Important Synonyms Meanings Class 10 महत्वपूर्ण पर्यायवाची शब्द और अर्थ क्लास 10
अंग्रेज़ी भाषा में शब्दों के कई पर्यायवाची होते हैं, जो शब्दों के अर्थ और प्रभाव को बेहतर तरीके से समझने और व्यक्त करने में मदद करते हैं। सही पर्यायवाची शब्दों का चयन न केवल भाषा को समृद्ध बनाता है, बल्कि यह लेखन और संवाद में प्रभावीता भी लाता है। इस पोस्ट में हम कुछ महत्वपूर्ण अंग्रेज़ी शब्दों के हिंदी में पर्यायवाची शब्दों का अध्ययन करेंगे, जिससे भाषा के ज्ञान को और गहरा किया जा सके और शब्दों का प्रभावशाली उपयोग किया जा सके।
- Abundant / Plentiful / प्रचुर
- Delicate / Sensitive / नाज़ुक
- Eager / Keen / उत्सुक
- Generous / Charitable / उदार
- Reliable / Dependable / विश्वसनीय
- Sincere / Truthful / ईमानदार
- Timid / Shy / संकोची
- Vibrant / Lively / जीवंत
- Adventurous / Bold / साहसी
- Confident / Secure / आत्मविश्वासी
- Diligent / Persevering / मेहनती
- Grateful / Pleased / आभारी
- Imaginative / Inventive / कल्पनाशील
- Joyous / Elated / आनंदित
- Thoughtful / Considerate / विचारशील
- Valiant / Gallant / साहसी
- Witty / Humorous / चतुर
- Zealous / Enthusiastic / उत्साही
- Ambitious / Aspiring / महत्वाकांक्षी
- Impeccable / Perfect / निर्दोष
- Conundrum / Dilemma / पहेली
- Serendipity / Luck / संयोग
- Ambiguous / Vague / अस्पष्ट
- Inevitable / Inescapable / अपरिहार्य
- Meticulous / Precise / बारीकी से काम करने वाला
- Ephemeral / Fleeting / क्षणिक
- Tenacious / Resolute / दृढ़
- Educe / Evoke / निकालना
- Beckon / Gesture / इशारा करना
- Baffling / Puzzle / भ्रमित करना
- Competence / Capability / क्षमता
- Ineptitude / Inability / अक्षमता
- Synergy / Collaboration / सहयोग
- Muzzle / Gag / मुँह बंद करना
- Parochial / Conservative / सीमित दृष्टिकोण वाला
- Entrench / Establish / मजबूत करना
- Quibble / Minor / छोटी शिकायत
- Polemics / Debate / विवाद
- Salience / Prominence / प्रमुखता
- Ploy / Tactic / चाल
- Aghast / Horrified / हैरान
- Sumptuous / Lavish / भव्य
- Enthuse / Motivate / प्रेरित करना
- Sanguine / Hopeful / आशावादी
- Beautiful / Gorgeous / सुंदर
- Happy / Joyful / खुश
- Fast / Swift / तेज
- Big / Large / बड़ा
- Small / Tiny / छोटा
- Smart / Intelligent / बुद्धिमान
- Brave / Courageous / बहादुर
- Delicious / Tasty / स्वादिष्ट
- Sad / Unhappy / उदास
- Angry / Furious / गुस्से में
- Funny / Hilarious / मजेदार
- Cold / Chilly / ठंडा
- Hot / Scorching / गर्म
- Rich / Wealthy / अमीर
- Poor / Destitute / गरीब
- Loud / Noisy / जोरदार
- Quiet / Silent / चुप
- Tired / Exhausted / थका हुआ
- Pretty / Attractive / सुंदर
10th Class English Synonyms Synonyms And Meaning
- Ugly / Hideous / बदसूरत
- Honest / Truthful / ईमानदार
- Evil / Wicked / दुष्ट
- Strong / Powerful / मजबूत
- Weak / Feeble / कमजोर
- Bright / Radiant / चमकीला
- Dark / Gloomy / अंधेरा
- Clever / Ingenious / चतुर
- Friendly / Amiable / दोस्ताना
- Noisy / Boisterous / शोर मचाने वाला
- Hungry / Starving / भूखा
- Abstract / Actual instances / सैद्धांतिक, वैकल्पिक, बौद्धिक, प्रतीकात्मक
- Abstruse / Hard to understand / समझने में कठिन, अपर्ण, रहस्यमय
- Arduous / Difficult / कठिन, परिश्रमी, कठिनाईपूर्ण, थकाने वाला
- Augean / Difficult and Unpleasant / चुनौतीपूर्ण, कठिन, प्रयासशील
- Baffling / To confuse or perplex / उलझाना, भ्रमित करना, आश्चर्यचकित करना
- Confined / Restricted in an area or volume / संकुचित, सीमित, प्रतिबंधित
- Austere / Strict and serious in appearance and behavior / सख्त, कठोर, गंभीर, गंभीर
