Top 3 Ayurvedic Medicines for Constipation and Gas

In constipation, an individual has hard time defecating or has a fewer bowel movements than normal in any given period of time. In Ayurveda constipation is regarded as state of Vata dosha dysregulation which is responsible for the movement and excretion of feces through the body. According to Ayurvedic, it is maintained that the right type of diet and organized lifestyle with various prescriptions with natural products and medicines should be followed. The dietary modification that is advocated include taking of more fruits, vegetables and other foods high in fiber, adequate intake of water and avoiding foods that are processed and junk foods. Kindly let us know 5 ayurvedic remedies for removing constipation which yields immediate outcome

1. Patanjali Shuddhi Churna

Top 2 Ayurvedic Medicine for Constipation and Gas

Patanjali Shuddhi Churna is mainly used in the problems related to the digestive system and comprises the herbs that help in digestion and promote bowel movement. It is effective for the complaints such as constipation, indigestion and flatulence. Swami Ram Dev of Patanjali Divya Pharmacy has described the churna to be an Ayurvedic medicine for cure of indigestion and useful in constipation, flatulence, loss of appetite etc.
The composition of Patanjali Shuddhi Churna includes the following –

Terminialia chebula known as Harad or Haritaki is one among the well known herbs used in Ayurveda. This serves a number of functions, and is perhaps most famous for its use in treating constipation and in maintaining digestion. The fruit of Harad has useful component such as antioxidants and it is also astringent in nature. Apart from this it is known to enhance the digestive system, reduce inflammation and improve the immune system.

Other herbs used to treat cases of constipation according to the Ayurveda are Baheda or Terminalia bellirica. It contains a lot of vitamin C, and also possesses anti inflammatory, antioxidant and laxative effects. Baheda is one of the most effective remedies for tackling intestinal problems such as indigestion, gas formation and constipation.

Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus niruri) is one of the most commonly used herbs as per the Ayurvedic science which helps in digestion and in liver protection. Contained in the aromatic ones it is especially effective for digestion, as a liver stimulant and cure for constipation. Bhumi Amla is also having antioxidant contents and is helpful for curing inflammation also.

Tankan Bhasm is one of the most effective or rather popular Ayurvedic herbal therapies that are used to cure all ailments related to digestion, including constipating bowel movement. Originally, the twine is from borax, a natural mineral that has a disinfecting and a purgative effect. Tankan Bhasm has been found effective in increasing appetite, to alleviate flatulence or wind and to promote defecation.

Jeera which is scientifically known as Cuminum cyminum belongs to the Apiaceae family and play significant role in Indian cuisine. It is well known for its digestion facilitating ability and people consume it to cure constipation. Jeera is also very good in antioxidant activity and also possess anti-inflammatory activity.
Hing or Asafoetida is used in Indian cooking, is strongly aromatic and can be bought easily online from Curry House online Store. It is well known that it has purgative effects and is widely used to cure constipation. Hing too is loaded with antioxidants and its properties are also anti inflammatory in nature.

Indrayan or Citrullus colocynthis is one of the herbs widely used in Ayurveda for its action on the digestive system especially in constipation cases. It is a mild laxative and has been reported to help in digestion, relieving of bloated stomachs and promoting movements of the bowels. Nevertheless, one has to bear in mind that Indrayan should be taken with moderation because the drug has side effects when consumed in large doses.

Know More About Shuddhi Churna
: Please Know in Detail
Official website link (Shuddhi Churna)

2 Triphala Churna

Top 5 Ayurvedic Medicine for Constipation and Gas

Triphala churna consists of three fruits: Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Vibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica) and Amla (Emblica officinalis). Triphala churna is one of the easily recognizable formulations ofAyurveda and it is employed in the management of digestive complaints like constipation, bloating and indigestion. According to the official website of Patanjali Ayurveda, Triphala has application in case of eye problems, constipation and other related stomach ailments.

In Ayurveda, Triphala churna referred as Tridosh Nashak so that it pacifies all the three doshas namely Vata, Pitta and Kapha.. Triphala Churna is mildly cathartic in nature and is useful for treating constipation without any side effect.

The benefits of Triphala churna for constipation have been extensively studied and documented in Ayurvedic texts.
त्रिफला नाम त्रिदोषघ्नी बलकारी रसायनी।
विदग्धहृदया हृदयं संशोधयति शुद्धिमाप्नुयात्॥
(Charaka Samhita)

"Triphala churna is tridoshaghni (balances all three doshas), balakari (strengthens the body), and rasayani (rejuvenates the body). It is also a heart tonic and helps purify the heart, thus promoting overall health and wellbeing."
Triphala churna is an herbal powder, an Ayurvedic formulation that is prepared from three fruits namely amla, harad and bibhitaki, respectively. It has been credited for possessing a range of health benefits such as; the ability to improve digestion, boost the immune system and act a s an antioxidant. Here are some of the benefits of triphala churna:Here are some of the benefits of triphala churna:

Digestive Health: Triphala churna has been used earlier as a remedy for digestive system diseases. It assists in controlling bowel movements especially to get rid of constipation and enhances digestion.

