Abnegation Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Abnegation Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Abnegation Meaning

Abnegation refers to the act of self-denial or the rejection of one's own desires or interests in favor of a higher goal or cause. It can also refer to the act of renouncing or giving up something that one has a claim to or a right to, such as property, privileges, or beliefs. Abnegation is often associated with religious or spiritual practices that require self-discipline and sacrifice, but it can also be seen in other contexts, such as politics, social activism, or personal relationships.

Abnegation Parts of Speech (With Examples)

Abnegation is a noun that refers to the act of self-denial or the rejection of a certain belief or desire. Here are some examples of how abnegation can be used in sentences:

Her abnegation of material possessions allowed her to live a simple and humble life.
The monk's abnegation of worldly pleasures was admired by his followers.
His abnegation of his political beliefs surprised many of his supporters.
The athlete's abnegation of sweets and junk food helped him achieve his fitness goals.
The politician's abnegation of his personal agenda in favor of the greater good was commendable.
The philosophy of abnegation emphasizes the importance of selflessness and sacrifice.
Her abnegation of her own desires for the sake of her family was a true act of love.
The ascetic's abnegation of physical comforts was a form of spiritual discipline.
The group's abnegation of their individual goals in favor of a collective vision was key to their success.
The character's abnegation of power in the face of temptation demonstrated his moral strength.

Abnegation Examples in Sentences (Various Examples in Sentences)

  1. Despite his hunger, the monk practiced abnegation and refused to eat until the ritual was complete.
  2. She lived a life of abnegation, dedicating herself to serving others and never seeking personal gain.
  3. The politician's abnegation of his own political ambitions enabled him to support a more worthy candidate for office.
  4. The athlete showed abnegation by pushing herself to the limit during training, even when she was tired and sore.
  5. The monk's abnegation of worldly possessions allowed him to focus on his spiritual growth.
  6. The scientist's abnegation of his own theory helped him to recognize the flaws in his research and make necessary adjustments.
  7. The artist's abnegation of his ego allowed him to collaborate more effectively with his peers.
  8. The CEO's abnegation of his own salary enabled him to increase the wages of his employees.
  9. The doctor's abnegation of his own comfort allowed him to work long hours to save the lives of his patients.
  10. The environmentalist's abnegation of her own convenience enabled her to live a more sustainable lifestyle.
  11. The teacher's abnegation of her own free time allowed her to help struggling students after school.
  12. The soldier's abnegation of his own safety enabled him to protect his country and its citizens.
  13. The artist's abnegation of her own preferences allowed her to create a work of art that would resonate with a wider audience.
  14. The athlete's abnegation of her own comfort enabled her to compete at the highest level.
  15. The scientist's abnegation of his own ego enabled him to collaborate more effectively with his colleagues.
  16. The musician's abnegation of his own creative impulses enabled him to work within the constraints of the project and create something truly unique.
  17. The leader's abnegation of her own power enabled her to empower her followers and foster a more collaborative environment.
  18. The writer's abnegation of her own opinions allowed her to accurately represent the perspectives of her characters.
  19. The investor's abnegation of her own short-term gains enabled her to make a more sustainable investment that would benefit everyone in the long run.
  20. The parent's abnegation of his own needs allowed him to prioritize the needs of his children and create a more loving and supportive environment.

Abnegation Synonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Self-denial - the act of voluntarily abstaining from something, often for moral or religious reasons.
  2. Renunciation - the act of giving up or relinquishing something, such as a claim, right, or belief.
  3. Sacrifice - the act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy.
  4. Self-abnegation - the voluntary denial of one's own interests or desires, often for the benefit of others.
  5. Austerity - a lifestyle or policy of strict self-discipline and simplicity, often with the goal of achieving spiritual or moral purity.
  6. Asceticism - a lifestyle characterized by extreme self-discipline and abstinence from physical pleasures, often for religious or philosophical reasons.
  7. Forbearance - the act of patiently enduring or abstaining from something, often in the face of difficulty or provocation.
  8. Abstinence - the act of voluntarily refraining from indulging in a particular pleasure or behavior, such as drinking alcohol or engaging in sexual activity.
  9. Restraint - the act of holding back or limiting oneself, often for the sake of propriety, prudence, or self-control.
  10. Humility - the quality of being modest, unassuming, and unpretentious, often characterized by a lack of self-importance or self-promotion.

