Beseech In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Beseech In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Beseech in Sentences Examples.

  1. The beggar beseeched passersby for spare change.
  2. She beseeched her parents to let her stay out late.
  3. The rescue team beseeched the trapped miners to remain calm.
  4. The child beseeched the teacher for help with their homework.
  5. The politician beseeched the public for their votes in the upcoming election.
  6. The pastor beseeched his congregation to give generously to the church's building fund.
  7. The mother beseeched the doctor to save her child's life.
  8. The coach beseeched his players to give their all in the championship game.
  9. The prisoner beseeched the judge for mercy in his sentencing.
  10. The employee beseeched their boss for a raise.
  11. The activist beseeched the government to take action on climate change.
  12. The actor beseeched the audience for a standing ovation after his performance.
  13. The bride beseeched her groom to never leave her side.
  14. The artist beseeched gallery owners to showcase her work.
  15. The patient beseeched the doctor for a cure to their illness.
  16. The teacher beseeched her students to pay attention in class.
  17. The athlete beseeched their coach for another chance to compete.
  18. The musician beseeched their fans for support on their new album.
  19. The student beseeched their professor for an extension on their paper.
  20. The soldier beseeched their commanding officer for reinforcements.
  21. The activist beseeched the company to change its policies on sustainability.
  22. The customer beseeched the store manager for a refund.
  23. The traveler beseeched the airline for a flight upgrade.
  24. The entrepreneur beseeched investors for funding for their startup.
  25. The homeowner beseeched the city council for help with their property taxes.
  26. The singer beseeched the audience to sing along with them.
  27. The customer beseeched the customer service representative for assistance with their order.
  28. The teacher beseeched parents to become more involved in their children's education.
  29. The artist beseeched their critics to take their work seriously.
  30. The refugee beseeched the government for asylum.
  31. The scientist beseeched their colleagues to help them with their research.
  32. The chef beseeched the diners to try their signature dish.
  33. The parent beseeched their child to be honest with them.
  34. The hiker beseeched their partner to keep going despite the difficult terrain.
  35. The entrepreneur beseeched their mentor for advice on how to grow their business.
  36. The actor beseeched the director for another take of the scene.
  37. The cyclist beseeched their teammate to give them a push up the hill.
  38. The inventor beseeched their investors to believe in their vision.
  39. The campaigner beseeched voters to support their cause.
  40. The writer beseeched publishers to give their manuscript a chance.
  41. I beseech you, don't make the same mistakes I did.
  42. She beseeched her parents to let her go on the trip.
  43. The citizens beseeched the government to take action on climate change.
  44. He beseeched his boss for a raise.
  45. The protesters beseeched the police to listen to their demands.
  46. I beseech you, please don't leave me.
  47. The priest beseeched his congregation to donate to the local food bank.
  48. She beseeched the doctors to do everything they could to save her husband.
  49. He beseeched the judge to show mercy.
  50. The villagers beseeched the gods for a good harvest.
  51. I beseech you, forgive me for my mistakes.
  52. The children beseeched their parents for a pet.
  53. The team captain beseeched her teammates to give it their all.
  54. He beseeched the audience to stay quiet during the performance.
  55. The coach beseeched his players to never give up.
  56. She beseeched the universe to give her a sign.
  57. He beseeched his friend for help with the project.
  58. The refugees beseeched the border guards to let them in.
  59. I beseech you, don't give up on your dreams.
  60. The speaker beseeched the audience to take action on the issue.
  61. The patient beseeched the nurse for pain relief.
  62. The farmer beseeched the weather gods for rain.
  63. The teacher beseeched the school board for more resources.
  64. The journalist beseeched their editor for more time to investigate the story.
  65. The job applicant beseeched the interviewer for a chance to prove themselves.
  66. The artist beseeched the curator to include their work in the exhibition.
  67. The student beseeched their professor for a letter of recommendation.
  68. The worker beseeched their boss for a day off.
  69. The parent beseeched their teenager to make better choices.
  70. The athlete beseeched their coach for a rest day.
  71. The entrepreneur beseeched their partner for more investment.
  72. The customer beseeched the salesperson for a discount.
  73. The musician beseeched their bandmates for more creative input.
  74. The politician beseeched their constituents for support in their campaign.
  75. The actor beseeched the casting director for a chance to audition.
  76. The employee beseeched their HR representative for better benefits.
  77. The author beseeched their publisher for a book deal.
  78. The speaker beseeched the audience to take action on a social issue.
  79. The patient beseeched the doctor for a second opinion.
  80. The parent beseeched the school principal for better safety measures.
  81. The driver beseeched the police officer for a warning instead of a ticket.
  82. The volunteer beseeched their community for more donations.
  83. The entrepreneur beseeched their business partner for a more equal share.
  84. The teacher beseeched the parents for more support at home.
  85. The traveler beseeched the airline for a refund after a delayed flight.
  86. The actor beseeched their agent for better roles.
  87. The activist beseeched the government for social justice reform.
  88. The customer beseeched the company for better customer service.
  89. The artist beseeched their patrons for more commissions.
  90. The student beseeched the financial aid office for more scholarship opportunities.
  91. The musician beseeched their label for better marketing.
  92. The worker beseeched their union for better working conditions.
  93. The athlete beseeched their coach for more playing time.
  94. The entrepreneur beseeched their mentor for more guidance.
  95. The customer beseeched the store for a better selection of products.
  96. The writer beseeched their editor for more creative freedom.
  97. The parent beseeched their child's teacher for more challenging assignments.
  98. The actor beseeched their director for more rehearsal time.
  99. The job seeker beseeched their network for more job leads.
  100. The patient beseeched their therapist for more intensive therapy.

