Common Russian Words English Hindi Meaning
On this page of Lyrics Pandits, you will find 1000 most common Russian words and their meaning in Hindi along with their English translations, which are helpful in understanding the Russian language. An attempt has been made on this page to compile the most common spoken words. These words will be very helpful for you to know and speak the Russian language. If you want to have command over the Russian language, then strong willpower is required. Make friends of Russian origin and try to speak small words with them.
- и / and, though / और, हालांकि / conjunction
- в / in, at / में, पर / preposition
- не / not / नहीं / particle
- он / he / वह (पुरुष) / pronoun
- на / on, it, at, to / पर, इसे, में, को / preposition
- я / I / मैं / pronoun
- что / what, that, why / क्या, वह, क्यों / conjunction, pronoun
- тот / that / वह / adjective, pronoun
- быть / to be / होना / verb
- с / with, and, from, of / साथ, और, से, का / preposition
- а / while, and, but / जबकि, और, लेकिन / conjunction
- весь / all, everything / सब, सबकुछ / pronoun, noun
- это / that, this, it / वह, यह, यह / pronoun
- как / how, what, as, like / कैसे, क्या, जैसा, की तरह / adverb, conjunction
- она́ / she / वह (स्त्री) / pronoun
- по / on, along, by / पर, साथ, द्वारा / preposition
- но / but / लेकिन / conjunction, noun
- они́ / they / वे / pronoun
- к / to, for, by / को, के लिए, द्वारा / preposition
- у / by, with, of / के पास, के साथ, का / preposition
- ты / you, thou / तुम, तू / pronoun
- из / from, of, in / से, का, में / preposition
- мы / we / हम / pronoun
- за / behind, over, at, after / पीछे, ऊपर, पर, बाद / preposition
- вы / you / आप / pronoun
- так / so, thus, then / इसलिए, इस प्रकार, तब / adverb
- же / and, as for, but, same / और, के लिए, लेकिन, समान / conjunction, particle
- от / from, of, for / से, का, के लिए / preposition
- сказа́ть / to say, to speak / कहना, बोलना / verb
- э́тот / this / यह / pronoun
- кото́рый / which, who, that / कौन सा, कौन, जो / pronoun
- мочь / be able / सक्षम होना / verb
- челове́к / man, person / आदमी, व्यक्ति / noun
- о / of, about, against / का, के बारे में, के खिलाफ / preposition
- оди́н / one, some, alone / एक, कुछ, अकेला / cardinal number, pronoun
- ещё / still, yet / अभी भी, फिर भी / adverb
- бы / would / होता / particle
- тако́й / such, so, some / ऐसा, इतना, कुछ / pronoun
- то́лько / only, merely, but / केवल, मात्र, लेकिन / adverb, conjunction
- себя́ / myself, himself, herself / स्वयं, खुद / pronoun, particle
- своё / one's own, my, our / अपना, मेरा, हमारा / pronoun, noun
- како́й / what, which, how / क्या, कौन सा, कैसे / pronoun
- когда́ / when, while, as / कब, जब, जैसे / adverb, conjunction
- уже́ / already, by now / पहले से, अब तक / adverb
- для / for, to / के लिए, को / preposition
- вот / here, there, this is, that's / यहाँ, वहाँ, यह है, वह है / particle
- кто / who, that, some / कौन, जो, कुछ / pronoun
- да / yes, but / हाँ, लेकिन / conjunction, particle
- говори́ть / to say, to tell, to speak / कहना, बताना, बोलना / verb
- год / year / वर्ष, साल / noun
If you want to learn Russian words, follow the guidelines below.
Practice: Read Russian newspapers, books and articles. Try to speak Russian in chunks. Try to understand the essence of the Russian language and understand the Russian language instead of the English and Hindi translation. With regular practice, you too can try to understand and speak Russian.
Use flashcards: To master the Russian language, write Russian words on one side of a paper and their meanings on the other side. Apps like Anki or Quizlet can help you in this task.
Learn in sentences: Instead of memorizing single words, learn them in sentences. This helps in learning the language.
Practice daily: Even 10-15 minutes of practice a day makes a huge difference, so write down the meaning of five words every day and use them to learn.
Listen and repeat: Watch Russian movies, listen to songs and repeat phrases out loud, asking your friends to understand their meaning. Label objects – Stick Russian words on objects around your house and learn their meaning in Hindi and English.
You may also like
Think in Russian – Try writing the names of things in Russian as you go through your day, and try to understand and speak Russian.
Write a journal – To practice writing, keep a simple diary in Russian, where you record common conversations and events.
