Abate In a Sentence Examples Meaning

Abate In a Sentence Examples Meaning

Abate in a Sentence (with Examples)

Here are some sentences related with Abate that will show you how to use a word or phrase properly, and help you understand it better.
  1. The storm finally began to abate after hours of heavy rainfall.
  2. The doctor prescribed medication to abate the patient's fever.
  3. The construction noise outside the apartment building never seemed to abate.
  4. The traffic on the highway started to abate as rush hour ended.
  5. The pain in his ankle gradually began to abate as he rested it.
  6. The protests in the city showed no signs of abating despite calls for peace.
  7. The company's revenue growth began to abate after a few years of rapid expansion.
  8. The demand for the new product began to abate as competitors entered the market.
  9. The tension between the two countries started to abate after a series of diplomatic talks.
  10. The excitement of the crowd started to abate as the concert came to an end.
  11. The fear of the pandemic began to abate as more people got vaccinated.
  12. The anger in her voice started to abate as she began to calm down.
  13. The intensity of the storm began to abate as it moved out of the area.
  14. The effects of the medication started to abate after a few hours.
  15. The anxiety she felt before the presentation began to abate as she started speaking.
  16. The noise from the construction site finally began to abate after a noise complaint was filed.
  17. The stress from work started to abate as he took a few days off to relax.
  18. The fever began to abate after a few days of bed rest and medication.
  19. The pain in her knee began to abate after physical therapy.
  20. The tension between the siblings started to abate after they had a heart-to-heart conversation.
  21. The effects of the alcohol began to abate as she sobered up.
  22. The panic in the room started to abate as the fire was put out.
  23. The wave of emotion she felt began to abate as she took deep breaths.
  24. The feeling of sadness began to abate as she talked to a therapist.
  25. The excitement of the children started to abate as it got late and bedtime approached.
  26. The sunburn on her skin began to abate after she applied aloe vera.
  27. The enthusiasm for the project began to abate after it became clear it was not feasible.
  28. The hunger began to abate as she ate a snack.
  29. The itchiness on his skin began to abate after he applied an anti-itch cream.
  30. The rush of adrenaline began to abate after the intense workout.
  31. The snowfall finally began to abate after several hours of heavy snow.
  32. The music from the party next door began to abate as the night went on.
  33. The pain in his back started to abate as he stretched and moved around.
  34. The stress and anxiety she was feeling began to abate after she practiced mindfulness.
  35. The political tension in the country started to abate after the election results were announced.
  36. The fear she felt about public speaking began to abate as she gained more confidence.
  37. The enthusiasm for the project began to abate after the team realized they lacked the necessary resources.
  38. The customer complaints about the product began to abate after the company made improvements.
  39. The excitement for the new movie began to abate after the negative reviews came out.
  40. The interest in the social media platform began to abate after data privacy concerns were raised.
  41. The headache she had began to abate after she took pain medication.
  42. The popularity of the singer began to abate after a scandal was revealed.
  43. The traffic on the street began to abate as the day turned to evening.
  44. The fear of public speaking began to abate as she practiced speaking in front of a mirror.
  45. The temperature outside began to abate as the sun started to set.
  46. The noise from the construction site began to abate as workers finished for the day.
  47. The level of pollution in the air began to abate after stricter environmental regulations were put in place.
  48. The worry she felt about the upcoming exam began to abate as she studied more.
  49. The smell of smoke began to abate as the firefighters put out the fire.
  50. The number of COVID-19 cases began to abate after vaccination campaigns were launched.
  51. The fear of spiders began to abate as she learned more about them.
  52. The excitement for the upcoming vacation began to abate as the planning became more stressful.
  53. The amount of rainfall began to abate as the storm moved out of the area.
  54. The cravings for unhealthy food began to abate as she started a new diet.
  55. The fear of flying began to abate as she took more flights and became more familiar with the process.
  56. The storm began to abate as we moved away from the coast.
  57. The company decided to wait until the protests against their product had abated before resuming operations.
  58. The construction noise will eventually abate when the workers finish their project.
  59. The medication helped to abate the patient's pain, but only temporarily.
  60. After the election, the political tension in the country began to abate.
  61. The school decided to cancel classes until the storm had abated.
  62. The patient's fever began to abate after several days of treatment.
  63. The city's air pollution had started to abate after the government implemented new regulations.
  64. The price of the product will abate once the demand goes down.
  65. The enthusiasm for the new movie had not abated, even after the opening weekend.
  66. The pain in her ankle was starting to abate, so she decided to go for a walk.
  67. The anger of the protesters did not abate, even after several hours of negotiations.
  68. The government hoped that the crime rate would eventually abate after the new policies were put in place.
  69. The sound of the thunder finally began to abate after the storm had passed.
  70. The teacher's frustration with her students began to abate after they started to show improvement.
  71. The excitement of the crowd did not abate as the concert went on.
  72. The virus outbreak showed no signs of abating, causing widespread concern.
  73. The tension in the room began to abate after they reached a compromise.
  74. The workload for the employees was starting to abate after a particularly busy period.
  75. The effects of the drug began to abate after a few hours, causing the patient to feel normal again.

