बच्चों के नए नाम New Names of Kids Hindi

बच्चों के नए नाम New Names of Kids Hindi

बच्चों के नए नाम New Names of Kids Hindi
  • Mehul (मेहुल): Rain, precipitation
  • Manav (मानव): Human, mankind
  • Man (मन): Mindful, thoughtful, nearby
  • Mansh (मंश): Liberation, salvation
  • Mrudul (मृदुल): Soft, tender
  • Mrutvik (मृत्विक): Thoughtful, contemplative
  • Monik (मोनिक): Advice, counsel
  • Mruthun (म्रुथुन): Born of the earth, earthly
  • Manthan (मंथन): Reflection, shadow, image
  • Madhur (मधुर): Sweet, lovely
  • Manvit (मन्वित): Virtuous, powerful
  • Manaj (मनज): Born of the mind, close one
  • Manaank (मनांक): Compassionate, worthy of love
  • Mikin (मिकिन): Strong, powerful
  • Manaant (मनांत): Deep thinker, emotional
  • Manay (मनय): One who wins hearts, charming personality
  • Manit (मानित): Honored, deserving respect
  • Mayun (मायुन): Source of water, distinct from prosperity
  • Mavi (मावी): Blue color, beautiful
  • Mayuraksh (मयूराक्ष): Beautiful eyes like a peacock, attractive
  • Mahel (महेल): Healthy, well-being
  • Makhesh (मखेश): Lord of magic, all-knowing
  • Mrutyuanjay (मृत्युंजय): One who conquers death, immortal
  • Manasyu (मनस्यु): Desired, cherished
  • Mahit (महित): Always smiling, happy
  • Mayuk (मायुक): Talented, best
  • Mahir (महीर): Courageous, brave
  • Mahul (महुल): Patient, disciplined
  • Madhuk (मधुक): Bee, sweet-tongued
  • Mayavin (मयवीन): Lovely, close to the heart
  • Manalp (मनल्प): Unique, unparalleled
  • Mugdh (मुग्ध): Absorbed in mantras, absorbed
  • Molin (मोलीन): Internal growth, root foundation
  • Miyosh (मियोष): Intelligent, development
  • Mitush (मितुष): Splendid, unique
  • Megh (मेघ): Cloud, sky, peace
  • Matang (मतंग): Part of strength, divine power
  • Manshav (मंशव): Wise, intelligent
  • Manjul (मंजुल): Beautiful, sweet
  • Malay (मलय): Fragrance, like sandalwood
  • Aangat (अंगत): Colorful
  • Aanjay (अंजय): Unconquerable, invincible
  • Aanshal (अंशल): Strong, powerful, having strong shoulders, passionate
  • Arnab (अर्नब): Sea
  • Arth (अर्थ): Meaningful, purposeful
  • Abbhinav (अब्भिनाव): New, novel, unique
  • Abdhi (अब्धी): Ocean
  • Abhayadev (अभयदेव): God who provides fearlessness
  • Abhas (आभास): Realization, truth
  • Abhavy (अभव्य): Inappropriate, cause of fear
  • Abhay (अभय): Fearless
  • Abhayam (अभयम): Fearless
  • Abhayankar (अभयंकर): Powerful and complete
  • Abhik (अभीक़): Fearless, dear
  • Abhey (अभेय): Fearless
  • Abhi (अभी): Fearless
  • Abhikandar (अभिकंदरा): Moon-faced, associated with the Shvetambara Jain tradition as one of the seven Baladevas
  • Abhidip (अभिदीप): Illuminated, enlightened
  • Abhidharm (अभिधर्म): Highest law
  • Abhidhany (अभिधन्य): Devi, goddess
  • Abhihas (अभिहास): Desiring to smile, cheerful
  • Abhihit (अभिहीता): Expression, word, name
  • Abhijat (अभिजात): Noble, wise, faultless, explicit
  • Abhijay (अभिजय): Victorious, victory, complete win
  • Abhijayā (अभिजया): Victorious, victory, complete win
  • Abhijit (अभिजीत): Victory, triumphant, another name of Lord Krishna, who is victorious over all
