साला को अंग्रेजी में क्या कहते हैं Sala Ko English Me Kya Kahate Hain
साला को अंग्रेजी (इंग्लिश) में brother-in-law कहते हैं. साला हिंदी भाषा का शब्द है जिसका सम्पूर्ण अर्थ निचे दिया गया है। साला से आशय पत्नी का भाई होता है, पत्नी के भाई को हिंदी में साला और इंग्लिश में Brother-in-Law कहते हैं।
साला शब्द के उदाहरण Examples of Sala (brother-in-law Examples)
What is Brother In Law : It means the partner of one’s sister or the sibling of one’s spouse. In other words, it is a kind of term which is used for indicating the man who is the husband or the brother of the woman with whom a man has the consanguineal relationship.
Q: What is a brother son in law?
A: A brother in law is a male partner in a married family, that is, the sister’s husband or the husband’s brother.
Q: What respect should one give or should not give to his brother – in – law, and in a formal setting, how do I begin a conversation with him?
A: It’s a definitive ‘Yes’ if: // Case 2: Love is a factor and depending on the current relationship you have with your brother in law. There are several usual customs that people use when referring to a brother-in-law for instance calling him by his first name, calling him brother or even “bro”.
Q: What is my rights or rather relationship with a brother in law ?
A: He is your family member being your wife’s brother hence making him your brother -in-law. Appreciation may not always be reciprocated or its level may differ depending on the person and his or her family environment.
Q: If I have my husband die, is it unlawful for me to marry with my husband’s brother?
A: That always depends with the laws of your state or country respectively. Today there are countries where marrying a brother in-law in case of death of a spouse is permissible and there are those where it is unlawful.
Q: What should I get my brother in law for his birthday?
A: On which you want to gift your brother in law It is basically depends on in interest and in hobbies of your brother in law. There are times when they will make gift purchase decisions and go for the simplest things like books, clothes, an mp3 player or PDA or even buy gifts in the form of experiences like going for a concert or a holiday.
Q: What should I do in order to establish a proper communication with my brother-in-law?
A: The positive ways through which one can relate with a brother-in-law include; showing concern in your brother-in-law’s activities, respecting him and looking for some of the things that may interest both of you.
Q: Why can’t I stand my brother in-law?
A: Sometimes in a family people may not be close or be on the same page with other members of the family. Some of them are, for example, setting boundaries, looking for similarities, or turning to a therapist or mediator.
Once again let it be mentioned, these answers are not applicable to all families and relationships as each family and relationship is as different as it is.

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