Tansukh Chopchinyadi Churna Benefits Uses Price

Thus we begin our indepth analysis of Chopchiyadi Churna. In this post we’ll explore the many uses, how much to take, the main components and the possible side effects of this famous Ayurvedic herbal compound. Chopchiyadi Churna has become quite famous within the herbal medicine treatment capacity and health benefits upon several ailments. If you are looking for natural treatments for syphilis, gout, skin issues or want to know about this polyherbal medicine, this article will meet your requirements.

Tansukh Chopchinyadi Churna Benefits Uses Price

Tansukh Chopchinyadi Churna is an Ayurveda polyherbaceous Tablet which is in the form of powder has vital medicinal properties for the treatment of diseases like soft syphilis, maha mehla, gouti, & krimi roga & diseases occurred in the skin. This very powerful churna is prepared with several medicinal herbs which when taken together will have the following benefits.
Tansukh Chopchinyadi Churna Benefits Uses Price

The churna has calming effects making the body and the mind to relax . I has also properties that can be described as stimulating which is good for the activation of the body systems. Due to the fact that the churna has the alterative properties, it means that it will help in balancing the normal functioning of the body. The diaphoretic activities of this herbal blend make it perfect for use in expelling toxins through the skin as a way of ridding the body of toxins. This concoction of chopchinyadi’s herbs is a perfect way of providing Tansukh Chopchinyadi Churna for healing in the ayurvedic practices of body and soul wellbeing.

Tansukh Chopchinyadi Churna Ingredients

Chopchini (Smilax china): Sarpgandha is also called China Root or Chopchini in Hindi and it is a climbing shrub type. It has been believed to be effective in treating syphilis, rheumatism, gout and skin diseases and has diuretic effects that are widely applied in Ayurveda system of medicine. It is well known to possess anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. In Ayurveda, this plant is utilized to treat problems such as rheumatism, gout, skin diseases and problems related to the urinary system. 

Mishri (Crystallized Sugar):
Mishri or Misri commonly called Rock Candy is crystallized sugar. This substance also plays the role of sweetener in the churna and the taste of such food is improved by it. It basically serves as an astringent and cools the throat as well. It also gives a sweet taste to the churna and help in carrying other ingredients along with it. 

Maricha (Piper nigrum):
  Maricha is known by another name Black Pepper, is widely used spice around the world and is believed to possess certain medicinal value. It has functionality to affect the digestive system, used for expulsion of gas and possess ability to generate heat. Maricha also helps in proper digestion of food and relieves respiratory congestion as well as boosts metabolic rate. 

Piplamul (Piper longum):
Pippalimoola the scientific name for Long Pepper Root is available from the root of Piper longum. It exhibits demulcent and digestible effect The substance which can discharge wind or flatulence is termed as carminative. Digestive benefits, relief to abdominal pains and increasing appetite is some of the uses of the plant.

Laung (Syzygium aromaticum): Laung, also known as Clove, is a popular spice used in Ayurveda. It has analgesic, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Laung is useful in toothache, bad breath, digestive disorders, and respiratory conditions. Lavanga, also known as Clove, is a popular spice used in Ayurveda. It has analgesic, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Lavanga is beneficial for dental health, respiratory conditions, and digestive issues.

Laung (Syzygium aromaticum): Laung or Clove is one of the widely used spices in Ayurveda. It also has pain relieving ability, kills bacteria and fungi. It is used to treat ailments affecting the teeth, mouth and gum, digestive system as well as respiratory system. Lavanga which is often called Clove is one of the widely used spices in the Indian system of medicine known as Ayurveda. It possess analgesic, antibacterial and antifungal effects. Lavanga has good effects to oral health, respiratory diseases and disorders and digestive system. 

Kalimirch (Piper nigrum): Kalimirch, which is nearly equal to black pepper, is a broad acting spice having curative properties. It results in the improved digestion of food, metabolic rate and has effects of antioxidants. It is demanded in pharmacies orelfor the treatment of cough, cold, indigestion, and Joint pains. 

Kokilaksha (Asteracantha longifolia): Kokilaksha is an herb which is attributed to have aphrodisiac and diuretic effect. In Ayurvedic medicine, it is used in reproduction issues, for the urinary tract disorder and to enhance the vitality. 

