Baidyanath Avipattikar Churna Benefits Uses Ingredients

Baidyanath Avipattikar Churna is an Ayurvedic natural powder this is typically used to deal with hyper acidity and digestive issues. The powder is crafted from a blend of several herbs, which includes ginger, lengthy pepper, black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, and different digestive herbs. It is thought to help balance the acid stages within the stomach and enhance digestion.

Baidyanath Avipattikar Churna Benefits Uses Ingredient

Baidyanath Avipattikar Churna Benefits Uses Ingredient

Baidyanath Avipattikar Churna Ingredients

  1. Sontha,
  2. Pipal,
  3. Kali Mirch,
  4. Trifala,
  5. Nagarmotha,
  6. Nishoth,
  7. Vidnamak,
  8. Vidanga,
  9. Chhoti Ela,
  10. Tejpatra,
  11. Laung,
  12. Mishri.

Benefits of Avipattikar Churna

Avipattikar Churna is an Ayurvedic natural powder system this is historically used to aid wholesome digestion and relieve excess warmth inside the body. It is a combination of numerous herbs, consisting of long pepper, ginger, cardamom, and Indian bay leaf, amongst others. According to Ayurveda, Avipattikar Churna has the subsequent advantages-
Helps to Alleviate Acidity and Heartburn
Avipattikar Churna is a well-known remedy for acidity and heartburn. It helps to neutralize excess stomach acid and soothe the digestive tract. Avipattikar Churna, expertly created by Ayurvedic physicians, helps to alleviate acidity, heartburn, fever, pain, thirst, hemorrhoids, and other digestive problems."

Helps to Improve Digestion

Avipattikar Churna helps to improve digestion and alleviate digestive problems such as constipation, bloating, and flatulence.
"Avipattikar Churna, always maintains the taste and quality of the herbs. It helps to balance appetite, cool and heat in the body, and also acts as a rejuvenating tonic for the body."

Helps to Alleviate Constipation

Avipattikar Churna helps to promote bowel movements and alleviate constipation.
"Avipattikar Churna is said to be a powerful herbal formula that promotes digestion, enhances appetite, improves vision, cleanses toxins from the body, provides strength and stability, and also alleviates constipation."

Helps to Alleviate Hemorrhoids
Avipattikar Churna helps to alleviate hemorrhoids by reducing inflammation and improving blood circulation in the rectal region.
Avipattikar Churna helps to alleviate hemorrhoids by reducing pain, inflammation, and bleeding. It also has a cooling and soothing effect on the affected area."

Helps to Alleviate Urinary Tract Infections
In another hand Avipattikar Churna has properties that make it an effective diuretic thus it will help to improve on the frequency of urination and thus cure urinary tract infections. 
Avipattikar churna is useful in advising the urinary tract because it deals with the issues like acidity, inflammation, and Vata dosha. It has therapeutic values with regard to the process of purifying the urine as well as to maintain an overall healthy urinary system. " 

Avipattikar Churna is a very useful Ayurvedic medicine that can help with digestive as well as urinary related issues. These Sanskrit shloks and the books in which these are mentioned form the basis in understanding the traditional application of this medicine in Ayurveda. 
Avipattikar churna is an innocent one, without any meaning of hot and cold or bitter and sweet taste, ausomely cool and sweet managing institution for all classes of Pitta, Kapha, Vata. It also has the effect of relieving the burning sensation, fever and worm infestation also. " 
Avipattikar Churna, made from three fruits: Said to bring relief in fever, burning sensations, pain, diarrhea, and other related ailments which are and constitute Amla, Haritaki and Bibhitaki. 
Avipattikar Churna which is cool and acidic in nature soothes the aggravated Pitta dosha, burning sensation, pain, diarrhea as well as other ailments associated with the digestive system. It is also useful for the management of all the three dosas in the body system. " 
Avipattikar Churna has its ability to balance Pitta, Vata and Kapha doshas in the body, it is also useful to improve digestive power and to increase strength of the body . 
Ayipattikar churna, as it is should always be tasted and it should be of good quality. It aids the appetite, to cool and heat the body and is also a revulsive tonic to the body. "

Avipattikar Churna Ingredients : Introduction and Benefits according to Ayurveda

Sontha (dried ginger)
Citing from Charaka Samhita, it has been identified that Sontha possess digestive properties that includes induce digestion, increases appetite, eliminate abdominal fullness and flatulence. It also offers the benefits of inflammation and pain reduction. Sontha has affinity to reduce Vata, it is light, sharp and has a goodーappetite effect. It has a calming effect on all sorts of pain in the abdominal region and is widely acclaimed for its ability to help one to ‘liquidate’.

