Baffle In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Baffle In Sentence Example Synonyms & Antonyms

Baffle in Sentences Examples.

  1. The complicated instructions on the package baffle me.
  2. The magician's trick completely baffled the audience.
  3. The mystery surrounding the disappearance of the plane continues to baffle investigators.
  4. The language barrier sometimes baffles tourists visiting foreign countries.
  5. I'm still trying to figure out the purpose of this contraption; it completely baffles me.
  6. The scientists were baffled by the unexpected results of the experiment.
  7. The students were completely baffled by the difficult test questions.
  8. The new technology is so advanced that it baffles even the most experienced engineers.
  9. The complex legal arguments presented in court often baffle laypeople.
  10. The sudden change in weather patterns has baffled meteorologists.
  11. The origins of the universe continue to baffle scientists.
  12. I'm completely baffled by your behavior; I don't understand why you're acting this way.
  13. The complicated tax code often baffles even trained accountants.
  14. The strange noises coming from the attic baffled the homeowners.
  15. The cryptic message on the letter baffled the recipient.
  16. The conflicting eyewitness accounts of the incident have baffled investigators.
  17. The strange illness affecting the patients has baffled doctors.
  18. The abstract art exhibit completely baffled me; I couldn't make sense of any of it.
  19. The intricate maze design on the puzzle toy baffled many people.
  20. The riddles in the treasure hunt game were so difficult that they baffled the participants.
  21. The cryptologist was able to decipher the code that had baffled others for years.
  22. The sudden change in the weather baffled the meteorologists.
  23. The complex math problem baffled even the most experienced mathematicians.
  24. The magician's trick left the audience completely baffled.
  25. The detective was baffled by the lack of evidence at the crime scene.
  26. The team was baffled by the opposing team's unexpected strategy.
  27. The foreign language was so different that it left the travelers baffled.
  28. The malfunctioning equipment baffled the technicians.
  29. The mysterious disappearance of the treasure baffled the archaeologists.
  30. The complex machinery was designed to baffle even the most skilled engineers.
  31. The strange behavior of the animal baffled the researchers.
  32. The politician's sudden change of stance baffled the public.
  33. The intricate maze of corridors and rooms baffled the visitors.
  34. The cryptic message left everyone baffled.
  35. The unexpected turn of events left the protagonist baffled.
  36. The patient's symptoms were so rare that they baffled the doctors.
  37. The architect's design was so innovative that it baffled the critics.
  38. The foreign customs and traditions baffled the travelers.
  39. The peculiar pattern in the data baffled the analysts.
  40. The intricate plot of the movie left the audience baffled.
  41. The complex rules of the game baffled the newcomers.
  42. The complicated legal jargon baffled the layman.
  43. The elaborate plan baffled even the mastermind behind it.
  44. The ambiguous instructions left the employees baffled.
  45. The intricate dance moves baffled the onlookers.
  46. The unfamiliar terrain baffled the hikers.
  47. The intricate details of the painting baffled the art enthusiasts.
  48. The convoluted plot of the novel left the readers baffled.
  49. The complex system of government baffled the citizens.
  50. The intricate machinery in the factory baffled the new employees.
  51. The exotic cuisine baffled the tourists.
  52. The mysterious circumstances surrounding the case baffled the investigators.
  53. The complicated musical arrangement baffled the novice musicians.
  54. The complicated medical procedure baffled the patient.
  55. The cryptic message left the codebreakers baffled.
  56. The unusual weather pattern baffled the meteorologists.
  57. The intricate web of lies baffled the investigators.
  58. The complicated tax laws baffled the taxpayers.
  59. The mysterious disappearance of the artifact baffled the historians.
  60. The complicated instructions left the students baffled.
  61. The intricate network of relationships baffled the psychologist.
  62. The enigmatic behavior of the suspect baffled the interrogator.
  63. The elaborate scheme baffled the authorities.
  64. The intricate design of the building baffled the architect.
  65. The complex process of manufacturing baffled the investors.
  66. The ambiguous terms of the contract baffled the clients.
  67. The intricate system of navigation baffled the sailors.
  68. The complex supply chain management system baffled the executives.
  69. The intricate legal argument baffled the judge.
  70. The complex ecosystem of the rainforest baffled the researchers.
  71. The intricate mechanism of the clock baffled the repairman.