Khorasani Ajwain (Hyoscyamus niger): Khorasani Ajwain also known as Henbane is herb used in Ayurvedic pharmaceutical system for its action as analgesic and sedative. It is used for the control of asthma, cough, arthritis pain and nerve-related diseases. 

Sontha (Zingiber officinale): Sontha also called Dry Ginger is an spice and medicinal plant commonly used in a majority of houses. It has anti-inflammatory action that soothes the oriented tract; it is also useful for treating problems connected with the digestive system and has carminative effects. It is used to cure digestive disorders, respiratory related ailments and arthritis. It possesses anti-inflammatory action, digestible and possesses carminative action. Shunti helps in digestion and inflammation and strengthens up the immune system. 

Vidanga (Embelia ribes): Hrid-rasa: Vidanga commonly called as False Black Pepper is one of the most potent medicinal herb in Ayurveda. It is known to have andy anthelmintic functions and is applied in the removal of intestinal worms. It also assists in digestion process and enhances the body metabolic system. It is however used in expelling of intestinal worms because it has anthelmintic values. That way, it also aids the digestive system and enhances metabolism in the body. 

Dalchini (Cinnamomum zeylanicum): Dalchini or Cinnamon is a warm spice used in Ayurveda. This compound has combating inflammation functionality, combating microbial functionality and combating oxidative stress functionality. It is also effective in controlling high blood sugar levels, aids digestion and also strengthens the immunity levels. 

Triphala: It consists of Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellirica and Phyllanthus emblica commonly know as Amla. This drug is a well recognized herbal medicine in the Ayurvedic system of medicine for the management of several ailments. It has been also found that triphala has got effective results on digestion, purification of blood and overall system of the body. 

Twak (Cinnamomum zeylanicum): Twak is referred to as Cinnamon which is a warm spice used in Ayurveda. Some of the health benefits of Holy BASIL include Anti –inflammatory properties, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties. Twak has several benefits on human health; it is used to control blood sugar levels, solve digestive system problems, and promote health in general.

Benefits of Tansukh Chopchinyadi Churna

Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Herpes Genitals: It is very essential in the management of the sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea and herpes genitalis. It is in a position of aiding in the alleviation of some of the effects and in remedy.

Boils, Rashes, Carbuncles, Wounds, Chronic Wounds, Fistula: The churna has got excellent medicamentous features to manage different skin disorders such as boil, skin rash, carbuncle, wound, chronic ulcer, and fistula. It plays its role in the decrease of inflammation, in the healing of open wounds, as well as in the prevention of contagion.

Abscess: Churna on Tansukh Chopchinyadi has been discussed in case of abscesses of various forms and structures. It assists in prevention of formation of pus, relieves pain and promotes wound healing.

Infertility due to Structural and Physiological Sperm Deformity: The churna is well-acknowledged to counter balance structural and physiological abnormalities in sperms thus useful in male infertility disorders. They also assist in enhancing sperm quality so that there would be high chances of sperm to fertilize the placed egg.

Gout: Tansukh Chopchinyadi Churna possess characteristics that make it helpful in the treatment of gout which is a form of arthritis that causes sharp pain, redness and joint swelling. It helps in prevention of future gout attacks and it also helps in decreasing swellings and pains that come with the disease.

Fever and Cough: According to the aim of the study, the churna is useful in cases of fever and cough. It is effective for the management of fever, inflammation of the respiratory system, and symptoms of coughing.

Seminal Weakness: Tansukh Chopchinyadi Churna is effective in dealing with seminal weakness that comprises low sperm density, low motility and abnormal shape. It also assists in the health of semen and also the proper of function of the reproductive system in an individual.

Skin Issues - Boils, Skin Rashes, Chronic Wounds, Fistula: The churna is especially beneficial in treating different types of skin diseases such as those that cause boils, rashes on the skin and others like chronic wounds and fistulas. It also speeds up wound healing process, decrease inflammation and minimize chances of infections.

Carbuncles: Some skin disorders such as carbuncles, which are large boils with multiple openings can be very effectively treated by the use of Tansukh Chopchinyadi Churna. Carbuncles may be reduced in size; help is afforded towards the pain and healing process of carbuncles.