- Competence / The ability to do something / क्षमता, दक्षता, कौशल
- Parochial / Having a limited or narrow outlook / रूढ़िवादी, संकुचित, अल्पदृष्टि
- Moribund / No longer effective and about to come to an end completely / निष्क्रिय, स्थिर, गतिहीन
- Ineptitude / Lack of skill or ability / अक्षमता, असमर्थता, अयोग्यता
- Bystander / A person who is present at an event or incident but does not participate / गवाह, दर्शक, नज़र रखने वाला
- Entrench / To establish something very strongly so that it is difficult to change / स्थापित करना, मजबूत करना, सजग करना
- All-encompassing / Including everything / व्यापक, विस्तृत, समग्र
- Contagion / The spread of disease by close contact between people / संक्रमण, प्रसार, गंदगी
- Cohort / A group of people / साथी, साथी, मित्र
- Ploy / Words or actions that are carefully planned to get an advantage over somebody else / रणनीति, चाल, योजना
- Idiosyncrasy / An unusual feature / विशेषता, गुण, विशिष्टता
- Quibble / A small complaint or criticism / छोटी शिकायत, आलोचना, तुच्छ
- Aghast / Shocked or scared / भयभीत, स्तब्ध, डर गया
- Accrue / Payments or benefits / इकट्ठा करना, संचय करना, जमा करना
- Muzzle / Prevent a person or group from expressing their opinions freely / मुँह बंद करना, रोकना, दबाना
- Synergy / The extra energy / सहयोग, साझेदारी, संगठित प्रयास
- Officious / Assertive of authority in a domineering way / प्रभुत्वशाली, दबंग, आदेशात्मक
- Dash / Destroy or frustrate / नष्ट करना, ध्वस्त करना, विफल करना
- Dangerous / Something likely to cause injury or damage / खतरनाक
- Dark / With no light or very little light / अंधेरा
- Decide / Think about two or more possibilities and choose one of them / निर्णय लेना
- Definite / Having certain or distinct limits for a definite period / निश्चित
- Delicious / Having a very pleasant taste or smell / स्वादिष्ट
- Describe / To say what somebody/something is like, or what happened / वर्णन करना
- Destroy / To damage something so badly that it can no longer be used or no longer exists / नष्ट करना
- Difference / The way that people or things are not the same or the way that somebody/something has changed / अंतर
- Do / To perform an action, activity or job / करना
- Dull / Not interesting or exciting; boring / नीरस
- Eager / Strongly wanting to do or have something / इच्छुक
- End / The furthest or last part of something; the place or time where something stops / अंत
- Enjoy / To get pleasure from something / आनंद लेना
- Explain / To make something clear or easy to understand / स्पष्ट करना
- Fair / Appropriate and acceptable in a particular situation / उचित
- Fall / To drop down towards the ground / गिरना
- False / Not true; not correct / गलत
- Fast / Able to move or act at great speed / तेज
अंग्रेजी विषय के कक्षा १० के लिए महत्पूर्ण समानार्थी शब्द अर्थ
- Fat / Weighing too much; covered with too much flesh / मोटा
- Fear / The feeling that you have when something dangerous, painful or frightening might happen / डर
- Fly / To move through the air / उड़ना
- Funny / That makes you smile or laugh / मजेदार
- Get / To receive, obtain or buy something / पाना
- Go / To move or travel from one place to another / जाना
- Good / Of a high quality or standard / अच्छा
- Great / Large in amount, degree, size, etc.; a lot of / महान
