Acrimonious Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Acrimonious Meaning Examples In Sentence Synonyms & Antonyms

Acrimonious Meaning

Acrimonious is an adjective that describes something as bitter, harsh, or unpleasant, particularly in terms of language, tone, or behavior. When someone is being acrimonious, they are often expressing strong negative feelings, such as anger, resentment, or bitterness. Acrimonious language, for example, is language that is particularly sharp or critical, often with the intention of hurting or insulting the person being spoken to.

The word acrimonious can be used to describe a wide range of situations or behaviors, such as an acrimonious divorce, an acrimonious debate, or an acrimonious relationship. In each of these cases, the underlying idea is that there is a high degree of conflict, tension, or negativity involved.

It is important to note that the term acrimonious has a particularly negative connotation. It suggests that the behavior being described is particularly unpleasant or destructive, and may be harmful to the individuals involved. In situations where people are being acrimonious with each other, it is often difficult to resolve conflicts or find a peaceful resolution, as the parties involved may be too angry or resentful to work together effectively.

Acrimonious Parts of Speech (With Examples)

Acrimonious is an adjective, which means it is a word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun. Here are some examples of acrimonious being used as an adjective in sentences:
The acrimonious debate between the two candidates quickly turned personal.
Their once amicable divorce turned acrimonious when disputes arose over property division.
After the acrimonious breakup, the former couple could barely stand to be in the same room together.
The acrimonious tone of his voice suggested that he was deeply offended by the comments.
The acrimonious relationship between the two countries had been simmering for years before erupting into open conflict.
In each of these examples, acrimonious is used to describe a situation or behavior that is marked by bitterness, hostility, or tension. It is an adjective that emphasizes the negative emotions involved in the situation, and suggests that resolution may be difficult to achieve.

Acrimonious Examples in Sentences (Various Examples in Sentences)

  1. The acrimonious divorce proceedings dragged on for years, leaving both parties drained and embittered.
  2. The debate turned acrimonious when one candidate accused the other of dishonesty.
  3. Their acrimonious relationship made it impossible for them to work together on the project.
  4. After the acrimonious breakup, he was left feeling angry and resentful.
  5. The acrimonious tone of his comments left no doubt about his hostility towards the idea.
  6. The acrimonious dispute between the two neighbors over a property line led to a physical altercation.
  7. The acrimonious relationship between the two leaders made negotiations nearly impossible.
  8. The acrimonious tone of her emails made it clear that she was not interested in reconciliation.
  9. The acrimonious split between the band members left fans devastated and confused.
  10. The acrimonious debate over healthcare reform highlighted the deep divisions within the political parties.
  11. Their acrimonious argument left a rift in their friendship that could not be repaired.
  12. The acrimonious exchange between the two coworkers disrupted the workplace environment.
  13. The acrimonious breakup of the company was caused by disagreements among the partners.
  14. The acrimonious reaction to his proposal was unexpected and hurtful.
  15. The acrimonious relationship between the two families dates back generations.
  16. The acrimonious tone of her voice made it clear that she had no interest in hearing his side of the story.
  17. The acrimonious breakup of the rock band was fueled by years of simmering tensions.
  18. The acrimonious dispute over the ownership of the painting led to a lengthy court battle.
  19. The acrimonious exchange between the two politicians revealed the extent of their animosity.
  20. The acrimonious atmosphere at the meeting made it difficult to reach a consensus.
  21. The acrimonious tone of the president's speech, in which he accused his opponents of being unpatriotic and dishonest, further divided the already polarized country.
  22. The acrimonious dispute between the two siblings over their inheritance left them estranged from each other for years.
  23. The acrimonious nature of the negotiations between the labor union and the management of the company led to a long and bitter strike.
  24. The acrimonious relationship between the two athletes spilled over into the media, with both sides making disparaging remarks about each other in interviews and on social media.
  25. The acrimonious debate over gun control reform revealed the deep-seated ideological differences between the two political parties.
  26. The acrimonious split of the rock band, which was marked by accusations of betrayal and greed, left their fans disillusioned and saddened.
  27. The acrimonious relationship between the two countries, which had been simmering for years, erupted into open conflict when one side invaded the other's territory.
  28. The acrimonious breakup of the business partnership was caused by irreconcilable differences over the direction of the company.
  29. The acrimonious tone of the boss's feedback on the employee's work was demotivating and hurtful, leading to a decline in productivity and morale.
  30. The acrimonious divorce between the two celebrities played out in the tabloids, with each side airing their dirty laundry and hurling insults at each other.
  31. The acrimonious relationship between the two professors led to an awkward and uncomfortable work environment for their colleagues and students.
  32. The acrimonious tone of the customer's complaint about the product was so harsh and unreasonable that it left the customer service representative feeling upset and demoralized.
  33. The acrimonious nature of the negotiations between the politicians and the interest groups over healthcare reform meant that the final legislation was compromised and inadequate.
  34. The acrimonious exchange between the two coworkers over a minor disagreement escalated into a full-blown shouting match that disrupted the whole office.
  35. The acrimonious relationship between the two business partners made it impossible for them to work together effectively, resulting in the eventual dissolution of the company.

