Unravelled Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Unravelled Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Unravelled Meaning

The term "unravelled" typically means to undo or disentangle something that is tangled or twisted, or to reveal the hidden meaning or truth behind something that was previously unclear or ambiguous. It can also refer to something that has come apart or become unraveled, such as a piece of clothing or a thread. In general, "unravelled" suggests the process of breaking down or analyzing something complex or mysterious to reveal its underlying components or essence.

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Unravelled Parts of Speech (With Examples)

Verb: the action of untangling, clarifying or explaining something.
Example: She unraveled the mystery by carefully examining the clues.

Adjective: describes something that has been untangled, clarified or explained.
Example: The unravelled sweater revealed a hole in the sleeve.

Past Participle: used to form the perfect tenses of a verb or as an adjective to describe a state of being.
Example: The mystery has been unraveled and the culprit has been caught.

Unravelled Examples in Sentences (Various Examples in Sentences)

  1. As she brushed her hair, she unraveled a knot that had formed at the back of her head.
  2. The detective slowly unraveled the mystery of the missing jewels.
  3. After years of lies and secrets, the truth was finally unraveled by the investigative journalist.
  4. The sweater began to unravel at the seams after being washed too many times.
  5. The scientist's research unraveled a new method for combating climate change.
  6. The team worked tirelessly to unravel the complex coding of the computer virus.
  7. The knot in the shoelace was so tight, it took him several minutes to unravel it.
  8. As he read the old diary, he began to unravel the history of his family.
  9. The mystery surrounding the ancient artifact was slowly unraveled by the archaeologists.
  10. After a long and challenging project, the team finally unraveled the mystery of dark matter.
  11. The threads of the tapestry began to unravel when it was accidentally snagged.
  12. The medical team worked hard to unravel the mystery illness that had plagued the community.
  13. The novel's plot was slowly unraveled through a series of twists and turns.
  14. The organization's corrupt practices were finally unraveled by a brave whistleblower.
  15. The magician unraveled the knots in the rope to the amazement of the audience.
  16. The teacher helped the student to unravel the complex math problem.
  17. The detective carefully unraveled the clues to solve the crime.
  18. She unraveled the tangled yarn to continue knitting her scarf.
  19. The historian unraveled the complex events leading up to the war.
  20. He unraveled the mystery behind the strange noises in the house.
  21. The team of scientists unraveled the genetic code of the virus.
  22. The teacher unraveled the difficult math problem for the students.
  23. The therapist helped the patient unravel the underlying reasons for their anxiety.
  24. The journalist unraveled the corruption scandal through investigative reporting.
  25. She unraveled the misunderstanding with her friend by having an honest conversation.
  26. The computer technician unraveled the glitch in the software program.
  27. The researcher unraveled the impact of climate change on the local ecosystem.
  28. The artist unraveled the complexities of the human condition through her paintings.
  29. The linguist unraveled the grammar rules of the ancient language.
  30. The conspiracy theory was easily unraveled with a few simple facts and evidence.
  31. The movie's plot was so convoluted, it was hard to unravel what was really happening.
  32. The tangled mess of wires was slowly unraveled to set up the new computer.
  33. The truth behind the scandal was finally unraveled, leading to the downfall of several high-profile individuals.

Unravelled Synonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Unraveled - (Past tense of "unravel") - separated the strands of something twisted or tangled.
  2. Deciphered - figured out the meaning of something that was previously difficult to understand.
  3. Unveiled - revealed something that was previously hidden or unknown.
  4. Unfolded - revealed or explained something gradually over time.
  5. Disentangled - removed something that was tangled or twisted.
  6. Unwound - untangled or loosened something that was previously tightly wound.
  7. Unlocked - revealed the hidden meaning or secret behind something.
  8. Uncovered - revealed something that was previously hidden or unknown.
  9. Unpuzzled - solved or explained something that was previously a mystery.
  10. Untwisted - straightened out something that was previously twisted or bent.
  11. Unscrambled - made sense of something that was previously unclear or confusing.
  12. Unknotted - untied or removed a knot from something.
  13. Unfolded - revealed or explained something gradually over time.
  14. Unriddled - solved or explained something that was previously a puzzle or enigma.
  15. Unwrapped - opened or revealed something that was previously concealed or wrapped.
  16. Unveiled - revealed something that was previously hidden or unknown.
  17. Unlaced - untied or unfastened something that was previously tied or fastened.
  18. Unbraided - separated the strands of something that was previously braided or woven.
  19. Unwove - separated the threads of something that was previously woven.
  20. Disentwined - separated the twisted or intertwined strands of something.

