Abscond Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Abscond Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Abscond Meaning

The verb "abscond" means to leave a place quickly and secretly, often to avoid being caught or to escape from the law or some other authority. It often implies an act of fleeing or escaping from a situation, often with the intention of avoiding responsibility or punishment.

Abscond Parts of Speech (With Examples)

The word "abscond" is a verb. Here are some examples of its usage in sentences:
  1. The suspect absconded from the police station while being questioned.
  2. The employee absconded with thousands of dollars from the company's accounts.
  3. The prisoner absconded from the maximum-security prison and is now considered a fugitive.
  4. The debtor absconded with the money, leaving his creditors empty-handed.
  5. The CEO was accused of absconding with company secrets to start his own business.
  6. The thief absconded with the priceless painting from the museum.
  7. The fraudster absconded with the investors' money and disappeared without a trace.
  8. The witness absconded from the courtroom before the trial began.
  9. The student absconded from the school during class and was later found at the mall.
  10. The spy absconded with the classified information, putting national security at risk.

Abscond Examples in Sentences (Various Examples in Sentences)

  1. The prisoner absconded from jail by climbing over the wall.
  2. He absconded with the company's funds and was never seen again.
  3. The thief absconded with the priceless painting from the museum.
  4. She absconded from her abusive husband and went into hiding.
  5. The suspect absconded before the police arrived at the scene.
  6. He absconded with the valuable documents and left the country.
  7. The employee absconded with the confidential data and sold it to a competitor.
  8. The criminal absconded to a foreign country to avoid prosecution.
  9. She absconded from her foster home and ran away to live on the streets.
  10. The debtor absconded to avoid paying back his loans.
  11. The defendant absconded during the trial and was found guilty in absentia.
  12. The fugitive absconded to a remote location and eluded the authorities for years.
  13. The spy absconded with the top secret information and defected to another country.
  14. He absconded with the jewels from the heiress's safe.
  15. The prisoner absconded from the work detail and was later apprehended.
  16. She absconded from her wedding and left her groom at the altar.
  17. The suspect absconded after stealing the car from the dealership.
  18. The student absconded from class and skipped school for the day.
  19. The employee absconded with the company laptop and deleted all the files.
  20. The businessman absconded with his mistress to a tropical island.
  21. The smuggler absconded with the illegal goods and disappeared into the night.
  22. The patient absconded from the hospital and refused to return for treatment.
  23. The athlete absconded from the team's training camp to be with his family.
  24. The prisoner absconded from the transport van during a routine transfer.
  25. The terrorist absconded from the authorities and plotted another attack.
  26. The employee absconded with the cash from the register and vanished.
  27. The spy absconded with the microfilm and delivered it to his superiors.
  28. The hacker absconded with the company's sensitive information and demanded a ransom.
  29. The witness absconded from the witness protection program and was in danger.
  30. The suspect absconded to a neighboring state and changed his identity.
  31. The prisoner absconded from his work release program and was caught by the police.
  32. The thief absconded with the diamond necklace and left no traces behind.
  33. The student absconded from the study group and failed the exam.
  34. The employee absconded with the merchandise and was caught on camera.
  35. The artist absconded to a remote location to focus on his work.
  36. The defendant absconded to a foreign country and was extradited back to face trial.

Abscond Synonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Flee - to run away quickly, often to escape danger or pursuit
  2. Escape - to break free or get away from confinement or control
  3. Bolt - to run away suddenly and quickly, often to escape danger or confinement
  4. Run off - to leave a place quickly and without permission, often to avoid something
  5. Skedaddle - to run away quickly and in a hurry, often in a comical way
  6. Depart - to leave a place or situation, often in a deliberate or planned manner
  7. Vamoose - to depart or run away suddenly and quickly, often in a humorous way
  8. Evade - to avoid or escape something, often by being clever or cunning
  9. Slip away - to leave or escape unnoticed, often without being detected
  10. Scram - to leave or go away quickly and in a hurry, often in a playful or humorous way
  11. Decamp - to leave or depart quickly and suddenly, often to escape something
  12. Absquatulate - to depart or flee suddenly and unexpectedly, often in a humorous or whimsical way
  13. Cut and run - to escape or flee quickly and without hesitation
  14. Clear out - to leave or depart quickly, often in a sudden or unexpected way
  15. Beat a retreat - to withdraw or depart quickly and in an orderly manner, often in a military context
  16. Take flight - to run away quickly, often in a panicked or frightened manner
  17. Make a break for it - to run away quickly and suddenly, often in a desperate or risky manner
  18. Absent oneself - to leave or depart from a place, often without permission or explanation
  19. Make oneself scarce - to leave or depart quickly, often to avoid someone or something
  20. Steal away - to leave or escape quietly and secretly, often without being noticed or detected.

Abscond Antonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Stay - to remain in a place or situation
  2. Arrive - to reach a destination or a place
  3. Enter - to go into a place or a situation
  4. Come in - to enter a place or a building
  5. Appear - to become visible or present
  6. Attend - to be present at an event or a gathering
  7. Join - to become a member of a group or a community
  8. Show up - to appear or become present, often unexpectedly
  9. Turn up - to arrive or appear, often unexpectedly
  10. Surface - to become visible or present, often after being hidden or absent
  11. Report - to show up or arrive, often for duty or responsibility
  12. Attend to - to stay and take care of something or someone
  13. Return - to come back or go back to a place or situation

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FAQs Related With Abscond (Grammar)

Is "abscond" a transitive or intransitive verb?
"Abscond" can be both transitive and intransitive, depending on the context. When it is transitive, it takes an object (e.g. "He absconded with the money"). When it is intransitive, it does not take an object (e.g. "The suspect absconded").
What is the past tense of "abscond"?
The past tense of "abscond" is "absconded" (e.g. "The prisoner absconded from jail").
What is the present participle of "abscond"?
The present participle of "abscond" is "absconding" (e.g. "The employee was caught absconding with company funds").
Can "abscond" be used in the passive voice?
Yes, "abscond" can be used in the passive voice (e.g. "The money was absconded by the employee").
Can "abscond" be used in the present tense?
Yes, "abscond" can be used in the present tense (e.g. "The suspect is trying to abscond").
Is "abscond" a formal or informal word?
"Abscond" is generally considered to be a more formal word, and is not commonly used in everyday conversation.

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