Tsumugi (紬 ) Name Meaning 紬 名前の意味
紬 (ツムギ) という名前の意味
紬 (ツムギ) は、丈夫な絹織物の一種を指す漢字です。着物の生地として使われることが多く、高級感や気品なイメージを持たれます。
紬 (つむぎ) とは
紬 (つむぎ) は、手で紡いだ糸を使って織られた織物です。英語では「ポンギー (pongee)」と呼ばれます。
もともとは、養蚕農家の人たちが、傷ついた繭 (まゆ) から作った糸を使って日常着や作業着として使っていました。
特に、茨城県結城・栃木県大鰐で作られる「結城紬 (ゆうきつむぎ)」は、ユネスコ無形文化遺産にも登録されています。
以下に、「紬」を含む名前のそれぞれの意味と代表的な読みを紹介します。- 紬(つむぎ): 紬糸から作られた織物。
- 紬希(つむぎ): 希望の「希」を含む。
- 紬葵(つむぎ): 葵の花の「葵」を含む。
- 紬生(つむぎ): 生きるの「生」を含む。
- 紬衣(つむぎ・ゆい): 衣服の「衣」を含む。
- 紬稀(つむぎ): 稀少の「稀」を含む。
- 紬未(つぐみ): 未だの「未」を含む。
- 紬乃(ゆの): 乃の「乃」を含む。
- 紬愛(ゆあ・ゆな): 愛情の「愛」を含む。
- 紬実(つぐみ): 実りの「実」を含む。
- 紬季(つむぎ): 季節の「季」を含む。
- 紬心(つぐみ・つむみ): 心の「心」を含む。
- 紬麦(つむぎ): 麦の「麦」を含む。
- 紬凪(つむぎ): 凪の「凪」を含む。
- 心紬(こむぎ): 心と紬を組み合わせたもの。
- 月紬(つむぎ): 月の「月」を含む。
- 紬来(つむぎ): 来るの「来」を含む。
- 紬妃(つむぎ): 妃の「妃」を含む。
- 紬木(つむぎ): 木の「木」を含む。
- 紬喜(つむぎ): 喜びの「喜」を含む。
- 菜紬(なつ): 野菜の「菜」を含む。
- 紬叶(ゆの): 叶えるの「叶」を含む。
- 莉紬(りつ): 莉の花の「莉」を含む。
- 紬來(つむぎ): 来るの旧字体「來」を含む。
- 紬姫(つむぎ): 姫の「姫」を含む。
- 那紬(なつ): 那の「那」を含む。
- 紬美(つむみ): 美しいの「美」を含む。
- 紬伎(つむぎ): 技芸の「伎」を含む。
- 紬花(つむか): 花の「花」を含む。
紬は、綿や麻と並んで広く一般の人々に愛される絹織物です。 そのため、彼らが純朴で健康的な人格を育んでほしいという願いが込められています。 糸から布を織るように、自分の夢に向かって少しずつ前進することもできます。
Pongee Fabric: In English it is known as “pongee” a fabric that has given our garment its distinctive texture. It is produced by yarn which is hand spun by using damaged cocoons. Since/In many communities that practice silk farming, its use is as the regular dress code and for farming. Despite appearing quite coarser than raw silk it is valued for its high degree of tensile strength and wear ability.
Yūki-tsumugi Fabric: Most of them are made in Yūki, Ibaraki Prefecture together with Ōyama, Tochigi Prefecture and is now listed in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity list.
2019 Tamahiyo Baby Name Ranking: “紬” (Tsumugi) baby name significance: It ranked as the 48th most popular baby girls’ name in Japan. The readings of "抬" in kanji are "Chuu" or "Tsumugi. " There are two parts to the meaning of this name:The readings of "抬" in kanji are "Chuu" or "Tsumugi. " There are two parts to the meaning of this name:
It refers to a twist silk fabric which fabric is made from spun cotton thread to imply that the style is reliable and simple.
The term used in the series “” translates to “he path of pursuing one’s dreams identified as threads which are interwoven to produce clothing.
Parents who selected this name explained why:Parents who selected this name explained why:
There is an example when the parent deliberately named their child “紬” to lead a methodic and thoughtful kind of life as it is in knitting the threads together.
Another parent wanted his/her child to have hope and remain friends with others; therefore, the parent named the child “紬希” (Tsumugi).
Yet another parent gave birth to a child命名了“犬甼”(Tsumugi) as an expression of how much life is precious and to further the bond of lives.
Other Japanese Girls Names with Meaning
- 葵 (あおい) - Aoi** - Meaning: Hollyhock flower - Symbolizes nobility and perseverance.
- 彩 (いろどり) - Iroどり** - Meaning: Coloration - Represents vibrancy and creativity.
- さくら (Sakura)** - Meaning: Cherry blossom - Evokes fleeting beauty and renewal.
- ひかり (Hikari)** - Meaning: Light - Represents hope, brightness, and guidance.
- 楓 (かえで) - Kaede** - Meaning: Maple leaf - Symbolizes change, resilience, and beauty in transformation.
- 真帆 (まほ) - Maho** - Meaning: True sail - Represents ambition, determination, and reaching for dreams.
- 百合 (ゆり) - Yuri** - Meaning: Lily flower - Signifies purity, innocence, and elegance.
- 音 (ねね) - Nene** - Meaning: Sound - Represents harmony, communication, and creativity.
- 美咲 (みさき) - Misaki** - Meaning: Beautiful blossom - Symbolizes flourishing beauty and potential.
- 由美 (ゆみ) - Yumi** - Meaning: Abundant beauty - Represents grace, elegance, and inner strength.
- 恵 (めぐみ) - Megumi** - Meaning: Blessing - Represents kindness, compassion, and good fortune.
- 凛 (りん) - Rin** - Meaning: Dignified, cold (kan) - Represents strength, independence, and a refined spirit.
- 麻衣 (まい) - Mai** - Meaning: True hemp - Represents strength, resilience, and purity.
- 花 (はな) - Hana** - Meaning: Flower - Represents beauty, joy, and the fleeting nature of life.
- 綾 (あや) - Aya** - Meaning: Twill weave pattern - Represents beauty, intricacy, and artistry.
- 遥 (はる) - Haru** - Meaning: Distant - Represents vastness, aspiration, and a hopeful future.
- 夏希 (なつき) - Natsuki** - Meaning: Summer hope - Represents optimism, warmth, and bright energy.
- 夢 (ゆめ) - Yume** - Meaning: Dream - Represents ambition, imagination, and the pursuit of aspirations.
- 明里 (あかり) - Akari** - Meaning: Bright village - Represents cheerfulness, community, and a positive outlook.
- 渚 (なぎさ) - Nagisa** - Meaning: Shore - Represents serenity, calmness, and a deep connection with nature.
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