Equity Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Equity Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Equity Meaning

Equity has multiple meanings, depending on the context in which it is used.
Here are a few common meanings: In finance and accounting, equity refers to the ownership interest in a company, represented by the company's shares of stock. Shareholders who own equity in a company have a claim on the company's assets and earnings, and may be entitled to dividends and voting rights.
In law, equity refers to a branch of the legal system that developed alongside common law, and is concerned with fairness and justice. Equity courts were originally created to provide remedies that were not available in common law courts, and were based on principles of fairness and natural justice.
In general usage, equity may refer to the quality of being fair and impartial, or to a sense of moral or ethical fairness. For example, someone might say that a decision was made with equity, meaning that it was made fairly and impartially.

Equity Parts of Speech (With Examples)

Meaning: fairness, justice, or impartiality
Example: The principle of equity requires that everyone be treated equally under the law.
Meaning: ownership interest in a company or property
Example: The equity of the shareholders in the company increased significantly after the successful IPO.
Meaning: relating to or representing ownership in a company or property
Example: Equity investments are known for their potential high returns but also high risk.
Meaning: just or fair
Example: The new policy was designed to ensure equity among all employees regardless of their background.
Meaning: impartial or unbiased
Example: The mediator was able to bring about a resolution that was equitable to both parties.
Meaning: in a fair and just manner
Example: The case was resolved equitably through arbitration.

Equity Examples in Sentences (Various Examples in Sentences)

  1. The company's equity increased significantly after it acquired a new subsidiary.
  2. The principle of equity requires that all employees be treated fairly and impartially.
  3. The judge's decision to divide the assets of the divorcees was based on the principles of equity and fairness.
  4. The professor emphasized the importance of equity in education, particularly in terms of providing equal opportunities for all students.
  5. The government's housing policy aims to increase equity by providing affordable homes to low-income families.
  6. The CEO gave his employees equity in the company as part of their compensation package.
  7. The report highlighted the disparities in wealth and equity between different regions of the country.
  8. The law firm specializes in equity financing for startups and small businesses.
  9. The shareholder's equity in the company declined after it reported losses in the latest financial quarter.
  10. The HR department is responsible for ensuring equity in the hiring process, regardless of race, gender, or ethnicity.
  11. The economist argued that policies that promote equity in income distribution are key to reducing poverty.
  12. The foundation aims to promote equity in healthcare access for underserved communities.
  13. The venture capitalist invested in the startup based on its strong equity position and growth potential.
  14. The board of directors approved a plan to increase employee equity participation in the company's profits.
  15. The professor's research examines the effects of equity crowdfunding on startup financing.
  16. The city's government launched an initiative to increase equity in public transportation by improving service to underserved neighborhoods.
  17. The investor's equity stake in the company allowed him to have a say in the management decisions.
  18. The philanthropist's donation will go towards supporting equity initiatives in education and healthcare.
  19. The company's equity structure was reorganized in order to attract new investors.
  20. The economist argued that policies that promote equity in education and job opportunities are crucial for economic growth and social stability.
  21. The accountant analyzed the company's equity ratio to determine its financial stability.
  22. The government's tax policy aims to increase equity by reducing the burden on low-income households.
  23. The nonprofit organization advocates for equity in access to healthcare services for all individuals.
  24. The startup's equity valuation rose significantly after it secured a major investment from a venture capitalist.
  25. The professor's lecture on equity theory explored how people perceive and react to inequities in social situations.
  26. The company's equity crowdfunding campaign successfully raised funds from a diverse group of investors.
  27. The activist group organized a protest to demand equity in voting rights for marginalized communities.
  28. The employee union negotiated for equity in pay and benefits across all levels of the organization.
  29. The philanthropist's foundation supports programs that promote equity in education and technology access for disadvantaged youth.
  30. The financial advisor recommended diversifying the client's portfolio by investing in equity mutual funds.
  31. The city council passed a resolution to prioritize equity in city planning and development projects.
  32. The investor's equity ownership in the company allowed her to attend the annual shareholders' meeting and vote on key decisions.
  33. The startup's founders chose to raise equity financing instead of debt financing in order to maintain control over the company's direction.
  34. The professor's research on equity in workplace decision-making found that diversity among decision-makers leads to better outcomes.
  35. The political candidate campaigned on a platform of equity in social justice issues, such as equal rights for minority groups and criminal justice reform.
  36. The private equity firm acquired a majority stake in the target company and implemented a new management structure.
  37. The company's equity incentive program encourages employees to invest in the company's long-term success.
  38. The human resources department conducted a survey to assess employee perceptions of equity in compensation and promotion opportunities.
  39. The activist organization advocates for equity in environmental policies, such as addressing the disproportionate impact of pollution on marginalized communities.
  40. The company's equity analysts provide research and recommendations on stocks to help investors make informed decisions.