  • Abhijun (अभीजुन): Specialist, skilled
  • Abhijvala (अभिज्वाला): Glowing, shining
  • Abhikam (अभीकम): Affectionate, lovely
  • Abhilesh (अभिलेश): Immortal lord, unique
  • Abhim (अभिम): Another name for Lord Vishnu, destroyer of fear
  • Abhiman (अभिमान): Pride, arrogance
  • Abhimani (अभिमानी): Full of pride, one who possesses pride
  • Abhimanum (अभीमानुम): Proud, arrogant
  • Abhimanyusutā (अभिमन्युसुता): Daughter of Abhimanyu, Son of Arjuna
  • Abhimodā (अभिमोदा): Joy, delight
  • Abhinay (अभिनय): Expression, acting
  • Abhinith (अभिनिथ): Pure, full of love, forgiving
  • Abhinit (अभिनीत): Renowned, famous, well-accomplished
  • Aniya – अनिय – भगवान हनुमान, पूर्णता, संतृप्ति
  • Anamol – अनमोल – अमूल्य, कीमती
  • Anup – अनूप – अतुलनीय, सर्वश्रेष्ठ
  • Ageandr – अगेंद्रा – पहाड़ों के राजा
  • Aanshala – अंशल – मजबूत, ताकतवर, जिसके कंधे मजबूत हों
  • Ary – आर्य – सम्मानित, महान
  • Aankush – अंकुश – नियंत्रण, हाथी को वश में करने वाला
  • Anty – अन्त्य – कामयाब, निपुण, सुशिक्षित
  • Akshay – अक्षय – अविनाशी, अनंत, अमर
  • Abhiram – अभिराम – सुंदर, सुखदायक
  • Ashunata – अशुनत – हाजिर जवाब, चतुर, समझदार, तर्कशील
  • Agni – अग्नि – आग, ज्वाला
  • Atal – अटल – अचल, अडिग
  • Arjit – अर्जित – प्राप्त करना, संगृहीत
  • Abhilash – अभिलाष – इच्छा, तमन्ना
  • Abhinav – अभिनव – बिल्कुल नया, नवीन
  • Abhiraj – अभिराज – तेज, निडर राजा
  • Adhip – अधिप – शासक, राजा
  • Abhika – अभिक – प्रिय, प्यारा, पसंदीदा
  • Adita – अदित – शिखर, सूर्य भगवान, प्रथम
  • Adhiraj – अधिरज – राजा, शासक, मालिक
  • Adhit – अधित – शुरुआत से, प्रथम
  • Achiant – अचिंत – नि:शुल्क, देखभाल, निस्वार्थ सेवा
  • Avijit – अविजित – अजय, जीता हुआ
  • Abhyank – अभ्यंक – परमेश्वर के नाम
  • Avi – अवी – सूरज और हवा
  • Asim – असीम – अनंत, जिसकी कोई सीमा न हो
  • Arav – अराव – शांतिपूर्ण, सुकून
  • Abhimand – अभिमंड – हर्षक, आनंदित, खुश, मनोहर
  • Aslunit – अस्लुनित – मजबूत, बहादुर, जांबाज
  • Arut – अरूत – हवा, पवन, समीर
  • Arianjay – अरिंजय – बुराई पर विजय पाने वाला, बुराई को खतम करना
  • Abdhi – अब्धि – सागर, महासागर, समुंदर
  • Ayansh – अयंश – ईश्वर का उपहार, माता पिता का एक हिस्सा
  • Avanesh – अवनेश – पूरी दुनिया के भगवान, शासक
  • Avirat – अविराट – निरंतर, लगातार, बिना रुके
  • Avikrut – अविकृत – शुद्ध, साफ, स्वच्छ
  • Arup – अरूप – अत्यंत सुंदर, खूबसूरत
  • Amaresh – अमरेश – इंद्रादेव का नाम, आकाश का राजा
  • Akshit – अक्षित – स्थायी, सुरक्षित, महफूज
  • Akhand – अखंड – अभंग, जिसे बंटा न जा सके
  • Akshun – अक्षुण – एक महत्वपूर्ण कण
  • Arpan – अर्पण – शुभ, भक्ति
  • Adhinav – अधीनव – बुद्धिमान, तेज बुद्धि, चतुर
  • Abhayadeva – अभयदेव – निर्भय, डर से मुक्त, जिसे किसी चीज का भय न हो
  • Abhayi – अभायी – भरोसेमंद, विश्वास, यकीन
  • Advika – अद्विक – अनोखा, जो किसी के जैसा न हो, अलग
  • Amaya – अमय – जिसमें कोई कमी न हो, निपुण, संपूर्ण
  • Arsha – आर्ष – चमकीला, पूजनीय
  • Abhinesha – अभिनेश – अभिनेता, अदाकार
  • Abhidi – अभिदी – किरणे फैलाने वाला, प्रकाश, उज्ज्वल
  • Amola – अमोल – जिसका कोई मोल न हो
  • Akhila – अखिल – सम्पूर्ण, जो खुद में पूरा हो
  • Abrika – अब्रिक – भगवान के जितना कीमती, मूल्यवान, महंगा