- Gross / Being the total amount before anything is taken away / कुल
- Happy / Feeling or showing pleasure; pleased / खुश
- Hate / To have a very strong feeling of not liking somebody/something at all / नफरत करना
- Have / Used for forming the perfect tenses / होना
- Help / To do something for somebody to be useful or to make something easier for him/her / मदद करना
- Hide / To put or keep somebody/something in a place where he/she/it cannot be seen; to cover something so that it cannot be seen / छिपाना
- Hurry / The need or wish to do something quickly / जल्दी करना
- Hurt / To feel painful / चोट पहुंचाना
- Idea / A picture or impression in your mind / विचार
- Important / Having great value or influence; is very necessary / महत्वपूर्ण
- Interesting / Enjoyable and entertaining; holding your attention / दिलचस्प
- Keep / To continue to be in a particular state or position / रखना
- Kill / To make somebody/something die / मारना
- Laugh / An expression of mirth, derision, etc. / हंसना
- Lots / Of great numbers or quantities / बहुत सारे
- Label / A short word or phrase descriptive of a person, group, intellectual movement, etc. / लेबल
- Labor / Productive activity, especially for the sake of economic gain. / श्रम
- Landfill / A low area of land that is built up from deposits of solid refuse in layers covered by soil. / कचरा डंप
- Landlord / A person or organization that owns and leases apartments to others. / मकान मालिक
- Language / A body of words and the systems for their use is common to people who are of the same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural tradition / भाषा
- Machine / An apparatus consisting of interrelated parts with separate functions, used in the performance of some kind of work / मशीन
- Mail / Letters, packages, etc., that are sent or delivered using a postal system / डाक
- Major / Greater in size, extent, or importance / मुख्य
- Malice / Desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile impulse or out of deep-seated meanness / दुर्भावना
- Management / The person or persons controlling and directing the affairs of a business, institution, etc / प्रबंधन
- Manufacture / The making of goods or wares by manual labor or by machinery, especially on a large scale / निर्माण
- Nation / The territory or country itself / राष्ट्र
- Near / Close to a point or place not far away / निकट
- Narrow / Of little breadth or width; not broad or wide; not as wide as usual or expected / संकीर्ण
- Nearly / With close approximation / लगभग
- Name / A word or a combination of words by which a person, place, thing, body or class, or any object of thought is designated, called, or known / नाम
- Objective / Something that one’s efforts or actions are intended to attain or accomplish / उद्देश्य
- Observe / To see, watch, perceive, or notice / अवलोकन करना
- Amazing / Incredible / आश्चर्यजनक
- Anger / Enrage / क्रोध
- Angry / Wrathful / गुस्से में
- Answer / Reply / उत्तर देना
- Ask / Question / पूछना
- Awful / Dreadful / भयानक
- Bad / Depraved / बुरा
- Beautiful / Gorgeous / सुंदर
- Begin / Start / शुरू करना
- Big / Enormous / बड़ा
- Brave / Courageous / बहादुर
- Break / Fracture / तोड़ना
- Bright / Sparkling / उज्ज्वल
- Calm / Quiet / शांति
- Come / Approach / आना
- Cool / Chilly / ठंडा
- Crooked / Bent / टेढ़ा
- Cry / Weep / रोना