Abnegation Antonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Self-indulgence - the excessive or unrestrained gratification of one's own desires, often at the expense of others.
  2. Self-gratification - the act of satisfying one's own desires or pleasures, often at the expense of others.
  3. Self-promotion - the act of promoting or advertising oneself, often with the goal of gaining power, status, or recognition.
  4. Selfishness - the quality of being concerned only with one's own interests or well-being, often at the expense of others.
  5. Self-centeredness - the quality of being excessively focused on oneself, often to the point of ignoring the needs or feelings of others.
  6. Self-importance - the quality of regarding oneself as highly important or valuable, often to the point of arrogance or conceit.
  7. Self-aggrandizement - the act of exaggerating or enhancing one's own importance or achievements, often in a way that is misleading or deceitful.
  8. Self-absorption - the quality of being preoccupied with one's own thoughts or feelings, often to the point of disregarding the needs or perspectives of others.
  9. Egotism - the quality of being excessively self-centered or self-absorbed, often characterized by an inflated sense of self-worth or superiority.
  10. Narcissism - a personality disorder characterized by an extreme preoccupation with oneself, often accompanied by a lack of empathy for others.
  11. Hedonism - the belief that pleasure or happiness is the highest goal of human existence, often characterized by a pursuit of pleasure or self-indulgence.
  12. Sensuality - the quality of being devoted to or preoccupied with sensual pleasures, often to the exclusion of other interests or values.
  13. Greed - an excessive desire for wealth, power, or material possessions, often accompanied by a disregard for the well-being of others.
  14. Gluttony - the excessive consumption of food or drink, often characterized by a lack of self-control or moderation.
  15. Lust - an intense or unrestrained desire for sexual pleasure or gratification.
  16. Pride - a feeling of satisfaction or self-esteem arising from one's own achievements, qualities, or possessions, often characterized by a sense of superiority or arrogance.
  17. Arrogance - an attitude of superiority or self-importance, often characterized by an overbearing or haughty manner.
  18. Conceit - an excessively favorable opinion of oneself, often accompanied by a disregard for the opinions or feelings of others.
  19. Vanity - excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements, often accompanied by a desire for attention or recognition.
  20. Self-love - an excessive or inappropriate preoccupation with oneself, often to the point of narcissism or egotism.

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FAQs Related With Abnegation (Grammar)

What is abnegation?
Abnegation is the act of renouncing or rejecting something, usually for ethical or moral reasons.

What part of speech is abnegation?
Abnegation is a noun.

Can you use abnegation in a sentence?
Yes, for example: "His abnegation of material possessions impressed his peers."

What is the difference between abnegation and renunciation?
Abnegation generally refers to the act of self-denial or rejection of something, while renunciation often implies a formal or official act of relinquishing something, such as a title or position.

Is abnegation a positive or negative word?
The connotation of abnegation can vary depending on the context, but it is generally considered a neutral or even positive word in the sense of self-denial or sacrifice for a greater good.

What are some synonyms for abnegation?

Some synonyms for abnegation include self-denial, renunciation, rejection, relinquishment, sacrifice, and austerity.

What are some antonyms for abnegation?

Some antonyms for abnegation include indulgence, self-gratification, acceptance, assertion, and self-assertion.

Can abnegation be a verb?
No, abnegation is only used as a noun.

What is the opposite of abnegation?
The opposite of abnegation would be self-indulgence or self-gratification.

How is abnegation pronounced?

Abnegation is pronounced uhb-ni-gey-shuhn.

Is abnegation a formal word?
Abnegation is generally considered a formal or academic word.

What is the etymology of abnegation?
The word abnegation comes from the Latin word abnegare, which means "to deny" or "to refuse."

Can you provide an example of abnegation in literature?
In Herman Melville's novel Moby-Dick, the character of Ahab demonstrates abnegation in his relentless pursuit of the white whale, sacrificing everything else in his life for his quest.

Is self-denial a synonym for abnegation?
Yes, self-denial is a synonym for abnegation.

How is abnegation used in psychology?
In psychology, abnegation refers to a personality trait characterized by self-denial, low self-esteem, and a tendency to put others' needs before one's own.

Can abnegation be used in a religious context?
Yes, abnegation is often used in religious contexts to describe the act of rejecting worldly desires and dedicating oneself to spiritual pursuits.

What is the opposite of abnegation in a political context?
In a political context, the opposite of abnegation might be assertiveness or self-assertion.

Is abnegation the same as asceticism?
Abnegation and asceticism share some similarities in the sense of self-denial or rejection of worldly desires, but asceticism often implies a more extreme or rigorous form of self-discipline.

Can abnegation be applied to personal relationships?

Yes, abnegation can be applied to personal relationships when one person sacrifices their own desires or needs for the sake of the other person.

Is abnegation a common word in everyday conversation?

Abnegation is not a common word in everyday conversation, but it may be used in more formal or academic settings.

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