  • Achiantya – अचिंत्य – आश्चर्यजनक, असाधारण, उत्तम विचार
  • Akshata – अक्षत – समूचा, बिना टूटा हुआ
  • Ananta – अनंत – जिसका कोई अंत न हो, पृथ्वी, विष्णु, शिवा
  • Adenya – अदेन्य – प्रथम, पहला, सर्वश्रेष्ठ, प्रतिष्ठित
  • Ashkarana – अश्करण – प्रसिद्धी, मशहूर
  • Advina – अद्विन – कलाकार
  • Achyuta – अच्युता – ठोस, अचल
  • Agir – अगिर – सूरज, आग
  • Aksharan – अक्षरं – भगवान शिव का एक नाम
  • Adhish – अधीश – राजा, हिंदू भगवान
  • Arul – अरुल – देवताओं का आशीर्वाद, भाग्यशाली
  • Akhil – अखिल – संपूर्ण, पूरा
  • Aniy – अनिय – भगवान हनुमान, पूर्णता, संतृप्ति
  • Amogh – अमोघ – अमोघ, गणेश जी
  • An – आन – सूरज
  • Anant – अनंत – असीम, अनन्त, धर्मी, पृथ्वी, विष्णु, शिव, ब्रह्मा का दूसरा नाम, अनंत
  • Kavin: Handsome / Beautiful
  • Ketak: Flower
  • Kunsh: Shining
  • Kunwar: Prince
  • Kushanu: Fire
  • Kuval: Wisdom
  • Kuvam: Sun
  • Hemdev: Lord
  • Ketubh: Cloud
  • Keshav: Lord Krishna
  • Kewal: Only
  • Khushal: Happy
  • Kiran: Sun rays
  • Kirit: Crown
  • Kirtan: A form of worship
  • Kirti: Fame
  • Kirtiraj: King of Fame
  • Hanuman: Son of the god of wind
  • Hayagriv: Lord Krishna
  • Hemant: Winter
  • Kirtin: Celebrated
  • Kishan: Lord Krishna
  • Kishore: Young Boy / Lord Krishna
  • Kovidh: Wise
  • Kripal: Compassionate
  • Krishna: Lord Krishna
  • Kritanu: Skilled
  • Kshantu: Patient
  • Kshiraj: Nectar
  • Kumar: Sonof wealth
  • Hemen: The king of gold
  • Hemish: Lord of the earth
  • Hemraj: King of wealth
  • Hetal: Cheerful
  • Hiranya: Lord Vishnu
  • Hiresh: King of precious stones
  • Hitendra: Well wisher
  • Hriday: Heart
  • Hrishikesh: Lord Vishnu
  • Kailash: Mountain / Abode of Lord Shiva
  • Kairav: White lotus
  • Kalyan: Fortunate
  • Kanaiya: Lord Krishna
  • Kanvar: Prince
  • Kapil: Sage / Sun
  • Kapoor: Saffron
  • Karmjit: Winner over obstacles
  • Karn: The Pandavas half brother
  • Kartik: Month of intense meditation
  • Karunesh: Lord of mercy
  • Kashinath: Lord Shiva
  • Kashyap: A sage and friend of Pandavas
  • Kaushik: A wise sage
  • Kavi: Poet
  • Kaviraj: King of the Poets
  • Hardik: Full of love
  • Hari: Lord Krishna
  • Haridas: One of Lord Chaitanya's associates
  • Harij: The horizon
  • Harikesh: Lord Krishna
  • Haripreet: Beloved of Gods
  • Harjit: Victor
  • Haroon: Hope
  • Harsh: Joy
  • Harshad: Happy
  • Harshit: Joyful
  • Hasan: Laughter
  • Hasmukh: Full of cheer
  • Aadesh: Order
  • Aakash: Sky
  • Aashish: Blessing
  • Abhay / Abheek: Fearless
  • Abhijay: Victor
  • Abhilash: Wish/ Desire
  • Abhiraj: Fearless king
  • Abimanyu: Arjuna's Son
  • Abhishek: Ritual
  • Acharya: Who teaches by example
  • Acyuta: Lord Krishna / Invincible
  • Acyutananda: Insatiable bliss / One who never falls
  • Adarsh: Ideal
  • Adhiraj: King
  • Adil: Sincere
  • Adit: First born
  • Advaita: One of Lord Chaitanya's associates
  • Advay: Unique
  • Agasthya: Name of a sage
  • Ajay: Unconquered
  • Ajit: Victorious
  • Akaram: One who is without karma
  • Akash: Sky
  • Akhil: Complete
  • Akhilesh: Lord & master
  • Akrura: Refined
  • Akshar: Letter