Immune Boosting: Triphala churna contains Vitamin C which is essintial in improving the body’s immune system and thus help overcoming infections.

Antioxidant: Triphala churna also contains antioxidants and these are helpful in removing free radicals in the body thus averting cell damage.

Anti Inflammatory: Triphala churna possess anti inflammatory which mean that it is beneficial in reducing inflammation in the body.

Oral Health: Hygiene of mouth also comes in the list of benefits that one can derive from Triphala churna. This brings into reality reduction of cavities, gum diseases, and even the occurrence of bad breath.

Know More About Triphala Churna : Please Know in Detail
Official website link (Triphala Churna)

How to use
As directed by the physician.

3 Isabgol Bhusi

Top 2 Ayurvedic Medicine for Constipation and Gas

Isabgol Bhusi/ Psyllium husk is an effective natural remedies used in case of constipation. Surprisingly it is got from a plant Plantago ovata and it is packed with fiber content.

Isabgol Bhusi swells up in contact with water forming kind of gel and this makes the stool become soft and easy to pass. It also assists to maintain a healthy digestive system and prevents the formation of haemorrhoids and other related issues. There is a HG product called Isabgol which is used in India and is derived from the seeds of plantago ovata, and this has very high fibre content. Instead, the natural shape of pomegranate seeds has a gelatinous substance to it by their very nature. When you immerse it in water, it becomes softer swelling up and forming what is known as an emollient gel. It has laxative properties. Due to this reason, it is effective in passage of intestine and stimulates bowel movement.
इसबगोलं भुषयति वायुं, जायते जलसंयोगः।
जगृह्णाति स दोषान् जित्वा योग्यमनुत्तमम्॥
(Reference: Bhava Prakasha Nighantu)

Isabgol Bhusi absorbs excess air from the digestive system, facilitates the flow of water, and removes doshas, thereby promoting overall digestive health.
Isabgol Bhusi is a natural soluble dietary fiber which is used in constipation and as a digestive: agent. some benefits are :

Improved digestive health: Isabgol Bhusi is said to be beneficial in bettering the health of one’s digestion through the advance of the aspects of mushy stool, lack of constipation and overall bowel movement.

Lowered cholesterol levels: In an experimental way, Isabgol Bhusi may reduce cholesterol content in blood because the substance is capable of binding with biliary salts that will not be reabsorbed in the small intestines.

Controlled blood sugar levels: It is also useful in controlling those high glucose levels in a diabetic’s body because it minimizes glucose’s intake by the intestine.

Reduced risk of heart disease:
It is recommended that Isabgol Bhusi has a cholesterol lowering and anti diabetic effect and as such may help to decrease the incidence of heart disease.
Weight loss: Isabgol Bhusi may contribute to weight loss through ways such as increasing the feeling of fullness, decreasing hunger and enhancing defecation.

Reduced inflammation: There are indications that Isabgol Bhusi has anti inflammatory benefits that may address all the inflammation issues within the body thus improving health.
Improved gut microbiota: Thus, Isabgol Bhusi may be useful in modulating the composition of the gut bacteria in the favor of the good bacteria while restricting the growth of the ill effects bacteria.
As directed by the physician.


Top 3 Ayurvedic Medicine for Constipation and Gas

Natural Ways to Relieve Constipation
Drink plenty of water: What you need to do is to ensure that you take lots of water through the day because this helps in softening the stool hence making it easy to pass. Ensure that you take not less than eight glasses of water in a day.

Eat fiber rich foods: Foods which contain fiber like fruits, vegetables, whole grain products and legumes help in encouraging bowel movements. It will, therefore, be prudent to incorporate these foods into ones meal plan.

Exercise regularly: Intestinal movements can be encouraged through the exercise that in turn massages the muscles of the intestines. Physical activity is important even if it is only a walking for some distance.

Try to go to the bathroom at the same time every day: The key here is that your body will get used to the regimen of the bowel movement, so this is very helpful to achieve this.

Use a squatting position: One is always advised to ensure that while sitting on the toilet he or she raises the legs up which helps in extending the rectum thus enabling one to pass stools easily.

Practice relaxation techniques: Source of stress and anxiety can lead to experience constipation. It is also very important that you consider practicing other forms of relaxation for instance, breathing exercises, meditation, or exercise like yoga.

Use natural laxatives: These nature produced foods include prunes, figs and flaxseed among others as they help in creating bowel movement.
Avoid processed foods: The foods that are heat prepared lack fiber content and contain high amounts of fats and sugars which lead to instances of constipation. It is preferred to reduce your consumption of such foods as much as possible.

Drink herbal tea: There are various types of herbal teas which are beneficial in stimulating the digestive mechanism and hence are effective in the treatment of constipation and they include peppermint tea, ginger tea etc.

Consider probiotics: Probiotics are essentially live bacteria in food – and this has the positive effect of promoting normal bowel movement. Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for you, they are available in the form of foods or capsules or available in yogurt or other foods that are fermented.