Equity Synonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Justice - the principle of moral rightness and fairness
  2. Impartiality - the quality of being unbiased and fair
  3. Equality - the state of being equal in status, rights, and opportunities
  4. Even-handedness - the quality of being fair and impartial
  5. Neutrality - the state of being impartial and not taking sides
  6. Objectivity - the quality of being free from bias and personal feelings
  7. Balance - the state of being in equal or proportional distribution
  8. Rectitude - the quality of being morally correct and honest
  9. Righteousness - the quality of being morally right or justifiable
  10. Virtue - the quality of having high moral standards and ethical principles
  11. Honesty - the quality of being truthful and trustworthy
  12. Integrity - the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles
  13. Rightness - the quality of being correct and justifiable
  14. Equity of access - the principle that everyone should have equal access to resources and opportunities
  15. Equity of outcome - the principle that everyone should have equal outcomes regardless of their starting point
  16. Equitableness - the quality of being fair and just
  17. Impartialness - the quality of being unbiased and fair
  18. Disinterestedness - the state of being impartial and not taking sides
  19. Evenness - the quality of being equal and consistent.

Equity Antonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Inequity - the lack of fairness or justice
  2. Bias - favoritism towards a particular group or individual
  3. Discrimination - the unjust treatment of individuals based on certain characteristics such as race, gender, or age
  4. Prejudice - preconceived opinions or attitudes towards individuals or groups that are not based on reason or experience
  5. Injustice - the lack of fairness or impartiality in decision-making or treatment
  6. Unfairness - a lack of equity or impartiality in treatment or decisions
  7. Partiality - a bias in favor of a particular group or individual
  8. Disparities - the differences or inequalities in treatment or opportunities for individuals or groups
  9. Imbalance - an unequal distribution of resources or benefits
  10. Inequality - the state of being unequal in terms of opportunities, treatment, or resources
  11. Unjustness - the lack of justice or fairness in treatment or decisions
  12. Unbalance - a lack of equilibrium or balance in the distribution of resources or opportunities
  13. Inconsistency - a lack of consistency or fairness in decision-making or treatment
  14. Oppression - the unjust or cruel treatment of individuals or groups
  15. Intolerance - a lack of acceptance or respect for individuals or groups that are different from oneself
  16. Partisanship - a bias in favor of a particular political party or group
  17. Unevenness - a lack of evenness or balance in the distribution of resources or opportunities
  18. Unrighteousness - the lack of righteousness or justice in treatment or decisions
  19. Unscrupulousness - the lack of ethical or moral principles in decision-making or treatment
  20. Iniquity - gross injustice or wickedness.

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FAQs Related With Equity (Grammar)

What is equity?
Equity is the value of an asset after deducting any liabilities or debts. It represents the ownership interest of the shareholders in a company.

What is stock equity?
Stock equity is the portion of a company that is owned by the shareholders in the form of stocks. Stock equity represents the ownership interest of the shareholders in the company.

What is the difference between equity and debt?
Equity represents ownership in a company, while debt represents money that is borrowed by a company that needs to be paid back with interest.

What are the different types of equity?
There are two main types of equity: common equity and preferred equity. Common equity represents the ownership interest of the shareholders who have voting rights, while preferred equity represents the ownership interest of shareholders who have a priority claim on dividends and assets.

How is equity used in finance?
Equity is used in finance to determine the value of a company and to determine the return on investment for shareholders. It can also be used as collateral for loans or to raise capital for a company.

What is the difference between equity and shares?
Equity is the value of an asset after deducting any liabilities or debts, while shares represent ownership in a company.

What is dilution of equity?
Dilution of equity occurs when new shares are issued, thereby reducing the percentage of ownership held by existing shareholders.

What is equity financing?
Equity financing is the process of raising capital for a company by selling shares of ownership to investors. It can be done through public offerings or private placements.

What is a stock option?
A stock option is a contract that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a certain number of shares of a company's stock at a certain price, known as the strike price.

What is an IPO?
An IPO, or initial public offering, is the first time a company's stock is made available to the public for purchase. It is a way for companies to raise capital and expand their ownership base.
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