  • Akshay: Immortal
  • Alok: Brightness
  • Amal: Pure / Hope / Aspiration
  • Amalendu: Pure like the moon
  • Amalesh: Pure
  • Aman: Peace
  • Amar / Amartya: Immortal
  • Ambuj: Lotus
  • Amir: Rich
  • Amish: Pure
  • Amit: Limitless
  • Amogh: Lord Ganesh
  • Amol / Amolik / Amul: Priceless
  • Amrit: Nectar
  • Amshu: Atom
  • Anadi: Eternal
  • Anand: Joy / Bliss
  • Anant: Joyful / Unending
  • Anantdev: Unlimited Lord
  • Anek: Many
  • Angir: Name of a sage
  • Animesh: Bright
  • Anirudh: Boundless
  • Anirvan: Undying
  • Ankur: Glow
  • Ankush: Control
  • Anmol: Priceless
  • Anram: Continuous
  • Anshuman: Sun
  • Anuj: Younger brother
  • Anupam: Unique / Uncomparable
  • Anurag: Love
  • Arjit: Earned
  • Aravind / Arvind: Lotus
  • Arjun: Lord Krishna's cousin / One of the Pandav brothers
  • Arnav: The sea
  • Arpan: Offering
  • Arshad: Heavenly
  • Arun: Sun
  • Ashank: Faith
  • Asheem: Boundless
  • Ashish: Blessing
  • Ashok: Without sorrow
  • Ashram: Four social divisions
  • Ashwin: A star
  • Atal: Unshakeable
  • Atma: Soul
  • Atmanand: Blissful
  • Atraiu: Great warrior
  • Atul: Uncomparable
  • Avijit: Invincible
  • Avilash: Faithful
  • Avinash: Immortal / Inconquerable
  • Ayush: Long-lived
  • Daiwik: By the grace of God
  • Dakshi: The glorious
  • Daman: Controller
  • Damodar: Lord Krishna
  • Danvir: Charitable
  • Darpan: Mirror
  • Darshan: Paying respect
  • Dashrath: Father of Lord Ram
  • Dashrathi: Lord Rama
  • Dayaram: Merciful
  • Debashish: The Lord's blessing
  • Debjit: One who has conquered Gods
  • Deep: Light
  • Deepak: Lamp
  • Dev / Deva: Divinity
  • Devaj / Devang: From God
  • Devak: Divine
  • Devayan: Journey of / to the Gods
  • Devdarsh: Worshipper of God
  • Devkumar: Son of God
  • Devraj: King of the Gods
  • Devrat: Spiritual
  • Dhairya: Patience
  • Dhananjay: Arjuna
  • Dhanraj: King of wealth
  • Dhimant: Intelligent
  • Dhir: Wise
  • Dhiraj: Patience
  • Dhruv: Firm
  • Dinesh: Sun
  • Dipendu: Moon
  • Diptanshu: Sun
  • Divyesh: Full of divinity
  • Dulal: Loved one
  • Dushyant: Destroyer of evil
  • Gadadhar: One of Lord Chaitanya's associates
  • Gagan: Sky
  • Gajendra: Elephant king
  • Gandhi: Sun
  • Gandhik: Fragrance
  • Ganesh: Son of Lord Shiva
  • Ganpati: Lord Ganesha
  • Garud: Lord Vishnu's bird carrier
  • Gaurang: Melody / Lord Chaitanya / Fair-bodied
  • Gaurav: Prestige
  • Gaurhari: Lord Chaitanya
  • Gaurkeshav: Krishna with a golden complexion
  • Gaurnitai: Lord Chaitanya
  • Gaurshakti: Lord Chaitanya's Power
  • Gaursundar: Lord Chaitanya
  • Gautam: Lord Buddha
  • Giri: Mount
  • Giridhar: Lord Krishna / Holder of the mountain
  • Giriraj: Lord of the mountains / Govardhan
  • Gopal: Lord Krishna
  • Gopesh: Lord Krishna
  • Gopinath: Krishna / Lord of the Gopis
  • Goral: Lovable
  • Govind/ Govinda: Lord Krishna
  • Grishm: Heat
  • Gunamay / Gunin / Gunvant: Virtuous
  • Gurudatt: Bestowed by a Guru
  • Guruprasad: Guru's mercy

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