- Cut / Slice / काटना
- Dangerous / Perilous / खतरनाक
- Dark / Shadowy / अंधेरा
- Decide / Determine / निर्णय लेना
- Definite / Certain / निश्चित
- Delicious / Savory / स्वादिष्ट
- Describe / Portray / वर्णन करना
- Destroy / Ruin / नष्ट करना
Important Synonyms Meanings Class 10 महत्वपूर्ण पर्यायवाची शब्द और अर्थ
- Difference / Disagreement / अंतर
- Do / Execute / करना
- Dull / Unimaginative / नीरस
- Eager / Keen / उत्सुक
- End / Stop / अंत
- Enjoy / Appreciate / आनंद लेना
- Explain / Elaborate / स्पष्ट करना
- Fair / Just / निष्पक्ष
- Fall / Drop / गिरना
- False / Fake / झूठा
- Fast / Quick / तेज
- Fat / Stout / मोटा
- Fear / Fright / डर
- Fly / Soar / उड़ना
- Funny / Humorous / मजेदार
- Get / Acquire / प्राप्त करना
- Go / Recede / जाना
- Good / Excellent / अच्छा
- Great / Noteworthy / महान
- Gross / Improper / असंगत
- Happy / Pleased / खुश
- Hate / Despise / नफरत करना
- Have / Acquire / होना
- Help / Aid / मदद करना
- Hide / Conceal / छुपाना
- Hurry / Hasten / जल्दी करना
- Hurt / Damage / चोट पहुँचना
- Idea / Thought / विचार
- Important / Necessary / महत्वपूर्ण
- Interesting / Fascinating / दिलचस्प
- Keep / Hold / रखना
- Kill / Slay / मारना
- Lazy / Indolent / आलसी
- Little / Dinky / छोटा
- Look / Scrutinize / देखना
- Love / Like / प्रेम करना
- Make / Design / बनाना
- Mark / Impress / चिह्नित करना
- Mischievous / Prankish / शरारती
- Move / Plod / चलना
- Neat / Trim / साफ-सुथरा
- New / Novel / नया
- Old / Aged / पुराना
- Part / Portion / हिस्सा
- Place / Space / स्थान
- Plan / Region / योजना
- Predicament / Quandary / संकट
- Put / Place / रखना
- Quiet / Tranquil / शांत
- Right / Correct / सही
- Run / Race / दौड़ना
- Say/Tell / Recount / कहना
- Scared / Panicked / डरा हुआ
- Show / Display / दिखाना
- Slow / Unhurried / धीमा
- Stop / Cease / रुकना
- Story / Tale / कहानी
- Strange / Odd / अजीब
- Take / Hold / लेना
- Tell / Disclose / बताना
- Think / Consider / सोचना
- Trouble / Distress / परेशानी
- True / Accurate / सच
- Ugly / Horrible / बदसूरत
- Abundant / प्रचुर / plentiful, ample, bountiful
- Abolish / समाप्त करना / Abrogate
- Abash / शर्मिंदा करना / Disconcert, rattle
- Absolve / मुक्त करना / Pardon, forgive
- Acumen / सूझ-बूझ / Awareness, brilliance
- Accord / सहमति / Agreement, harmony
- Adamant / अडिग / Stubborn, inflexible
- Adversity / विपत्ति / Misfortune, calamity
- Alleviate / कम करना / Abate, relieve
- Amplify / बढ़ाना / Augment, deepen
- Ascend / चढ़ना / Escalate
- Audacity / साहस / Boldness, Courage
- Awkward / असुविधाजनक / Rude, blundering
- Axiom / स्वीकृत सत्य / Adage, truism
- Baffle / उलझाना / Astound, Faze
- Bewitching / जादुई / Alluring, charming
- Bustle / हलचल / Commotion, Tumult
- Busy / व्यस्त / Active, Engaged
- Calamity / आपदा / adversity, misfortune
- Callous / संवेदनहीन / obdurate, unfeeling
- Cease / समाप्त करना / terminate, desist
- Chaste / पवित्र / virtuous, pure
- Comprise / शामिल करना / include, contain
- Classic / शास्त्रीय / Simple, Typical
- Concur / सहमत होना / approve, agree
- Consolidate / मजबूत करना / solidify, strengthen
- Compress / संकुचित करना / Abbreviate, Shrink
- Decipher / स्पष्ट करना / interpret, reveal
- Demolish / नष्ट करना / Ruin, devastate
- Dwarf / बौना / Diminutive, Petite
- Eager / इच्छुक / Keen, acquisitive
- Endeavour / प्रयास करना / undertake, aspire