Unravelled Antonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Constructive - Destructive: constructive refers to something that is helpful, useful, or creative, while destructive refers to something that causes damage, harm, or destruction.
  2. Courageous - Timid: courageous refers to someone who is brave, fearless, and daring, while timid refers to someone who is shy, hesitant, and easily frightened.
  3. Generous - Stingy: generous refers to someone who is willing to give or share freely, while stingy refers to someone who is unwilling to give or share.
  4. Authentic - Fake: authentic refers to something that is genuine, original, and true to its nature, while fake refers to something that is not genuine, false, or imitation.
  5. Happy - Sad: happy refers to a feeling of joy, contentment, and satisfaction, while sad refers to a feeling of sorrow, grief, or disappointment.
  6. Love - Hate: love refers to a strong feeling of affection, caring, and attachment, while hate refers to a strong feeling of hostility, resentment, or animosity.
  7. Honest - Dishonest: honest refers to someone who is truthful, sincere, and transparent, while dishonest refers to someone who is deceitful, fraudulent, or deceptive.
  8. Optimistic - Pessimistic: optimistic refers to someone who is hopeful, positive, and confident about the future, while pessimistic refers to someone who is negative, doubtful, and uncertain about the future.
  9. Bravery - Cowardice: bravery refers to the quality of being brave, fearless, and courageous, while cowardice refers to the quality of being cowardly, timid, and fearful.
  10. Beautiful - Ugly: beautiful refers to something that is attractive, pleasing, and aesthetically pleasing, while ugly refers to something that is unattractive, unpleasant, and aesthetically unpleasing.
  11. Success - Failure: success refers to the achievement of one's goals, aspirations, or objectives, while failure refers to the lack of success or the inability to achieve one's goals.
  12. Rich - Poor: rich refers to having a lot of wealth, resources, or possessions, while poor refers to having very little wealth, resources, or possessions.
  13. Strong - Weak: strong refers to having physical or mental power, ability, or capacity, while weak refers to lacking physical or mental power, ability, or capacity.
  14. Freedom - Slavery: freedom refers to the state of being free, independent, and self-determined, while slavery refers to the state of being enslaved, oppressed, or controlled by others.
  15. Clean - Dirty: clean refers to something that is free from dirt, pollution, or contamination, while dirty refers to something that is unclean, contaminated, or polluted.
  16. Brave - Fearful: brave refers to someone who is bold, daring, and courageous in the face of danger, while fearful refers to someone who is afraid, anxious, and scared.
  17. Safe - Dangerous: safe refers to something that is free from harm, danger, or risk, while dangerous refers to something that poses a threat, hazard, or risk.
  18. Polite - Rude: polite refers to someone who is courteous, respectful, and well-mannered, while rude refers to someone who is impolite, disrespectful, and ill-mannered.
  19. Confident - Insecure: confident refers to someone who is self-assured, self-reliant, and self-confident, while insecure refers to someone who is unsure, uncertain, and lacking in confidence.
  20. Joyful - Miserable: joyful refers to a feeling of great happiness, pleasure, and delight, while miserable refers to a feeling of great unhappiness, discomfort, and distress.

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FAQs Related With Unravelled (Grammar)

Q: What does "unravelled" mean in grammar?
A: In grammar, "unravelled" typically means to clarify or explain a concept that is complex or difficult to understand.

Q: Can you provide an example of how "unravelled" can be used in grammar?
A: Sure! Here's an example sentence: "The teacher unravelled the complex rules of sentence structure, making it easier for the students to understand."

Q: Is "unravelled" a common term used in grammar?
A: "Unravelled" is not a commonly used term in grammar, but it can be used to describe the process of explaining or clarifying complex grammar concepts.

Q: Can "unravelled" be used to describe the process of correcting grammatical errors?
A: No, "unravelled" is not typically used to describe the process of correcting grammatical errors. A more appropriate term for this would be "corrected" or "fixed."

Q: Is "unravelled" a verb or an adjective?
A: "Unravelled" is typically used as a verb to describe the process of clarifying or explaining something, but it can also be used as an adjective to describe something that has been clarified or explained.

Unravelled Meaning, Unravelled Parts of Speech, Unravelled synonyms, Unravelled Antonyms, Unravelled Examples in Sentences, Video for Unravelled, Unravelled FAQs, Unravelled Related words.

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