Ballad In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Ballad In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Ballad in Sentences Examples.

  1. The old man sang a haunting ballad of lost love and regret.
  2. The ballad told the tale of a brave knight who rescued a damsel in distress.
  3. The mournful ballad captured the sadness of a mother grieving for her lost child.
  4. The ballad celebrated the heroism of a group of firefighters who risked their lives to save others.
  5. The bittersweet ballad chronicled the joys and sorrows of a long, happy marriage.
  6. The ballad was a rousing anthem of freedom and rebellion against tyranny.
  7. The melancholic ballad was a lament for a fallen soldier.
  8. The ballad recounted the tale of a shipwrecked sailor who survived against all odds.
  9. The lively ballad celebrated the joys of youth and the pleasures of life.
  10. The ballad sang of the beauty of the countryside and the simple joys of nature.
  11. The ballad recounted the tale of a notorious outlaw and his daring exploits.
  12. The ballad was a tribute to a fallen hero and his sacrifice for the greater good.
  13. The mournful ballad told the story of a young woman betrayed by her lover.
  14. The ballad was a stirring call to arms for a group of rebels fighting for their freedom.
  15. The romantic ballad spoke of the love between two people who were meant to be together.
  16. The ballad was a tribute to a legendary figure who had passed into history.
  17. The haunting ballad spoke of ghosts and lost souls wandering the earth.
  18. The ballad was a tale of redemption and the power of forgiveness.
  19. The lively ballad told of a raucous party and the good times to be had there.
  20. The ballad spoke of the strength and resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.
  21. The romantic ballad was a tribute to a love that transcended time and distance.
  22. The ballad celebrated the courage of a soldier who stood up against injustice and oppression.
  23. The mournful ballad told of the sorrow and heartbreak of a woman abandoned by her lover.
  24. The ballad was a tribute to a famous musician who had passed away.
  25. The haunting ballad spoke of the mysteries of the universe and the secrets it held.
  26. The ballad told of a young woman who defied convention and lived life on her own terms.
  27. The romantic ballad sang of the beauty of true love and the joys it brings.
  28. The ballad celebrated the triumph of good over evil and the power of justice.
  29. The melancholic ballad told of a man who had lost everything and was seeking redemption.
  30. The ballad was a tribute to a legendary athlete and his achievements.
  31. The lively ballad told of a wild and carefree life on the road.
  32. The ballad was a tribute to a fallen leader and his legacy.
  33. The haunting ballad spoke of the mysteries of the human heart and the passions it holds.
  34. The ballad was a call to action for a people oppressed and downtrodden.
  35. The romantic ballad sang of the beauty and magic of a first love.
  36. The ballad told of a great battle fought and won against overwhelming odds.
  37. The mournful ballad spoke of the pain and heartache of unrequited love.
  38. The ballad was a tribute to a great artist and his contributions to the world.
  39. The lonely cowboy strummed his guitar and sang a ballad of lost love.
  40. She hummed a haunting ballad as she walked through the forest.
  41. The bard sang a ballad about the brave knight who saved the princess from the dragon.
  42. The ballad of Bonnie and Clyde is a tale of crime and passion.
  43. The sailors sang a ballad about the stormy sea and the ship that never returned.
  44. He wrote a ballad about the struggles of the working class.
  45. The ballad of John Henry tells the story of a steel-driving man who died trying to beat a machine.
  46. She sang a ballad about the beauty of the countryside.
  47. The troubadour sang a ballad about a knight who fought for his lady's honor.
  48. The ballad of Davy Crockett celebrates the life of a legendary frontiersman.
  49. The old man sang a ballad about the wars he had fought in his youth.
  50. She wrote a ballad about the pain of unrequited love.
  51. The ballad of Casey Jones tells the story of a heroic train engineer.
  52. The minstrel sang a ballad about the joys of springtime.
  53. He strummed his guitar and sang a ballad about the freedom of the open road.
  54. The ballad of Tom Dooley tells the story of a man who was hanged for murder.
  55. She sang a ballad about the joys of motherhood.
  56. The ballad of Jesse James is a tale of outlawry and betrayal.
  57. The troubadour sang a ballad about the beauty of the Mediterranean coast.
  58. He wrote a ballad about the struggles of the Civil Rights movement.
  59. The ballad of Paul Revere tells the story of his famous ride.
  60. She sang a ballad about the struggles of the suffragettes.
  61. The ballad of John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt is a catchy children's song.
  62. The minstrel sang a ballad about the hardships of life in medieval times.
  63. He strummed his guitar and sang a ballad about the wild west.
  64. The ballad of Barbara Allen tells the story of a tragic romance.
  65. She wrote a ballad about the beauty of autumn leaves.
  66. The ballad of Stagger Lee is a tale of violence and revenge.
  67. The troubadour sang a ballad about the beauty of the Alps.
  68. He sang a ballad about the struggles of the Irish immigrants in America.
  69. The ballad of Big Bad John tells the story of a heroic miner.
  70. She sang a ballad about the struggles of the Civil War.
  71. The ballad of Tam Lin tells the story of a young woman who rescues her lover from the fairy queen.
  72. The minstrel sang a ballad about the joys of love.
  73. He wrote a ballad about the hardships of the Great Depression.
  74. The ballad of Mary Hamilton is a tragic tale of betrayal and execution.
  75. She sang a ballad about the beauty of the night sky.
  76. The troubadour sang a ballad about the beauty of the Pyrenees.
  77. He strummed his guitar and sang a ballad about the joys of youth.
  78. The ballad of Frankie and Johnny is a tale of jealousy and murder.
  79. She wrote a ballad about the struggles of the Civil Rights movement.
  80. The ballad of Black Jack Davy tells the story of a gypsy who seduces a noblewoman.
  81. The minstrel sang a ballad about the joys of a good meal.