- Enormous / विशाल / colossal, mammoth
- Epitome / आदर्श उदाहरण / precise, example
- Fabricate / बनाना / construct, produce
- Feeble / कमजोर / weak, frail
- Ferocious / क्रूर / cruel, fierce
- Feud / झगड़ा / strife, quarrel
- Fluctuate / बदलना / deflect, vacillate
- Gather / इकट्ठा करना / Converge, huddle
- Gorgeous / शानदार / magnificent, dazzling
- Gracious / कृपालु / courteous, beneficent
- Genuine / असली / Absolute, Factual
- Gloomy / उदास / Bleak, cloudy
- Hamper / बाधा डालना / retard, prevent
- Hazard / खतरा / Peril, danger
- Humble / विनम्र / Meek, Timid
- Humility / विनम्रता / Resignation, Fawning
- Impulsive / आवेगपूर्ण / Flaky, Impetuous
- Interesting / रोचक / Enchanting, Riveting
- Immaculate / निर्दोष / unsullied, spotless
- Immerse / डूबाना / submerge, involve
- Imminent / निकट भविष्य में / impending, brewing
- Inevitable / अनिवार्य / unavoidable, ascertained
- Infringe / उल्लंघन करना / violate, encroach
- Jaded / थका हुआ / tired, exhausted
- Justify / उचित ठहराना / defend, exculpate
- Juvenile / किशोर / young, tender
- Keen / तीव्र / sharp, poignant
- Lavish / विशाल / abundant, excessive
- Lenient / उदार / compassionate, merciful
- Liable / उत्तरदायी / accountable, bound
- Liberal / उदार / magnanimous, generous
- Linger / टिका रहना / loiter, prolong
- Luscious / स्वादिष्ट / palatable, delicious
- Mandatory / अनिवार्य / Imperative, requisite
- Masculine / पुरुषों के लिए विशेष / Gallant, strapping
- Modest / विनम्र / humble, courteous
- Mutual / आपसी / joint, identical
- Nimble / फुर्तीला / prompt, brisk
- Nonchalant / उदासीन / indifferent, negligent
- Nullify / निरस्त करना / cancel, annual
- Numerous / अनेक / profuse, various
- Obstruct / बाधित करना / impede, prevent
- Obtain / प्राप्त करना / Access, Inherit
- Obvious / स्पष्ट / Evident, apparent
- Optimist / आशावादी / Idealist
- Pacify / शांत करना / Appease, Chasten
- Persuade / राजी करना / Cajole, Impress
- Propagate / फैलाना / Inseminate, fecundate
- Progress / प्रगति / Pace, Betterment
- Prompt / त्वरित / Precise, Punctual
- Prudence / विवेक / Vigilance, Discretion
- Pompous / घमंडी / haughty, arrogant
- Quaint / अनोखा / Queer, strange
- Quarantine / संगरोध / seclude, screen
- Rebellious / विद्रोही / Restless, attacking
- Rectify / सुधारना / Amend, Remedy
- Reluctant / अनिच्छुक / Cautious, Averse
- Restrain / रोकना / Detain, Confine
- Redeem / वापस पाना / Recover, liberate
- Remorse / पछतावा / Regret, penitence
- Retract / वापस लेना / Recant, withdraw
- Rustic / ग्रामीण / Rural, uncivilized
- Ruthless / निर्दयी / Remorseless, inhumane
- Sacred / पवित्र / Cherish, Divine
- Savage / बर्बर / Wild, untamed
- Sarcastic / व्यंग्यात्मक / Ironical, derisive
- Sympathy / सहानुभूति / Tenderness, harmony
- System / प्रणाली / Scheme, Entity
- Taboo / निषिद्ध / Prohibit, ban
- Taciturn / चुप / Reserved, silent
- Tedious / थकाऊ / Wearisome, Irksome
- Temperate / संतुलित / Cool, moderate
- Utterly / पूरी तरह से / Completely, entirely
- Uncouth / बेतुका / Boorish, Clownish
- Urchin / अनाथ / Foundling, Orphan
- Urge / प्रेरित करना / Incite, Implore
- Vanity / आत्ममोह / Conceit, pretension
- Venom / विष / Poison, malevolence
- Veteran / अनुभवी / Ingenious, experienced
- Vicious / बुरे / Corrupt, obnoxious
- Vigilant / चौकस / Cautious, alert
- Wicked / दुष्ट / vicious, immoral