Baffle Meaning in Detail.

"Baffle" is a verb that means to confuse, bewilder, or perplex someone. It can also mean to prevent someone from understanding something, or to make something difficult to understand or explain. Additionally, "baffle" can refer to a device or structure used to control the flow of air, sound, or liquid, often by redirecting it or absorbing it.

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Examples of the use of "baffle" as a verb in sentences are:
  1. The complex instructions on the software baffle me.
  2. The magician's trick completely baffled the audience.
  3. The team's strategy baffled their opponents and allowed them to win.
  4. The complicated math problem boggled my mind and baffled my teacher.
  5. The scientist was baffled by the unexpected results of the experiment.
  6. The soundproof baffle helped reduce the noise from the traffic outside.
  7. The water treatment plant uses baffles to remove impurities from the water.

Baffle Synonyms (With Meaning)

Here are some synonyms for "baffle" with their meanings:

Confuse - to make someone uncertain or unclear about something
Bewilder - to cause someone to be confused or uncertain
Puzzle - to cause someone to be confused or uncertain about something
Perplex - to make someone confused or puzzled about something
Mystify - to make someone feel confused or bewildered
Flummox - to completely confuse or perplex someone
Stump - to cause someone to be unable to answer a question or solve a problem
Confound - to cause someone to be confused or astonished
Nonplus - to cause someone to be completely unable to respond or think clearly
Faze - to cause someone to be surprised, confused, or embarrassed.
All these words share the idea of causing confusion or puzzlement in someone, which is the same as "baffle".

Baffle Antonyms (With Meaning)

Here are some antonyms for "baffle" with their meanings:

Enlighten - to give someone knowledge or understanding about a subject
Clarify - to make something easier to understand or explain
Explain - to make something clear or understandable to someone
Elucidate - to make something clear or explain in more detail
Comprehend - to understand something fully or clearly
Decipher - to figure out or understand the meaning of something
Resolve - to find a solution or explanation to a problem or situation
Simplify - to make something easier to understand or do
Unravel - to clarify or explain something that was previously unclear or confusing
Untangle - to clarify or explain something that was previously tangled or confusing.
All of these words involve making something clearer, understandable, or easier to comprehend, which is the opposite of "baffle" which means to confuse or perplex someone.

FAQs Related With Baffle (Grammar)

What is a baffle?
A baffle is a device or structure used to control or redirect the flow of air, sound, or liquid, often by redirecting it or absorbing it.

What are some common types of baffles?
Some common types of baffles include soundproof baffles, flow baffles, and fluid baffles.

What is the purpose of a soundproof baffle?
The purpose of a soundproof baffle is to reduce the amount of noise that travels from one area to another, often in industrial or commercial settings.

What is the purpose of a flow baffle?
The purpose of a flow baffle is to control or redirect the flow of air or liquid, often in mechanical or industrial settings.

What is the purpose of a fluid baffle?
The purpose of a fluid baffle is to control or absorb the flow of fluids, often in chemical or processing settings.

How are baffles used in the automotive industry?
Baffles are often used in the automotive industry to control the flow of air or exhaust gases in a vehicle's engine or exhaust system.

How are baffles used in the construction industry?
Baffles are sometimes used in the construction industry to control the flow of air or sound in buildings or structures.

What is the difference between a baffle and a diffuser?
While a baffle is used to control or redirect the flow of air, sound, or liquid, a diffuser is used to evenly distribute air or liquid flow in a specific area.

What is the difference between a baffle and a barrier?
While a baffle is used to control or redirect the flow of air, sound, or liquid, a barrier is used to block or prevent the flow of air, sound, or liquid from passing through a specific area.

How are baffles used in musical instruments?
Baffles are sometimes used in musical instruments to control the resonance or sound quality, often in speakers or guitar amplifiers.
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