Talk to Russian people – Make local Russian friends and try to communicate with them.- знать / to know, be aware / जानना, अवगत होना / verb
- мой / my, mine / मेरा, मेरा अपना / pronoun
- до / to, up to, about, before / तक, के बारे में, पहले / preposition
- и́ли / or / या / conjunction
- е́сли / if / यदि, अगर / conjunction
- вре́мя / time, season / समय, ऋतु / noun
- рука́ / hand, arm / हाथ, भुजा / noun
- нет / no, not, but / नहीं, मगर / negation
- са́мый / most, the very, the same / सबसे अधिक, वही / pronoun
- ни / not a, not, neither… nor / नहीं, न...न / conjunction, particle
- стать / to become, begin, come / बनना, शुरू करना, आना / verb
- большо́й / big, large, important / बड़ा, विशाल, महत्वपूर्ण / adjective
- да́же / even / यहाँ तक कि / particle
- друго́й / other, another, different / दूसरा, अन्य, अलग / pronoun
наш / our, ours / हमारा, हमारा अपना / pronoun
- свой / my, our, your / अपना, मेरा, तुम्हारा / pronoun
- ну / now, right, well, come on / अब, सही, अच्छा, चलो / interjection, particle
- под / under, for, towards, to / के नीचे, के लिए, की ओर / preposition
- где / where / कहाँ / adverb
- де́ло / business, affair, matter / व्यापार, मामला, विषय / noun
- есть / to eat, to be / खाना, होना / verb
- сам / myself, yourself / स्वयं, खुद / pronoun
- раз / time, once, since / समय, एक बार, जबसे / noun, adverb
- что́бы / that, in order that / कि, ताकि / conjunction, particle
- два / two / दो / cardinal number
- там / there, then / वहाँ, तब / adverb
- чем / than; instead of / से, की बजाय / conjunction, particle
- глаз / eye; sight / आँख, दृष्टि / noun
- жизнь / life / जीवन / noun
- пе́рвый / first, front, former / पहला, सामने, पूर्व / adjective, number
- день / day / दिन / noun
- тут / here, now, then / यहाँ, अब, तब / adverb
- во / in, at; super, exactly / में, पर, बेहद, सटीक / preposition, particle
- ничто́ / nothing / कुछ नहीं / pronoun
- пото́м / afterwards, then / बाद में, तब / adverb
- о́чень / very / बहुत / adverb
- со / with / के साथ / preposition
- хоте́ть / to want, like / चाहना, पसंद करना / verb
- ли / whether, if / क्या, यदि / conjunction, particle
- при / attached to, in the presence of, by, about / से जुड़ा, की उपस्थिति में, द्वारा, के बारे में / preposition
- голова́ / head, mind, brains / सिर, मन, बुद्धि / noun
- на́до / over, above, ought to / ऊपर, अधिक, चाहिए / preposition, verb
- без / without / बिना / preposition
- ви́деть / to see / देखना / verb
- идти́ / to go, come / जाना, आना / verb
- тепе́рь / now, nowadays / अब, आजकल / adverb
- то́же / also, as well, too / भी, इसके अलावा / adverb
- стоя́ть / to stand, be, stand up / खड़ा होना, होना, उठना / verb
- друг / friend / दोस्त / noun
- дом / house, home / घर, निवास / noun
Other Important Words with Meaning
- пока / for the present / फिलहाल / adverb
- хорошо / well / अच्छा / adverb
- давать / to give; let, allow / देना, अनुमति देना / verb
- вода / water / पानी / noun
- более / more / अधिक / adverb
- хотя / although / हालांकि / conjunction
- всегда / always / हमेशा / adverb
- второй / second / दूसरा / ordinal number
- куда / where, what for, much / कहाँ, किसलिए, कितना / adverb
- пойти / to go / जाना / verb
- стол / table, desk; board / मेज, डेस्क / noun
- ребёнок / child, kid, infant / बच्चा / noun
- увидеть / to see / देखना / verb
- сила / strength, force / ताकत, शक्ति / noun
- отец / father / पिता / noun
- женщина / woman / महिला, औरत / noun
- машина / car, machine, engine / कार, मशीन / noun
- случай / case, occasion, incident / घटना, अवसर / noun
- ночь / night / रात / noun
- сразу / at once, right away, just / तुरंत, एकदम / adverb
- мир / world, peace / दुनिया, शांति / noun
- совсем / quite, entirely, totally / पूरी तरह, बिल्कुल / adverb
- остаться / to remain, stay / रहना, ठहरना / verb
- об / about, of / के बारे में / preposition
- вид / appearance, look, view / रूप, दृश्य / noun
- выйти / to go out, come out, appear / बाहर जाना, प्रकट होना / verb
- дать / to give / देना / verb
- работать / to work / काम करना / verb
- любить / to love / प्यार करना / verb
- старый / old / पुराना, वृद्ध / adjective
- почти / almost / लगभग / adverb
- ряд / row, line / पंक्ति, कतार / noun
- оказаться / find oneself, turn out / स्वयं को पाना, सिद्ध होना / verb
- начало / beginning, origin, source / शुरुआत, उत्पत्ति / noun
- твой / your, yours (informal) / तुम्हारा / pronoun
- вопрос / question, matter, problem / प्रश्न, मुद्दा / noun
- много / many, much / बहुत, अधिक / adverb
- война / war / युद्ध / noun
- снова / again / फिर से / adverb
- ответить / to answer, reply / उत्तर देना / verb
- между / between, among / के बीच / preposition
- подумать / to think / विचार करना / verb
- опять / again / फिर से / adverb
- белый / white / सफेद / adjective
- деньги / money / पैसा / noun
- значить / to mean, signify / अर्थ रखना, संकेत करना / verb
- про / about, for / के बारे में / preposition
- лишь / only, as soon as / केवल, जैसे ही / adverb, conjunction
- минута / minute, moment / मिनट, क्षण / noun
- жена / wife / पत्नी / noun
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