Unanimously Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms
Unanimously Meaning
The word "unanimously" is an adverb that is used to describe a situation where everyone involved agrees on a particular decision or outcome. It is derived from the Latin word "unanimus," which means "of one mind" or "one accord." When a decision or vote is made unanimously, it means that all members of a group or committee have reached the same conclusion and there are no dissenting opinions. This indicates a high degree of agreement and consensus among the group, and can be seen as a sign of cohesion and unity. Here are some examples of how "unanimously" can be used in sentences:
The board of directors unanimously agreed to implement the new policy.
After a long debate, the committee decided unanimously to reject the proposal.
The jury returned a verdict of guilty, with all members voting unanimously.
The team was able to win the championship by a unanimous vote of the judges.
The shareholders of the company approved the merger unanimously.
In each of these examples, "unanimously" is used to describe a situation where everyone involved reached the same conclusion or decision.
"Unanimously" is an adverb that means in complete agreement or with no dissent. Here are some examples of how to use the word in a sentence:
The committee members unanimously agreed to accept the proposal. The vote to approve the new policy was unanimous. The judges gave the performance a unanimous score of 10 out of 10. The decision to award the prize was made unanimously by the panel. The audience cheered and clapped unanimously at the end of the performance.
Unanimously Examples in Sentences (Various Examples in Sentences)
The council members voted unanimously to approve the new budget.
The committee members agreed unanimously on the final design for the project.
The board of directors voted unanimously to extend the CEO's contract.
The team members all agreed unanimously to proceed with the proposed strategy.
The shareholders voted unanimously in favor of the proposed merger.
The jury reached a unanimous verdict of not guilty.
The senators voted unanimously to pass the new bill.
The committee members unanimously decided to award the contract to the lowest bidder.
The members of the association voted unanimously to elect the new president.
The board members unanimously agreed to donate to the charity.
The team members unanimously chose John to be the captain.
The judges' panel voted unanimously to award the first prize to the contestant.
The city council voted unanimously to name the park after the former mayor.
The members of the union voted unanimously to go on strike.
The board members unanimously agreed to implement the new policy.
The members of the committee all agreed unanimously to reject the proposal.
The shareholders voted unanimously to increase the company's capital.
The council members unanimously voted to pass the new bylaw.
The team members unanimously decided to change the team's logo.
The committee members all agreed unanimously to support the new initiative.
The jury reached a unanimous verdict of guilty.
The board members unanimously voted to hire the new CEO.
The members of the committee all agreed unanimously to award the contract to the local supplier.
The shareholders voted unanimously to sell the company.
The team members unanimously decided to implement the new training program.
The council members voted unanimously to lower the property tax rate.
The judges' panel voted unanimously to disqualify the contestant for cheating.
The board members unanimously agreed to give a bonus to the employees.
The members of the union voted unanimously to accept the new contract.
The committee members all agreed unanimously to increase the budget for the project.
The shareholders voted unanimously to dissolve the company.
The team members unanimously chose Sarah to be the team captain.
The city council voted unanimously to install new traffic lights at the intersection.
The board members unanimously agreed to expand the company's operations.
The members of the committee all agreed unanimously to adopt the new policy.
The shareholders voted unanimously to decrease the dividend payout.
The council members unanimously voted to allocate funds for the new library.
The judges' panel voted unanimously to award the grand prize to the winner.
The board members unanimously agreed to hire the new marketing manager.
The team members unanimously decided to switch to a new supplier.
Unanimously Synonyms (With Meaning)
Consistently - in a way that always behaves or performs in the same way.
Conformably - in a way that complies with a set of rules or expectations.
Unisonantly - in perfect agreement or harmony.
Cohesively - in a way that sticks together or forms a united whole.
Solidly - in a firm, reliable, or unyielding way.
Unvaryingly - in a way that never changes or fluctuates.
Harmoniously - in a way that is in agreement or concord.
Jointly - in a way that is shared or held in common.
Unanimously - in complete agreement or with no dissent.
Consensus - in a way that is reached by general agreement or common consent.
Concordantly - in agreement or harmony.
Congruently - in a way that is consistent or compatible.
Corroboratively - in a way that confirms or supports a statement or finding.
Unanimity - in complete agreement or with no dissent.
Unison - in perfect agreement or harmony.
Unitedly - in a way that forms a united whole or works together.
Unanimous - in complete agreement or with no dissent.
Commonly - in a way that is shared or held in common.
Consistently - in a way that always behaves or performs in the same way.
Coherently - in a way that is logical or consistent.
Unanimously Antonyms (With Meaning)
Disagreed - to have a different opinion or to be in conflict with others
Dissented - to disagree with an opinion or decision
Objected - to express disapproval or opposition
Refused - to decline or reject a proposal or request
Disapproved - to have an unfavorable opinion or to express disapproval
Vetoed - to reject or prohibit a decision or proposal
Opposed - to be against or in conflict with something or someone
Rejected - to refuse to accept or consider something
Divided - to be split or separated in opinion or decision
Contradicted - to be in conflict with or to express disagreement with something
Challenged - to question or dispute something or someone
Non-unanimous - not agreed upon by everyone or lacking unanimity
Discordant - in conflict or disagreement with something or someone
Divergent - differing or deviating from something or someone
Fragmented - divided or separated into smaller parts or groups
Unsettled - not resolved or lacking agreement
Indifferent - having no particular interest or preference, neither for nor against
Ambivalent - having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone
Inconsistent - not in agreement or harmony with something else
Controversial - causing disagreement or argument.
Frequent asked Questions in English
Video Tutorial For Unanimously (With Meaning, Origin, Examples)
FAQs Related With Unanimously
Q: What is the meaning of the word unanimously? A: It which means when all the members in a group, committee, etc agrees or in a case when all the members form a certain opinion by voting.
Q: How does the word unanimously appear in a sentence or as a part of a general usage? A: Using unanimously in a sentence we have: “The committee voted unanimously to approve the proposal .”
Q: What on the other end of the spectrum from unanimous? A: The term that is the direct opposite of unanimously is dividedly opposite or non-unanimously this is the case where the group or the committee does not agree or vote in the same manner.
Q: Can one have a unanimous decision with one abstention? A: To say that a decision is unanimous when there is one abstention, is misleading. We know that the term unanimous means that all the people in the group or committee are of the same opinion or have voted in the same manner.
Q: What does it mean when all the jurors reach a similar verdict after the trial? A: It is mammal that a unanimous verdict can be given most weightage and is seen more conclusive and authoritative in light of the fact that it reflects unqualified consensus of members of the group or committee.
Q: Putting it in other words, I would like to distinguish between Unanimity and consensus. A: Unanimity means agreement all the members of a group or in a committee while consensus means the current agreement of most members of the group or committee and not necessarily all of them.
Q: How necessary it is to have consensus when it comes to decision-making? A: The reason why consistency is essential in decision-making is that it guarantees the indefinite consensus with closed ranks on the decision among all the members of a particular group or committee as well as certainty that all of them had a chance to get acquainted with the issue and discuss it. It also reduces the wider public’s ability to challenge and question the decision to any significant extent, which also adds more legitimacy and authority to the decision in question. Though it may be ideal for everyone to agree in every decision making processes it is not always possible or even warranted.
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