Causes of Constipation:
Knowing Possible Causes of Constipation

Low fiber diet: Deficiency of fiber in diets is one of the causes of constipation. Fiber aids in the regulation of bowel movement because it has an ability to fill up space with the bulk material.

Dehydration: When one is dehydrated, water loss contributes to the hard and dry stool hence making it hard to eliminate.

Lack of physical activity: Lack of exercise reduces the rate at which food is digested and chucked from the body hence causing constipation.

Medications: Pain relievers, antacids and some anti-depressants are over the counter drugs which are known to cause constipation.
Pregnancy: During pregnancy there are hormonal changes which inhibit the bowel movement hence causing constipation.

Aging: Of course, with age, the muscles that form the walls of the alimentary tract may lose their tone and cause constipation.

Medical conditions: IBS, hypothyroidism and diabetes are some of the sicknesses that may cause constipation among other factors that may include the intake of certain types of drugs.

Ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement: The nature to defecate can be suppressed and this makes a stool to become dry and hence lead to constipation.
Mental health issues: Stress, depression and anxiety are some of the conditions that may lead to constipation.

Abuse of laxatives: Laxatives if taken in large quantities can weaken muscles of the digestive system and hence one becomes reliant on laxatives.
Frequently Asked Questions on Constipation

Q. 1 Define constipation?
A1. Constipation is a state in-a person is having hard time to defecate or rather their bowel movements will be less frequent and may also be painful. The stools can be formed, or hard and have a dry texture which makes bowel movement challenging.

Q2. What causes constipation?
A2. There are different reasons for beginner conjunctivitis; some of them are low fiber diet and dehydration, lack of physical activity, use of certain medicines, pregnancy, aging, irritable bowel syndrome, hypothyroidism, among others.

Q3. Symptoms of constipation include;
A3. The characteristics of constipation are the passage of small amounts of stool, difficulty in passing them, straining to defaecate, passage of hard and dry bowel movements, bloating and / or discomfort in the abdomen.

Q4. What can you do to reverse constipation?
A4. For constipation, some possible treatments include, drinking a lot of water, consumption of more fiber, exercising, addition of more natural foods, taking of some laxatives, taking of some stool softeners or natural products like prune juice, aloe vera and ginger.

Q5. What is the right amount of water to take so as to reduce cases of constipation?
A5. You should take at least eight glasses of water per day in order not to have constipation. Netheless, the amount of water you can easily require may differ with age, weight, activity, and even weather.

Q6. Which foods support the products to treat the constipation problem?
A6. Nutrients that are beneficial in the management of constipation include fiber that is found in whole grain products, fruits, vegetables and legumes. There are other foods which can also help and these are prunes, figs, kiwi, flaxseeds.

Q7. The information below will help to answer such questions as: Which foods should be avoided?
A7. Some of the foods that can make the problem of constipation to worsen include processed food, dairy products, red meat, fried foods, white bread and pasta among others.

Q8. It is also important to know when someone should possibly consult a doctor for constipation.
A8. If you have had chronic constipation, you should consult a physician and if you are having more symptoms like stomach ache, passing of blood while defecating or even if you lose weight without any evident reason.

Q9. What are some medical treatments that may be used in the treatment of constipation?
A9. For treating constipation, you can use prescription medicines which include laxatives, stool softeners and bowel stimulants. Sometimes, your doctor may want to do a colonoscopy or some other testing to determine if there are other medical problems.

Q10. Can constipation be prevented?
A10. In most cases, constipation is avoided by taking proper diet, drinking a lot of water throughout the day and taking regular exercise. Similarly, if you have a Crohn’s Disease or any other type of condition which results into constipation, you can help prevent it by consulting your doctor.

What are some Ayurvedic remedies for constipation?

There are several natural ways of treating constipation as per Ayurveda these are Intake of warm water with lemon juice and fiber rich foods such as flax seeds or triphala powder. Yoga and some asana, including Pavanmuktasana, which is helpful in relieving wind. Taking senna or psyllium supplements.

How does Ayurveda address the root causes of constipation?

A key concept about Ayurveda integrates consistent with current medical practice, in that it seeks to cure a disease at source and not merely by symptomatic treatment. For constipation this may entail learning whether there are irregularities in the allopathic digestive process and treating it accordingly, and diet and herbal changes.

Are there any potential side effects to using Ayurvedic remedies for constipation?

As it is with every other kind of treatment system, Ayurvedic has its own share of risks to the patient. Always consult with a licensed Ayurvedic health care provider before commencing on any treatment especially when one has other medical conditions or he/she is under medication.

How long does it take to see results from Ayurvedic remedies for constipation?
It is noteworthy that the treatments mentioned in Ayurveda for constipation relief can take different time to produce the result depending on the gravity of the situation and prognosis of the treatment. Most individuals can get some relief in a few days while others may require further therapy for several weeks or so before they start experiencing some improvement in their conditions. There is also the reminder that one has to be patient and determined when it comes to taking the required treatments.

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