Alacrity Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Alacrity Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Alacrity Meaning

Alacrity refers to a brisk and cheerful readiness to do something, often with enthusiasm or eagerness. It can also refer to promptness or swiftness in taking action or responding to a situation. The term is often associated with a positive and can-do attitude, and is commonly used in situations where speed and efficiency are valued.

Alacrity Parts of Speech (With Examples)

"Alacrity" is a noun. Here are some examples of how it can be used in a sentence:

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She accepted the offer with alacrity, eager to begin her new job.
The soldiers marched forward with alacrity, ready to face the enemy.
He answered the phone with alacrity, hoping it was good news.
The students worked with alacrity, eager to finish their project before the deadline.
The chef moved around the kitchen with alacrity, preparing dishes with ease and speed.

Alacrity Examples in Sentences (Various Examples in Sentences)

  1. The employee responded to the customer's request with alacrity, eager to provide excellent service.
  2. The athlete ran with alacrity, determined to beat his personal record.
  3. The student raised her hand with alacrity, excited to answer the teacher's question.
  4. The team worked with alacrity to finish the project before the deadline.
  5. The volunteers arrived with alacrity, ready to help with the disaster relief efforts.
  6. The customer purchased the product with alacrity, impressed by its quality and value.
  7. The musician played with alacrity, bringing energy and enthusiasm to the performance.
  8. The artist painted with alacrity, inspired by the beauty of the landscape.
  9. When her boss asked her to take on a new project, she responded with alacrity and immediately began working on it.
  10. The firefighters responded with alacrity when they received the emergency call, arriving at the scene within minutes.
  11. Despite feeling tired, the athlete approached the race with alacrity, eager to give it her all.
  12. The restaurant staff served the customers with alacrity, making sure that everyone's needs were met promptly and efficiently.
  13. The student raised her hand with alacrity when the teacher asked for volunteers to present their projects.
  14. The soldier demonstrated alacrity in carrying out orders, showing great dedication to his duty.
  15. The company responded with alacrity to the changing market conditions, quickly adapting its business strategy to stay competitive.
  16. The doctor acted with alacrity when the patient's condition worsened, quickly administering the necessary treatment.
  17. The team worked with alacrity to complete the project ahead of schedule, impressing their supervisor with their efficiency.
  18. The customer service representative handled the complaint with alacrity, offering a quick and satisfactory resolution to the issue.

Alacrity Synonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Promptness - the quality of being ready and quick to act in response to a situation or request.
  2. Celerity - swiftness of movement or action.
  3. Agility - the ability to move quickly and easily.
  4. Briskness - lively or energetic; full of activity.
  5. Dispatch - the act of sending something or someone to a destination quickly.
  6. Expedition - the quality of being efficient and timely in completing tasks.
  7. Haste - speed in action or movement; rapidity.
  8. Hustle - to move quickly and energetically; to hurry.
  9. Nimbleness - the quality of being light and quick in movement or action.
  10. Quickness - the quality of being able to move or respond swiftly.

Alacrity Antonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Delay - the act of postponing or putting off.
  2. Hesitation - the act of pausing or being uncertain.
  3. Procrastination - the act of delaying or postponing tasks.
  4. Sluggishness - the quality of being slow-moving or lacking energy.
  5. Reluctance - the state of being unwilling or hesitant.
  6. Lethargy - the quality of being sluggish or apathetic.
  7. Indolence - the state of being lazy or idle.
  8. Inactivity - the state of not being active or doing nothing.
  9. Slowness - the quality of being slow or taking a long time.
  10. Torpor - the quality of being inactive or sluggish, especially due to tiredness or lethargy.

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FAQs Related With Alacrity (Grammar)

What is the definition of alacrity?
Alacrity means a quick and cheerful willingness to do something.

Is alacrity a noun or verb?
Alacrity is a noun.

What part of speech is alacrity?

Alacrity is a noun.

Can alacrity be used as an adverb?
No, alacrity cannot be used as an adverb.

What is the adjective form of alacrity?
The adjective form of alacrity is "alacritous" or "alacrious."

What is the plural form of alacrity?
The plural form of alacrity is "alacrities."

What is a synonym for alacrity?
A synonym for alacrity is promptness.

What is an antonym for alacrity?
An antonym for alacrity is reluctance.

How do you use alacrity in a sentence?
Example: He accepted the invitation with alacrity, eager to attend the party.

Is alacrity a common word?
Alacrity is not a very common word in everyday conversation.

What are some related words to alacrity?
Some related words to alacrity include eagerness, willingness, and enthusiasm.

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