Pipal (long pepper)
This great work also states that Pipal serves as a wonderful digestive and carminative and can cure flatulence, colic, and abdominal distention. It also possesses anti-inflammatory activity and to some extent anti-inflammatory analgesic activity as well. Pipal leaf is an herb that has properties that balance the Vata and Pitta in the body and also afford strength. It’s also referred to as the physician’s medicine and alleviates stomach ache.

Kali Mirch (black pepper) 
As quoted from the Bhavaprakasha, Kali Mirch is hot in the first stage and beneficial in indigestion as it helps to secrete more of digestive juices. It also assists in treating griping pain and eliminating flatulence as well as decreasing inflammation. Kali Mirch is a herb which eliminates diarrhea, pain and inflammation. It’s warming in nature and can be consumed to treat issues with digestion, fertility and is a great source of strength. They also pacify all the three doshas and help overcome certain conditions such as phlegm, wind and heartburn.

Trifala (a mixture of three fruits - Amla, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki)
As per the principles of Ayurveda as stated in Charaka Samhita Trifala is a very effective carminative and Rasayana that aids in clearing the body toxins, stimulates the digestive system and nourishes the tissues. Trifala is bitter and pungent in taste and clears the doshas and brings relief to phlegm. It aids the digestive process, ensures good health and helps in creating harmony with the three Do’shas. It also has no side effect to the body and makes it feel fresh and replenished in a way that nourishes all of the body tissues.

Nagarmotha (Cyperus rotundus)
As per the Bhavaprakasha, Nagarmotha has the properties of mushc and powders and is beneficial in the disorders of the abdomen coon comprising pain and distension, vomiting and flatus. It also has anti inflammatory and anti inflammatory effects. Nagarmotha is a herb which is used to balance Vata and its properties are bitter, pungent and warm. And they can say ‘I’m able to eat this because it is light, easy to digest and offers comfort’. It promotes digestion, relieve flatulence and has a lenitive or soothing action.

Nishoth (Operculina turpethum)
According to Bhavaprakasha, Nishoth is a herb which works as both laxative as well as carminative, assists in digestion and expulsion of toxins from the body with alleviation of pain in abdomen. Nishoth has a light, hot and pungent property and has an attribute of reducing Kapha and clearing toxins from the body. It is characterized to be hot; sharp; and spider, and useful in the eradication of all the doshas.

Vidnamak (Embelia ribes)
Claiming to the Bhavaprakasha, Vidnamak is the drug used to maintain digestive and carminative and treats the ailments like stomach pain and fullness, Flatulence, and toxins in digestion tracts or cavities. In my study, there is only one medicine named vidnamak which has properties of acting as an anti-toxic, an anti-febrile and an anti-inflammatory. It promotes digestion of food, has slightly warm nature and decreases the production of phlegm. This is because it helps the human body to detoxify itself of poison and that is why it is nicknamed Vidnamak.

Vidanga (Embelia ribes) 
Vidanga is a herb which is said to function as a digestant with carminative properties that helps in easing digestion and the digestive tract pain along with vomiting and expulsion of toxins as per the classical cuneiform scripture of Ayurveda known as Charaka Samhita. It is also helpful in the treatment of diseases relating to the stomach and bowels as well as to improve strength.

Chhoti Ela (Elettaria cardamomum)
Bhavaprakasha says that this plant is used as a digestive and carminative that is used in treating abdominal troubles, pain and distension, and for fresh breath. Chhoti ela is used to improve strength, complexion and overall defense mechanism of a person. It is good for the eyes, for supplying natural oils to various parts of the body and enhancing the digestive system. It is also beneficial for the heart and used to subside burning sensation.

Tejpatra (Cinnamomum tamala)
According to the Charaka Samhita, Tejpatra is a digestive and carminative herb that helps in promoting healthy digestion, reducing abdominal pain and gas, and improving appetite. Tejpatra is a herb that promotes digestion, enhances appetite, and provides strength. It pacifies Vata dosha and is useful in treating conditions caused by the imbalance of Kapha and Pitta doshas. It is also hot, sharp, and purifying.

Laung (Syzygium aromaticum)
According to the Bhavaprakasha, Laung is a digestive and carminative herb that enables in promoting healthy digestion, lowering stomach pain and gas, and freshening breath. Laung is a herb this is hot, sharp, and light. It reduces phlegm, stimulates digestion, and allows in decreasing fever. It is also acknowledged for its capacity to enhance appetite, and it has a robust aroma.

