Desolate In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Desolate In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Desolate in Sentences Examples.

  1. The abandoned house looked desolate, with broken windows and overgrown weeds.
  2. The desert was a desolate place, with nothing but sand stretching out as far as the eye could see.
  3. The aftermath of the war left the once-thriving city in a desolate state.
  4. The prison cell was small and desolate, with nothing but a bed and a toilet.
  5. The village was desolate after the hurricane destroyed most of the buildings.
  6. The old church stood desolate and unused for years, its once-beautiful stained glass windows now shattered.
  7. The empty streets were desolate at night, with no one around except for the occasional stray cat.
  8. The mountain range was desolate and barren, with no signs of life for miles around.
  9. The haunted house looked desolate and creepy, with cobwebs covering the windows.
  10. The shipwreck was a desolate sight, with only the remains of the vessel strewn about on the beach.
  11. The winter landscape was desolate, with bare trees and icy roads.
  12. The ghost town was desolate, with abandoned buildings and a sense of eerie silence.
  13. The hospital hallway was desolate at night, with only the sound of footsteps echoing down the corridor.
  14. The industrial site was desolate, with rusted machinery and abandoned warehouses.
  15. The abandoned factory was a desolate place, with broken windows and graffiti-covered walls.
  16. The refugee camp was a desolate place, with people living in makeshift tents and struggling to survive.
  17. The oil spill left the once-beautiful beach desolate and covered in black sludge.
  18. The deserted island was a desolate place, with no signs of human habitation.
  19. The abandoned mine was a desolate place, with dark tunnels and a sense of foreboding.
  20. The nuclear disaster left the surrounding area desolate, with radiation poisoning the land and water.
  21. The cemetery was a desolate place, with overgrown grass and neglected graves.
  22. The ghost ship was a desolate sight, with tattered sails and a hull that had been beaten by the sea.
  23. The city outskirts were desolate, with abandoned factories and warehouses lining the streets.
  24. The once-thriving amusement park was now desolate, with rusted rides and boarded-up stalls.
  25. The abandoned school was a desolate place, with broken windows and graffiti-covered walls.
  26. The ruined castle was a desolate place, with crumbling walls and overgrown vines.
  27. The arctic landscape was desolate, with snow-covered mountains and frozen tundra.
  28. The run-down motel was a desolate place, with peeling paint and flickering lights.
  29. The abandoned airfield was a desolate place, with rusted planes and forgotten hangars.
  30. The battlefield was a desolate place, with the remains of tanks and debris littering the ground.
  31. The polluted river was a desolate place, with dead fish and a foul smell.
  32. The remote outpost was a desolate place, with only a handful of people living there.
  33. The abandoned amusement park was a desolate place, with overgrown grass and rusted rides.
  34. The earthquake left the city desolate, with collapsed buildings and rubble everywhere.
  35. The abandoned hospital was a desolate place, with broken equipment and a sense of decay.
  36. The abandoned train station was a desolate place, with empty platforms and rusted tracks.
  37. The deserted beach was a desolate place, with no one around for miles.
  38. The abandoned mine shaft was a desolate place, with a dark and foreboding atmosphere.
  39. The ghost town was a desolate place, with abandoned buildings and a sense of eerie silence.
  40. The polluted wasteland was a desolate place, with nothing growing and a toxic atmosphere.
  41. The abandoned theme park was a desolate place, with decaying attractions and broken rides.
  42. The ghostly mansion was a desolate place, with creaky floorboards and haunting echoes.
  43. The once-lively shopping district was now desolate, with boarded-up storefronts and empty sidewalks.
  44. The abandoned oil rig was a desolate place, with rusted equipment and a sense of danger.
  45. The dried-up riverbed was a desolate place, with cracked earth and no signs of life.
  46. The deserted airport was a desolate place, with empty terminals and abandoned airplanes.
  47. The war-torn village was a desolate place, with bombed-out buildings and rubble everywhere.
  48. The abandoned laboratory was a desolate place, with broken test tubes and shattered equipment.
  49. The ghost ship graveyard was a desolate place, with rotting vessels and a spooky atmosphere.
  50. The abandoned campground was a desolate place, with overgrown trails and empty campsites.
  51. The polluted city was a desolate place, with smoggy skies and a sense of despair.
  52. The abandoned zoo was a desolate place, with empty cages and a sense of sadness.
  53. The nuclear test site was a desolate place, with radioactive soil and abandoned bunkers.
  54. The abandoned lighthouse was a desolate place, with a flickering beacon and haunting memories.
  55. The abandoned factory town was a desolate place, with empty streets and broken dreams.
  56. The deserted church was a desolate place, with dusty pews and a sense of abandonment.
  57. The abandoned warehouse district was a desolate place, with dilapidated buildings and a sense of danger.
  58. The burned-out apartment building was a desolate place, with charred walls and a sense of tragedy.
  59. The abandoned observatory was a desolate place, with broken telescopes and forgotten discoveries.
  60. The abandoned military base was a desolate place, with rusted tanks and empty barracks.
  61. The ghostly battlefield was a desolate place, with discarded weapons and lost lives.
  62. The deserted mining town was a desolate place, with empty saloons and forgotten hopes.
  63. The abandoned theme park was a desolate place, with broken animatronics and fading memories.
  64. The polluted ocean was a desolate place, with plastic waste and dying marine life.
  65. The deserted movie theater was a desolate place, with torn seats and a dusty screen.
  66. The abandoned mansion was a desolate place, with overgrown gardens and a sense of mystery.
  67. The ghostly graveyard was a desolate place, with weathered headstones and forgotten souls.
  68. The deserted gas station was a desolate place, with broken pumps and a sense of isolation.
  69. The abandoned university campus was a desolate place, with empty classrooms and abandoned laboratories.
  70. The deserted fairgrounds were a desolate place, with silent rides and empty concession stands.
  71. The abandoned mental asylum was a desolate place, with dark hallways and forgotten patients.
  72. The ghostly plantation was a desolate place, with overgrown fields and haunting memories.
  73. The abandoned shipwreck was a desolate place, with rusted metal and a sense of tragedy.
  74. The deserted amusement park was a desolate place, with empty arcades and a sense of nostalgia.
  75. The abandoned mansion was a desolate place, with broken chandeliers and a sense of grandeur.
  76. The abandoned nuclear reactor was a desolate place, with radioactive waste and a sense of danger.
  77. The deserted village was a desolate place, with abandoned houses and forgotten stories.
  78. The ghostly castle was a desolate place, with crumbling walls and lost treasures.
  79. The abandoned prison was a desolate place, with empty cells and a sense of despair.
  80. The deserted farm was a desolate place, with abandoned barns and overgrown fields.
  81. The abandoned mall was a desolate place, with empty storefronts and broken escalators.
  82. The ghostly churchyard was a desolate place, with mossy graves and forgotten spirits.
  83. The abandoned missile silo was a desolate place, with forgotten secrets and a sense of unease.
  84. The deserted island was a desolate place, with no signs of civilization and a sense of isolation.
  85. The abandoned zoo was a desolate place, with empty animal enclosures and a sense of sadness.
  86. The ghostly hotel was a desolate place, with dusty rooms and a sense of mystery.
  87. The abandoned sawmill was a desolate place, with rusted saws and forgotten lumber.
  88. The deserted pier was a desolate place, with no boats in sight and a sense of emptiness.
  89. The abandoned carnival was a desolate place, with silent attractions and a sense of eerie stillness.
  90. The ghostly train station was a desolate place, with abandoned platforms and forgotten departures.