- Wield / चलाना / Exert, employ
- Winsome / आकर्षक / Beautiful, Comely
- Yell / चिल्लाना / shout, shriek
- Yield / Yield / surrender, abdicate
- Yearn / तरसना / languish, crave
- Zeal / उत्साह / eagerness, fervor
- Zenith / शिखर / summit, apex
- Zest / उत्साह / delight, enthusiasm
- Zig-zag / नुकीला / oblique, wayward
- Acumen / कुशाग्रता / Insightfulness or shrewdness / Awareness, brilliance
- Adhere / पालन करना / To stick fast or remain attached / Comply, observe
- Abolish / समाप्त करना / To formally put an end to / Abrogate, annul
- Abash / शर्मिंदा करना / To make someone feel embarrassed / Disconcert, rattle
- Abound / प्रचुर होना / To exist in large numbers or amounts / Flourish, proliferate
- Abate / कम करना / To reduce in amount or intensity / Moderate, decrease
- Abject / दीन / Extremely bad or severe / Despicable, servile
- Abjure / परित्याग करना / To renounce a belief or cause / Forsake, renounce
- Abortive / निष्फल / Failing to produce the intended result / Vain, unproductive
- Absolve / मुक्त करना / To free from guilt or blame / Pardon, forgive
- Accord / समझौता / An agreement or harmony / Agreement, harmony
- Acrimony / कटुता / Bitterness or ill feeling / Harshness, bitterness
- Adamant / अडिग / Refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind / Stubborn, inflexible
- Adherent / अनुयायी / A follower or supporter / Follower, disciple
Synonyms of words
- Adjunct / सहायक / Something added to another thing but not an essential part / Joined, added
- Admonish / सलाह देना / To warn or reprimand someone firmly / Counsel, reprove
- Adversity / विपत्ति / Difficulties or misfortune / Misfortune, calamity
- Alien / विदेशी / A foreigner or outsider / Foreigner, outsider
- Allay / कम करना / To diminish or put at rest / Pacify, soothe
- Alleviate / हल्का करना / To make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe / Abate, relieve
- Allure / आकर्षण / The quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive / Entice, fascinate
- Ascend / चढ़ाई करना / To move upward / Climb, escalate
- Amplify / बढ़ाना / To increase in volume or intensity / Augment, deepen
- Arraign / आरोप लगाना / To call or bring someone before a court to answer a criminal charge / Incriminate, indict
- Audacity / साहस / A willingness to take bold risks / Boldness, courage
- Authentic / प्रामाणिक / Of undisputed origin; genuine / Accurate, credible
- Awkward / अजीब / Causing difficulty; hard to deal with / Rude, blundering
- Axiom / सिद्धांत / A statement or proposition regarded as being self-evidently true / Adage, truism
- Baffle / हैरान करना / To totally bewilder or perplex / Astound, faze
- Bewitching / जादुई / Charming or enchanting / Alluring, charming
- Bleak / निराशाजनक / Lacking vegetation and exposed to the elements / Grim, austere
- Brittle / नाज़ुक / Hard but liable to break easily / Breakable, crisp
- Bustle / हलचल / To move around in a busy, active way / Commotion, tumult
- Barbarous / जंगली / Savagely cruel; exceedingly brutal / Frustrate, perplex
- Baroque / बारोक / Highly ornamented and extravagant in style / Florid, gilt
- Barren / बंजर / Too poor to produce much or any vegetation / Desolate, sterile
- Barrier / बाधा / A fence or obstacle that prevents movement / Barricade, obstacle