Avipattikar Churna As per NCBI

Avipattikar churna is an Ayurvedic natural education that is historically used to deal with digestive problems. It contains a mix of herbs and spices inclusive of amla, haritaki, licorice, and cardamom that paintings together to promote digestive health. The following are some of the health blessings of Avipattikar churna supported by way of medical research

Relieves Acid Reflux and Heartburn

Avipattikar churna has been determined to have large anti-ulcer hobby, that may assist to relieve acid reflux disorder and heartburn. A look at published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that Avipattikar churna was effective in decreasing gastric ulceration and inflammation in rats. (i)

Reduces Inflammation in the Digestive Tract

Avipattikar churna has anti-inflammatory residences which can assist to reduce irritation in the digestive tract. A take a look at published inside the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine discovered that Avipattikar churna considerably reduced irritation in rats with colitis. (ii)

Regulates Bowel Movements

Avipattikar churna has been discovered to regulate bowel moves and relieve constipation. A take a look at published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine observed that Avipattikar churna changed into effective in treating persistent constipation in patients. (iii)

Relieves Nausea and Vomiting

Avipattikar churna has been observed to have antiemetic residences, which can assist to relieve nausea and vomiting. A look at published within the Journal of Ethnopharmacology determined that Avipattikar churna become powerful in lowering nausea and vomiting in rats. (iv)

Improves Liver Function

Avipattikar churna has hepatoprotective properties that can help to improve liver function. A study published in the Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology found that Avipattikar churna was effective in reducing liver damage in rats. (v)

Alleviates Hemorrhoids

Avipattikar churna has been found to alleviate hemorrhoids by reducing pain, inflammation, and bleeding. A study published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine found that Avipattikar churna was effective in reducing the severity of hemorrhoids in patients. (vi)

Doses of Avipattikar Churna

1 to 2 teaspoonful with water or milk twice a day. However, it is always recommended to consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before using any herbal remedies for specific health concerns.

According to Baidyanath Avipattikar Churna Benefits

Baidyanath  Avipattikar churna is a polyherbal Ayurvedic composition  made up of fourteen different constituents, including: Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), Maricha (Piper nigrum), Pippali (Piper longum), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Vibhitaka (Terminalia bellerica), Aamalaki (Emblica officinalis), Musta (Cyperus rotundus) etc.Avipattikar churna's components have antiulcer capabilities. The stomach mucosa is cytoprotected by Haritaki, Maricha, and Pippali. Shunthi reduces stomach secretion, raises mucosal resistance, and enhances the gastric mucosa's defensive characteristics. Lavanga promotes mucus secretion and helps to maintain basal gastric mucosal blood flow. Avipattikar Churna also aids in food digestion and reduces bloating and flatulence. It promotes the growth of beneficial microbial flora, which aids in the improvement of digestive functions. Health Insurance
Other digestive problems like constipation, diarrhoea, and indigestion can be treated with Avipattikar Churna. 

Ayurvedic Tritment for Acidity | Acharya Balkrishna

About Baidyanath

Baidyanath is the leading Ayurvedic company of India that is offering fine line Ayurvedic care system having herbal and natural remedies for past one hundred years. The organization was started in 1917 by Pandit Ram Dayal Joshi, an eminent Ayurveda, herbal medicine and medicinal plant expert from the town of Deoghar in the Indian province of Jharkhand.

Currently it has an extensive range of Ayurvedic Medicines, herbal supplements and natural health care products under the banner of Baidyanath, all duly developed on the principles of Ayurveda and proper formularized concoctions of the ancient sage. The natural ingredients and herbs used in the production of the company’s products are grown in their farms or from reliable suppliers.

Most of Baidyanath’s products are useful in addressing several health challenges including digestive complications, respiratory conditions, skin medication and boosting of immunity. They have manufactured many products and some of them are Avipattikar Churna; Chyawanprash; Shankhapushpi Syrup; Triphala Churna and many others.

Baidyanath firmly believes in the effectiveness of Ayurvedic system of medicine and this company has several research and development departments headed for improving the quality of its products. It also holds several charitable causes that include, charitable services, free medical services to the underserved and charitable causes like education and skill development to the people in the rural settings.

According to Baidyanath Avipattikar Churna Benefits

Baidyanath  Avipattikar churna is a polyherbal Ayurvedic composition  made up of fourteen different constituents, including: Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), Maricha (Piper nigrum), Pippali (Piper longum), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Vibhitaka (Terminalia bellerica), Aamalaki (Emblica officinalis), Musta (Cyperus rotundus) etc.Avipattikar churna's components have antiulcer capabilities. The stomach mucosa is cytoprotected by Haritaki, Maricha, and Pippali. Shunthi reduces stomach secretion, raises mucosal resistance, and enhances the gastric mucosa's defensive characteristics. Lavanga promotes mucus secretion and helps to maintain basal gastric mucosal blood flow. Avipattikar Churna also aids in food digestion and reduces bloating and flatulence. It promotes the growth of beneficial microbial flora, which aids in the improvement of digestive functions. Health Insurance
Other digestive problems like constipation, diarrhoea, and indigestion can be treated with Avipattikar Churna. 

