Adverse In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Adverse In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Adverse in Sentences Examples.

  1. The adverse weather conditions made it difficult to drive on the highway.
  2. The company faced adverse economic conditions that forced it to lay off employees.
  3. The athlete's performance was adversely affected by the injury he suffered.Exposure to adverse environmental conditions can lead to health problems.
  4. The project was delayed due to adverse circumstances beyond our control.
  5. The company's profits were adversely affected by the recession.
  6. The team's chances of winning were adversely impacted by the absence of their star player.
  7. The adverse effects of smoking on health are well documented.
  8. The medication can have adverse side effects in some patients.
  9. The plant was unable to survive in adverse soil conditions.
  10. The company's reputation was adversely affected by the scandal.
  11. The drought had an adverse impact on the crops.
  12. The economic policies had an adverse effect on the middle class.
  13. The new regulations will have an adverse effect on small businesses.
  14. The adverse publicity led to a drop in sales for the company.
  15. The adverse consequences of climate change are becoming more evident.
  16. The athlete's performance was adversely affected by the hostile crowd.
  17. The adverse conditions made it impossible to complete the construction project on time.
  18. The adverse weather conditions forced the cancellation of the outdoor concert.
  19. The company's profits were adversely affected by the rising cost of raw materials.
  20. The adverse reaction to the vaccine was unexpected.
  21. The plant's growth was adversely affected by the lack of sunlight.
  22. The adverse working conditions led to a high turnover rate among employees.
  23. The adverse publicity led to a loss of trust in the company.
  24. The adverse effects of pollution on the environment are a cause for concern.
  25. The adverse consequences of war are felt long after the conflict has ended.
  26. The adverse impact of the pandemic on the economy is still being felt.
  27. The adverse consequences of reckless driving can be fatal.
  28. The adverse reactions to the new drug were reported to the FDA.
  29. The adverse weather conditions forced the cancellation of the flight.
  30. The adverse working conditions led to a decrease in productivity.
  31. The company's reputation was adversely affected by the product recall.
  32. The adverse conditions made it difficult to maintain the equipment.
  33. The adverse impact of social media on mental health is a growing concern.
  34. The adverse effects of stress on the body are well documented.
  35. The adverse reaction to the new policy was expected.
  36. The adverse weather conditions caused power outages throughout the city.
  37. The adverse economic conditions forced many businesses to close.
  38. The adverse conditions made it difficult to find a suitable location for the event.
  39. The adverse consequences of climate change are affecting the entire planet.
  40. The adverse effects of alcohol on the liver are well known.
  41. The adverse weather conditions caused a delay in the start of the game.
  42. The company's sales were adversely affected by the competition.
  43. The adverse side effects of the medication were listed on the label.
  44. The adverse conditions made it difficult to access the remote area.
  45. The adverse economic conditions led to a decrease in consumer spending.
  46. The adverse working conditions led to a rise in workplace accidents.
  47. The company's reputation was adversely affected by the data breach.
  48. The adverse consequences of deforestation are becoming more severe.
  49. The adverse impact of air pollution on respiratory health is a concern.
  50. The adverse effects of smoking during pregnancy can harm the fetus.
  51. The athlete's performance was adversely affected by the high altitude.
  52. The adverse weather conditions forced the closure of the highway.
  53. The adverse economic conditions forced many families to live in poverty.
  54. The company's growth was adversely affected by the recession.
  55. The adverse effects of sugar on health are a concern for many people.
  56. The adverse consequences of cyberbullying can lead to mental health issues.
  57. The adverse impact of plastic waste on the environment is a global problem.
  58. The adverse conditions made it difficult to maintain the building.
  59. The adverse effects of climate change on wildlife are a cause for concern.
  60. The adverse reaction to the new policy was met with protest.
  61. The adverse economic conditions forced the company to downsize.
  62. The adverse conditions made it difficult to perform the experiment.
  63. The company's profits were adversely affected by the tariffs.
  64. The adverse working conditions led to a high rate of absenteeism.
  65. The adverse consequences of a sedentary lifestyle on health are well documented.
  66. The adverse impact of noise pollution on hearing health is a concern.
  67. The adverse effects of overfishing on marine ecosystems are a concern.
  68. The athlete's performance was adversely affected by the lack of training.
  69. The adverse weather conditions made it dangerous to go outside.