Beseech Meaning in Detail.

  1. Beseech is a verb that means to implore or ask for something earnestly or urgently. It implies a sense of urgency or desperation in the request. When someone beseeches another person, they are usually asking for help or assistance with something that is important to them. The word beseech comes from the Old English word beseċan, which means to seek earnestly.
  2. Beseech can be used in various contexts and situations, such as in formal and informal settings, personal and professional settings, and so on. Here are some examples of how beseech can be used in sentences:
  3. She beseeched her parents to let her go to the party.
  4. He beseeched the judge to have mercy on him.
  5. The team captain beseeched his players to give it their all in the game.
  6. The woman beseeched the passerby to help her find her lost dog.
  7. The politician beseeched the voters to trust him and vote for him in the upcoming elections.
  8. The teacher beseeched her students to study hard and pass the exam.
  9. The patient beseeched the doctor to give him some pain relief.
  10. The soldier beseeched his commander to send reinforcements.
  11. The actor beseeched the director to give him another chance to audition.
  12. The child beseeched Santa Claus for the gift he wanted.

Beseech Synonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Implore - to beg urgently or piteously, as for aid or mercy.
  2. Plead - to make an earnest appeal or request.
  3. Entreat - to ask earnestly for something.
  4. Appeal - to make a request for aid or mercy.
  5. Beg - to ask for something earnestly or humbly.
  6. Supplicate - to make a humble entreaty or request.
  7. Importune - to ask repeatedly or pressingly.
  8. Petition - a formal written request made to an authority or organization.
  9. Solicit - to ask for something, often with urgency or persistence.
  10. Adjuration - a solemn appeal or request.

Beseech Antonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Demand - to ask for something forcefully or as a right.
  2. Command - to give an order or instruction to someone.
  3. Instruct - to give information, direction, or orders to someone.
  4. Direct - to give guidance or orders to someone.
  5. Dictate - to lay down authoritatively or arrogantly, as a rule or direction.

FAQs Related With Beseech (Grammar)

What does "beseech" mean?
"Beseech" means to urgently and earnestly request or beg for something.

More Recommendations to explore

Is "beseech" a formal word?
Yes, "beseech" is a formal word often used in literature, formal writing, or when making a serious request.

Can "beseech" be used to express gratitude?
No, "beseech" is used to make a request or ask for something, not to express gratitude.

Can "beseech" be used to express anger or frustration?
No, "beseech" typically connotes a tone of urgency or earnestness, not anger or frustration.

Is "beseech" always used in a serious or urgent context?
Yes, "beseech" is typically used in serious or urgent contexts when the speaker is making a heartfelt plea or request.

Is "beseech" a common word?
No, "beseech" is not a very common word and is often replaced by more common synonyms such as "ask," "request," or "plead."

Can "beseech" be used in a negative context?
Yes, "beseech" can be used in a negative context when someone is pleading for something that may not be morally or ethically right.

What are some synonyms for "beseech"?
Some synonyms for "beseech" include "implore," "plead," "entreat," "appeal," and "beg."

What are some antonyms for "beseech"?
Some antonyms for "beseech" include "demand," "command," "instruct," "direct," and "dictate."

Can "beseech" be used in the past tense?
Yes, the past tense of "beseech" is "beseeched."

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