Most Asked Questions and Answers on Avipattikar Churna

What is Avipattikar Churna?
Avipattikar Churna is a blend of various herbal powders, which is used in Ayurveda for digestion related issues, acidity and in overall wellbeing of the system.

Some of the ingredients of Avipattikar churna include borax, oxalic acid, antimony trichloride and mercuric chloride.
The avipattikar churna composition includes Sontha or Zinziber officinaliis, Pipal or Pittharan, Kali Mirch or Black peppers, Trifala or Myrica nagi, Nagarmotha or Cyperus rotundus, Nishoth or Picrorhiza kurroa, Vidnamak or abrus precatorius, Vidanga or justicia gendarussa,

What advantage does Avipattikar Churna have?
There are many potential advantages of Avipattikar Churna, these consist of good digestion, prevention of acidity, improves constipation, decrease in the formation of gases in the stomach, increase in appetite and general well-being of the body.

Avipattikar Churna is effective in the regulation of the nervous system How Does Avipattikar Churna Work
Avipattikar Churna is effective in the management of stomach acid, digestion and a probable assistant to assist the body in the assimilation of nutrients on ingested foods.

What are the side effects of avipattikar churna?
Avipattikar Churna used in the right dosage does not have and side effects associated with its usage.

Can Avipattikar Churna be taken when pregnant?
However, it is still advised to discuss with a doctor before taking Avipattikar Churna during pregnancy.

Is Avipattikar Churna safe for its consumption by children?
It is advised to seek advice from the pediatrician if one has a child under the age of 18 intending to use Avipattikar Churna.

There are common questions that patients ask their doctors about Avipattikar Churna as follows;
Avipattikar Churna is best taken with water but one can also take it as prescribe by the doctor.

That leads us to the question of how much Avipattikar Churna a patient needs to take.
From the study of the Avipattikar Churna dosage, the recommended dose is one to two tablespoons or one to two times daily or as advised by a doctor.

Is Avipattikar Churna safe to use when it is mixed with other drugs?
talking to your doctor is advisable before you begin to combine Avipattikar Churna with other drugs.

Avoid other keywords Do Avipattikar Churna on empty stomach work
Avipattikar Churna is best taken before food, although it is not bad to take it to have an empty stomach at all.

Does Avipattikar Churna help reduce fats and gain weight?
Avipattikar Churna may be useful in weight loss as it helps in digestion and may decrease bloating However, it is not classified as a weight loss supplement.

However, one wonders whether Avipattikar Churna can be taken for the purpose of treating this ailment of constipation.
Avipattikar Churna is helpful in the treatment of constipation as it has a positive impact on digestion that assist in bowel movements.

Is acid reflux an ailment for which Avipattikar Churna can be used for?
Yes, Avipattikar Churna can be used to treat acid reflux since it will help in lowering the level of acidity in stomach.

Is Avipattikar Churna an effective medicine for heartburn?
Yes, Avipattikar Churna is beneficial in treating the conditions like heart burn because Acidity of the stomach gets reduced by this medicine.

Is it possible to useAvipattikar Churna for Indigestion?
Yes, the use of Avipattikar Churna in case of indigestion is helpful since it relieves digestion and also the swelling and the gaseous distension.

Is there any hope using Avipattikar Churna in nausea?
Yes, it’s possible to use Avipattikar Churna to treat nausea.

Official Link of Baidyanath Website for More information 

 Source : 
            Bhaishajya Ratnavali

Formulation of Avipattikar Churna

The formulation of Avipattikar Churna may vary slightly between different manufacturers, but typically it contains the following ingredients:
  1. Amla (Emblica officinalis)
  2. Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)
  3. Vibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica)
  4. Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
  5. Black pepper (Piper nigrum)
  6. Long pepper (Piper longum)
  7. Indian bay leaf (Cinnamomum tamala)
  8. Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum)
  9. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
  10. Sugar candy (Mishri)
This ingredients of Avipattikar Churna as Amla, Haritaki, Vibhitaki, Jatiphala, Vidanga, Vaividang, Khadira sara, and Shunthi, one thousand parts of sugar candy. It appears that formulation of Avipattikar Churna has occurred over the course of years and the formulation can vary from the existing shloka.
Medical Disclaimer : The information contained in this post is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any changes to your health or wellness routine. Please Read Our Website (Blog) Medical Disclaimer by visiting here

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