Adverse Parts of Speech.

The word "adverse" can be used as both an adjective and a noun.
As an adjective, it means harmful or unfavorable, as in "adverse weather conditions" or "adverse effects on health."
As a noun, it refers to something that opposes or acts against something else, as in "the adversity of the situation" or "adverse circumstances." However, the use of "adverse" as a noun is less common than its use as an adjective.

Adverse Synonyms (With Meaning)

The word "adverse" means harmful, unfavorable, or acting against something else. Here are some synonyms of "adverse" and their meanings:

Negative - unfavorable, harmful, or unpleasant.
Example: The negative impact of pollution on the environment is becoming increasingly evident.

Unfavorable - not beneficial, likely to cause harm or disadvantage.
Example: The unfavorable economic climate made it difficult for small businesses to thrive.

Hostile - aggressively opposed or unfriendly.
Example: The hostile reception from the audience made the speaker nervous.

Detrimental - causing harm or damage.
Example: The detrimental effects of smoking on health are well-known.

Unpropitious - not indicating a favorable outcome, unlucky.
Example: The unpropitious weather conditions made it difficult for farmers to harvest their crops.

Inimical - harmful or hostile, likely to cause harm or damage.
Example: The inimical effects of climate change are affecting ecosystems around the world.

Adversarial - characterized by conflict or opposition.
Example: The adversarial relationship between management and labor made it difficult to negotiate a contract.

Opposing - acting against or in opposition to something else.
Example: The opposing viewpoints of the candidates created a heated debate.

Disadvantageous - causing a disadvantage, unfavorable or harmful.
Example: The disadvantageous tax laws made it difficult for small businesses to compete with larger corporations.

Counterproductive - having the opposite effect of what is intended, hindering rather than helping.
Example: The excessive regulations were counterproductive and hindered economic growth.

Adverse Antonyms (With Meaning)

Here are some antonyms of the word "adverse" along with their meanings:
  1. Favorable - indicating a positive outcome or opinion
  2. Beneficial - indicating a helpful or advantageous effect
  3. Advantageous - indicating a favorable or advantageous outcome
  4. Positive - indicating a good or constructive outcome or attitude
  5. Auspicious - indicating a promising or positive beginning or situation
  6. Prosperous - indicating a successful or thriving situation
  7. Rosy - indicating an optimistic or positive outlook or situation
  8. Fortunate - indicating a lucky or favorable situation
  9. Serendipitous - indicating a positive outcome resulting from chance or luck
  10. Successful - indicating a positive or favorable outcome or result
  11. Promising - indicating a hopeful or encouraging situation or outcome
  12. Good - indicating a positive or beneficial situation or outcome
  13. Gracious - indicating a kind or favorable situation or attitude
  14. Happy - indicating a positive or cheerful situation or emotion
  15. Constructive - indicating a positive or productive effect or outcome
  16. Opportune - indicating a timely or advantageous situation or circumstance
  17. Ideal - indicating a perfect or favorable situation or outcome
  18. Bright - indicating a hopeful or optimistic outlook or situation
  19. Welcome - indicating a positive or hospitable reception or situation
  20. Heartening - indicating an uplifting or encouraging situation or outcome.

FAQs Related With Adverse (Grammar)

Is "adverse" a noun or an adjective?
"Adverse" can function as both a noun and an adjective.
What does "adverse" mean?
"Adverse" means harmful or unfavorable.
Can "adverse" be used to describe a person?
Yes, "adverse" can be used to describe a person who is hostile or unfriendly.
What is the opposite of "adverse"?
The opposite of "adverse" is "favorable" or "beneficial."
Is "adverse" a positive or negative word?
"Adverse" is generally considered a negative word because it describes something harmful or unfavorable.
Can "adverse" be used to describe a situation or circumstance?
Yes, "adverse" is commonly used to describe situations or circumstances that are harmful or unfavorable.
Can "adverse" be used to describe weather?
Yes, "adverse" is often used to describe harsh or dangerous weather conditions.
Can "adverse" be used as a synonym for "opposing"?
Yes, "adverse" can be used as a synonym for "opposing" or "contrary."
Can "adverse" be used to describe the effects of something?
Yes, "adverse" is often used to describe the harmful or negative effects of something.
Can "adverse" be used in formal writing?
Yes, "adverse" is a formal word and is commonly used in academic and professional writing.

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