Equity Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Equity Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Equity Meaning

Equity means different things based on the context in which it is present.
Here are a few common meanings: In context of finance and accounting, equity means what an individual owns of a corporation, materializing as shares of stock. Individuals who own equity in a company are shareholder owners who claim both the company's assets and profits, as well as the opportunity to receive dividends and take part in important voting matters.
Connected to equity, common law seeks to develop fairness and equity. Courts equipped with equity were developed to furnish solutions that common law courts cannot, shaped by the tenets of equity and justice.
The usual definition of equity generally signifies fairness or impartiality, as well as a sense of moral or ethical equity. People should take note that a decision followed the rule of equity, which indicates it was created without bias and fairly.

Equity Parts of Speech (With Examples)

Meaning: fairness, justice, or impartiality
Example: The principle of equity requires that everyone be treated equally under the law.
Meaning: ownership interest in a company or property
Example: The equity of the shareholders in the company increased significantly after the successful IPO.
Meaning: relating to or representing ownership in a company or property
Example: Equity investments are known for their potential high returns but also high risk.
Meaning: just or fair
Example: The new policy was designed to ensure equity among all employees regardless of their background.
Meaning: impartial or unbiased
Example: The mediator was able to bring about a resolution that was equitable to both parties.
Meaning: in a fair and just manner
Example: The case was resolved equitably through arbitration.

Equity Examples in Sentences (Various Examples in Sentences)

  1. The company's equity increased significantly after it acquired a new subsidiary.
  2. The principle of equity requires that all employees be treated fairly and impartially.
  3. The judge's decision to divide the assets of the divorcees was based on the principles of equity and fairness.
  4. The professor emphasized the importance of equity in education, particularly in terms of providing equal opportunities for all students.
  5. The government's housing policy aims to increase equity by providing affordable homes to low-income families.
  6. The CEO gave his employees equity in the company as part of their compensation package.
  7. The report highlighted the disparities in wealth and equity between different regions of the country.
  8. The law firm specializes in equity financing for startups and small businesses.
  9. The shareholder's equity in the company declined after it reported losses in the latest financial quarter.
  10. The HR department is responsible for ensuring equity in the hiring process, regardless of race, gender, or ethnicity.

Equity Synonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Justice - the principle of moral rightness and fairness
  2. Impartiality - the quality of being unbiased and fair
  3. Equality - the state of being equal in status, rights, and opportunities
  4. Even-handedness - the quality of being fair and impartial
  5. Neutrality - the state of being impartial and not taking sides
  6. Objectivity - the quality of being free from bias and personal feelings
  7. Balance - the state of being in equal or proportional distribution
  8. Rectitude - the quality of being morally correct and honest
  9. Righteousness - the quality of being morally right or justifiable
  10. Virtue - the quality of having high moral standards and ethical principles

Equity Antonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Inequity - the lack of fairness or justice
  2. Bias - favoritism towards a particular group or individual
  3. Discrimination - the unjust treatment of individuals based on certain characteristics such as race, gender, or age
  4. Prejudice - preconceived opinions or attitudes towards individuals or groups that are not based on reason or experience
  5. Injustice - the lack of fairness or impartiality in decision-making or treatment
  6. Unfairness - a lack of equity or impartiality in treatment or decisions
  7. Partiality - a bias in favor of a particular group or individual
  8. Disparities - the differences or inequalities in treatment or opportunities for individuals or groups
  9. Imbalance - an unequal distribution of resources or benefits
  10. Inequality - the state of being unequal in terms of opportunities, treatment, or resources

Video Tutorial For Equity (With Meaning, Origin, Examples)

FAQs Related With Equity (Grammar)

What is equity?
Equity describes the value of an asset after all debts and liabilities have been taken out. This symbol shows a shareholder’s capital asset in a company.

What is stock equity?
Shareholders own the segment of a company that is represented as stocks. The percentage of ownership among the shareholders is indicated by stock equity.

How do equity and debt vary from one another?
Ownership in a firm is what equity means, and debt is the sum of borrowed money and an obligation to pay it back with interest.

What kinds of equity exist?
There are two main types of equity: traditional equity and special equity. Ownership interest in a firm that meets shareholder voting rights falls under common equity, while claim to both dividends and assets represents ownership in a small portion of shares called preferred equity.

In what manner is equity being employed in finance?
In the world of finance, equity serves to determine the worth of a company as well as to measure the shareholder’s investment returns. It can also act as collateral for loan applications or to generate funds for a business.

What sets apart equity from shares?
The worth of an asset following the elimination of any debts or liabilities is equity, whereas shares represent ownership in a company.

What is dilution of equity?
With the appearance of new equity offerings, share dilution is identified, which then reduces the ratio of shares kept by your current shareholders.

What is equity financing?
Equity financing is a method whereby businesses attract investment funds from investors by selling portions of their ownership. It is realizable to do this either via public offerings or private placements.
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