Adamant Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Adamant Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Adamant Meaning

The word "adamant" is often used to describe someone who is extremely determined and unyielding in their beliefs or actions. It can also refer to an extremely hard, unbreakable substance, often used metaphorically to describe someone's resolve or determination.

The word "adamant" comes from the Greek word "adamas," which means "unconquerable" or "invincible." In ancient times, it was used to refer to a hard, unbreakable substance like diamond, and this sense of the word still exists today. When used to describe a person, "adamant" implies a sense of strength and determination that cannot be shaken, much like the unbreakable substance it is named after.

Adamant Parts of Speech (With Examples)

Adamant is primarily used as an adjective to describe someone who is determined, unyielding, and unwilling to change their mind or opinion. However, it can also be used as a noun to refer to a hard, durable, and unbreakable substance.

Examples of adamant as an adjective:
She was adamant about her decision to quit her job and start her own business.
Despite his parents' objections, he remained adamant about pursuing a career in the arts.
The team was adamant that they could win the game, even though they were down by 10 points.
Examples of adamant as a noun:

The diamond was a perfect example of an adamant, with its incredible hardness and durability.
The sword was forged from an ancient adamant, making it nearly indestructible.
The ancient philosopher believed that the universe was made up of four elements: earth, air, fire, and adamant. 

Adamant Examples in Sentences (Various Examples in Sentences)

  1. Despite her parents' objections, she remained adamant about pursuing a career in the arts.
  2. He was adamant that he did not want to attend the party.
  3. The coach was adamant that his team needed to practice harder if they wanted to win.
  4. She was adamant that the project would be completed on time.
  5. He was adamant that his beliefs were correct, even when others disagreed.
  6. The company was adamant about maintaining high ethical standards.
  7. She was adamant that she would not compromise her principles.
  8. The judge was adamant that justice would be served.
  9. He was adamant that he would not tolerate any more mistakes from his employees.
  10. She was adamant that she would not apologize for speaking her mind.
  11. The student was adamant about getting a perfect score on the test.
  12. The scientist was adamant about following the scientific method.
  13. The community was adamant about preserving their historical landmarks.
  14. The doctor was adamant about the importance of getting enough sleep.
  15. The athlete was adamant about sticking to his training regimen.
  16. The teacher was adamant about instilling a love of learning in her students.
  17. The artist was adamant about expressing her unique vision through her work.
  18. The activist was adamant about fighting for social justice.
  19. The soldier was adamant about completing his mission.
  20. The writer was adamant about telling the truth, no matter how difficult it might be.
  21. The customer was adamant that they had received poor service and demanded a refund.
  22. He was adamant that he would not compromise on his principles, no matter what.
  23. The manager was adamant about enforcing the company's policies.
  24. She was adamant that she would not let her disability hold her back from achieving her goals.
  25. The team was adamant about winning the championship this year.
  26. The homeowner was adamant about keeping their property in pristine condition.
  27. The activist was adamant about protecting the environment and wildlife.
  28. The captain was adamant about ensuring the safety of the crew.
  29. The chef was adamant about using only fresh ingredients in his cooking.
  30. The student was adamant about getting into the top university in the country.
  31. The politician was adamant about passing legislation to address climate change.
  32. The coach was adamant about instilling discipline and teamwork in his players.
  33. The entrepreneur was adamant about creating a product that would revolutionize the industry.
  34. The singer was adamant about staying true to her artistic vision, despite pressure from record labels.
  35. The parent was adamant about setting strict rules and boundaries for their children.
  36. The designer was adamant about using sustainable materials in her fashion line.
  37. The driver was adamant about obeying traffic laws and driving safely.
  38. The professor was adamant about the importance of critical thinking and analysis.
  39. The activist was adamant about advocating for the rights of marginalized communities.
  40. The traveler was adamant about exploring new cultures and experiencing different ways of life.

Adamant Synonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Resolute: firm in purpose or belief; determined; unwavering
  2. Steadfast: firm and unwavering in purpose, loyalty, or resolve; resolute
  3. Unyielding: not giving way to pressure or persuasion; inflexible
  4. Inflexible: unwilling to change or compromise; rigid
  5. Stubborn: refusing to change one's opinion or behavior; obstinate
  6. Uncompromising: unwilling to make concessions or deal with others; inflexible
  7. Determined: having made a firm decision and resolved to pursue a particular course of action
  8. Tenacious: tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely
  9. Dogged: having or showing tenacity and grim persistence
  10. Firm: having a solid, unyielding surface or structure; strong and stable in character or personality.

Adamant Antonyms (With Meaning)

The term adamant describes someone or something that is firm, unyielding, and resolute. Here are some antonyms (words with opposite meanings) of adamant:
  1. Flexible - able to bend or change according to circumstances or new information.
  2. Example: The boss was flexible about allowing his employees to work remotely.
  3. Yielding - willing to compromise or give in to the opinions or requests of others.
  4. Example: She was yielding to her parents' wishes and decided to study medicine instead of art.
  5. Placable - able to be calmed or soothed, not stubborn or unrelenting.
  6. Example: The customer was placable after the manager apologized for the poor service.
  7. Indecisive - unable to make up one's mind or choose between options.
  8. Example: The student was indecisive about which college to attend.
  9. Amenable - willing to listen to suggestions or advice, cooperative.
  10. Example: The team was amenable to making changes to their strategy after a disappointing loss.
  11. Malleable - able to be shaped or molded, adaptable.
  12. Example: The organization was malleable in its approach to working with different partners.
  13. Open-minded - willing to consider different opinions or ideas.
  14. Example: The teacher was open-minded to new teaching methods and strategies.
  15. Soft - easily influenced, not rigid or uncompromising.
  16. Example: The politician was accused of having a soft stance on important issues.
  17. Impressionable - easily influenced or swayed by others.
  18. Example: The teenager was impressionable and often followed the trends of her peers.
  19. Persuadable - able to be convinced or persuaded by argument or evidence.
  20. Example: The jury was persuadable by the compelling testimony of the witness.

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FAQs Related With Adamant (Grammar)

What is the part of speech of "adamant"?
"Adamant" can be either an adjective or a noun.

Can "adamant" be used as a verb?
No, "adamant" is not a verb.

What is the meaning of "adamant"?

"Adamant" means firm, unyielding, and resolute.

Is "adamant" a positive or negative word?
It depends on the context. In some situations, being adamant can be viewed as positive, while in others, it can be seen as negative.

How do you use "adamant" in a sentence?
You can use "adamant" as an adjective to describe someone or something that is firm or unyielding, or as a noun to refer to a person who is resolute in their beliefs.

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