Unabashed Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Unabashed Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Unabashed Meaning

The word "unabashed" is an adjective that describes someone or something that is not ashamed, embarrassed, or hesitant about their actions or beliefs, even if they are considered unconventional, controversial, or unpopular. It suggests a sense of boldness, confidence, and fearlessness in the face of criticism or disapproval from others. For example, "She was unabashed in her pursuit of her dreams, even though many people doubted her abilities."

Unabashed Parts of Speech (With Examples)

The word "unabashed" is an adjective. Here are some examples of its use in sentences:
She walked into the room with unabashed confidence.
His unabashed enthusiasm for the project was infectious.
The singer performed with unabashed passion, pouring her heart into every note.
Despite his lack of experience, he approached the task with unabashed optimism.
The politician spoke with unabashed honesty, even if it meant admitting his mistakes.
In all of these examples, "unabashed" is used to describe a person's demeanor, attitude, or behavior. It emphasizes the idea that they are not ashamed or embarrassed, but rather boldly and confidently expressing themselves.

Unabashed Examples in Sentences (Various Examples in Sentences)

  1. She was unabashed in her love for spicy food and always added extra chili to her meals.
  2. Despite being new to the job, he was unabashed in his approach to problem-solving and came up with innovative solutions.
  3. The politician was unabashed in his corruption, accepting bribes openly without any shame.
  4. She was unabashed in her enthusiasm for the new book series, staying up late to finish each installment.
  5. The performer was unabashed in his confidence, taking the stage with an air of swagger and charisma.
  6. He was unabashed in his criticism of the government's policies, speaking out loudly against them in public forums.
  7. The artist was unabashed in her use of bold colors, creating vibrant and eye-catching paintings.
  8. She was unabashed in her desire for success, working tirelessly to climb the corporate ladder.
  9. The athlete was unabashed in his determination to win, pushing himself to the limits in every competition.
  10. He was unabashed in his affection for his pet dog, treating it like a member of his own family.
  11. The student was unabashed in his intelligence, consistently acing exams and impressing his teachers.
  12. She was unabashed in her commitment to social justice, dedicating her life to activism and advocacy work.
  13. The chef was unabashed in his use of unconventional ingredients, creating dishes that surprised and delighted diners.
  14. He was unabashed in his love for cheesy romantic comedies, watching them with unabashed glee.
  15. The fashion designer was unabashed in her creativity, pushing the boundaries with avant-garde designs that challenged convention.
  16. She was unabashed in her generosity, always putting others' needs before her own.
  17. The author was unabashed in his exploration of taboo topics, tackling controversial subjects in his writing.
  18. He was unabashed in his musical tastes, enjoying everything from classical to heavy metal.
  19. The entrepreneur was unabashed in her risk-taking, boldly investing in new ventures with potential for high reward.
  20. She was unabashed in her sense of humor, always quick with a joke or a witty remark.
  21. The activist was unabashed in her determination to fight for environmental causes, organizing protests and rallies.
  22. He was unabashed in his love for adventure, constantly seeking out new experiences and challenges.
  23. The comedian was unabashed in her use of satire, skewering politicians and social norms with razor-sharp wit.
  24. She was unabashed in her talent for singing, wowing audiences with her powerful voice.
  25. The scientist was unabashed in his curiosity, asking bold questions and pursuing innovative research.
  26. He was unabashed in his belief in aliens, insisting that they exist despite widespread skepticism.
  27. The journalist was unabashed in her pursuit of the truth, uncovering scandals and exposing corruption.
  28. She was unabashed in her dedication to her craft, spending countless hours honing her skills as a painter.
  29. The entrepreneur was unabashed in her vision for the future, dreaming big and taking bold action to bring her ideas to life.
  30. He was unabashed in his fascination with history, reading books and visiting museums to learn as much as he could.
  31. The activist was unabashed in her commitment to animal rights, speaking out against cruelty and advocating for better treatment.
  32. She was unabashed in her honesty, always telling it like it is even when it was difficult.
  33. The athlete was unabashed in her competitiveness, pushing herself to be the best and never backing down from a challenge.
  34. He was unabashed in his love for the outdoors, spending weekends hiking and camping in the wilderness.
  35. The artist was unabashed in her experimentation, trying out new techniques and mediums to create unique and innovative works.
  36. She was unabashed in her determination to overcome obstacles, never giving up even when the odds were against her.
  37. The musician was unabashed in his passion for playing, pouring his heart and soul into every note.
  38. He was unabashed in his unconventional fashion choices, embracing his own unique style and standing out from the crowd.
  39. The chef was unabashed in his commitment to sustainability, sourcing local and organic ingredients and reducing food waste.
  40. She was unabashed in her kindness, always going out of her way to help others in need.