- Base / नीच / The bottom support of anything; a fundamental principle / Vulgar, coarse
- Batty / पागल / Crazy or silly / Insane, silly
- Bawdy / अश्लील / Dealing with sexual matters in a comical way / Erotic, coarse
- Befogged / धुंधला / To confuse or muddle / Becloud, dim
- Benevolent / दयालु / Well-meaning and kindly / Benign, generous
- Benign / सौम्य / Gentle and kindly / Favorable, friendly
- Bind / बाधित करना / To tie or secure / Predicament
- Bleak / उजाड़ / Lacking in warmth, life, or kindliness / Austere, blank
- Blunt / कुंद / Not sharp; straightforward in speech / Dull, insensitive
- Boisterous / शोरगुल / Noisy, energetic, and cheerful / Clamorous, rowdy
- Bold / साहसी / Showing courage / Adventurous
- Busy / व्यस्त / Actively engaged / Active, engaged
- Calculating / चालाक / Acting in a scheming and ruthlessly determined way / Canny, devious
- Calamity / आपदा / An event causing great and often sudden damage / Adversity, misfortune
- Callous / संवेदनहीन / Showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others / Obdurate, unfeeling
- Calumny / मानहानि / The making of false and defamatory statements about someone / Defamation, aspersion
- Capable / सक्षम / Having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to do or achieve a specified thing / Competent, able
- Captivate / मोहित करना / To attract and hold the interest and attention of / Charm, fascinate
- Captivity / कैद / The condition of being imprisoned or confined / Imprisonment, confinement
- Cease / समाप्त करना / To bring or come to an end / Terminate, desist
- Chaste / शुद्ध / Abstaining from extramarital or from all sexual intercourse / Virtuous, pure
- Chastise / दंडित करना / To rebuke or reprimand severely / Punish, admonish
- Compassion / करुणा / Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others / Kindness, sympathy
- Comprise / शामिल करना / To consist of; to be made up of / Include, contain
- Concede / स्वीकार करना / To admit that something is true after first denying it / Yield, permit
- Concur / सहमत होना / To agree or have the same opinion / Approve, agree
- Consent / सहमति / Permission for something to happen / Agree, permit
- Consequence / परिणाम / A result or effect of an action or condition / Effect, outcome
- Consolidate / मजबूत करना / To make something physically stronger or more solid / Solidify, strengthen
- Conspicuous / स्पष्ट / Standing out so as to be clearly visible / Prominent, obvious
- Contempt / तिरस्कार / The feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration / Scorn, disregard
- Contradict / विरोध करना / To deny the truth of a statement by asserting the opposite / Deny, oppose
- Contrary / विपरीत / Opposite in nature, direction, or meaning / Dissimilar, conflicting
- Calm / शांति / Not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other emotions / Harmonious, unruffled
- Callous / बेज़ार / Showing no sympathy for others / Insensitive, indurated
- Camouflage / छुपाना / To disguise or conceal / Cloak, disguise
- Candid / स्पष्ट / Truthful and straightforward; frank / Blunt, bluff
- Captivate / मंत्रमुग्ध करना / To attract and hold the interest of / Beguile, bewitch
- Carnal / सांसारिक / Relating to physical, especially sexual, needs and activities / Earthly, fleshly