Directions For Use Doses of Tansukh Chopchinyadi Churna

Adults: Swallow one to three grams of the churna, in the morning and/or in the evening after food. It has to be taken with warm water or warm milk. These dosages have been stated as generalized dosages. When it comes to the dosage, it is always recommended to consult an Ayurvedic doctor or a healthcare provider to get the custom-made dosage according to one’s health issues and body type.

Precautions Of  Tansukh Chopchinyadi Churna

Medical Supervision: It is quite safe to use this medicine only after consulting a specialized Ayurvedic doctor or a medical officer. They are capable of giving the right dosage instructions and observe your performance.

Avoid Self-Medication: Its use is prohibited to do self-medication with the Tansukh Chopchinyadi Churna. Authorizing the use of this herbal remedy, consultation with a doctor that will assess an individual’s health status and prescribe the right dosage and duration of use is recommended.

Avoid Excessive Dose: In case of taking a very high dose of the churna beyond the dose mentioned above one may experience irritation in his/her stomach or any other complication. Especially you should follow the directions of your healthcare provider with regard to the dosage of the medication.

Keep Out of Reach of Children: Make sure that the Tansukh Chopchinyadi Churna is placed at a place that is out of the reach of children so as to avoid cases of poisoning.

Storage: Hence, it should be kept in a dry and cool environment so that it does not get spoiled due to sun rays or humidity. Read the label on the package regarding storage requirement and product expiry date.

Buy Chopchiyadi Churna
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Price of Tansukh Chopchiyadi churna

For the current charge of Chopchiyadi Churna, we kindly request you to check the above-referred to internet site. Prices may also range depending on factors inclusive of the emblem, amount, and area of buy. The internet site will offer you with the maximum up to date and accurate pricing facts for Chopchiyadi Churna. It is continually really helpful to confirm the rate and availability earlier than making a buy to make sure a easy and great buying experience.

Chopchinyadi Churna Benefits How to make at Home

About Tansukh Chopchinyadi Churna

What is the benefit of chop cheeni?

Chopchini which is scientifically called Smilax china is an efficient herb with numerous uses in Ayurveda. Some of the uses include rheumatic fever, gout, epilepsy, Vata disorders, and various stages of syphilis among others. In Ayurveda it is mixed with other spices such as mastagi, elaichi and dalchini and added to boiling milk to give a useful mixture. This preparation is said to possess anti-inflammatory and pain relieving effect, a treatment plan for joint problems such as rheumatoid arthritis and gout. Also, Chopchini and anantmool (Hemidesmus indicus) both mixed together are used for curing headaches which are prolonged in nature.

What are the side effects of chopchinyadi churna?

The effects of Chopchinyadi Churna are believed to be FDA approved and there are no side effects associated with the medication if taken in the correct manner. That said, it is crucial to understand that diabetic patients should exercise a lot of care whenever they wish to use this churna because it has sugar in its list of contents. Patients with diabetes should consult a doctor before using this product as it a good practice to monitor the effect of this medicine on blood sugar levels. It is always wise to consult with a doctor or an Ayurvedic physician before taking any new medicine or supplements as with any other herbal medication.

What is the Ayurvedic name for chopchini?

Chopchini has been described in Ayurveda under diverse names. The Chopchini has multiple names in Ayurveda; one of it is Dvipantara Vacha. Some of the texts also call it as Madhusnuhi. Thus while it may be called Smilax malabarica in other regions, South Indian texts such as those from Ayurveda connect it to the names of ‘Dvipantara Vacha’ or ‘Chopchini’. These are the nomenclatures that are employed in order to categorize as well as call for Chopchini in relation to Ayurvedic scheme of medicine and conventional herbalism .
The manufacturer/marketer address for Tansukh Chopchinyadi Churna is as follows:
Tansukh 196, Aminabad Rd, Mohan Market, Kamla Market, Swadeshi Market,
Rajendra Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226018
Please note that this information is based on the given address and may be subject to change. It is always a good idea to verify the current address with the manufacturer or contact them directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Medical/Health Disclaimer : The information contained in this post is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any changes to your health or wellness routine.  Please Read Our Website (Blog) Medical Disclaimer by visiting here
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