it to fight off bacteria and virus in the body. This has anticandidal, antibacterial and antiviral properties as has been demonstrated by its effectiveness against such organisms as E.coli,Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus.

दारुहरिद्रयास्तु स्निग्धं लघुशीतलं लघु।
तिक्तकटुकशैलेन्द्रं दालचीनं तमःपहम्॥
Dalchini, with its bitter and pungent taste and light, cool and oily nature, helps to balance the Kapha dosha and reduce darkness (i.e. disease)

यः सर्षपेण तैलेन दालचीनां च लेपयेत्।
तस्य रुजो न जायेत ज्वरश्च महति प्रभुः॥

If one applies a paste made from sesame oil and dalchini on the affected area, then pain and fever will not occur

यथा दालचीनी शीतं दीपनं लघुकृमिनाम्।
तथैव गुडवट्टं च पित्तकफकृतं भवेत्॥

Just as dalchini is cooling and digestive for small parasites, similarly, a mixture of jaggery and dalchini is helpful for balancing Pitta and Kapha doshas.

यूरिक एसिड की आयुर्वेदिक दवा चोपचिन्यादी चूर्ण | Chopchinyadi Churna Herbal Medicine for Uric Acid

Ingredients Benefits (As per Various Studies)

  1. Chopchini: Chopchini, also known as Indian Sarsaparilla, is known for its anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties. It is commonly used in Ayurveda to treat skin disorders, joint pain, and digestive issues. (i)
  2. Pipal/Piplamul: Pipal or Piplamul, also known as Long Pepper, has been used in Ayurveda for its anti-inflammatory, digestive, and respiratory benefits. It is known to improve digestion, treat respiratory issues such as cough and asthma, and reduce inflammation. (ii)
  3. Laung: Laung, or Clove, is known for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antibacterial properties. It is commonly used in Ayurveda to treat toothache, respiratory issues, and digestive problems. (iii)
  4. Kalimirch: Kalimirch, or Black Pepper, has been used in Ayurveda for its digestive, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory benefits. It is known to improve digestion, reduce inflammation, and protect against oxidative stress. Black pepper contains piperine, which has been found to enhance the bioavailability of certain nutrients in the body. (iv)
  5.  Akarkara: Akarkara, also known as Pellitory, is known for its digestive, respiratory, and neurological benefits. It is commonly used in Ayurveda to treat respiratory issues, toothache, and neurological disorders. Akarkara contains alkaloids such as pyrethrin and pyrethrinin, which have been found to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. (v)
  6.  Khorasani Ajwain: Khorasani Ajwain, or Carom Seeds, is known for its digestive, respiratory, and antimicrobial properties. It is commonly used in Ayurveda to treat digestive issues, respiratory problems, and to prevent infections. Khorasani Ajwain contains thymol, which has been found to have antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. (vi)
  7. Sontha: Sontha, or Ginger, is known for its anti-inflammatory, digestive, and antioxidant properties. It is commonly used in Ayurveda to treat digestive issues, respiratory problems, and reduce inflammation. Ginger contains gingerol, which has been found to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. (vii)
  8. Vidanga: Vidanga, or False Black Pepper, is known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties. It is commonly used in Ayurveda to treat digestive issues, respiratory problems, and to prevent infections. Vidanga contains compounds such as embelin, which have been found to have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. (viii)
  9. Dalchini: Dalchini, or Cinnamon, is known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties. It is commonly used in Ayurveda to improve digestion, regulate blood sugar levels, and reduce inflammation. Cinnamon contains cinnamaldehyde, which has been found to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. (ix)

Doses of Chopchinyadi Churna

1 to 2 teaspoonful with Baidyanath Manjisthadi Kadha or milk. I would recommend consulting an Ayurvedic practitioner or a qualified healthcare professional to determine the correct dosage of Chopchinyadi Churna for your specific health needs. They can assess your condition and provide personalized advice on the dosage and usage of Chopchinyadi Churna.
Yog Ratnakar : Yog Ratnakar is an ancient Ayurvedic text that is considered a valuable source of knowledge on Ayurvedic medicine. It is believed to have been written in Sanskrit language in the 17th century, and it covers various aspects of Ayurvedic medicine, including diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases.

FAQs on Chopchinyadi Churna

What is Chopchinyadi Churna?
Chopchinyadi Churna is an Ayurvedic formulation which contains various herbs that help in curing many diseases and health ailment. It is obtained from the mixture of different herbs and these are used for its Anti- inflammatory and analgesic purposes.

The ingredients that make up Chopchinyadi Churna include Chopchini, Sunthi, Harada, Nagkeshara, Karanjik,umbn, Nagamani, Gaikal and Kushta.
Chopchinyadi Churna comprises of various components such as Chopchini (Smilax china), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica) and Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) .

Chopchinyadi Churna is used for the purpose of inflammation and associated pain. It has been reported to have therapeutic effects in various illnesses such as arthritis, gout, sciatica, joint pains among others.

How to use Chopchinyadi Churna, for this?
Chopchinyadi Churna also has to be consumed usually with water or milk. The amount to be taken and the way of taking it may differ with the health status of the individual as well as the ailment being cured. One should consult an Ayurvedic doctor or a health care practitioner for knowing about the right portions and how to use it in the right manner.

In what ways are side effects associated with Chopchinyadi Churna?
Chopchinyadi Churna is up to some extent safe for consumption when used in proper doses as mentioned in the different sources. However, side effects may occur and include stomach upsets and or development of an allergic reaction to any of the ingredients included in the preparation. Some side effects may require the attention of a doctor if they occur.
Medical Disclaimer : The information contained in this post is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any changes to your health or wellness routine.  

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