भोले तेरी भक्ति का अपना ही
ジュン Jun
ハナ Hana
Hana: For Japanese American girls, Hana is an excellent alternative name. It is pronounced similarly to Hannah in the Bible. The kanji for it is "flower."レイナ Hana
Hana, which sounds exactly like the biblical girl's name Hannah, is another fantastic choice for a Japanese American girl's name. Its kanji translation in Japanese is "flower."ヒマリReina
Reina: Pronounce it REH-NA, Reina is a traditional Japanese name for girls. Because its name signifies "wise," it's a great option for your young scholar.ツムギ Himari
Himari (pronounced HEE-MA-REE) means "sunflower" is what makes it so adorable.ツムギ Tsumugi
リン RIn
Rin: Rin is a name that both girls and males can use. It symbolizes "dignified." It's the ideal name for a person who exudes elegance and dignity, like to a young prince or princess.メイ Mei
Aoi: Aoi is a wonderful name for a flower. The name "hollyhock" is derived from kanji for "green" or "blue." It has a distinct sound and is pronounced "A-O-EE".アサミ Asami
Chō ちなつ
Chō. Which Japanese girl names are uncommon? Even if there are plenty, Chō—a lovely alternative that means "butterfly" and is pronounced CHO—is one special possibility. That is a fantastic option for a girls' name with one syllable.Junko 純子
Junko Ko, which means "child," is a popular kanji in many Japanese names for both girls and boys. If you read this list in its whole, you will discover this. The word "jun" in Junko's name signifies "obedience" or "pure." The name is a wonderful wish for your child and is pronounced JOON-KO.京 Kyo
Masuyo (益世)
This name combines the kanji characters for “profit” or “benefit” (益) and “world” (世). It’s a positive and auspicious name, suggesting that your little Masuyo will bring prosperity and happiness to the world.Minato (港)
Pronounced MEE-NA-TO, Minato means “harbor.” It’s a lovely choice, especially if you’re drawn to names related to water. Imagine your daughter as a safe harbor for those around her.Tsubame (燕)
This unique name is pronounced TSOO-BA-MEE. It means “swallow,” referring to the graceful bird. Swallows are often associated with freedom, loyalty, and good fortune.Umeko (梅子)
Umeko combines the characters for “apricot” or “plum” (梅) and “child” (子). It’s a sweet and charming name, perfect for a little one who brings joy like a ripe apricot.Yaeko (八重子)
Pronounced YA-EH-KO, Yaeko means “multilayered child.” It suggests depth and complexity, just like the layers of a beautiful flower.Akari (明里)
Akari means “light” or “brightness.” It’s a delightful name, symbolizing illumination and positivity. Imagine your little Akari shining like a bright star.Ami (亜美)
Ami, like Amy in English, signifies "second" or "Asia." It also has the connotation of "beautiful." Ideal for your daughter who is your second child.Emi (恵美)
Emi, pronounced EH-MEE, means "picture" and "beautiful." It is graceful and exudes a feeling of beauty and grace.Honoka (帆乃香)
Honoka is a combination of the characters for "of," "fragrance," and "sail" (香), or "sailboat" (帆). "Fragrance of the sail" is the overall meaning, which stands for harmony and beauty. Yes, that is a poetic name!