Rural Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms
Saroj Jangir
Rural Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms
Rural Meaning
In its broadest meaning, “rural” is a region or neighborhood that is part of the countryside or country and not part of a city/town; areas with comparatively higher population concentrations and prevalence in agriculture, natural resources, or primary produce industries. Bigger population centers may also have a different social culture from that of rural areas, matching on traditional attitudes and practices. Further, rural areas may also be deprived basic facilities and infrastructure that is available at larger, urban territories, for instance, medical facilities, schools and means of transport. Rural Parts of Speech (With Examples) Adjective - Used to describe a noun. Example: He grew up in a rural area and had a deep appreciation for the natural world. Noun - Refers to a person or thing that lives or exists in a rural area. Example: The festival drew people from both rural and urban areas. Adverb - Modifies a verb to describe how an action is carried out in a rural setting. Example: She lives rurally and enjoys the peacefulness of the countryside. Preposition - Indicates a relationship between two words in a sentence, often indicating location or movement in a rural area. Example: They went for a walk through the rural countryside. Verb - Refers to the act of living or working in a rural area.
Example: After retiring, he decided to ruralize and moved to a small town in the countryside.
Rural Examples in Sentences (Various Examples in Sentences)
The rural landscape was filled with rolling hills and farmland.It was a very small town and it looked rather country with very little commerce and almost empty streets.
Many of the yards depicted the farmer busy attending to the crops and the livestock on his rural land for the most part of the day.
Due to the loud and increasing populations, she decided to relocate from the urban area to the countryside.
The rural community contributed to one family in a charitable manner.
There has been only one teacher in the rural school, which here taught children of all grade levels.
The possible rural road network was characterized by sharp curves and limited provision for passing.
The rural retreat allowed people to take time and also participate in the aesthetic value of the countryside.
The rural town also featured an annual fall festival through the end of the day from which people from other cities nearby used to flock in.
Due to the above circumstances, the rural hospital was poorly equipped, but the workers did all they could to attend to their patients.
Some of the functions of the rural church included entertaining gatherings while supporting those within the church.
For the last few years, there was a steady trend of the rural population reducing as the human shifted to the urban areas.
Rural Synonyms (With Meaning)
Rustic – associated with the country, the countryside, farming or the plain and simple life, or, it has an unfinished or raw look or feel to it.
Countryside: country, or the country, an area of land that is not urbanized as are the city and the town.
Rural – having to do with towns and the country, or the country side which is often related to farming and agriculture.
specifically those societies or communities involved in farming and cultivation of farms or agriculture.
Hinterland – the rural or remote region that lies beyond the city or town.
Provinces – these are the remote or rural areas of any given country, which are several miles away from cities.
Backcountry – the outer areas of a region with limited accessibility and the population density is typically low.
Outback – large and desolate tracts of the Australian continent, commonly referred to as bush and wild country.
Woods - the natural unpopulated regions of a specific area expressing the beauty of untamed land.
bush – an Australian term for a non-populated area, which is mainly desert
Frontier – the peripheral area of a region which refers to sparsely populated, roughly developed territory in countryside.
Ruralist – an individual, who prefers, enjoys living in, or has sentimental feelings toward rural territory and the related way of life.
Greenbelt - a strip of land outside the city or town that is set for cultivation or conservation.
Farm land : it is a form of zonal land that is used for crop production or rearing livestock in the rural areas.
Farmstead – a farm and the buildings that belong to it placed in the countryside
Homestead – a dwelling and the immediate surrounding, which may contain farmland or pasturage, situated in a countryside.
Homeset lands that are used for feeding animals like cows and sheep and which are normally found in the countryside.
Rural Antonyms (With Meaning)
Urban - Areas or communities that are found within the context of either cities or large towns with high population density, more typologies of industries and business and in general regions that have better provisions of infrastructures and essential commodities.
Suburban – this is typically localities which exist outside the central business district of a city or large town, which contains elements of both residential and commercial locations as well as having a lower population density than suburban areas.
Metropolitan : Refers to areas or community that is sub urban of of a large city or urban complex; densely populated with lively economic and cultural activities.
Diverse - Luncheon places characterised by multicultural population in an urban society in this case this includes cosmopolitan.
Civilized – Pertaining to areas or region or communities that are cultured, informed, and advanced in both art and intellect, normally found in urban center and involved in different cultural and artistic events.
Contemporary – Concerns updating areas or communities to encompass current or even technologically infused zones, primarily in urban environments, that are home to multiple forms of innovative industries.
Population - This type of location refers to the densely populated community classified under industrial region due to high production activity often located in urban or even suburban regions.
Business – Concerns the territories or districts highly commercialized and basically operating commercial and business activities, situated in or near the urban or suburban regions with noticeable degree of commercialization and economization of the territories.
Cosmopolitan – Concerns places or demographics that have diverse and multiple subcultures, typically are cities multicultural, and may have an influence of the global and cultural diversity.
Video Tutorial For Rural (With Meaning, Origin, Examples)
Rural related FAQs accompanied by rural grammar What does "rural" mean? Still, rural market relates to market areas that are not situated in cities or towns, large population density, natural environment, and commonly involved in farming and other customary activities.
What is rural development? The advancement of mass infrastructure and facilities, especially in the agricultural sector, community awareness and organization, and educational crusade fall under rural enhancement.
What some of the advantages of rural living? Rural living brings a peaceful environment and lesser stress from the overcrowded environment, beauty of nature and fresh air and organic foods from the surrounding farmland.
What are some bist challenges associated with rural living? Some of the drawbacks of residing in rural regions are those areas have few service providers, facilities and employment; and are often located a long distance from large metropolitan areas.
What are the imaginable economic activities in the rural area? These enterprises are the following: Agriculture, Forestry, Mining, fishing, and tourism to mention but a few. Some Other Suggestions to consider
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Proponents of rural developments have identified the following infrastructure that need to be developed in the countryside: Rural infrastructure may comprise of transport networks, bridges, sewage and water pipes, telecommunication faculties and other social amenities such as schools and meeting halls.
There are different classifications of rural communities according to differant facets of difference. Different forms of rural communities can be farming areas, small towns or villages.
What is the role of the rural sector? Indeed, agriculture and other products and farming from the rural regions can greatly support the economy of a particular country apart from the current industries including tourism, extraction of mineral resources and manufacturing.