Abate Meaning (Examples in a Sentence)

The word "abate" means to reduce in degree or intensity, to lessen or diminish in force or intensity, or to become less active, intense or severe. It can also refer to becoming less in amount or intensity, or to put an end to something.

Abate Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms are words that have similar or identical meanings to another word in the same language. They are often used to provide variety in language, to avoid repetition, or to clarify the intended meaning of a word. For example, "happy" and "joyful" are synonyms because they both convey a positive emotional state. Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings to another word in the same language. They are used to provide contrast in language, to highlight differences between concepts, or to clarify the intended meaning of a word. For example, "hot" and "cold" are antonyms because they describe opposite temperature states.
Discover the depth and breadth of language with this collection of synonyms and antonyms for Abate
Here are some synonyms and antonyms for the word "abate":
  1. Diminish
  2. Decrease
  3. Subside
  4. Ease
  5. Reduce
  6. Lessen
  7. Mitigate
  8. Alleviate
  9. Assuage
  10. Relax
  1. Increase
  2. Intensify
  3. Aggravate
  4. Escalate
  5. Heighten
  6. Amplify
  7. Augment
  8. Worsen
  9. Exacerbate
  10. Compound

10 FAQs Related With Abate

What does "abate" mean?
"Abate" means to become less intense, to lessen or reduce in amount, or to diminish in force or violence.

Can "abate" be used as a noun?
Yes, "abate" can be used as a noun, meaning a reduction or decrease in intensity or severity.

Is "abate" a formal word?
Yes, "abate" is considered a formal word that is commonly used in legal or technical contexts.

What is the opposite of "abate"?
The opposite of "abate" is "intensify" or "escalate."

Can "abate" be used to describe emotions?
Yes, "abate" can be used to describe the lessening or reduction of emotions, such as fear, anxiety, or anger.

Can "abate" be used to describe weather?
Yes, "abate" can be used to describe a lessening or reduction in the intensity of weather conditions, such as rain, wind, or snow.

Is "abate" a common word?
"Abate" is not considered a very common word in everyday language, but it is still used in formal or technical contexts.

Can "abate" be used to describe physical pain?
Yes, "abate" can be used to describe the lessening or reduction of physical pain.

What is the origin of the word "abate"?
The word "abate" comes from the Old French word "abatre," which means "to beat down" or "to cast down."

Can "abate" be used as a transitive verb?
Yes, "abate" can be used as a transitive verb, meaning to lessen or reduce the intensity of something, such as a problem or a nuisance.
I trust that the examples of Abate, I have provided were helpful and easy to comprehend, and I would be delighted if you would consider revisiting my website in the future, as I continue to offer informative and engaging content to assist you in your language learning journey : Saroj Jangid, Sikar (Raj.)
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