Desolate Meaning in Detail.

Desolate is an adjective that describes a place that is uninhabited, barren, and lacking in life or vitality. It can also refer to a person who is feeling abandoned, alone, and hopeless.

When used to describe a physical location, desolate often implies a sense of emptiness and isolation. For example, a desolate desert landscape may be vast and barren, with little vegetation or wildlife to be found. A desolate town may be empty and abandoned, with boarded-up buildings and broken windows.

In a more figurative sense, desolate can describe a person who is feeling lost, hopeless, or abandoned. A person might feel desolate after the death of a loved one, a relationship breakup, or a significant failure in life. This sense of desolation can be overwhelming and leave a person feeling empty, lonely, and without purpose.

Desolate can also be used to describe a situation that is hopeless or bleak. For example, a desolate future might be one in which there is no hope for change or improvement, while a desolate economy might be one in which there are no jobs or opportunities for growth.

Desolate Synonyms (With Meaning)

Here are some synonyms for "desolate" with their meanings:

Barren - lacking in vegetation or unable to support life.
Bleak - dreary and depressing, often due to a lack of hope or prospects.
Deserted - abandoned or without inhabitants.
Empty - lacking in substance or fullness, often used to describe a feeling of emptiness or loneliness.
Forsaken - abandoned or deserted, often used to describe a person or place that has been left behind.
Gloomy - dark and dismal, often associated with a feeling of sadness or despair.
Isolated - separated from others or without contact with society, often associated with a feeling of loneliness or alienation.
Solitary - alone or without company, often used to describe a person or animal living in isolation.
Uninhabited - without residents or occupants, often used to describe a place that has been abandoned or is uninhabitable.
Wasteland - an uncultivated or barren area, often used to describe a place that has been destroyed or abandoned.

Desolate Antonyms (With Meaning)

Crowded - filled with people or things, often used to describe a busy or bustling place.
Inhabited - occupied or inhabited by people or animals, often used to describe a place that is full of life.
Lively - full of energy or excitement, often used to describe a place that is vibrant or animated.
Populated - filled with people or animals, often used to describe a place that is bustling with activity.
Thriving - flourishing or successful, often used to describe a place or person that is doing well and prospering.
Fertile - capable of producing abundant vegetation or crops, often used to describe a place that is rich in nutrients and life.
Joyful - full of happiness or joy, often used to describe a person or place that is full of positive energy.
Busy - full of activity or things to do, often used to describe a place that is buzzing with movement and excitement.
Habitable - capable of being lived in, often used to describe a place that is suitable for human habitation.
Populous - having a large population or number of people, often used to describe a place that is densely populated.

FAQs Related With Desolate (Grammar)

What is the difference between desolate and deserted?
Desolate refers to a place that is barren and uninhabited, while deserted means that a place was once populated or inhabited, but has since been abandoned or left behind.

Can a person be desolate?
Yes, a person can be described as desolate if they are feeling abandoned, lonely, or hopeless.

What is a desolate landscape?
A desolate landscape is one that is barren, devoid of life or vegetation, and often has a feeling of emptiness and isolation.

Is desolate a positive or negative word?
Desolate is generally considered to be a negative word, as it conveys a sense of emptiness, loneliness, and hopelessness.

How can you use desolate in a sentence?
Example sentence: The once-bustling town was now desolate and abandoned, with boarded-up shops and empty streets.

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