- Catholic / सार्वभौमिक / Including a wide variety of things; all-embracing / Generic, liberal
- Celebrated / प्रसिद्ध / Famous and admired for a special skill or achievement / Acclaimed, lionized
हमें समानार्थक शब्दों की आवश्यकता क्यों होती है? समानार्थक शब्दों को समान शब्द भी कहा जाता है। इनका उपयोग एक ही शब्द को बार-बार दोहराने से बचने के लिए किया जाता है। इन शब्दों का अर्थ बिल्कुल सटीक या बहुत करीब होना चाहिए। यदि कोई शब्द किसी अन्य शब्द के स्थान पर प्रयुक्त हो सकता है, तो उसे समानार्थक शब्द कहा जाता है। कई बार, यदि कोई शब्द ध्यान में नहीं आता, तो सटीक शब्द खोजने के लिए समानार्थक शब्दों की सहायता ली जा सकती है।
- Entire - संपूर्ण / पूरा / सम्पूर्ण / Whole / Complete / Total
- Crest - शिखर / शीर्ष / ऊपरी भाग / Top / Peak / Summit
- Intimately - घनिष्ठ रूप से / निकटता से / व्यक्तिगत रूप से / Closely / Privately / Personally
- Know - जानना / समझना / पहचानना / Understand / Realize / Comprehend
- Preparing - तैयार करना / बनाना / जुटाना / Making / Arranging / Organizing
- Replied - उत्तर दिया / प्रतिक्रिया दी / जवाब दिया / Responded / Answered / Retorted
- Predict - पूर्वानुमान लगाना / भविष्यवाणी करना / आकलन करना / Forecast / Anticipate / Foresee
- Big - बड़ा / विशाल / अत्यधिक / Huge / Large / Massive
- Little - छोटा / सूक्ष्म / न्यून / Small / Tiny / Minute
- Satisfied - संतुष्ट / प्रसन्न / खुश / Contented / Pleased / Fulfilled
- Expression - भाव / रूप / अभिव्यक्ति / Look / Appearance / Demeanor
- Regard - विचार करना / देखना / मानना / Consider / View / Respect
- Grip - पकड़ / कसना / नियंत्रण / Clench / Hold / Grasp
- Immediately / Suddenly - तुरंत / अचानक / शीघ्रता से / Instantly / Quickly / Promptly
- Strong - मज़बूत / शक्तिशाली / तगड़ा / Powerful / Sturdy / Robust
- Began - शुरू हुआ / प्रारंभ किया / आरंभ हुआ / Started / Initiated / Commenced
- Large - बड़ा / विशालकाय / भारी / Enormous / Vast / Immense
- Fall - गिरना / पतन / नीचे आना / Drop / Tumble / Descend
- Cover - ढकना / समाहित करना / आवरण / Engulf / Enclose / Shield
- Remained - बचा रहा / जीवित रहा / टिका रहा / Survived / Persisted / Lasted
- Destroy - नष्ट करना / नुकसान पहुंचाना / मिटाना / Damage / Ruin / Annihilate
- Sadness - उदासी / दुख / खेद / Sorrow / Grief / Melancholy
- Middle - मध्य / केंद्र / बीच / Centre / Midpoint / Core
- Solitary - अकेला / एकाकी / निर्जन / Lonely / Isolated / Alone
- Upset - परेशान / व्यथित / चिंतित / Disturbed / Agitated / Troubled
- Instructed - सिखाया / प्रशिक्षित / आदेश दिया / Taught / Trained / Directed
- Daybreak - भोर / सुबह / प्रभात / Dawn / Sunrise / Morning
- Help - सहायता करना / मदद करना / समर्थन देना / Assist / Aid / Support
- Amiable - मिलनसार / दोस्ताना / अनुकूल / Friendly / Pleasant / Agreeable
- Evident - स्पष्ट / प्रकट / स्पष्ट रूप से देखा जा सकता है / Obvious / Clear / Apparent
- Goodwill - सद्भावना / करुणा / दया / Compassion / Benevolence / Kindness
- Resolution - संकल्प / दृढ़ निश्चय / निर्णय / Determination / Decision / Resolve
- Contentment - संतोष / संतुष्टि / खुशी / Satisfaction / Fulfillment / Happiness
- Performed - प्रदर्शन किया / पूरा किया / संपन्न किया / Accomplished / Executed / Carried Out
- Deny - इंकार करना / मना करना / अस्वीकार करना / Refuse / Reject / Decline
- Employee - कर्मचारी / कार्यकर्ता / सेवक / Worker / Staff / Personnel
- Crook - चोर / ठग / धोखेबाज / Thief / Conman / Swindler
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