How to Say "Whatever" or "I Don't Care" in Russian?
When talking about informal Russian speech, one of the most regularly used phrases is expressing indifference. Whether in everyday conversations, jokes, or even minor arguments, Russians have quite a few colorful methods to mention "anything" or "I don't care." Here are ten commonplace expressions, along side their meanings and translations into English and Hindi.
Без разницы (Bez raznitsy)
"Whatever" or "I Don't Care"
1. Да не важно (Da ne vazhno)English: It’s now not importantHindi: यह महत्वपूर्ण नहीं है (Yeh mahatvapurn nahi hai)2. Мне без разницы (Mne bez raznitsy)English: I don’t see the differenceHindi: मुझे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता (Mujhe koi fark nahi padta)3. Мне пофиг / Да пофигу (Mne pofig / Da pofigu)English: I don’t care (a casual and slightly casual word)Hindi: मुझे कोई परवाह नहीं (Mujhe koi parvah nahi)4. Да и хрен с ним (Da i hren s nim)English: And the horseradish with it (Similar to “And the hell with it”)Hindi: और जाने दो, इसकी चिंता मत करो (Aur jaane do, iski chinta mat karo)5. Какая разница? (Kakaya raznitsa?)English: What’s the distinction?Hindi: क्या फर्क पड़ता है? (Kya fark padta hai?)6. Мне всё равно (Mne vsyo ravno)English: It’s all of the equal to meHindi: मेरे लिए सब समान है (Mere liye sab samaan hai)7. Да ну его! (Da nu ego!)English: Ah, forget about it!Hindi: अरे छोड़ो इसे! (Are chhodo ise!)8. Плевать! (Plevat'!)English: I don’t provide a rattling!Hindi: मुझे इसकी कोई परवाह नहीं! (Mujhe iski koi parvah nahi!)9. Да хоть трава не расти! (Da khot' trava ne rasti!)English: Let the grass no longer develop! (Meaning "I don’t care at all")Hindi: जो होगा देखा जाएगा! (Jo hoga dekha jayega!)10. Чихать я хотел(а) (Chikhat' ya khotel(a))English: I couldn’t care lessHindi: मुझे बिल्कुल भी परवाह नहीं! (Mujhe bilkul bhi parvah nahi!)
These expressions vary in formality, so whilst "Мне всё равно" is greater neutral, phrases like "Плевать!" and "Мне пофиг" are extra casual. Next time you are talking to Russian pals, strive the usage of this type of phrases to sound more naturall! The most common translation is "мне вogr. This phrase can be used to express indifference or lack of anxiety in most situation. However, there are other options, depending on the context and level you want to express. For example, "мне напевать" (MNE Napalvet ")" I do not care, "a more obscene way of saying, and it should be used with caution. Another option is "как yasодно" (Kak Ugodno), which means "as you want" or "whatever you want." This phrase can be used when you let someone do something without expressing preferences.