Unabashed Synonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Brazen - bold and shameless
  2. Unashamed - not embarrassed or ashamed
  3. Impudent - disrespectful and insolent
  4. Audacious - daring and fearless
  5. Bold - confident and courageous
  6. Fearless - not afraid or intimidated
  7. Gallant - chivalrous and heroic
  8. Confident - self-assured and certain
  9. Self-assured - confident and self-possessed
  10. Assertive - self-assured and forceful
  11. Unfazed - not daunted or disconcerted
  12. Outspoken - frank and candid
  13. Unflinching - steadfast and resolute
  14. Undaunted - not discouraged or intimidated
  15. Intrepid - fearless and adventurous
  16. Daring - bold and audacious
  17. Plucky - spirited and courageous
  18. Unperturbed - not perturbed or disturbed
  19. Unyielding - stubborn and unrelenting
  20. Steadfast - unwavering and loyal

Unabashed Antonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Embarrassed - feeling self-conscious or ashamed about something
  2. Timid - showing a lack of courage or confidence; easily frightened
  3. Reserved - not open or expressive; self-restrained
  4. Shy - nervous or easily frightened in the company of others; not confident
  5. Bashful - easily embarrassed or shy, especially in the company of others
  6. Humble - having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance; unassuming
  7. Cautious - taking care to avoid potential danger or problems; careful
  8. Hesitant - tentative or unsure; lacking confidence or conviction
  9. Modest - not excessively confident or boastful; unassuming
  10. Timorous - showing or suffering from nervousness, fear, or a lack of confidence
  11. Reluctant - unwilling or hesitant to do something; disinclined
  12. Reserved - not open or expressive; self-restrained
  13. Uncertain - not completely confident or sure about something
  14. Bashful - easily embarrassed or shy, especially in the company of others
  15. Meek - submissive or lacking in self-assertiveness; timid
  16. Shy - nervous or easily frightened in the company of others; not confident
  17. Apologetic - feeling or expressing regret or remorse for a wrongdoing
  18. Inhibited - restrained or constrained by social convention or personal insecurity
  19. Awkward - lacking grace or ease; clumsy or uncomfortable in social situations
  20. Timid - showing a lack of courage or confidence; easily frightened.

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FAQs Related With Unabashed (Grammar)

 What does unabashed mean?
A: Unabashed means to be unashamed or unembarrassed about expressing one's feelings or opinions.

Q: What is an example of unabashed?
A: An example of unabashed could be someone who is unapologetic about their love for a particular hobby or interest, even if it is not popular.

Q: What is the opposite of unabashed?
A: The opposite of unabashed could be words like embarrassed, timid, or reserved, which are characterized by a lack of confidence, self-consciousness, or hesitancy.

Q: What are some synonyms of unabashed?
A: Some synonyms of unabashed include unashamed, unembarrassed, confident, bold, assertive, and self-assured.

Q: Is being unabashed always a positive thing?
A: Being unabashed can be positive in situations where it involves being confident and expressing oneself openly and honestly. However, it can also be negative if it involves being insensitive or disregarding others' feelings or boundaries.

Q: Can someone be unabashedly shy?
A: It may seem contradictory, but someone can be unabashedly shy in the sense that they are not ashamed or embarrassed about their shyness. They may openly acknowledge their shyness and not feel the need to hide it or apologize for it.

Q: Is being unabashed the same as being arrogant?
A: No, being unabashed is not necessarily the same as being arrogant. Being unabashed means being confident and unashamed about expressing oneself or one's opinions, while being arrogant means having an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities and often disregarding others.

Q: Can being unabashed be a negative trait?
A: Yes, being unabashed can be a negative trait if it involves being insensitive or disrespectful to others, or if it involves disregarding social norms or boundaries. It is important to balance confidence and assertiveness with sensitivity and empathy for others.

Q: How can someone become more unabashed?
A: To become more unabashed, it can be helpful to practice expressing oneself more openly and honestly, to challenge self-doubt or negative self-talk, and to work on building self-confidence and self-esteem. It can also be helpful to surround oneself with supportive and accepting people who encourage self-expression and authenticity.

Q: Is it possible to be both unabashed and humble?
A: Yes, it is possible to be both unabashed and humble. Being unabashed means being confident and unashamed about expressing oneself, while being humble means having a modest or unassuming attitude towards one's own abilities or accomplishments. Someone who is unabashed and humble may be confident in expressing their opinions or abilities, but also recognize the contributions and perspectives of others and not feel the need to boast or show off.

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