Enslave In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Enslave In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Enslave in Sentences Examples.

  1. The conquerors decided to enslave the defeated people and force them to work in the mines.
  2. The ruthless dictator sought to enslave his entire population and make them obedient to his will.
  3. Many African people were forcibly enslaved and brought to the Americas during the transatlantic slave trade.
  4. The evil wizard used his magic to enslave the people of the kingdom and force them to do his bidding.
  5. In ancient times, prisoners of war were often enslaved by the victorious army.
  6. The plantation owners in the southern United States relied on enslaved Africans to work the fields.
  7. The cruel master would whip and beat his enslaved workers if they did not work hard enough.
  8. The invading army planned to enslave the women and children of the conquered city.
  9. The corrupt businessman sought to enslave his employees by exploiting their labor and paying them very little.
  10. The tyrant king would often enslave people who opposed him and use them as his personal servants.
  11. The cult leader brainwashed his followers and effectively enslaved them to his will.
  12. Many people in history have fought against the practice of enslaving others and advocating for freedom and equality.
  13. The cruel mistress would often enslave her servants and make them work long hours without rest.
  14. Some individuals are willing to enslave themselves to their addictions and harmful habits.
  15. The pirate captain would often enslave sailors from other ships and make them work on his vessel.
  16. The totalitarian government used propaganda to enslave the minds of the people and control their thoughts.
  17. The corrupt politician would often enslave the poor and use them for his own gain.
  18. The greedy businessman sought to enslave workers in other countries and pay them very little for their labor.
  19. The evil sorcerer would enslave people and use their life force to fuel his dark magic.
  20. The indigenous people were often enslaved by the colonizers and forced to work on their plantations.
  21. The mad scientist would often enslave animals and use them for his experiments.
  22. The religious cult would enslave its members and control their every thought and action.
  23. The cruel ruler would often enslave people who disagreed with him and make them his personal slaves.
  24. The corrupt monarch would enslave his people and force them to work for his own gain.
  25. The oppressive government would often enslave dissidents and use them for forced labor.
  26. The ruthless warlord would enslave entire villages and use them as his personal army.
  27. The unscrupulous employer would enslave undocumented workers and exploit their labor.
  28. The manipulative abuser would often enslave their victims and make them do their bidding.
  29. The invading army would enslave the people of the conquered lands and make them work for their benefit.
  30. The cruel dictator would enslave entire groups of people and use them for his own gain.

Enslave Meaning in Detail.

The verb "enslave" means to force someone into a condition of servitude or subjugation, usually against their will. It can also refer to the act of making someone completely subservient to another person or entity, often by depriving them of their freedom, rights, or dignity.

When someone is enslaved, they are typically forced to work without compensation or freedom, and are often treated cruelly or inhumanely by their captors. This can include physical abuse, emotional manipulation, and exploitation for the benefit of their enslavers.

Historically, the practice of enslaving human beings has been a common feature of many societies and civilizations throughout history, often as a means of acquiring cheap labor or consolidating power. However, in most countries today, slavery is illegal and considered a grave violation of human rights.

The term "enslave" can also be used metaphorically to describe situations where someone or something is controlled or dominated to an extreme degree. For example, someone might say that their addiction to a particular substance or behavior has enslaved them, meaning that it has taken over their life and made them completely dependent on it.

Enslave Synonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Subjugate - to bring under control or domination
  2. Bondage - the state of being a slave or being under the control of another person
  3. Enthrall - to captivate or subjugate the mind or emotions
  4. Tyrannize - to exercise oppressive power or control over others
  5. Exploit - to use someone or something in a way that is unfair or wrong
  6. Oppress - to treat someone in a cruel and unfair way, especially by using power or authority
  7. Dominate - to have power and control over others
  8. Captivate - to attract and hold the attention or interest of someone
  9. Control - to have power over something or someone
  10. Subdue - to conquer or bring under control by force
  11. Coerce - to force someone to do something by using threats or intimidation
  12. Conquer - to overcome or defeat by force
  13. Overpower - to overcome or overwhelm with superior force or strength
  14. Master - to gain control or mastery over something or someone
  15. Subject - to bring under the control or authority of someone or something
  16. Hold in bondage - to keep someone in a state of slavery or servitude
  17. Hold captive - to keep someone imprisoned or under control
  18. Enchain - to put someone in chains or shackles
  19. Enslavement - the act of making someone a slave or subjecting them to slavery
  20. Human trafficking - the illegal trade of human beings for the purposes of forced labor or sexual exploitation
  21. Serfdom - a system of forced labor in which people are bound to work for their lord or master
  22. Indenture - to bind someone to work for a specific period of time, often as an apprentice or laborer
  23. Press-gang - to force someone into military or naval service against their will
  24. Requisition - to demand the use or services of someone or something, often for military purposes
  25. Imprison - to confine someone to a place, often against their will
  26. Slavery - the practice of owning and controlling another person as property, often for forced labor
  27. Hegemony - domination or control over others, especially by one country or social group over others
  28. Despotism - a system of government in which a single ruler has absolute power and control over the lives of others
  29. Totalitarianism - a system of government in which the state has total control over all aspects of people's lives
  30. Dictatorship - a system of government in which a single leader has absolute power and control over the lives of others.

Enslave Antonyms (With Meaning)

Here are some antonyms for the verb "enslave," along with their meanings:

Free: To free someone means to release them from bondage or captivity, and to restore their freedom and independence.

Liberate: To liberate someone means to set them free from oppression, captivity, or domination, often through a struggle or conflict.

More Recommendations to explore

Empower: To empower someone means to give them the ability to control their own lives and make decisions for themselves, rather than being controlled by others.

Release: To release someone means to let them go free, often from captivity or imprisonment, and to give them the opportunity to live their lives on their own terms.

Emancipate: To emancipate someone means to free them from a situation of servitude or oppression, often through legal or political means.

These antonyms all suggest a sense of freedom and independence, rather than the oppression and domination implied by the verb "enslave."

FAQs Related With Enslave (Grammar)

Q: Is "enslave" a regular or irregular verb?
A: "Enslave" is a regular verb, as it follows the standard -ed suffix for the past tense and past participle forms (e.g. enslaved, enslaving).

Q: Can "enslave" be used intransitively?
A: No, "enslave" is a transitive verb that requires an object. It cannot be used intransitively (i.e. without an object).

Q: Can "enslave" be used in the passive voice?
A: Yes, "enslave" can be used in the passive voice to describe the state of being enslaved by someone or something. For example, "He was enslaved by his addiction to drugs" (active voice) can be changed to "He was enslaved by drugs" (passive voice).

Q: Is "enslave" a formal or informal word?
A: "Enslave" is generally considered to be a formal word, often used in legal or political contexts.

Q: Can "enslave" be used metaphorically?
A: Yes, "enslave" can be used metaphorically to describe situations where someone or something is controlled or dominated to an extreme degree. For example, someone might say that they feel enslaved by their job, meaning that it consumes all of their time and energy and leaves them feeling powerless.

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