Acrimonious Synonyms (With Meaning)

  1. Bitter - marked by strong resentment or cynicism
  2. Contentious - involving or likely to cause controversy
  3. Hostile - showing ill-will or unfriendliness
  4. Inimical - harmful or unfriendly
  5. Rancorous - characterized by bitterness or resentment
  6. Strained - characterized by tension or discomfort
  7. Tense - marked by strain or discomfort
  8. Testy - easily irritated or annoyed
  9. Vindictive - characterized by a desire for revenge
  10. Vitriolic - extremely caustic or biting in tone or criticism.

Acrimonious Antonyms (With Meaning)

Acrimonious words express bitterness or hostility towards others, while their antonyms express kindness, civility, and respect. Here are 10 acrimonious antonyms with their meanings:

Cordial: Warm and friendly in manner or tone.
Example: "She greeted him with a cordial smile, putting him at ease."

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Amicable: Characterized by goodwill and a lack of hostility.
Example: "After their disagreement, they were able to reach an amicable solution."

Polite: Showing good manners and consideration for others.
Example: "He politely declined the invitation, thanking them for the offer."

Respectful: Showing esteem or deference towards others.
Example: "She spoke in a respectful tone to her elders, showing them due deference."

Pleasant: Giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment.
Example: "The weather was pleasant, making for a relaxing afternoon."

Courteous: Showing politeness and respect for others.
Example: "He was always courteous to his colleagues, even when he disagreed with them."

Kind: Showing a sympathetic or helpful nature.
Example: "She was kind to the stray cat, providing it with food and shelter."

Gentle: Soft or mild in manner or effect.
Example: "The nurse was gentle with her patients, providing comfort and care."

Civil: Polite and courteous in behavior towards others.
Example: "Despite their political differences, they were able to have a civil conversation."

Benevolent: Showing goodwill and generosity towards others.
Example: "He made a benevolent donation to the charity, hoping to make a difference in people's lives."

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FAQs Related With Acrimonious (Grammar)

What does acrimonious mean?
A: Acrimonious means bitter or harsh in tone, speech, or behavior.

What is an example of acrimonious behavior?
A: An example of acrimonious behavior would be shouting, name-calling, or insulting someone during an argument or disagreement.

How can one avoid acrimonious behavior?
A: One can avoid acrimonious behavior by staying calm, avoiding personal attacks, and focusing on the issue at hand rather than attacking the person.

What is the difference between acrimonious and angry?
A: Acrimonious refers to a harsh or bitter tone or behavior, while angry refers to a strong feeling of displeasure or hostility.

Is it possible to disagree with someone without being acrimonious?
A: Yes, it is possible to disagree with someone without being acrimonious. One can express their opinions and ideas in a respectful and civil manner.

What is an acrimonious divorce?
A: An acrimonious divorce is a divorce characterized by hostility, bitterness, and resentment between the parties involved.

What is an acrimonious relationship?
A: An acrimonious relationship is a relationship characterized by hostility, bitterness, and conflict between the parties involved.

Can acrimonious behavior damage relationships?
A: Yes, acrimonious behavior can damage relationships, as it creates a negative and hostile environment that makes it difficult to resolve conflicts and build trust.

How can one repair an acrimonious relationship?
A: Repairing an acrimonious relationship requires both parties to be willing to forgive, communicate openly, and work towards resolving their conflicts in a respectful and productive manner.

What are some synonyms for acrimonious?
A: Synonyms for acrimonious include bitter, hostile, contentious, resentful, and aggressive.

What are some antonyms for acrimonious?
A: Antonyms for acrimonious include friendly, amicable, kind, civil, and courteous.

What is an acrimonious debate?
A: An acrimonious debate is a debate characterized by hostility, bitterness, and personal attacks between the parties involved.

What is an acrimonious workplace?
A: An acrimonious workplace is a workplace characterized by hostility, conflict, and negative attitudes between employees or between employees and management.

How can one deal with acrimonious coworkers?
A: Dealing with acrimonious coworkers requires staying calm, setting boundaries, and avoiding personal attacks. It may also require involving a mediator or HR department.

What is an acrimonious atmosphere?
A: An acrimonious atmosphere is an environment characterized by hostility, tension, and conflict.

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Can acrimonious behavior lead to legal issues?
A: Yes, acrimonious behavior can lead to legal issues, particularly in cases of harassment, discrimination, or workplace disputes.

What is an acrimonious parting?
A: An acrimonious parting is a separation characterized by bitterness, resentment, and hostility between the parties involved.

Can acrimonious behavior be a sign of emotional instability?
A: Yes, acrimonious behavior can be a sign of emotional instability, particularly when it is accompanied by impulsiveness, aggression, or lack of empathy.

How can one improve communication in an acrimonious situation?
A: Improving communication in an acrimonious situation requires active listening, expressing oneself clearly and calmly, and avoiding personal attacks or blaming language.

Is it possible to resolve conflicts in an acrimonious relationship?
A: Yes, it is possible to resolve conflicts in an acrimonious relationship, but it requires both parties to be willing to communicate openly, forgive each other, and

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