Ballad Meaning in Detail.

A ballad is a type of narrative poem or song that tells a story, often of a romantic or tragic nature. It typically consists of quatrains or stanzas with a specific rhyme scheme and meter. The ballad has a long history, dating back to the Middle Ages, and has been passed down through oral tradition and written literature.

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Ballads often focus on common themes such as love, death, and adventure. They may tell stories of heroic deeds, tragic love affairs, or supernatural encounters. The lyrics often have a simple and straightforward structure, and are sometimes accompanied by a tune that is easy to sing and remember.

The ballad's narrative style often includes dialogue, action, and description, and can evoke strong emotions in the listener or reader. Many famous ballads have been adapted into other forms of literature, such as plays and novels.

One of the most famous examples of a ballad is "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. This ballad tells the story of a sailor who shoots an albatross and is then haunted by the bird's ghost. Another well-known ballad is "Barbara Allen," which tells the story of a young man who dies of a broken heart after being rejected by his love, Barbara Allen.

In modern times, ballads are often associated with folk music or country music. Many popular songs are written in ballad form and follow the traditional structure and themes. For example, "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" by Gordon Lightfoot is a ballad that tells the true story of a shipwreck on Lake Superior.

Ballad Synonyms (With Meaning)

Song: A ballad is a type of song, often with a simple melody and a story-like narrative. It may be sung or played on a musical instrument.

Poem: A ballad can also refer to a type of poem that tells a story in verse form, often with a simple and repetitive structure.

Tune: A ballad may be accompanied by a particular tune or melody that is recognizable and associated with the song.

Chant: A ballad may also be a type of chant or recitation, often with a rhythmic and repetitive quality.

Lay: A lay is a type of ballad that is typically sung or recited to tell a story or convey a particular message.

Ditty: A ditty is a short and simple song or poem, often with a humorous or playful tone. It may also be a type of ballad.

Jingle: A jingle is a short and catchy tune or song that is often used in advertising or marketing. It may also be a type of ballad.

Carol: A carol is a type of song that is typically sung during the Christmas season. It may be a ballad-like song that tells a story related to the holiday.

Hymn: A hymn is a religious song that is often sung in church or other religious settings. It may be a ballad-like song that tells a story or conveys a particular message.

Serenade: A serenade is a type of musical composition that is typically played or sung to someone as a tribute or expression of affection. It may be a ballad-like song with a romantic or sentimental theme.

Ballad Antonyms (With Meaning)

Prose: Prose is the opposite of a ballad. It refers to writing that is not poetry or verse, and is typically characterized by a straightforward, unadorned style.

Epic: An epic is a long, narrative poem that tells the story of a hero or a group of heroes. It is the opposite of a ballad in terms of length and complexity.

Lyric: A lyric is a type of poetry that expresses the emotions or feelings of the speaker. It is often short and musical in nature, and is the opposite of a ballad in terms of structure and content.

Comedy: A comedy is a type of literature or performance that is intended to be humorous and lighthearted. It is the opposite of a ballad, which is often serious and emotional in tone.

Tragedy: A tragedy is a type of literature or performance that is intended to be emotionally powerful and often ends in sadness or loss. It is the opposite of a ballad in terms of tone and structure.

Satire: Satire is a type of writing or performance that uses humor, irony, or exaggeration to criticize or ridicule something or someone. It is the opposite of a ballad, which is often straightforward and serious in tone.

Sonnet: A sonnet is a type of poem that consists of 14 lines and typically follows a strict rhyme scheme. It is the opposite of a ballad in terms of structure and length.

Free verse: Free verse is a type of poetry that does not follow a strict rhyme or meter. It is often characterized by its lack of structure and form, and is the opposite of a ballad in terms of style and structure.

Novel: A novel is a long work of fiction that tells a story in prose form. It is the opposite of a ballad, which is often shorter and more focused on narrative structure.

Memoir: A memoir is a type of autobiography that focuses on a particular period or event in the author's life. It is the opposite of a ballad, which is often more focused on storytelling than personal experience.

FAQs Related With Ballad (Grammar)

What is a ballad in grammar?
A ballad is a type of poem or song that typically tells a story in a simple and straightforward manner. It often follows a specific structure or form, such as a particular rhyme scheme or meter, and may include repeated lines or refrains.

What are the common features of a ballad in grammar?
Common features of a ballad include a simple and straightforward narrative structure, the use of repetition, a specific rhyme scheme or meter, and a focus on emotion or sentiment.

What is the rhyme scheme of a ballad?
The rhyme scheme of a ballad can vary, but it often follows an ABAB or ABCB pattern, where the last word in lines 2 and 4 rhyme with each other.

What is the meter of a ballad?
The meter of a ballad can also vary, but it often follows a simple and repetitive pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.

What is the difference between a ballad and a lyric poem?
While both ballads and lyric poems may tell a story or convey emotions, ballads often have a more narrative structure and focus on a particular event or character. Lyric poems, on the other hand, often express the emotions or feelings of the speaker in a more personal and introspective way.

What is the difference between a ballad and a sonnet?
Ballads and sonnets are both types of poems, but they differ in structure and form. Ballads often have a simple and straightforward structure, while sonnets follow a more complex pattern of 14 lines and a specific rhyme scheme.

What is the difference between a ballad and a narrative poem?
A ballad is a type of narrative poem that tells a story in a simple and straightforward manner, while a narrative poem is any type of poem that tells a story or recounts events. Narrative poems may vary in structure, length, and style.

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