Nonplussed Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Nonplussed Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Nonplussed Meaning

The word "nonplussed" is an adjective that is used to describe someone who is perplexed, confused, or unsure how to react in a particular situation. It can also refer to a person who is surprised and unsure of how to respond to something unexpected.

Despite its similarity to "unimpressed," "nonplussed" actually means the opposite. It does not mean "not impressed," but rather, "confused" or "perplexed."

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The word "nonplussed" can also be used to describe a situation that is difficult to understand or resolve, or a statement that is contradictory or paradoxical.

Nonplussed Parts of Speech (With Examples)

She was nonplussed by the sudden change in plans.
His response left me feeling nonplussed and unsure of what to say next.
The audience was nonplussed by the magician's disappearing act.
The teacher was nonplussed by the student's unexpected answer.
He was nonplussed when he realized he had forgotten his keys at home.
The committee was nonplussed by the lack of interest in the project.
She was nonplussed by the complexity of the math problem.
The company was nonplussed by the negative feedback from customers.
The politician was nonplussed by the reporter's tough question.
The host was nonplussed by the guest's rude behavior.

Nonplussed Examples in Sentences (Various Examples in Sentences)

  1. She was nonplussed when she saw the test results.
  2. The audience was nonplussed by the strange performance.
  3. He was completely nonplussed by her sudden confession.
  4. The interviewer was nonplussed by the candidate's unusual response.
  5. The detective was nonplussed by the lack of clues.
  6. I was nonplussed when he asked me out on a date.
  7. The teacher was nonplussed by the student's bizarre behavior.
  8. The artist was nonplussed by the negative criticism.
  9. The company was nonplussed by the sudden surge in demand.
  10. The parents were nonplussed by their child's unexpected talent.
  11. The politician was nonplussed by the protests outside his office.
  12. The chef was nonplussed by the customer's unusual request.
  13. The researcher was nonplussed by the unexpected results.
  14. The student was nonplussed by the difficult question on the exam.
  15. The judge was nonplussed by the lawyer's unconventional argument.
  16. The employee was nonplussed by the sudden change in management.
  17. The editor was nonplussed by the author's bizarre plot twist.
  18. The customer was nonplussed by the high price of the item.
  19. The athlete was nonplussed by the unexpected injury.
  20. The team was nonplussed by the unexpected weather conditions.
  21. The doctor was nonplussed by the patient's unusual symptoms.
  22. The writer was nonplussed by the sudden change in the story's direction.
  23. The teacher was nonplussed by the student's unusual question.
  24. The employee was nonplussed by the sudden increase in workload.
  25. The artist was nonplussed by the buyer's strange request.
  26. The driver was nonplussed by the unexpected traffic jam.
  27. The scientist was nonplussed by the contradictory data.
  28. The manager was nonplussed by the unexpected resignation of an employee.
  29. The speaker was nonplussed by the unexpected reaction of the audience.
  30. The musician was nonplussed by the unexpected change in the song's key.

Nonplussed Synonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Perplexed - bewildered or confused by something.
  2. Baffled - unable to understand or explain something.
  3. Bewildered - feeling confused or disoriented.
  4. Confounded - bewildered, confused or surprised.
  5. Flummoxed - confused or bewildered.
  6. Discombobulated - disoriented or confused.
  7. Stumped - unable to find an answer or solution.
  8. Dumbfounded - astonished and unable to speak.
  9. Puzzled - confused or unsure about something.
  10. Mystified - unable to understand something.
  11. Fazed - feeling confused or disconcerted.
  12. Confused - unable to think clearly or understand something.
  13. Uncertain - not sure or confident about something.
  14. Perplex - confuse or puzzle someone.
  15. Stymied - prevented from making progress or finding a solution.

Nonplussed Antonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Confident - feeling sure of oneself or one's abilities.
  2. Certain - completely sure or convinced.
  3. Composed - calm and in control of oneself.
  4. Collected - calm and self-possessed.
  5. Poised - composed and self-assured.
  6. Unfazed - not disturbed or affected by something.
  7. Unperturbed - not worried or upset by something.
  8. Assured - confident or certain.
  9. Clear-headed - able to think clearly and calmly.
  10. Confident - having faith or trust in oneself or others.
  11. Self-assured - confident in one's own abilities or qualities.
  12. Sure - completely confident or certain about something.
  13. Unruffled - not disturbed or agitated; calm.
  14. Cool-headed - able to remain calm in difficult situations.
  15. Undisturbed - not upset, worried, or disturbed by something.

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FAQs Related With Nonplussed (Grammar)

What does "nonplussed" mean?
"Nonplussed" means to be surprised, confused, or uncertain about something. It can also mean being perplexed or at a loss for words or action.

Is "nonplussed" a positive or negative word?
The meaning of "nonplussed" is generally neutral, as it simply describes a state of confusion or uncertainty. However, it can be used in a negative context if the confusion is caused by something unpleasant or unexpected.

Can "nonplussed" be used to describe a person who is calm or unfazed?

No, "nonplussed" typically describes a person who is confused, unsure, or at a loss for words or action. It is not usually used to describe someone who is calm or unfazed.

Is "nonplussed" a common word?
"Nonplussed" is not as common as some other words in English, but it is still used regularly in both spoken and written language.

What are some synonyms for "nonplussed"?
Some synonyms for "nonplussed" include perplexed, baffled, bewildered, puzzled, confused, and disconcerted.

What are some antonyms for "nonplussed"?
Some antonyms for "nonplussed" include composed, certain, confident, sure, and unfazed.

Can "nonplussed" be used to describe an inanimate object?
No, "nonplussed" is typically used to describe a person's state of mind, emotions, or behavior. It is not commonly used to describe inanimate objects.

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